Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

Being real - 2014-01-26 10:22

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Being real - 2014-01-26 10:22

When the Lord tells us not to worry or be anxious, he is not telling us to live as dead fish.  Our body has adrenaline for a reason.  There is nothing sinful about the quickening of a mind.  And the protection of our skin is often necessary to perform the tasks we are asked to do.

But adrenaline has a temporary use.  It is not wise to tap into it continually.  Rest and sleep are also functions of our body.

To push our minds to the very edge of sanity is not wise either.  Functionality and creativity are stifled when we work too hard.

Protect your body as is necessary.  But let us remember to leave room for faith.

Above all trust the Lord.  Live your life with joy.  He has promised to take care of you.  And we believe he cannot lie.

By His Grace

Class Time - 2014-01-26 14:53

If a man, who is 30 years old, has spent every Sunday of his life in a church, he has logged over 3,100 hours of training.  What skills is there among men that requires that much training before a man is allowed to do his work?  Yet there are many who have logged far more time and still do not apply themselves to the work of saving souls.

I do not say this to condemn.  It is not my place to judge.  I am just amazed, for I had never thought of it in those terms before.

By His Grace

Amazed - 2014-01-27 17:03

To those Christians who are not enthralled at the salvation in Christ Jesus:

If you do not find yourself amazed at your place before the Father in Heaven because of the work of Christ Jesus, you either are not aware of the full story behind Christianity or you are not aware of your own sinful past.  Even 30 years has not diminished the wonder within me at the following verse: 9 "The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.  10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.  11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.  12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—  13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God." (John 1)

oops - 2014-01-28 07:34

"Pope John Paul II's blood stolen from church in Italy."  So the title of the article says.  And there is another article which describes this theft as satanic in nature.  The incident made me chuckle.  I wonder, "How can satan steal from satan?  They just moved it from one place in his house to another."

The Moment of Change - 2014-01-28 07:59

There are varying degrees of criminals.  But they are all criminals.  There are varying degrees of business success.  But they are all business people.  There are varying degrees of lies.  But they are all lies.

There is a place where the night becomes the day.  There is a place where health becomes sickness.  There is a place where learning becomes doing.  Who can accurately determine those exact places?

Even the nature of things teaches us such things exist.  But if a man would work in the day he looks toward that moment when work can be done.  We tend to notice our sickness long after that moment between health and sickness has passed.  And who can say, "The moment has appeared!  I now understand enough to be able to do."

How many have put their trust on that pivotal moment?  That moment when we are once captive to sin and given our release to serve the Lord comes.  The wise move far past that moment into a much richer ground.  Sadly, many reach that moment like a ground hog might pop his head above ground a moment and go back to his digging.  It's so much better to reach that moment and push away from our old ways.  If we have entered "The Way", why don't we keep that striving going so we can make a serious distance?

It's not those who know about the Lord Jesus who will be saved.  Even the demons know about Him.  It's those who obey what they learn who are being saved.

Walk in the middle - 2014-01-29 12:34

When I was young I use to like to walk on the curb of the road.  It was fun to test my agility.  That is simply not a wise behavior along the way of Christ.  If you play along the edges you will stumble.

By His Grace

Peace in War - 2014-01-30 06:48

It is given to man to warn of falsehood, within the confines of the Gospel.  Billions are led astray by the lies we are born among.  How is it that we expect peace among men?  I have searched (as have others) for that place of peace among men.  I have not found it.  As we adopt the teachings of our Lord Jesus, we come to a place of peace.  But trouble among men are bound to fly up.  For this reason we are called to shed light on falsehood while we promote the truth.  Some arguments are bound to come.  But so is peace, even in the midst of disagreements.  I take no pride in this battle.  But I do not shy away from it either.  If this stance is wrong, then there is Grace.  "33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  (John 16)  Please do not take offence at those who defend the truth for the sake of the Lord's glory and the weak who are constantly led astray.  For in this discomfort you diminish the work done.  If you must have the promised peace in this world, you will be forced to withdraw from man all together.

Grace and Peace - 2014-01-30 06:57

Christians are a curious lot.  Because we sense the Lord within us we expect to find Him in our brothers.  But what we expect is often too much.  For the Lord's truth does inhabit the soul of all His people.  But we see the manifestation appear from them filtered by both their own weakness and ours.  For this reason many fall away from the body of their brothers.  Though they rid themselves of the manifestations of others, they carry that disease in themselves.  As soon as they are approached for an answer, their own filters are put to use.

If you want truth then you must approach the Lord of Life yourself.  Only from Him will you get the pure nature of Glory.  We speak of these things every time the Gospel is resting on our lips.  But who hears with wisdom?  There are those who are strong, faithful, and less cluttered by sin.  But there are also those who are weighed down by their weakness to the point of deafness.  All variations of faith and truth exist within man, at any one moment in the history of this world.  But it is wise to remember: not every one or every time we encounter will bring us a "faith filled Christian".

Take care what reaction you exhibit as this truth comes home to roost.  Why do damage to what you don't understand?  Doesn't Grace live in every one of God's people?  Isn't wisdom given without judgment?  And aren't we encouraged to seek both, that we might become full of each?

Within - 2014-01-30 07:04

I insist on living within the confines of truth, as much as weakness within me will allow.  Yet I readily confess that weakness does inhabit the confines of my flesh.

May the Lord have mercy on all who call out to Him for salvation.  Without Grace, where is any man?

Is My Can Willing? - 2014-01-30 07:11

Lord, I am pleased to serve You as much as I can.  But my "can" is limited by what I am willing to do.  In that there is embarrassment.  You have understood this from the beginning.  For You know what lay within the heart of a man.  I ask for wisdom to understand Grace.

Constraints Enslave - 2014-01-30 08:16

From our freedom in Christ we are able to speak more freely of the Gospel than those who are constrained by rules of religion.  This was so for the Lord, as he lashed out at the money changers in the temple.  It is so for all who seek the freedom Jesus offers.

Setting apart from the established folly of man means we will not be allowed certain fellowship.  Our hearts will not allow such fellowship without encountering loss, for the Spirit will convict as truth demands.  But the freedom we are given in this purposeful isolation is more precious than all possible friendships of man.  We are promised friendship with the Lord of Peace.  And a knowledge of eternity quickly follows behind.

Let men desire what they will.  They develop their religions by the senses and reason of man.  But the Lord sets us free, by degree, from the necessity of obedience to their regulation.  As the Lord is free from the constrains of fleshly rule, so we are being called to come apart.  Therefore, let His wisdom come home.  Let His power in Grace find a place to eat and sleep in our house.  As often as we entertain the Christ as Lord, we learn to be free.  Likewise, as we succumb to the rule of man, we learn to become enslaved.

If this post is not clear, I apologize.  It is not meant to be a hidden line of thought.  Ask and I will strive to explain.  What I have said here is useful to all who would be free from the constraints of this world.

A World Void of "Enemy" - 2014-01-30 08:29

Because the Lord lives forever and has dominion over all things, He is humble, gracious, meek, and abounding in mercy.  By the demands of Righteous Eternity, He must remain the perfect Law.  But today mercy is extended to man.

Satan has taken advantage of the Lord's Lovely character.  Now that one pays the price for his presumption.  And, in the end, he will be destroyed.  There is no eternal use for those who despise the Love of God.

This goes out as a message of hope to the troubled among us.  Any who desire His Love are encouraged to approach that mercy might cover their ignorant ways.  But it also goes out as a warning to all who would use what is given to them freely without even the simplest word of thanks.  He does not relent His tender care over the enemies of love.  He continues to give without regard to honor.  But the day will come when even the word enemy will no longer exist.

Be wise and consider.

By His Grace.

Productivity - 2014-01-30 09:01

Even if what I write was consistently true, if it does not find a home with a sinner I have written for nothing.  Grace is extended to me.  The Lord is glorified by the things written here.   I am nothing if He is not glorified by His servant.  Yet I yearn to know that this service is constructive.  He holds His own reward in His Holy hand.  The fruit of this place is within His promise.

Selfish desire for encouragement is upon these words.  But anyone who will apply their pen to the Gospel will encounter a desire to know their value.  Help me, Lord, to continue despite this folly.  Bless these words with strength when they find another in the same state of mind.  You are sufficient in Your Grace.

Lessons From History - 2014-01-30 11:49

For the sake of all events among men:

Through out history, evil has prospered wherever the godly sought peace by remaining silent.  The fear of punishment looms hard on everyone.  But as the prospects appeared inevitable they spoke up.

One by one they were singled out of the masses.  Soon, in every account, the people of the world revolted at their own plight.  This has been true for every century.  How is it that people today do not take that into consideration?  How was it that the people of former generations didn't take that into consideration when it was their turn.  The moment is not yet ripe.

I will not be silent.  Not because what I have to say is so holy or important, but because I desire to be counted with those who made that same choice.  I can testify that as a man speaks up against evil the assault begins.  I can surmise that the assault only lessens when the lips go still.

Regardless, all glory belongs to the One who has purchased Righteousness with His own blood.  History will record as it will record.  The moment is far too precious to ignore.

By His Grace.

The Peace of Man - 2014-01-31 07:26

Law among men is built to secure social prosperity.  Who can argue with a desire to restrain crime?  But the definition of crime does not need to contain the word "sin".  It is easily seen that our laws disregard the use of that word on a regular basis.  One would think there is nothing wrong with excluding such words from man's laws.  But let us consider what that means.

The laws that are supposed to promote social peace are a dangerous ground to cover.  If we exclude God from our laws what is left?  We simply create laws that relate to the affairs of men.  Such laws do not consider the Living God.  Therefore they do not consider pure righteousness or mercy.  They will, in the end, become profuse and often foolish.  After all, the Lord has said that there is a way which seems right to a man, but the end there of is death; the death of freedom and, eventually, the death of body.

In my short days I have watched laws go from reasonable to comedy.  But the effect of today's laws is no joke at all.  I can be jailed for even writing this post.  It could be construed as "hate speech".  But hate against who?  They would say I am expressing a hatred for the entire fabric of society.  (You may think I am over reacting.  Time will tell the story far more plainly.  These words won't take long to be seen as viable.)  There are those who do not believe in a god at all.  They would be seriously offended by my inclusion of God in this assessment of law.  Though we are not at that stage yet, there is a day coming when that will be the case.

Already I get slammed by men of "religion" and atheists because I speak with authority about religious matters.  They take offence because I do not belong to their group.  And they strive to find fault with me and the words I write.  I do not say this to offend them.  But look at what must be spoken.  There is no lie in what I just wrote.  But they will certainly consider me a law-breaker.

Society wants peace.  All men want peace.  So do I.  But I don't crave peace with men.  I crave peace with God.  His law is perfect.  It doesn't take into consideration the laws of men.  While men try to mitigate against every possible offence, the Lord's law stands firm.  And every infraction is an against insult to Him.  While men strive to rid themselves of His law and create their own, They error horribly.

Because of their law all who desire the Lord will eventually suffer alienation, slander, and isolation.  This has been the case from the beginning.  It is a firm enough aspect of loving God that the Apostle Paul addressed it quite pointedly.   12 "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 While evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."(2 Timothy 3)

I have found that to get closer to God causes my lips to make godly noises.  Without a doubt, such noises rile up man's sense of independence from Him.  So be it.  I cannot turn away from the Living God to appease the machine of intolerant tolerance.  Not only is not wise before the Lord.  The law of man is far too unpredictable to be trusted for anything.  Yet this unpredictability is the very tool they are using to create their peace.  What superior folly man is caught in.  And all because he has decided to nullify the desire of the Living God among them.

There is hope, but not for man.  There is hope among those who desire God's law over man's.  There is a place where the Lord moves to close the door of man's foolish ways.  When will it come upon us?  The Lord warns us clearly.  3 "While people are saying, 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5)

Look around you today.  Consider what you see.  Note how man has made almost everything illegal in one form or another.  The only place of escape today is to do everything they tell you to do.  But who can faithfully serve the capricious nature of men?  We are to embrace the enemies of our country because law has upheld them as legitimate.  We are to cease speaking of God in almost every place.  I wonder when such posts as this will become overtly illegal.

I suffer for writing.  So will you.  I suffer isolation and shame for speaking the truth.  So will you.  I write this, not to complain, but to point out the times we live in.  What time is it?  Look at the clock of society.  Where is the peace of man?  It nearly encompasses the entire world.  We are nearly at the door of the Lord's action against us.  I encourage you to wake up and react appropriately.  Freedom to love God openly is about to pass away.  And this time there will be no place to run.  Get used to it now.  Practise your freedom while you still have it.  Prepare to stand against the ways of man, or you will be swallowed up in their folly.

I know it takes a boldness to stand for what cannot be seen.  But isn't that what faith is all about?  By the mercy of God I have learned to consider Him more alive than any man I might meet.  He is real!  It is the way of man which is contrived.

By His Grace.

The scrapper - 2014-01-31 15:57

In my earlier years with the Lord I was far more willing to enter a scrap over Christianity.  I'm not sure if I was simply misguided or that I really enjoyed the battle.  Perhaps it was simply necessary to form the foundations of what I have today.  But he clearly teaches that once we have the understanding it is time to apply it.

I am not afraid of the banter that comes from the world.  But I take no joy in being witness to folly.  The bad thing is that those who argue against the Lord's people do not perceive their error.  To them it is simply an argument among men about things that cannot be proven.  To me it is sad to witness their unbelief.

With all do hope I desire that the Lord bless all such encounters with the aim of teaching.  I will confess that I am still a novice, even after more than 20 years.

If you feel the same I wrote this to give you hope.  He is far greater than our weakness, and is not willing that any should perish.  Sometimes success is simply surviving with abiding peace to the next encounter.

By His Grace

2014 - 02

Darkly Perceived - 2014-02-01 09:27

In our tiny mind we think that we will appear before God and show him all the treasures his love for us has brought.  "Look what you're great grace has done my God these belong to you."  Do we think he will be impressed?  He has lived in immeasurable splendor for eternity.  And when we kneel before him it will be among his great splendid things. 

For now we see as through a glass darkly.  But let us shake the thought that this is the way things are near the Lord.  The best of the righteous deeds of men are as filthy rags before the glory of God.

When men say,  "Prepare to meet thy maker" it is impossible for the speaker to conceive the fullness of those words.  Absolutely every knee will bow!

By His Grace

Hebrews 11: 6 - 2014-02-02 11:51

In all creation boundaries have been established.  The mountains are not allowed to infringe on the domain of the sky.  Even God s enemy is restrained in his murderous plunge to destruction.  And no man will approach the Lord in confidence without faith.

We are allowed to reason together.  But no man can save another.  It is impossible to force a man to have faith.  But it is fully within our reach to help a man refine his understanding.

By every possible godly means, let us urge and encourage one another.  Even while we clean our own house, let us loudly sing the beauty of God's gospel so that passers by may hear the noise.  May our faith in Christ give birth to faith in others.

By His Grace

By His Grace

Reward - 2014-02-03 09:34

I have written the following a few times before.  But it is certainly worth repeating.

Eternal life is given freely by the blood of our Lord Christ Jesus, to any who will believe his message and honor his name.  But it is good to remember that there are the greatest and the least in the kingdom of heaven.

God will perfectly distribute reward according to a man's service in his name.  It is not wise to consider that all of the Lord's rewards are equally distributed.  Eternal life is given freely by our faith in Christ.  The eternal position in his kingdom is dependent on our faithful service.

By His Grace

God's Way or man's way - 2014-02-04 10:13

I have no respect for a gospel that says Christians are supposed to change the world so that the world endures prosperity ( as the world defines prosperity).  The gospel of Christ is first spirit.  If a man will repair his relationship to God all things fall in place.

Indeed let us do good for the sake of our fellow man that he should not suffer undue horror.  But his physical well-being is not our first priority.  We show him love and kindness and meet his needs that he may understand love.  All the while we say to him, "We love because He first loved us."

There is a push to mimic the work of Christ by men without Christ.  I am forced to reject their premise:  Man first then God.  Christianity is a direct inverse.  God first then man.

I will receive flack for this.  This false gospel has been alive and propagated for hundreds of years.  It has become the standard of man's righteousness.  But there is a distinct difference between Christianity and the righteousness of man.

Father in heaven I give you great glory for this understanding,  for this arrives in my heart by your hand it is not of my own understanding or interpretation.  Unless you touch a man these things are too high above us. 

By His Grace

Where is he now? - 2014-02-06 03:16

Do you believe that Jesus is willing to forgive your sins?  That is all He asks of us.  It is our guilt that will keep us from Him forever. 

"What does it matter?"  Some would ask.  "You just spout a steady stream of religion.  We're tired of hearing your 'holier than thou'  crap.  Shut up already!"

My friend, it will matter when you leave here.  It matters even now.  Because what we believe causes us to live and speak every moment of our lives.  If a man truly believes his sins are forgiven, you will see a transformation take place.  You will hear that testimony escape his lips (If even only now and then).  You will witness vulgarity and violence of every sort dissipate.   And a thankful loving heart appears where once was only judgement and selfishness.

You ask, "Has he gone to heaven?"  I ask, in return, did he believe his sins are wiped out?  You hear it from my lips that God is willing to forgive.  And where that belief is stired up, a thankful and cleaner life appears. 

Do not make us guess.  Every man's turn comes.  Most will hate you if you dare to believe open heartedly.  But you will witness the transformation within.  Risk it all.  Believe. 

By His Grace

Effortless Obedience - 2014-02-06 03:58

For the sake of love, mothers serve willingly, with joy.  Dads will risk their lives.  Children will do what they're told.  Friends will stick by you regardless the outcome.  Strangers will give all they have.  A man will learn to obey the holy commands of God.  Take away love and all these suffer loss.

People often believe that they will be accepted by God by obeying His commands.  But they put the cart before the horse.  We first believe in the forgiveness of Christ.  They we allow that belief to grow.  Soon we see love toward God appear, rooted and healthy.  Then one day, we look around us and see that obedience has been growing.  The order will always be: belief, love, then obedience.  Effortlessly, we become because He is complete.

A Pleading - 2014-02-06 04:13

Please don't judge my words about Christ to mean that I think I'm better than you.  Please don't make the mistake of looking at "me, the man".  If I am all you see you will miss the message.  I testify like that so that we will all live forever.  I write like crazy so that all might gain eternal life.  I'm simply trying, with all my might, to share hope.

If I were already dead and could write to all men, you might be more inclined to believe I truly care.  But that will not happen.  Today is the day of salvation, it is said.  And we are forced to testify while we are still in this body.  But PLEASE don't judge the words by the man you know.

www.worldometers.info/ - 2014-02-06 05:20

http://www.worldometers.info/  shows how many people die each day.  When I looked, a moment ago, it was up to 34,577.   Now we warn of hell.  How many of those could support our testimony now?  We invite into heaven.  How many of those testify now and eternally?

We warn of sorrow and the weight of guilt.  We testify that freedom in Christ is real.  Hope versus hopelessness, which will you choose?  Soon, you will be one of those numbers that are ticking higher every moment.  Or do you think death won't come looking for you some day?

Schooled for Eternity - 2014-02-07 07:27

We learn our trade among men so that we might be useful and provide for those we love.  We coach others as they also enter into service.  We encourage and exhort with all due wisdom and opportunity

Then the moment appears to become employed by another trade; eternity.

Are you busy studying and practicing your next trade?  Are you preparing to serve for eternity?  Will your life be filled with items and speech that will encourage another toward that ability?

Those who fear men will not speak of what is sure to come.  Their tongue will cower behind closed lips.  But those who learn to love God will find their tongue loosed.  Preparation will dominate their days.  A legacy will pile up concerning the nature of life in eternity.  There will be a testimony that says, "Come this way."

Be fair to those you love.  Be honest and bold.  Do not restrain learning.  Our new employer will demand from us an accounting of our learning.  And it comes upon all to confess.

Do you know what I'm saying here?  Have you a heart to understand?

By His Grace.

Useful Division - 2014-02-07 07:47

Be an agent of division.  Do not divide to cause trouble.  But divide between truth and lies.  He is willing to give wisdom to any who ask.  But do not think that what He gives will soften your relationships in this world.

They hated Him without reason.  Do we think to gain from Him and not encounter the same?  If we speak and act according to "The Way" we will cause a division.  It is appropriate and not shameful at all.

Fishing - 2014-02-07 08:31

I went fishing this morning.  I go every day to the sea and cast out a line.  My hooks do not have barbs nor sharp angles.  I cast out fish food and reel back to reload.

I have not caught a fish from this Sea in all my life.  But I make it my purpose to feed them for the Lord of the Sea.  Let them prosper while He whispers hope and life to them.  Let their bellies become full so that their eyes will see clearly.  There are larger fish they must avoid.  I desire them to be agile.

"Come near the shore!  There's plenty to eat.  I feel the tug as you devour what is cast for your benefit.  But your eating is hidden from me.

I do what I am called to do.  There will be no pride in this feeding.  Those who fish with barbs eat what they catch.  They laugh at me because I make no profit from my efforts.  But they do not understand.

Let my ears cease their hearing.  Let their laughter fall on stones.  My heart is filled with a purpose.  Let the Lord gain what is rightfully His.


By His Grace.

Playing on the Freeway - 2014-02-09 07:25

Train a monkey to act more human.  Watch him learn in isolation from other monkeys.  But place him back among his own kind and his actions will quickly revert to what it was before all you taught him began.  Be careful how much you fellowship with the unsaved.  They will certainly draw you back.   The Lord does not make the following warning without cause.

“ ‘Come out of her, my people,

so that you will not share in her sins,

so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

5 for her sins are piled up to heaven,

and God has remembered her crimes.

6 Give back to her as she has given;

pay her back double for what she has done.

Pour her a double portion from her own cup.

7 Give her as much torment and grief

as the glory and luxury she gave herself.

In her heart she boasts,

‘I sit enthroned as queen.

I am not a widow;

I will never mourn.’

8 Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:

death, mourning and famine.

She will be consumed by fire,

for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.  (Revelation 18)

Men think that because they do not respect God or His laws, they are not liable to His punishments.  Go ahead and play on the freeway.  Close your eyes and just have a grand ole time.  Are you sure nothing bad will happen to you?

Bridging the gap - 2014-02-10 20:36

Theological divisions in Christianity are often murderous. One man perceives the tail as a rope; thus the Beast is a rope. Another sees the legs as trees; thus the Beast is a tree. It is not possible that one can agree with another. And in Christ I cannot expect my future friends to relinquish their hold on their perception. It is cruelty to say, "I will love you if you agreed to my perception." But is this not the love of man?

I have found a man who is willing to love despite disagreement. The glory is God's alone, when men are willing to cross a chasm to embrace.

I know personally, that the Lord yearns for this love to arrive. For the love that was showered upon me at the conclusion of our conversation was deep and abiding.

Keep your pet the logical concerns. We will not allow them to surface. They lurk as piranha waiting to devour us both. But come, let us share the love and awe of our God. Surely the mysteries can be put aside. Let us clothe ourselves as we will appear before Him.

Man has caused too great a chasm for one man to erect a bridge. Begin on your side and I will on mine. By His willing grace we will succeed.

Thank you Michael Hardin.

Lord, we are the children who have inherited a war. We have tasted our own blood mixed with the blood of others, and we thought that by some means this was necessary. We are tired Father We are thirsty and worn out. We are sick of the stench of blood. And we so desire peace. By your grace my God, what you open cannot be shut and what you shut cannot be opened. Lead us all quietly through that magnificent door of love.

By His Grace

Gospel of deceit - 2014-02-12 09:42

This post is to all the millions who do not know the fullness of the gospel of Christ.

I will not speak to you about the gospel itself in this post.  But I will say to you that we are expected to understand what the gospel means.  Whether we get that understanding from the Bible, creation itself, or from the testimony of those who know, it does not matter.  We are created to reach up to our Creator and worship Him in spirit and in truth.  He demands this from all people.  And he is willing to explain personally who he is and what he requires.

The reason for this post is that there are many who have gone out to preach a gospel that is no gospel at all.  They will tell you everything is fine, you need to do nothing but say you believe in Jesus.  If that is the sum of it then what is the reason for all the trouble Christians encounters?

A Christian is despised from every corner of humanity.  We are shunned and given a deaf ear.  We speak the fullness of the gospel and are called wicked men.  I am telling you what is true.  If this is true then what should we make of this easy path these men preach?

I encourage you with all my heart and soul to look into these things.  What I have said to you is the center of all that is life.

By His Grace

By His Grace

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