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Ottaway, Andrew Kenneth Cosway. 2003. Education and Society: International Library of Sociology‎

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Ottaway, Andrew Kenneth Cosway. 2003. Education and Society: International Library of Sociology

  • Singh, Dr. Achyut Kumar, (1992), Education and National Character. New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House.
  • Stephen J. Ball .2000. Sociology of Education: Major Themes‎

  • Torres,Carlos Alberto, Ari Antikainen. 2002. The International Handbook on the Sociology of Education: An International.‎


    The course acquaints the students with the basic concepts of project cycle, cause and effect relationship, logical framework, planning and management. Required skills of field formation, preparation of different reports and techniques for the development of project will be studied. It will also equip students with the tools of monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction

      1. Definition, need, identification, selection and scope of the project.

      2. Characteristics of project, types of project.

      3. Project cycle

      4. Cause and effect diagram,

      5. Project objectives

    1. Project Planning

      1. Development of indicators

      2. Preparing Project Proposal

      3. Logical framework analysis.

      4. Key components of project

      5. Potential problem analysis.

      6. Fields force formation strategy

    1. Project Management

      1. Organization of resources

      2. Task allocation, role Taking,

      3. Coordination in project team,

      4. Accountability within project

      5. Conflict resolution

      6. Time management

      7. Liaison with external agencies

      8. Preparation of technical progress reports

      9. Preparation of financial progress reports

      10. Writing of minutes and reports of project meetings.

    1. Project Monitoring and Evaluation

      1. Checking deviation and progress monitoring

      2. Follow-up, managing deviation,

      3. Definition and difference between M&E

      4. Need for evaluation

      5. Steps in evaluation, collecting necessary data, expanding logframe matrix for evaluation, checking deviation, adjusting deviation

    1. Impact assessment.

      1. Definition concepts and meaning

      2. Types of impact assessment

    i) Social impact Assessment

    ii) Economic Impact Assessment

    iii) Physical Impact Assessment

    iv) Environmental Impact Assessment

      1. Methods and techniques of Impact Assessment


    Exercises on project preparation, use of CPM/PERT Methods, LFA Exercise. Monitoring and evaluation exercise.

    Recommended Books:-


    This course familiarizes the students with the basic concepts, theories and methodologies used in the field of criminology. The role of pertinent agencies in crime control will be learnt. The course will focus on understanding crime, criminality, and social remedies.

    1. Introduction

      1. Social construction of crimes and Criminals

      2. Types of Criminal and Crimes

      3. Law and Crime

      4. Deviancy

      5. Sin

      6. Vice

      7. Crime and social organization

      8. Crime as a social problem

      9. Criminology & its scope

      10. Criminology & Criminal Law

    1. Approaches to Criminal Behavior

      1. Biological and environmental factors

      2. Psychological and psychiatric determinants

      3. Sociological and economic approaches

      4. Islamic point of view

    1. Crime and Criminals

      1. The occasional criminals

      2. The habitual criminals

      3. The professional criminals

      4. The white-collar crimes

      5. The organized crimes

      6. Corporate crimes

      7. Custom based deviance and crimes

    1. Detection of Crimes

      1. Agencies of detection formal-informal

      2. Techniques of detection

      3. Problems of detection

    1. Reformative Treatments of Criminals

      1. Corporal punishments

      2. Capital punishment

      3. Imprisonment

      4. Prison and related problems

      5. Probation, parole and Rehabilitation

    1. Explanation of criminal behavior

    1. Rational choice theory/Exchange Theory

    2. Choice & Trait Theories

    3. Social Reaction Theories

    4. Social Process theories

    5. Social Structural Theories

    1. Trial & Conviction of Offenders

    1. Agencies: Formal & Informal

    2. Criminal courts: Procedures & Problems

    1. Prevention of crimes

    1. Long term measures

    2. Short term measures

    1. Punitive & Reformative Treatment of Criminals

      1. Corporal Punishment

      2. Imprisonment

      3. Probation

      4. Parole

      5. Rehabilitation of criminals

      6. Prison & related problems

    Suggested Books:-

    1. (Eighth Edition) W.W.W Wads Worth com;

    2. Aulak, An Mafid. Criminal Justice, Martin, Ramdy, 1991. Criminological Thnought- Pioneers, Past and Present. Macmillan and Co.

    3. Cavan, Ruth Shonle (1962). Criminology, New York: Thomas Y. Growel Co.

    4. Curra, John, Understanding Social Deviance: From the Near Side to the outer limits, NewYork, Harper Collins, 1994.

    5. Cyndi Banks (2004) Criminal Justice Ethics Theory & Practice

    6. Farrington, David P. (1986). Understanding and Controlling Crime, New York: Springer-Verlag.

    7. Fox, Vernon (1985). Introduction to Criminology, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

    8. Hagon, John Modern (1987), Criminology , New York, McGraw Hill.

    9. Hagon, John Modern (1987). Criminology, New York: McGraw Hill.

    10. Heidensohn, Frances (1989). Crime and Society, London: Mcmillan and Co.

    11. Jupp, Victor, (1989). Methods of Criminological Research, London: Unwin, Hyman.

    12. Jupp. Victor (1989), Methods of Criminological Research, London, Macmillan and Co.

    13. Larry J Siegel (2004) Criminology Theories, Patterns & typologies

    14. Prafullah Padhy (2006) organized Crime Isha Books Delhi;

    15. Rachel Boba (2005) Crime Analysis & Crime maping sage Publication Lahore ;

    16. Reckless, Walter C. (1961). Crime Problem, New York: Appleton-

    17. Resen Berg M.M.: An Introduction to Sociology, Methven, New York, 1983.

    18. Sage Publication;

    19. Sanford H Kadish (1983) Encyclopeadia of Crime & Justice, The Free Press A Division of Macmillan.


    This course provides familiarity regarding the basic concepts and models of globalization. It will examine the global economy and its impact on local economy as well as social and cultural change especially on South Asian countries. The role of media regarding globalization will also be discussed.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction and Overview of Sociology of Globalization

    1. Sociology of globalization, globalization: myth or reality;

    2. Characteristics of globalization, globalization, modernization & Europeanization; globalization and cultural leveling.

    1. Theories of globalization, global stratification, global inequalities, globalization and local identity.

    1. The Rise of Globalization

    1. The Second Globalization: Creating the Post-War Political-Economic Order

    2. The Rise of Neoliberalism

    1. Globalization and Corporations

    1. X-HOUR: From Bureaucracy to Networks

    2. Corporate Governance and Strategy

    3. Multinational Corporations

    1. Political Globalization

    1. Global Politics, Governance, Transnational State, etc.

    2. Power and Transnational Politics

    3. Emergence of Global Classes, Local Actors in Global Politics.

    1. Technology and globalization, global economy and the digital networks.

    1. Globalization and Workers

    1. Changes in Work

    2. Social Inequality

    3. Training for Global Competition

    1. Globalization and the State

    1. Welfare Reform

    2. Tax Reform

    3. Regulatory Reform

    1. Globalization and Culture

    1. Transnational Social Movements, Transnational Civil Society, Globalization and the Environment

    2. Globalization and Race/Ethnicity, Transnational Migrations, Transnational Communities, Transnationalism.

    3. Globalization and Women/Gender

    4. Globalization, Resistance, Hegemonies and Counterhegemonies, Alternative Futures

    5. The Global village: Recovering Place and Social Practices.

    6. The Making of International Migrations – WTO

    7. Globalization and Social Institution

    Recommended Books:

    1. Ellwood,w.(2001) The no-nonsense guide to Globalization

    2. Frank, T (2001) One market under god, Anchor Books

    3. Janoski, Thomas. 2005. The Handbook of Political Sociology: States, Civil Societies, and Globalization

    4. Nash, Kate Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalization, Politics, and Power‎

    5. Roland Robertson, Kathleen E. White. 2003. Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology

    6. Sassen, Saskia. 2007. A Sociology of Globalization

    7. Sklair, L (2001) The transnational capitalist class, Blackwell

    8. Timothy J. Scrase, Todd Joseph Miles Holden, Scott Baum. 2003. Globalization, Culture and Inequality in Asia‎

    9. Ehrenreich and Hochschild (eds), Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers

    10. Jan Nederveen-Pieterse, Globalization and Culture: Global Melange

    11. William I. Robinson, Promoting Polyarchy

    12. William I. Robinson, A Theory of Global Capitalism

    13. Michael Buroawoy, et. Al. (eds.), Global Ethnographies

    14. Joseph Stiglitz. Globalization and Its Discontents

    15. Osterhammel and Petersson. Globalization: A Short History.

    16. Kristensen and Zeitlin. Local Players in Global Games (pp. xii-xxii; 1-187; 301-322) (Continue reading)

    17. Bronfenbrenner. Global Unions

    18. Linda Weiss. The Myth of the Powerless State


    1. Social Impact Assessment

    2. Conflict and Alternative Dispute Reselection

    3. Clinical Sociology

    4. Governance and Social Policy

    5. Corporate Social Responsibilities

    6. Organizational Behaviour and HRD

    7. Electronic Media & Virtual Society

    8. Sociology of Law and Human rights

    9. Rural Development

    10. Criminology

    11. Industrial Sociology

    12. Islamic Sociology

    details of Elective courses

    Social Impact Assessment

    The course will provide the knowledge, understanding and skills for social impact assessment and policy formation. It helps in understanding the role of social impact assessment in the broader context of environmental impact assessment. It enables the students to understand conceptual and methodological advances in social impact assessment. It familiarizes with the tools used and methods employed.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction

      1. Historical aspects of SIA

      2. Legislative aspects of SIA

      3. Contents and phases of SIA

      4. Introduction to assessment methodologies:

      5. Checklists & Matrices

      6. Social Impact Assessment

      7. Multicriteria Analysis

      8. SIA Case Study

      9. SIS Review

      10. Strategic Social Assessment (SIA)

    1. Steps in the social impact assessment process

      1. Public involvement

      2. proposed action and alternatives Identification

      3. Describe relevant human environment and zones of influence

      4. Identify probable impacts

      5. Investigate probable impacts

      6. Determine probable response of affected parties

      7. Estimate secondary & cumulative impacts

      8. Recommend changes in proposed action or alternatives

      9. Mitigation, remediation, and enhancement plan

      10. Develop and implement monitoring program

      11. Include interested and affected parties in all steps of the SIA process.

    1. Stage in SIA process

      1. Policy/ project settings

      2. General planning, policy develop preliminary assessment

      3. Detailed planning funding & impact

      4. Construct/implement

      5. Operation/ maintenance

      6. Decommission/ abandonment

    1. Social Impact assessment Variables

      1. Population change

      2. Community & institutional structures

      3. Political & social resources

      4. Community and family changes

      5. Community resources

    Recommended Books:

    1. Bindu N. Lohani, Asian Development Bank, J. Warren Evans. 1997. Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries in Asia: For ...‎

    2. Christopher J. Barrow – 1997. Environmental and social impact assessment: an introduction

    3. H. A. Becker, Frank Vanclay. 2003.The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment

    4. H. A. Becker. 1997. Social Impact Assessment: Method and Experience in Europe, North America.

    5. Rabel J. Burdge. 1994. A Conceptual Approach to Social Impact Assessment: Collection of Writings by.

    Conflict Resolution

    This course will identify a range of conflict resolution approaches with special focus on negotiation, mediation, and advocacy. It will enable the students to study models of social work practice – radical, ecological, systems, generalist, and problem-solving approaches. The course will help the students to explore the theoretical basis for a conflict resolution approaches and techniques.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction

      1. Review of Judicial System

      2. Court structure and subject matter jurisdiction

      3. Progress of a case through the system

      4. Analysis of benefits and detriments of the judicial system

      5. Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

      6. Client/attorney perspectives

      7. Advantages and disadvantages

      8. General types of ADR defined

    1. Mediation Training

      1. Introduction and Goals

      2. Review of court organization chart

      3. Conflicts: causes and responses

      4. Listening skills

      5. Elements of Mediation

      6. Issue identification

      7. Prioritizing

      8. Timing and climate setting

      9. Causes

    1. Role of the Mediator

      1. Objectives before and during the mediation process

      2. Reducing defensive communication

      3. Essential qualities necessary

      4. Common errors

      5. Role play

    1. Conducting a Mediation Session

      1. Case preparation

      2. Opening statements to parties

      3. Explanation of process and role of mediator

      4. Ground rules

      5. Confidentiality

      6. Role play

    2. Common Problem Areas

      1. Dealing with impasse

      2. Summarizing issues

      3. Hostile parties

      4. Manipulative parties

      5. Social service needs and referrals

      6. Role play

    1. Negotiation

      1. The Process and Outcome of Negotiation

      2. Tactics, Techniques and Skills of Negotiation

      3. Ethical Issues in Negotiation

      4. Application: from Individual Use in Business to Courtroom Tactics

      5. Service Learning Component: District Court

    1. Mediation

      1. Forms and Functions

      2. Skills Training

      3. Philosophical and Ethical Issues

      4. Substantive Areas of Law Where Applied: Community Disputes, Landlord/Tenant, Domestic Relations

      5. Service Learning Component: Municipal Court Mediation

    1. Arbitration

      1. The Process, the Participants, the Neutrals and the Authority

      2. Arbitration Act

      3. Substantive Areas of Law Where Applied: Labor and Employment, Automobile, Construction, Business Insurance, Securities, etc.

    1. Hybrid Process

      1. Med/Arb

      2. Summary Jury Trials

      3. Minitrials

      4. Early Neutral Evaluation

      5. Special Masters

    Recommended Books:

    1. Bernadine Van Gramberg, 2005. Managing Workplace Conflict: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia‎

    2. Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan. 2006. Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization Can ....

    3. De Dreu, Michele J Gelfand Published Dec,2007

    4. Kent M. Weeks, 1999. Managing Campus Conflict Through Alternative Dispute Resolution

    5. Laurie S. Coltri. 2003. Conflict Diagnosis and Alternative Dispute Resolution

    6. The Psychology Conflict Management and Conflict in Organizations Carsten K.W.


    The course will emphasize on concepts, theories, communication and relationship with client as well as ethics in clinical sociology. It will enable the students with the skills of intervention, process of intervention and clinical sociology practices. It will also enable the students to learn mediation and conflict resolution, evaluation and preventive programming.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction

      1. Sociological Practice

    i) Applied Sociology

    ii) Clinical Sociology

      1. Interrelation and Difference Between Clinical and Applied Sociology

    1. Theories in Clinical Sociology

    1. Communication and Relationships with Clients

    1. Ethic in Clinical Sociology

    1. Intervention

    a. Levels of Intervention

    1. With Individuals

    2. With Families

    3. With Groups

    4. With Communities

    5. With Formal Organizations

    b. The Process of Intervention

    1. Assessment

    2. Programme Planning

    3. Programme Implementation

    4. Programme Evaluation

      1. Clinical Sociology Practice

    a. Mediation and Conflict Resolution

    b. Evaluation

    c. Preventive Programming
    7 Application of Clinical Sociology to Contemporary Social Problems: Case Studies
    Recommended Books:

    1. Howard M. Rebach, John G. Bruhn. 2001. Handbook of Clinical Sociology

    2. Jan M Fritz – 1996. The Clinical Sociology Resource Book

    3. Jan Marie Fritz. 2007. International Clinical Sociology

    4. Roger A. Straus. 2001.Using Sociology: An Introduction from the Applied and Clinical Perspectives‎

    Social Policy

    The course will enable the students to learn about the basic concepts, process, theories and function of governance and key actors. The course will depict the public policy and its process, global context of Pakistan’s public policy as well as interest and power. It will elaborate the society-centered theories, institutions and state-centered theories.

    Course Outlines

    1. What is Governance

      1. Processes of governance,

      2. Theories and principles of improving governance and democracy

      3. Impact of globalization on global governance

      4. Institutional reform, capacity building, accountability

    1. Public Policy and the Policy-making Process in Pakistan

      1. Define public policy and discuss the various stages of the policy process.

      2. Identify the key actors in the policy process.

      3. Comment on the institutional context of policy-making and discuss the key components of the machinery of government.

      4. Outline the process by which policy initiatives make their way from government departments, through cabinet and the legislative process in Parliament.

      5. Discuss the character of the Pakistani welfare state and the main pillars of Pakistani social policy.

        1. The New, Globalized Context of Pakistan Public Policy

    1. Discuss the globalized context of public policy in a manner that distinguishes between economic, political and culture dimensions of globalization.

    2. Comment on the ways that globalization has altered the power, capacities, goals and purposes of states, including the Pakistan state.

    3. Explain how globalization has altered the character and focus of social movement politics and, as part of your explanation, distinguish between the politics of identity and recognition, on the one hand, and the socially conservative politics of reactive social movements, on the other.

    4. Discuss the main policy imperatives and policy constraints associated with the new globalized context of Pakistan public policy, and explain what is meant by the ‘internationalization’ or ‘globalization’ of public policy.

        1. Interests, Power and Policy: Society-centered Theories

    1. Define ‘explanatory theory’ then distinguish between explanatory and normative theories.

    2. Discuss how the following theoretical perspectives explain state and public policy: liberal pluralism, elite theory, and class analysis.

    3. When reading an article that employs one of the society-centered explanatory theories, identify which perspective is being used.

    4. Form an opinion (even a tentative one) on which society-centered theory you find most convincing and useful.

        1. Institutions and Policy: State-centered Theories

          1. Define what institutions are and discuss the notion of ‘institutional causation’.

          2. Discuss how the following theoretical perspectives approach the tasks of explaining and understanding public policy: structuralist institutionalism, state as an actor theory, and institutional rational choice theory.

          3. Identify which theoretical perspective is being used when reading an article based on one of the state-centred perspectives on public policy.

    Recommended Books:

    1. Bob Deacon, 2007. Global Social Policy & Governance

    2. Deacon Bob. 2009. Global Governance, Regional Integration and Social Policy

    3. Gail Lewis, Sharon Gewirtz, John Clarke Rethinking Social Policy

    4. Janet Newman. 2005. Remaking Governance: Peoples, Politics and the Public Sphere‎ -

    5. Journal of Social Policy by Social Administration Association (Great Britain

    6. Laura Edgar, Jennifer Chandler. 2004. Strengthening Social Policy: Lessons on Forging Government-Civil Society ...‎

    7. Milena Buchs - Political Science . 2007. New Governance in European Social Policy: The Open Method of Coordination‎

    8. Phillip W. Jones. 2007. Global governance, social policy and multicultural education‎


    The course will pinpoint the concepts of CSR, stakeholders and their needs. A deliberate sharing on enablers, tipple-bottom line and organizational approaches will be held. The management of reporting, assurance issues and role of internal audit will be discussed at length.

    Course Outlines

    1. Why Should We Care?

      1. Corporate Social Responsibility means

      2. The value proposition of Corporate Social Responsibility

    2. What is CSR and Where are We Now?

      1. Definitions, capital market influences, rating organizations, recent studies

      2. CSR competencies

      3. Emerging guidelines

    3. Who are the Stakeholders and What are Their Needs?

      1. Governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

      2. The voiceless stakeholders

      3. Geo-political influences

    4. What are the enablers?

      1. Corporate governance

      2. Enterprise risk management

      3. Guidance from many constituencies

      4. Linkage to internal audit standards

    5. What is the Triple Bottom Line?

      1. Economic viability

      2. Environmental soundness

      3. Social responsibility

    6. How are Organizations Approaching?

      1. Climate change challenges

      2. Environmental health and safety concerns

      3. Supply chain issues

      4. Social responsibilities

    7. How do you manage the reporting and assurance issues?

      1. Reporting challenges, dos and don'ts

      2. Assurance emerging practices

    8. What is the Appropriate Role for Internal Audit?

      1. Competencies required

    Recommended Books:

    1. David Vogel - Business & Economics – 2005. The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits Of Corporate Social.

    2. Jan Jonker, Marinus Cornelis de Witte, Marco de Witte 2006.Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility‎ -

    3. Muhammad Yunus, Karl Weber. 2008. Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism‎

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