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Adj. strong. unbreakable, indivisible; atomic. #328. Brittleness. -- N

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Adj. strong.

unbreakable, indivisible; atomic.

#328. Brittleness. -- N. {ant. 327} brittleness, breakability; fragility, friability, frangibility, fissibility[obs3].

{{property_of}} brittle object.

{{property_of: glass}}.

{{has_metaphor(brittle object)}} house of cards, house of glass.

{{property_of}} weak point, weak link, weak link in the chain.

V. be brittle.

be breakable, be fragile, be weak, be frail.

{{has_metaphor}} live in a glass house.

[tr. & intr.] {{has_subtype(separate, @R44)}} crack; crack open.

[tr. & intr.] {{has_subtype(separate, @R44)}} break, snap, split, shiver, sunder.

[tr. & intr.] {{has_subtype(separate, @R44)}} shatter, splinter.

break short, burst, fly, give way.

[intrans.] fall to pieces; crumble, crumble to dust, crumble into dust.

[transitive] smash; smash to pieces.

Adj. brittle.

breakable, weak, frangible, fragile, frail, delicate, brash [U.S.].

gimcrack[obs1], shivery, fissile.


lacerable[obs3], splintery, crisp, crimp, short, brittle as glass.

Phr. break into smithereens.

#329. Structure. [[structure]]

N. {{has_subtype( (form) 240}} {{part_of(component, @P2.1.2)}} structure, organization, internal organization; fabric, construction; architecture.

{{part_of(constituent, @P2.1.4)}} constitution.

{[of(animal)]} anatomy.

foundation, carcass.

{{has_part}} frame, mold, framework, skeleton.

{{has_subtype}} stratification, layering, cleavage.

substance, stuff, compages[obs3].

{[of(living cell)]} parenchyma[Biol].

staple, organism.

{{studied_in}} {[of(bone)]} osteology.

{{studied_in}} {[of(muscle)]} myology.

{{studied_in}} {[of(nervous system/nerve)]} neurology.

{{studied_in}} {[of(blood vessel/vascular system)]} angiography.

internal texture, intertexture[obs3], contexture[obs3].

tissue, grain, web; warp and woof, warp and weft.

{{has_property(surface): tooth, nap &c. (roughness) 256; flatness (smoothness) 255}}.

{{has_property}} fineness of grain; coarseness of grain.

{{has_part: surface, P1.}}.

{[of(chemical)]} structure, molecular structure.

{{has_representation(molecular structure)}} {{property_of(bidimensionality)}} structure, structural diagram.

{{has_representation(molecular structure)}} {{property_of(tridimensionality)}} molecular model.

{[of(living cell)]} cell structure.

{{studied_in(cell structure)}} histology.

<-- organography[obs3], splanchnology[obs3], adeology[obs3], adenography[obs3]. -->

Adj. structural, organizational; anatomic, anatomical.

internal, organic.

fine grained, coarse grained; fine, delicate, subtile, gossamery, filmy, silky, satiny; coarse; homespun.

rough, gritty; smooth.

smooth as silk, smooth as satin.
#330. Granularity.

N. granularity, fine division; sandiness; powderiness, pulverulence[obs3].

{{property_of(powderiness)}} powder, dust, shingle; seed, grain; sawdust; grit.

{{has_subtype(powder)}} meal, bran, flour, farina.

{{has_subtype(grain)}} rice.

spore, sporule[obs3]; crumb; limature[obs1], filings.

{{property_of(granularity)}} debris, detritus, tailings, talus slope, scobs[obs3], magistery[obs3], fine powder; flocculi[Lat].

{{has_member(powder): particle &c. (smallness) 32}}.

{{has_subtype(rice)}} paddy, padi.

{{property_of(sandiness): sand, @P2.}}.

{{property_of}} filings; sawdust.

{{property_of}} smoke; cloud of dust, cloud of sand, cloud of smoke; puff of smoke, volume of smoke; sand storm, dust storm.

{{property_of(granularity)}} {{forms(filing, @P2.}} filings.

[rendering powdery] {{result_of}} pulverization, comminution.

{{result_of}} granulation, disintegration, subaction[obs3], contusion, trituration[Chem], levigation[obs3], multure[obs3]; limitation; tripsis[obs3]

{{formed_by(powder): @P2., filing, abrasion, detrition}}.

{{has_requirement(pulverization)}} pulverizability.

{{has_high_intensity(pulverizability)}} friability.

{{formed_by(powder)}} efflorescence.

{{uses(pulverization)}} grinder; shredder; mortar and pestle; nutmeg grater; teeth.

{{uses(pulverization)}} {{has_subtype(mill)}} churn, butter churn, hand mill, kern[obs3], quern[obs3], koniology[obs3].

{{has_subtype(grinder): mill, arrastra[obs3], gristmill; meat grinder}}.

{{has_part(gristmill): grindstone}}.

V. come to dust; be disintegrated, be reduced to powder &c.

[transitive] pulverize, comminute, granulate, triturate, levigate[obs3]; reduce to powder, grind to powder.

[transitive] scrape, file, abrade, rub down, grind, grate, rasp.

[transitive] crush, cranch[obs3], craunch[obs3], crunch.

[intransitive] scranch[obs3], crumble, disintegrate.

{{has_method(crush): pound, bray, bruise; contuse, contund[obs3]; beat}}.

attenuate &c. 195.

Adj. powdery, pulverulent; finely divided.

granular, granulated.

sandy, gritty, arenose[obs3], arenarious[obs3], arenaceous[obs3], sabulous[obs3], psammous[obs3].

mealy, floury, farinaceous, branny[obs3], furfuraceous[obs3].

flocculent, dusty.

pulverized, powdered, ground.

filed, abraded, debrided, attrited[obs3]; in pieces.

{{required_for(pulverization)}} pulverizable, crushable; friable, crumbly, shivery.

{{has_high_intensity(pulverizable)}} {{emitted_by(water vapor)}} efflorescent.

<-- lepidote[obs3], sabuline[obs3]; sporaceous[obs3], sporous[obs3].


P2. Properties of Fluids In General..(R333 to R334)

<-- 333. Fluidity 334. Gaseity


#333. Fluidity. -- N. fluidity, liquidity; liquidness &c. adj[obs3].; gaseity &c. 334[obs3].

fluid, inelastic fluid; liquid, liquor; lymph, humor, juice, sap, serum, blood, serosity[obs3], gravy, rheum, ichor[obs3], sanies[obs3]; chyle[Med].

solubility, solubleness[obs3].

[Science of liquids at rest] hydrology, hydrostatics, hydrodynamics.

{{measured_by}} hydrometer, areometer[obs3].

V. be fluid &c. adj.; flow &c. (water in motion) 348; liquefy, melt, condense &c. 335.

Adj. liquid, fluid, serous, juicy, succulent, sappy; ichorous[obs3]; fluent &c. (flowing) 348.

liquefied &c. 335; uncongealed; soluble.

#334. Gaseousness.

N. gaseousness, gaseity[obs3], vaporousness; flatulence, flatulency; volatility; aeration, aerification.

{{property_of}} elastic fluid, gas, vapor.

{{has_subtype(gas)}} air; steam; essence, fume, reek, effluvium, flatus.

{{property_of: cloud &c. 353}}.

ammonia, ammoniacal gas[obs3], volatile alkali.

vacuum, partial vacuum.


{{studied_in}} pneumatics, aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, pneumatostatics[obs3]; aerostatics[obs3].

{{has_location(air)}} {[of(fish)]} air bladder, swimming bladder, sound.

{{measured_by: flowmeter, gasmeter[obs3], gasometer[obs3]}}.

{{formed_by}} vaporization, evaporation; sublimation; boiling; diffusion, gassification[obs3].

{{has_subtype(gas)}} {{consists_of(air): nitrogen; oxygen; argon; carbon dioxide; water vapor}}

V. be gaseous, be vaporous.


{{synonym_of(gasify): @R336, vaporize, evaporate, evanesce; boil, emit vapor; diffuse}}.

Adj. gaseous, vaporous; aeriform[obs3], ethereal, aerial, airy.

{{requires(vaporization)}} volatile, vaporizable, evaporable[obs3], flatulent.

<-- 335 & 336 to Physics P2.6.1

335. Liquefaction 336. Vaporization

(337 to 351 to P2.3.1.1 Natural Objects)



<-- 352. Semiliquidity 353. Bubble

354. Pulpiness 355. Unctuousness


We divide the Roget Semiliquidity into viscous liquids and gels, 352a.


N. semifluidity.
<-- semiliquidity applies to a liquid which is viscous, but can still flow. This includes foods like soup and sauces. Semiliquids which do not flow readily are under the next section, gelatinousness . [[semiliquid]]-->

P2. Semiliquidity

#352. Semiliquidity. -- N. semiliquidity; viscosity, viscidity; mucosity[obs3]; spissitude[obs3], crassitude[obs3]; lentor[obs3].

{{property_of: @P2., glue, mucilage, adhesive}}.

{{has_subtype: @R327a, tenacity, adhesiveness}}.

{{property_of: @P2., fish glue, carlock[obs3]}}.

{{property_of}} mucus, phlegm, goo; lava.

{{property_of}} emulsion.

{{property_of: soup; @P2., sauce, gravy}}.

{{property_of}} squash, mud, slush, slime, ooze.

{{property_of: moisture &c. 339}}.

{{property_of}} pus.

{{property_of: cream; treacle, molasses}}.

{{has_high_intensity: R352a, gelatinousness, waxiness}}.

V. inspissate[obs3], incrassate[obs3]; thicken, mash, squash, churn, beat up.



Adj. semifluid, semiliquid, tremellose[obs3]; thick, viscous, viscid.

half melted, half frozen.

muddy; soupy.

pussy, purulent; suppurating, suppurative.

milky, lacteal, lactean[obs3], lacteous[obs3], lactescent[obs3], lactiferous[obs3]; emulsive, curdled, succulent, uliginous[obs3].

slab, slabby[obs3]; lentous[obs1], pituitous[obs3].

mucoid, phlegmy, mucid[obs3], muculent[obs3], mucous.

{{has_subtype: resinous, R356a}}.

Phr. thick as pea soup; thick as molasses.
<-- gelatinous includes gumminess and waxiness, i.e. not-quite-solid and in some ways liquid, but solid enough to not flow under gravity, or at least under weak gravity (as when a cup is inclined slightly). Douginess is in the next section. ->

P2. Semisolidity

#352a. Semisolidity. Gelatinousness

N. {{has_high_intensity(semiliquidity, R352}} gelatinousness, semisolidity, gumminess, glutinousness, glutinosity[obs3]; gumminess, gummosity[obs3].

{{result_of}} thickening, setting, gelation, inspissation, incrassation[obs3].

{{property_of}} semisolid, gel, jell, gelatin, gluten; paste.

{{property_of}} extract.


{{property_of: @P2., jelly, jam, preserve; }}.

{{part_of{semisolid): marsh &c. 345}}.

{{property_of}} starch, gluten, glair[obs3]; gum, size.

{{property_of: agar gel, agar}}

V. gel.


Adj. gelatinous, albuminous, gelatin, mucilaginous, glutinous, glutenous, mastic, amylaceous[obs3], ropy, clammy, clotted.


P2. Pulpiness

#354. Pulpiness. -- N. pulpiness, mushiness; doughiness.

{{property_of}} pulp, dough, curd, pap, pudding.

{{property_of}} poultice, rob[obs2], grume[obs3].

{{property_of}} {{has_subtype(food)}} mush; oatmeal; baby food; pabulum.

{{has_subtype(pulp)}} {{derived_from(pulp paper)}} wood pulp.

Adj. pulpy, mushy; doughy.

<-- pultaceous[obs3], grumous[obs3]; baccate[obs3]. -->

P2. Bubble

#353. Bubble.

N. bubble.

{{member_of}} {{has_large_quantity}} , foam, froth, head, spume, lather, suds.

effervescence, fermentation; bubbling &c. v.

V. bubble.

boil; foam, froth.

mantle, sparkle, guggle[obs3], gurgle.

effervesce, ferment, fizzle.


Adj. bubbling &c. v.; frothy, nappy[obs3], effervescent, sparkling, mousseux[French: frothy], up.

P2. Cloud

#353a. Cloud.

N. {{property_of(turbidity, R426a)}} cloud, vapor, fog, mist, haze; billow.



{{has_subtype(nebula): @P2., celestial nebula, astral nebula, galaxy, star cluster}}.

{[in_frame(weather/atmosphere)]} {{has_subtype(cloud): @P2. scud, nimbus; cumulus, cirrus; stratus; cirrostratus, cumulostratus; cirrocumulus; curl cloud; thunderhead}}.

{{studied_in(cloud)}} nephanalysis, cloud science, nephelognosy[obs3], nephology[obs3].

{{comprises(steam + water)}} geyser.

{{has_property: translucence, @R425}}.

{{has_property: cloudiness &c. (opacity) 426; nebulosity &c. (dimness) 422}}.

{{measured_by(scattering); nephelometer, turbidimeter}}.

{{has_measure(cloudiness)}} light scattering, scattering; degree of scattering.

{{similar_to}} spray, sea spray, surf, spindrift.

V. cloud up, become cloudy.

become overcast.

Adj. cloudy, hazy, misty, foggy, vaporous; nebulous, overcast, thunderheaded[obs3].

Phr. "the lowring element scowls o'er the darkened landscip" [Paradise Lost].

<-- divide 355 into oily (liquid) and greasy, soapy (slippery solids) -->

P2. Oiliness

#355. Oiliness. -- N. oiliness, unctuousness, unctuosity[obs3]; slipperiness.


{{property_of: @R356, ointment, oil}}.

{{property_of: lubricant, R332)}}.

{{has_function}} anointment.

{{has_function(oil, R356): lubrication &c. 332}}.

V. oil &c. (lubricate) 332.

Adj. unctuous, oily, oleaginous, unguinous[obs3]; slippery.

Phr. smooth as silk; slippery as an eel; slippery as coonshit on a pump handle[vulg]; slippery as a greased pig.
P2. Greasiness

#355a. Greasiness.

N. {{similar_to(unctuousness, R355)}} greasiness, fattiness.


{{property_of: grease, @R356b}}.

{{has_function(grease): lubrication &c. 332}}.

{{property_of: @356b, fat, lard; soap; butter}}.

Adj. fat, fatty, greasy, adipose, sebaceous; buttery, butyraceous; soapy, saponaceous[obs3]; pinguid, lardaceous[obs3]; slippery, slick.

V. grease.


<-- oil & resin to physical objects P2.3.2

356. Oil

356a. Resin


P2.2.3 Trait [Behavioral Characteristic of Humans] [[trait]]

<-- Note that entries for specific types of individuals with particular traits are found at Character, P2.

"Trait" here, in the "physical universe" section, refers to the physically observable behavior which is a manifestation of the underlying personality. The personality qualities are listed separately as a mental phenomenon under Affections, R820, at M3.3.1. The concept of Habit, R613, at M7.1.1, is also retained as a general mental property under "Volition". -->

N. trait.
P2.2.3.1 Character trait

N. {{has_manifestation(affections, R820)}} {{has_manifestation(habit, R613)}} {{has_property(human)}} trait, character, qualities, disposition, personality, temper, temperament; nature, spirit, tone.

habit, habitual behavior, characteristic behavior.

<-- see WN property/trait -->

P2. specific Character traits

N. {{property_of: human}} character trait.

[ref: person with particular characteristics P2.].

P2. Positive Character trait

N. {{has_high_quality(trait)}} maturity; elegance; rightness, rectitude; reliability; originality; excellence; competence; adequacy; keenness; beauty; pleasantness; self-confidence, confidence.
<-- negative qualities. Maintain list with opposites in register with corresponding positive qualities, above -->

P2. Negative Character Trait

N. {{has_low_quality(trait)}} immaturity; inelegance; wrongness, inrectitude; unreliability; unoriginality; mediocrity; incompetence; inadequacy; dullness; ugliness; unpleasantness; self-doubt, insecurity.
P2.2.3.2 human physical traits {{property_of: human}}.

<-- P2. giant and P2. stranger moved to character (people with certain properties)

should add size, strength, color, attractiveness, disability, etc. -->

N. physical trait, physical characteristic.
P2. Youth (R127)

#127. Youth. -- N. {{has_trait(youngster, R129, P2.}} youth; juvenility, juvenescence[obs3]; juniority[obs3].

childhood, boyhood, girlhood, youthhood[obs3]; incunabula; minority, nonage, tender age, bloom.

{{has_beginning}} birth.

{{has_temporal_part}} {{has_extreme}} infancy, babyhood.

{{has_temporal_part}} teens.

{{has_temporal_part}} puberty, pucelage[obs3].

{{has_metaphor(infancy)}} cradle, nursery.

{{has_temporal_part}} school days, pupilage.

prime of life, flower of life, springtime of life, springtide of life[obs3], seed-time of life, golden season of life, heyday of youth.

next generation, rising generation, the future of the world, the future of our country.

{{developmental_form_of: person}}.

{{precedes: adolescence}}.

Adj. young, youthful, juvenile, green, callow, budding, sappy, puisne, beardless, under age, in one's teens; in statu pupillari[Lat]; younger, junior; hebetic[obs3], unfledged.

teen; pubescent.

Phr. "youth on the prow and pleasure at the helm" [Gray]; " youth . . . the glad season of life" [Carlyle].

<-- in Roget, the entry "AGE" refers to human old age. WE leave it that way. Here "primogeniture appears twice, as the tradition, and as a property of the firstborn. Two different senses. -->

P2. Age (R128)

#128. Age

N. {{has_subtype(oldness, R124)}} {{antonym_of(youth, P2.}} age, oldness, old age, advanced age.

golden years.

years, gray hairs, anility[obs3].

climacteric, grand climacteric, declining years, decrepitude, hoary age, caducity[obs3], superannuation; dotage.

vale of years, decline of life, "sear and yellow leaf" [Macbeth]; three-score years and ten; green old age, ripe age, ripe old age; time of life.

{{&co-occurs_with}} second childhood, second childishness.

{{has_extreme}} superannuation.

{{result_of}} longevity.

{{causes}} {{has_subtype(comparison)}} {{property_of(older)}} seniority, eldership.

{{property_of(seniority): @P2., firstling, firstborn; eldest}}.

doyen, father.

{{has_property(firstborn)}} primogeniture.

{{has_subtype(tradition)}} primogeniture.

{{studied_in}} geriatrics, nostology[obs1].

{{developmental_form_of: human}}.

{{antonym_of(@R130, @P2., elder, veteran): P2., infant}}.

{{trait_of: }}.

{{follows: adulthood, maturity}}.

{{&causes}} {{has_subtype(disease)}} senility, senile dementia; senescence.

{{has_instance(senile dementia): Alzheimer's disease}}.

V. be aged &c. adj.; grow old, get old &c. adj.; age; decline, wane, dodder; senesce.

Adj. {{has_subtype(old, R124)}} aged; elderly, geriatric.

matronly, anile[obs1].

ripe, mellow; gray, gray-headed; hoar, hoary; venerable, time-worn, antiquated.

passe, effete.

decrepit, superannuated, run to seed, declining, waning, past one's prime; advanced in life; stricken in years.

on in years, getting on in years, advanced in years.

long in the tooth, marked with the crow's foot, wrinkled; having one foot in the grave; like the last of pea time.

{{&causes(old age)}} senile, addled.

doting &c. (imbecile) 499.

older, elder, oldest, eldest; senior; firstborn; ichiban[Jap].

turned of, years old; of a certain age, no spring chicken, old as Methuselah; ancestral; patriarchal &c. (ancient) 124; gerontic[obs3].

Adv. pro tempore[Lat], pro tem[Lat].

Phr. "give me a staff of honor for my age" [Titus Andronicus]; bis pueri senes[Lat][obs3]; peu de gens savent elre vieux[Fr]; plenus annis abiit plenus honoribus [Lat][Pliny the Younger]; "old age is creeping on apace" [Byron]; "slow-consuming age"' [Gray]; "the hoary head is a crown of glory" [Proverbs xvi, 31]; "the silver livery of advised age" [II Henry VI]; to grow old gracefully; "to vanish in the chinks that Time has made" [Rogers].
P2. Adolescence (R131)

#131. Adolescence. -- N. adolescence, pubescence.

spring of life.

{{developmental_form_of: human}}.

{{precedes: adulthood, maturity}}.

{{follows: youth}}.

{{property_of: @P2., adolescent, young adult, teenager}}.

V. grow up, mature.

Adj. adolescent, pubescent.
P2. Adulthood (R131a)

#131a. Adulthood -- N.

{{property_of(adult, P2.}} adulthood, majority; adultism; adultness; manhood, virility, maturity full age, ripe age; flower of age; prime of life, meridian of life.

{{property_of: man &c. 373; woman &c. 374}}.

{{property_of}} adult, no chicken.

{{developmental_form_of: human}}.

{{follows: adolescence}}.

{{precedes: age}}.

V. come of age, come to man's estate, come to years of discretion; attain majority, assume the toga virilis[Lat]; have cut one's eyeteeth, have sown one's wild oats.

Adj. adult, grown up, mature, full grown, in one's prime, middle-aged; of age; of full age, of ripe age; out of one's teens; sexually mature.

{{has_property(male)}} manly, virile.

{{has_property(female)}} womanly, matronly; marriageable, nubile.
P2. spasticity

N. spasticity, lack of coordination.

{{has_symptom}} staggers, megrims, fit; carphology[obs3], chorea, floccillation[obs3].


the jerks, St. Vitus's dance, tilmus[obs3].

{{has_symptom}} throb, palpitation.

{{has_symptom}} spasm, throe, convulsion.

Adj. spastic.

convulsive, convulsing, epileptic; jerky, jerking, uncoordinated.

P2.2.3.3 traits of human groups

N. {{property_of: human group, P2.}} group phenomenon.
P2. Commotion

N. {{has_subtype(disturbance, chaos, disorder, R59)}} commotion, turmoil, turbulence, disquiet, agitation; tumult, riot, tumultuation[obs1]; hubbub, rout, bustle, fuss, racket, subsultus[obs3].

{{has_low_level}} perturbation, restlessness.

{{similar_to(restlessness): changeableness R149}}.

Adj. tumultuous, riotous, chaotic, agitated; disordered, disorderly.

{{has_low_level}} perturbed, restless.

[predicate adj] in tumult, in ferment, in chaos.

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