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V. persist, remain, stay, last, endure.

[of people] tarry, rest; bide, abide, aby[obs3].

[of people] dwell, maintain, keep; subsist, live, outlive, survive.

[of people] stand, stand still, stand fast; hold one's ground, keep one's ground, hold one's footing, keep one's footing; hold, hold on; hold good.

let alone, let be, let it be, stet [copy editing].

Adj. persisting, enduring &c. v.; permanent; established; unchanged &c. (change &c. 140); renewed; intact, inviolate; persistent; monotonous, uncheckered[obs3]; unfailing.

stable, durable &c. 150.

undestroyed, unrepealed, unsuppressed[obs3]; conservative, qualis ab incepto[Lat]; prescriptive &c. (old) 124; stationary &c. 265.

Adv. in statu quo[Lat]; for good, finally; at a stand, at a standstill; uti possidetis[Lat]; without a shadow of turning.

Phr. esto perpetua[Lat]; nolumus leges Angliae mutari[Lat][obs3]; j'y suis et j'y ereste[Fr].
#142. [Change from action to rest.] Cessation. -- N. cessation, discontinuance, desistance, desinence[obs3]; stop; stopping &c. v.; closure, stoppage, halt; arrest.

remission; suspense, suspension, postponement, stay; interruption; cloture [U.S. congress].

arrival &c. 292.

{{has_subtype(interval, @R106)}} {{property_of(transience, R111)}} pause, rest, lull, respite, intermission, truce, drop; vacation, holiday; interregnum, abeyance; recess, break, coffee break, time out, timeout; down time, off time, time off.

dead stop, dead stand, dead lock; finis, cerrado[Sp]; blowout, burnout, meltdown, disintegration.

{[in_frame(writing)]} comma, colon, semicolon, period, full stop.

end &c. 67; death &c. 360.

V. cease, discontinue, desist, stay, halt; quit, break off, leave off; hold, stop, pull up, stop short; stick, hang fire; halt; pause, rest; burn out, blow out, melt down.

time out.

have done with, give over, surcease, shut up shop; give up &c. (relinquish) 624.

hold one's hand, stay one's hand; rest on one's oars repose on one's laurels.

come to a stand, come to a standstill; come to a deadlock, come to a full stop; arrive &c. 292; go out, die away; wear away, wear off; pass away &c. (be past) 122; be at an end.

disintegrate, self-destruct.

put an end to, put a stop to, put a period to; derail; turn off, switch off, power down, deactivate, disconnect; bring to a stand, bring to a standstill; stop, cut short, arrest, stem the tide, stem the torrent; pull the check-string, pull the plug on.

intromit, interrupt, suspend, interpel[obs3]; intermit, remit; postpone, stay.

{cause to cease existence} [ref: destroy, R162].

{cause to cease presence} [ref: eject, remove, eliminate R297].

{cause to cease existence of a record} [ref: erase, obliterate R552].

Int. hold! stop! enough! avast! have done! a truce to! soft! leave off! tenez[Fr]!

Phr. "I pause for a reply" [Julius Caesar]; take five.

#143. Continuance [in action]. -- N. continuance, continuity, continuation; run; perpetuation, prolongation; constancy; persistence &c. (perseverance) 604a; repetition &c. 104.

sustentation, sustention.

{{property_of}} continuum.

{{similar_to: permanence, R141}}.

continuo [mus.].

V. continue, persist; go on, jog on, keep on, run on, hold on; abide, keep, pursue, stick to its course, take its course, maintain its course; carry on, keep up.

sustain, uphold, hold up, keep on foot; follow up, perpetuate; maintain; preserve &c. 604a; harp upon &c. (repeat) 104.

keep going, keep alive, keep the pot boiling, keep up the ball, keep up the good work; die in harness, die with one's boots on; hold on the even tenor of one's way, pursue the even tenor of one's way.

let be; stare super antiquas vias[Lat][obs3]; quieta non movere[Lat]; let things take their course; stare decisis [Lat][Jurisprudence].

Adj. continuous; continued, continuing &c. v.; uninterrupted, unintermitting[obs3], unvarying, unshifting[obs3], without letup; unreversed[obs3], unstopped, unrevoked, unvaried; sustained; undying &c. (perpetual) 112; inconvertible.

unceasing, everlasting, unending, incessant.

Int. keep it up! go to it! right away! right on! attaboy!

Phr. nolumus leges Angliae mutari[Lat]; vestigia nulla retrorsum [Lat][Horace]; labitur et albetur [Lat][Horace].

#144. [Process, nonviolent and usually gradual change to something different.] Conversion. -- N. conversion, transformation, reduction, transmutation, resolution, assimilation.

evolution, sea change; change of state; assumption; transportation.

development [biol.], developing [photography].

[of people] naturalization, change of citizenship.

[of currency] conversion of currency, exchange of currency; exchange rate; bureau de change.

chemistry, alchemy; progress, growth, lapse, flux.

passage; transit, transition; transmigration, shifting &c. v..

phase; conjugation; convertibility.

[industrial processes] processing, rendering.

{{has_product(processing)}} product.

crucible, alembic, caldron, retort.

derivatization [Chem.].

{{has_product(derivatization)}} derivative [Chem.].

[of people] [ref: belief, R484] {{has_result(conversion)}} {{property_of(converted)}} convert, pervert, renegade, apostate.

{{&result_of: radioactivity}}.

{{has_result(radioactivity): conversion, transmutation}}.

{{has_subtype: chemical process, chemical reaction}}.

V. be converted into; become, get, wax; come to, turn to, turn into, evolve into, develop into; turn out, lapse, shift; run into, fall into, pass into, slide into, glide into, grow into, ripen into, open into, resolve itself into, settle into, merge into, emerge as; melt, grow, come round to, mature, mellow.

assume the form of, assume the shape of, assume the state of, assume the nature of, assume the character of; illapse[obs1].

begin a new phase, start a new phase, assume a new phase, undergo a change.

convert, convert into, resolve into; transform; process, make, render; mold, form &c. 240; remodel, new model, refound[obs3], reform, reorganize; assimilate to, reduce to.

{{affected_by(belief, R484)}} bring to, persuade, move.

Adj. converted, converted into &c. v.; convertible, resolvable into; transitional; naturalized.


Adv. gradually, &c. (slowly) 275 in transitu &c. (transference) 270[Lat].
#145. Reversion. -- N. reversion, return.


turning point, turn of the tide; status quo ante bellum; calm before a storm.

restoration, restoring.

{{has_subtype(restoration): restoration &c. R660}}.

alternation &c. (periodicity) 138.

inversion &c. 219.

[ref: recoil &c. 277].

retreat, regression, retrogression &c. 283.

relapse, recidivism &c. 661; atavism; vicinism[obs3].

{has_requirement}} restorability, revertability.

{{has_subtype(restorability): elasticity, R3325}}.

V. revert, turn back, regress; relapse &c. 661; recoil &c. 277; retreat &c. 283; restore &c. 660; undo, unmake; turn the tide, roll back the tide, turn the scale, tip the scale.

Adj. reverting &c. v.; regressive, revulsive, reactionary; retrorse[obs3].

Adv. a rebours[Fr].
#146. [Sudden or violent change.] Revolution. -- N. revolution, bouleversement, subversion, break up; destruction &c. 162.

sudden change, radical change, sweeping organic change; change of state, phase change; quantum leap, quantum jump; clean sweep, coup d'etat[Fr], counter revolution.

jump, leap, plunge, jerk, start, transilience[obs1]; explosion; spasm, convulsion, throe, revulsion; storm, earthquake, cataclysm.

legerdemain &c. (trick) 545.

{{performed_by: revolutionary, radical, @reformer, P2.}}.

V. revolutionize; new model, remodel, recast; strike out something new, break with the past; change the face of, unsex.

Adj. unrecognizable; revolutionary.
#147. [Change of one thing for another.] Substitution. -- N. substitution, commutation; supplanting &c. v..

[of words or linguistic expressions] metaphor, metonymy &c. (figure of speech) 521.

[Thing substituted] substitute, ersatz; makeshift, temporary expedient, replacement, succedaneum; shift, pis aller[Fr], stopgap, jury rigging, jury mast; locum tenens, warming pan.

dummy; scapegoat; double; changeling; quid pro quo, alternative.

representative &c. (deputy) 759; palimpsest.

[in commerce] price, purchase money, consideration, equivalent.

[in politics] stalking horse.

V. substitute, put in the place of, change for; make way for, give place to.

supply the place of, take the place of; supplant, supersede, replace, cut out, serve as a substitute; step into the shoes of, stand in the shoes of.

jury rig, make a shift with, put up with; borrow from Peter to pay Paul, take money out of one pocket and put it in another, cannibalize; commute, redeem, compound for.

Adj. substituted &c.; phony; vicarious, subdititious[obs3].

makeshift, substitute, ersatz; jury-rigged.

Adv. instead; in place of, in lieu of, in the stead of, in the room of; faute de mieux[Fr].
#148. [Double or mutual substitution.] Interchange. -- N. interchange, exchange, swapping; commutation, permutation, intermutation; reciprocation, transposition, rearrangement, reorganization; shuffling; alternation, reciprocity.

castling [at chess]; hocus-pocus.

interchangeableness[obs3], interchangeability.

recombination; combination 48, [ref] 84.

barter, trade &c. 794.

tit for tat &c. (retaliation) 718.

cross fire, battledore and shuttlecock; quid pro quo.

{{has_conceptual_part: replacement, R147}}.

[ref: answer].

V. interchange, exchange, counterchange[obs3]; bandy, transpose, shuffle, change hands, swap, switch, permute, commute; give and take, return the compliment; play at puss in the corner, play at battledore and shuttlecock.

retaliate &c. 718.

[of gifts, favors] reciprocate.

[of love] requite.

rearrange, recombine.

Adj. interchanged, exchanged, transposed, permuted &c. v.; reciprocal, mutual, commutative, interchangeable, exchangeable, intercurrent[obs3].

[in commerce] returnable.

combinatorial[Math, Statistics].

recombinant[Biology, Genetics].

substituted &c. v.; vicarious, subdititious[obs3].

Adv. interchangably; reciprocally; instead; in place of, in lieu of, in the stead of, in the room of; faute de mieux[Fr].

in exchange, vice versa, mutatis mutandis[Lat], backwards and forwards, by turns, turn and turn about; each in his turn, everyone in his turn.

A6.2 COMPLEX CHANGE R149 to R152

<-- NOte R149. Changeableness and 150. Stability moved to P2.2.1,

properties of matter generally.

Note: Present and future events, R151. Eventuality and R152. Destiny

are moved to P2.4.1 Event (@P2.4 simple actions of physobjs)
-- note that time and events generally have been shifted to the physical universe, and the concepts here (R149 and R150) of changeability and stability also often imply changes with respect to time. (doubtless the primitive concept of change formed from observations of change over time). IN distinction with the abstract concept of change, these specific references to change over time are therefore placed in the physical universe, as properties of matter, generally? As mentioned above, change may not necessarily imply an associated time element, but in the case of stability time is closely related. See [matprop] at P2.2.1 -->

<-- R151, Event, and R152, Destiny moved to

physical universe (simple actions of PO's) P2.4.1 -->

A7. Causation R153 to R179

<-- (Except for

to biology R163 reproduction,

R166 paternity

R167 posterity

and to volition R170 agency


A7.1 Causation Generally R153 to R154

<-- Constant Antecedent Constant Sequent

153. Cause. 154. Effect


<-- here cause means prime cause, and also has the concept of "source" and "origin" mixed in. Combinations of causes are treated in R178 Concurrence and R179, Counteraction, and influence R175 -->

#153. [Constant antecedent]. Cause.-- N. cause, origin, source, principle, element; occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile[Lat]; vera causa[Lat].

[Law] proximate cause; contributory cause, contributory negligence.

author &c. (producer) 164; mainspring; agent; leaven; groundwork, foundation &c. (support) 215.

spring, fountain, well, font, wellspring; fountainhead, spring head, wellhead; fons et origo[Lat], genesis; descent &c. (paternity) 166; remote cause; influence.

pivot, hinge, turning point, lever, crux, fulcrum; key; causa causans[Lat]; straw that breaks the camel's back.

ground; reason, reason why; why and wherefore, rationale, occasion, antecedent, determinant, derivation; final cause &c. (intention) 620; les dessous des cartes [Fr]; undercurrents.

radix, radical, rudiment.

{{similar_to(ancestor)}} egg, germ, embryo, bud, root, etymon, nucleus, seed, stem, stock, stirps, trunk, tap-root, gemmule[obs3], radicle, semen, sperm.

nest, cradle, nursery, womb, nidus, birthplace, hotbed.

causality, causation; origination; production &c. 161.

V. cause, occasion, sow the seeds of, kindle, suscitate[obs3]; be the cause &c. n. of; originate; give origin to, give rise to, give occasion to; bring on, bring to bring pass, bring about; produce, yield; create &c. 161; set up, set afloat, set on foot; found, broach, institute, lay the foundation of; lie at the root of.

induce, evoke, entail, elicit, provoke; draw down, procure, open the door to, superinduce, operate.

conduce to &c. (tend to) 176; contribute; contribute to, have a hand in, participate in, have a hand in the pie, have a finger in the pie; determine, decide, turn the scale; have a common origin; derive its origin &c. (effect) 154.

Adj. caused &c. v; causal, original; primary, primitive, primordial; aboriginal; protogenal[obs3]; radical; embryonic, embryotic[obs3]; in embryo, in ovo[Lat]; seminal, germinal; at the bottom of; connate, having a common origin.

Adv. causally; because &c. 155; behind the scenes.

Phr. causa latet vis est notissima [Lat][Ovid]; felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas [Lat][Vergil], happy is he who knows the causes of things.
#154. [Constant sequent.] Effect.-- N. effect, consequence; aftermath, aftergrowth[obs3], aftercome[obs3]; derivative, derivation; result, outcome; resultant, resultance[obs3]; end &c. 67; fruit, crop, harvest, product, yield, bud.

sequel, corollary, aftereffect; side effect, adverse reaction[Med.]; reaction, side reaction[Chem.]; development, outgrowth, ramification, upshot, issue, denouement, end product, end result, final result.

production, produce, work, handiwork, fabric, performance; creature, creation; offspring, offshoot; first fruits, firstlings; inheritance, heredity, telegony[obs3]; premices[obs3], premises.

V. be the effect of &c. n. ; be due to, be owing to; originate in, originate from; rise from, arise from, take its rise from, spring from, proceed from, emanate from, come from, grow from, bud from, sprout from, germinate from, issue from, flow from, result from, follow from, derive its origin from, accrue from; come to, come of, come out of; depend upon, be dependent on, hang upon, hinge upon, turn upon.

take the consequences, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

Adj. owing to; resulting from &c. v.; derivable from; due to; caused by &c. 153; ; dependent upon; derived from, evolved from; derivative; hereditary; telegonous[obs3].

Adv. of course, it follows that, naturally, consequently; as a consequence, in consequence; through, all along of, necessarily, eventually.

Phr. cela va sans dire[Fr], "thereby hangs a tale" [Taming of the Shrew].

Assignment of Cause Absence of Assignment

<-- 155. Attribution 156. Chance -->

#155. [Assignment of cause] Attribution -- N. attribution, theory, abduction, deduction, induction, etiology, aetiology, ascription, reference to, rationale; accounting for &c. v.; palaetiology[1], imputation, derivation from.

filiation[obs3], affiliation; pedigree &c. (paternity) 166.

explanation &c. (interpretation) 522; reason why &c. (cause) 153.

{{similar_to: reasoning, R476; judgement, conclusion, R480}}.

credit; blame.

{{is_a: assertion/allegation}}.

V. attribute to, ascribe to, impute to, refer to, credit to, lay to, point to, trace to, bring home to; put down to, set down to, blame; charge to, charge on, ground on; invest with, assign to, assign as cause, lay at, the door of, father upon; account for, derive from, point out the reason &c. 153; theorize; tell how it comes; put the saddle on the right horse.

[accept attribution of cause] take the credit; take the blame.

Adj. attributed &c. v.; attributable &c. v.; referable to, referrible to[obs3], due to, derivable from; owing to &c. (effect) 154; putative; ecbatic[obs3].

{{similar_to: asserted, alleged}}.

Adv. hence, thence, therefore, for, since, on account of, because, owing to; on that account; from this cause, from that cause; thanks to, forasmuch as; whence, propter hoc[Lat].

why? wherefore? whence? how comes it, how is it, how happens it? how does it happen?

in some way, in some such way; somehow, somehow or other.

Phr. that is why; hinc illae lachrymae [Lat][Horace].



1. Whewell History of the inductive Sciences, book xviii vol. iii.p. 397 (3d edit.).

2 The word Chance has two distinct meanings: the first, the absence of assignable cause, as above; and the second, the absence of design -- for the latter see 621

&& must sort chance, here, and probability, R472, 473 at M5.3 Degrees of Evidence (possibility)


#156. [Absence of assignable cause.] Chance. [2] -- N. chance, indetermination, randomness, accident, happenstance, happenchance, fortune, foruity, fortuitousness, hazard, hap, haphazard, chance medley, luck, random luck, raccroc[obs3], casualty, contingence, contingency, adventure, hit.

{{has_manifestation: possibility, R470; probability, R472; improbability, R473, @M5.3 Degrees of Evidence}}.

fate &c. (necessity) 601.

equal chance.

{{has_metaphor}} lottery; tombola[obs3]; toss up &c. 621; turn of the table, turn of the cards; hazard of the die, chapter of accidents, fickle finger of fate; toss of the dice, cast of the dice, throw of the dice; heads or tails, flip of a coin, wheel of Fortune; sortes[obs3], sortes Virgilianae[obs3].

odds; long odds, run of luck; accidentalness.

{{has_high_level(probability, likelihood)}} high probability, main chance, odds on, good odds, good chance, favorable odds.

contingency, dependence (uncertainty) 475; situation (circumstance) 8.

{{studied_in}} statistics, probability theory, Theory of Probabilities, theory of Chances.

{{used_in(statistics)}} bookmaking; assurance; actuarial calculations, actuarial tables; speculation, gaming &c. 621.

{{performed_by(actuarial calculations): actuary}}.

{{job_of(statistics): statistician}}.

{{has_manifestation(probability)}} law of averages, law of large numbers.

{{property_of(randomness)}} random sample, blind sample, spot check.

{{used_in(statistics)}} statistical analysis; clinical study, blind study, double blind study; sampling.

{{has_manifestation}} uncertainty principle, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

{{has_low_level(probability, R472)}} low probability, small chance, poor chance; one-in-a-million chance, one-in-a-million shot; outside chance, off chance, outside shot, long shot, long odds, poor bet; remote possibility, slim chance, slim possibility.

{{has_metaphor(low probability, @R473)}} a snowball's chance in hell; Chinaman's chance; dark horse.

V. chance, hap, turn up; fall to one's lot; be one's -fate &c. 601; stumble on light upon; take one's chance &c. 621.

{{has_metaphor}} Monte Carlo.

Adj. chance, casual, fortuitous, accidental, adventitious, causeless, incidental, contingent, uncaused, undetermined, indeterminate; random, statistical.

unpredictable, unforseeable.

unpredicted, unforseen.

haphazard, hit or miss,

[technical] stochastic, probabilistic.

possible &c. 470; unintentional &c. 621.

{{has_high_level(possibility): probable, likely, (probability) R472}}.

{{has_low_level(possibility): improbable, unlikely, not likely, @R472}}.

{{has_low_level(probability, R472)}}

Adv. by chance, accidentally, by accident, adventitiously; casually; perchance &c. (possibly) 470; randomly, probabilistically; for aught one knows; as good would have it, as bad would have it, as luck would have it, as ill-luck would have it, as chance would have it; as it may be, as it may chance, as it may turn up, as it may happen; as the case may be.

Phr. " grasps the skirts of happy chance " [Tennyson]; " the accident of an accident " [Lord Thurlow]. "There but for the grace of God go I."


<-- 157. Power. 158. Impotence

Degrees of Power

159. Strength 160. Weakness


<-- The original "power" contained the concepts of both efficacy and efficiency, as well as human ability. Efficiency to R157b, Human ability moved to trait, P2.2.4.6. -->

#157. Power.-- N. power; potency, potentiality; jiva[obs3]; puissance, might, force, energy; dint; right hand, right arm; ascendency[obs3], control; prepotency, prepollence[obs1].

{{similar_to: physical energy &c. 171}}.

{{has_subtype: physical power, R157a, @P2.6.1, Physics }}.

{{has_high_level}} almightiness, omnipotence.

ability; efficaciousness &c. adj.; capability, capacity; competence, competency; efficacy; adequacy; validity, cogency; enablement[obs3]; vantage ground; influence &c. 175.

{{has_subtype: ability, faculty, quality, P2.2.4.6}}.

{{conceptual_part_of: efficiency, R157b}}.

[ref: characteristics of people, R820, M3.3.1 Habitual Affections ].

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