How Do Pre-Retirement Job Characteristics Shape One’s Post-Retirement Cognitive Performance?

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1 Carr, corresponding author, can be reached at 579 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, 94305; email:; (650) 736-8643 (phone); (650) 723-1217 (fax). We are grateful to Michael Hurd for his comments on an earlier version of this paper at the conference on “Working Longer” at the Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research, October 8-9, 2015.

2 The corrected standard deviation of the change score is calculated using the formula where is the standard deviation of the raw scores in the 51-55 age group and is the test-retest correlation of the 27-point scale across four waves in the analysis sample. Note that the test-retest correlation for the full sample is about 0.6; the smaller value in the analysis sample reflects attenuation due to dropping those with scores below 12.

3 We are grateful to Peter Hudomiet for sharing his cross-walk of HRS occupational codes and O*NET’s SOC codes.

4 For additional details and references to the literature, see the documentation of the teffects command in the Stata manual.

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