Ielts speaking scripts

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IELTS Speaking scripts
Gifts and rewards
453. What rewards do children want to get. What are children usually rewarded at school. What rewards can children get from school. What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?
457. When are people more likely to make complaints. Who is more likely to make complaints, older people or younger people. What do people often complain about. Which is the better way of making complaints, by talking or by writing. What products or services do people in your country like to complain about. Would you buy things in the shops which you complained about before. Is it necessary for companies to setup customer service. Are there any disadvantages insetting up customer service. Do you think customers complaints will improve products or services?
Making decisions, learning things
466. Why do some people prefer to study alone. Which makes young people choose a major, interests or income. What is the most popular thing to learn nowadays. At what age can children make decisions on their own. Do you prefer advice from your family or your friends. Who do young people turn to for advice?

472. What are the differences between actors and actresses who earn much and those who earn little. Why do children like special costumes. What can children learn from acting?
Acting can provide children with a variety of benefits and learning opportunities, both on and off the stage. Here are some examples. Creativity and imagination Acting encourages children to use their imagination and creativity to bring characters and stories to life. It can help them develop their own unique ideas and perspectives. Communication skills Acting requires children to learn how to effectively communicate with others, both on and offstage. They may need to learn how to project their voice, use body language, and develop good listening skills. Confidence and self-esteem: Performing in front of others can help children develop confidence and self-esteem. By taking on different roles and characters, children can learn to express themselves in new ways and overcome shyness or stage fright. Collaboration and teamwork Acting often involves working closely with others, including directors, other actors, and crew members.
Children can learn valuable teamwork and collaboration skills, such as how to compromise, share ideas, and work towards a common goal. Problem-solving and critical thinking Acting can require children to think on their feet and make quick decisions. They may need to improvise if something goes wrong during a performance, or come up with creative solutions to problems that arise during rehearsals.
Overall, acting can be a fun and rewarding way for children to develop a range of skills that will serve them well in many areas of their lives. What are the differences between acting in theatre and acting in film?
Acting in theatre and acting in film are two distinct forms of acting, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Here are some of the key differences:

1. Performance size Actors in theatre generally need to project their voice and movements to reach the back of the audience, whereas actors in film need to be more subtle and natural in their performances,
as the camera can pickup even the smallest facial expressions and gestures. Rehearsal time Theatre productions typically have several weeks of rehearsal time before opening night, which allows the actors to work closely with the director and each other to perfect their performances. In contrast, film productions often have much shorter rehearsal periods,
and scenes maybe shot out of order, which requires actors to be able to quickly adapt to new situations. Continuity In film, it's important for actors to maintain continuity in their performances between takes, as scenes maybe shot over multiple days or even weeks. In theatre, however, actors generally have the opportunity to perform the entire play in sequence each night, allowing fora more consistent performance. Collaboration Both theatre and film require actors to work closely with directors, other actors, and crew members, but the nature of this collaboration is often different. In theatre, actors may have more input into the development of their characters and the overall production,
whereas in film, the director often has more control over the final product. Technical considerations In film, actors need to be aware of technical considerations such as camera angles, lighting, and sound, whereas in theatre, these elements are more fixed and the focus is on the live performance.
Overall, while acting in theatre and acting in film share many similarities,
each form requires its own set of skills and approaches. Is it interesting to bean actor or actress. Are there many people in your country who want to work as an actor?

478. Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances. How can people consider others feelings when chatting in public. Are cities becoming noisier. Where is there louder noise, in cities or in the countryside. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life. Do you mind noises. Do any noises bother you. How do people usually respond to noises in your country. Where can people hear a lot of noise. Do you think the world will be noisier in the future?

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