Inclusive of amendments of 30 September 2008, of 15 May 2009

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Political Parties

1 Fianna Fáil MEPS
The Fianna Fáil members of the European Parliament warmly welcome the expenditure provisions and the range of measures provided for in the Programme. They also identify a number of areas, which they feel should receive more emphasis and attention. These include:

  • The need to increase the availability of broadband, particularly the provision of access for Community groups

  • The establishment of an interdepartmental group on child care (Justice, Health and Children, and Agriculture) to ensure that rural communities are receiving adequate funding

  • A proposal to increase the level of tax exemptions available to encourage increased production of bio-energy and bio-fuels

  • Upgrading of regional airports, extension of international air access and the enhancement of local transport facilities.


The Programme provides for measures that include business creation and training of economic actors, which support the utilisation of local ICT facilities, and training in new ICT technologies such as broadband. The proposals made in relation to child care, tax exemptions for bio-energy and bio-fuels and the enhancement of transport infrastructure are outside of the remit of the Programme.
2 Green Party
The submission made by the Green Party recognises the important role that the Programme will play in providing a stable rural economy. The submission focuses on the need to support the development of rural enterprises and the importance of developing an enhanced renewable energy sector in rural areas. A summary of the specific proposals made by the Green Party are set out below:

  • The development of the bio-fuels and bio-energy sectors

  • A proposal for the introduction of a new Planning Code for rural areas to support and facilitate the development of alternative and indigenous enterprise in these rural areas

  • A proposal for a study to devise a new plan for farm-based tourism

  • The establishment of a national rural enterprise agency, which would be a ‘one-stop shop’ for advice on grant supports, mentoring, business opportunities, training and development in rural areas and for rural enterprises

  • A proposal for a public consultation process on Farmers’ Markets.


The measures proposed in Axes 3 and 4 of the Programme provide for schemes to encourage and enhance rural enterprises through the provision of supports for training, business creation, village renewal and development, the conservation of rural heritage and the enhancement of tourism activities in rural areas. On renewable energy, support for the establishment of miscanthus and willow are provided for under the Pillar 1 measure described at Section 3.1.

The specific issues raised in relation to a planning code for rural areas, a rural enterprise agency, a farmers’ market public consultation process and a farm-based tourism study are part of the broader public policy debate on rural areas and rural enterprise. These issues are dealt with on an on-going basis by number of a Government Departments, namely Agriculture and Food; Community, Rural Affairs and the Gaeltacht; Finance; Enterprise, Trade and Employment; and Transport.

Other Government Departments

1 Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG)
The DoEHLG is pleased with the provisions promoting protection of aquatic environments, in particular the new aspects of the REPS scheme and in Axis 4 for the promotion and improvement of threatened water bodies.
In relation to forestry and its potential impacts on water quality the DoEHLG has highlighted, the influence of tree species and soil type.


The DoEHLG’s endorsement of the aquatic protection provisions is welcome. The comments on forestry are dealt with under the Strategic Environmental Assessment.
2 Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources (DCMNR)
The DCMNR have highlighted two areas:

  • While the programme recognises the need to introduce voluntary measures designed to improve water quality in a number of areas: specifically, certain salmon rivers and pearl mussel habitats, and the catchments of certain western lakes, the DCMNR sees scope for more detailed plans for rivers and lakes to be included.

  • There is no reference in the Biodiversity sections of the programme to the need to protect aquatic habitats, particularly salmon habitats, or the benefits that the riparian corridor can provide as a habitat for flora and fauna.


  • The issue of water quality in general is addressed via the measures put in place to implement the Water Framework Directive as well as by national legislation such as the Phosphorus Regulations and the Nitrates Regulations. The voluntary schemes in this programme include elements designed to complement and augment these efforts, but are not themselves the primary instrument for improving water quality. The dedicated Supplementary Measure for Riparian Zones is being extended in REPS to help the preservation of the freshwater pearl mussel, and the Supplementary Measure for certain lake catchments (complemented by actions under Axis 3) is innovative. These and other aspects of the programme can be reconsidered at the mid-term evaluation stage, particularly in the light of developments in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.

  • The importance of aquatic habitats is fully accepted. The individual elements of the programme, particularly those in the agri-environment measures, provide a high level of supplementary protection for habitats such as ponds, rivers and lakes where they exist on a participating farm. These actions are, however, complementary to national efforts (by statutory means and otherwise) to improve water quality, such as the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.

3 NDP Gender Equality Unit, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform (DJELR)
The NDP Gender Equality Unit provided the following comments and suggestions:

  • The commitment to the promotion of gender equality contained in the programme, particularly under the LEADER approach and training measure under Axis 3 is welcomed. It is, however, suggested that in the absence of dedicated gender equality personnel and resources, the promotion of equality throughout the programme measures may be uneven.

  • The clearly stated commitment in the programme to ensuring that the provisions of the Equal Status Acts 2000 and 2004 are met is viewed very positively.

  • As approximately 90 per cent of land is in male ownership, the submission envisages that the extent of such ownership will be continued through the proposed concentration of expenditure at on-farm level. One suggested option is to retain a dedicated expenditure under Axes 1 and 2 for training measures for women.

  • Failure to promote the concept of farming partnerships is seen as a lost opportunity to foster equality.

  • Monitoring and evaluation data should be gender disaggregated across the programme to facilitate measurement of on-going programme impact on gender equality.


Equality of opportunity is a core requirement of the programme, as emphasised in chapter 15. Assurance of continued equality will be maintained through the appropriate composition of the monitoring committee and disaggregation of performance evaluation data into gender components where possible.

Farm Bodies
The farm organisations have in general broadly welcomed the programme and are supportive of its measures. There is a recognition that the proposed measures will assist in helping to meet the challenges facing Irish agriculture and rural areas in the next seven years. There is also recognition that the draft Programme provides for the improvement of the physical infrastructure and the enhancement of the knowledge base of the sector while maintaining the focus on enhancing sustainability and the environment.
The farm bodies made a number of other general comments and suggestions:

  • The increased funding allocations and payment rates in the various measures were welcomed.

  • There should be a further enhancement of schemes to encourage the production of renewable energy crops.

  • An animal welfare scheme for dairy herds, which would improve competitiveness by improving the productivity of the herd, should be introduced in the Programme. Similar suggestions were made in relation to sheep and deer.


The measures in the programme are the maximum possible, bearing in mind the regulatory provisions and the available funding. They also reflect the consensus reached with the farm bodies in the social partnership process and the consultation on this programme. Through the monitoring and evaluation framework, progress will be kept under review.

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