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Legend of Symbols for the Cognātarium

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Legend of Symbols for the Cognātarium



The green bullet lists words that are derived from the same morpheme, but have variant spelling.

The red bullet lists words that are not in fact related to the subject morpheme, although the reader might assume that they are related.

The blue bullet lists “Same as” stems, “See also” stems, and other commentary on the subject morpheme.

The aqua (cyan) bullet lists foreign words that are derived from the same morpheme.


This symbol marks the start of the etymology of the morpheme.


This symbol in the etymology means “from” and indicates the source of the morpheme. For example “from Gr” means from Greek.


This symbol in the etymology means “to” and indicates words that arise from the term to the left. For example “L pati topatiens” means that Latin patiens is derived from pati.

This asterisk symbol in the etymology means hypothetical, or not attested. It means that the root is hypothesized based on linguistic evidence, but that no written record of the stem has been found. All Indo-European roots are so marked, as we have no written evidence of the Proto-Indo-European language.


This dagger symbol means the origin is unknown.

a– {not, without}: abiotic, abulia, acarpous, acatalectic, achromatic, adactylous, adamant, adynamia, afebrile, agamete, agamogenesis, ageratum, agnosia, agnostic, agrapha, ahistoric, amaranth, amaze, amethyst, ametropia, amianthus, amitosis, amnesia, amoral, amorphous, amusia, amylum, amyotonia, amyotrophic, aneroid, apathy, aphasia, aphonia, aphotic, aplastic, apnea, apraxia, apterous, apteryx, apyretic, aseptic, asexual, asphyxiate, aspirin, astatine, asylum, asymmetrical, asymptote, ataraxia, ataxia, atheist, atom, atonal, azote, azygous ●same as an–4 || from Gr a–, an– : not, without fromIE *ne– : not

aard– {earth}: aardvark, aardwolf || from Afrik. fromDu aarde : earth; akin to Ger erde, erd– : earth fromIE *er– : earth, ground

ab–1 {father}: abba, abbacy, abbatial, abbess, abbey, abbot, Abigail, Abner, Abraham, Absalom ●Fr. abbé || from L fromGr fromAram abba : father

ab–2, abs– {indicates removal: off, away from}: abdicate, abduct, aberration, abhor, ab initio, abject, abjure, ablate, ablative, ablaut, ablution, abnegate, abnormal, abolish, abomasum, abominate, aborigine, abort, abound, ab ovo, abrade, abrogate, abrupt, abscess, abscissa, abscond, absent, absolute, absolve, absorb, abstain, abstemious, abstract, abstruse, absurd, abundant, abuse ●for assimilated forms see Appendix A ●compare ad–2 || from L ab– : away, off, from off, down

abl– {to manage, to have skill}: able, ability, disability, memorabilia ●as a suffix, often –ible or –ibility ●same as habil– || from ME fromOFr hable, habile fromL habilis : easily managed, handy fromhabēre (pp. habitum) : to have, to hold tofreq. habito : to inhabit, to dwell; habitus : condition, habit, bearing

abs– ●see ab–2

ac– {point, needle, sharp}: acerate (needle-shaped), acerose, acicula, acid, acidophilus, aciform, acme, acne ●more at acerb–, acet–, acr–, acu– ●see also acanth–, acro–, gar–3, oxy– || from L acuere (pp. acūtum) : to sharpen to a point toacūmen : sharp point; acus : needle; ācer, ācris : sharp, cutting; acerbus : bitter, harsh; acidus : sharp, sour; ācrimōnia : sharpness, keenness fromIE *ak– : sharp

acanth– {thorn}: acanthoid, acanthus, coelacanth, pyracantha, tragacanth ●see also ac– || from Gr akantha : thorn fromakē : a point fromIE *ak– : sharp

acar– {an order of arachnids that includes ticks and mites}: acariasis, acarid, acaroid, acarology || from Gr akari : mite fromakarēs : tiny, too small to cut froma– : not + keirein : to cut

acerb– {sharp, bitter}: acerb, acerbate, exacerbate ●part of ac– || from L acerbus : bitter, sour toacerbare : to make bitter, to aggravate fromIE *ak– : sharp

acet– {vinegar}: acetabulum, acetaldehyde, acetate, acetic, acetify, acetone, acetous, acetum, acetyl, acetylene, acetylsalicylic ●part of ac– || from L acētum : vinegar fromroot ac– : sharp, point toacus : needle fromIE *ak– : sharp

acr– {sharp}: acrid, acridine, acriflavine, acrimony, acrolein, acrylic ●part of ac– || from L ācris, fem. of ācer : sharp, cutting fromIE *ak– : sharp

acro– {point, extremity, topmost, height}: acrobat, acrocarpous, acrocephaly, acrogen, acrolein, acrolith, acromegaly, acromion, acronym, acropetal, acrophobia, acropolis, acrospire, acrostic ●see also ac– || from Gr akros : at the point, end, or top fromIE *ak– : sharp

act– {to do}: act, action, activate, active, activist, activity, actor, actress, actual, actuary, actuate, counteract, deactivate, enact, exact (to demand), exact (precise), hyperactive, inaction, interact, react, reaction, reactionary, redact, retroactive, surfactant, transaction ●same as ag–, ig– || from L actus : a doing or moving fromagere (pp. actum) : to do, to set in motion, to drive toactio (gen. actiōnis) : action, doing; actor : doer, driver

actin– {ray}: actinal, actinide, actiniform, actinism, actinium, actinoid, actinology, actinometer, actinomorphic, actinomycin, actinomycosis, protactinium || from Gr aktis (gen. aktinos) : ray

acu– {needle, sharp}: acuate, acuity, aculeate, acumen, acuminate, acupuncture, acute ●part of ac– || from L acus : needle fromstem ac– : point, sharp toacuēre (pp. acūtum) : to sharpen to a point; acūmen : sharp point fromIE *ak– : sharp

ad–1 {a group consisting of the number given}: monad, duad, dyad, triad, tetrad, pentad, hexad, hebdomad, heptad, octad, ennead, decade, chiliad, Olympiad || from Gr & L genitive-forming suffix; as in LL monas : one (gen. monadis)

ad–2 {indicates motion towards or position near: to, towards, at, near}: adage, adapt, ad astra per aspera, add (→dition–), addict, address, adept, adequate, adhere, ad hoc, ad infinitum, adit, adjacent, adjective, adjourn, adjunct, adjust, adjutant, ad-lib, administer, admire, admit, admonish, ad nauseam, adolescent, adopt, adore, adorn, adrenalin, adsorb, adult, adulterate, advance, advent, adventure, adverb, adversary, advertise, advise, advocate ●see also Appendix A ●compare ab–2 ●in words of Latin origin, ad– assimilates to ac– before c or q (accuse, acquit), af– before f (affirm), ag– before g (aggregrate), al– before l (alleviate), an– before n (annul), ap– before p (approve), ar– before r (arrest), as– before s (assimilate), at– before t (attain), and a– before sc, sp, or st (ascend, aspire, astringent). || from L ad– : to, toward, near

add– {to give more, to add}: add, addend, addendum, additament, addition, additional, additive ●comb. of ad–2 + dition– || from L addere (pp. additum) : to give to, to bring to, to add fromad– : to + –dere (in comb.) fromdare : to give; toadditio : an adding, a giving to

adel– {noble}: Adelaide, Adelbert, Adele, Adeline ●Adolf ●same as al–2, ethel– || from OHG adal : nobility

adelph– {brother}: diadelphous, monadelphous, Philadelphia, polyadelphous || from Gr adelphos : brother froma– (copulative) + delphys : womb

aden– {gland}: adenine, adenitis, adenocarcinoma, adenoid, adenoma, adenovirus || from Gr adēn : gland

adip– {fat}: adipocere, adipose || from L adeps (gen. adipis) : fat fromult. Gr aleipha : fat

Adon– {lord}: Adonai, Adonia, Adonis || from Heb Adonai : my lord fromSem adōn, adun : lord

adulter– {to pollute, to defile}: adulterate, adulterer, adulterine, adultery, unadulterated ●comb. of ad–2 + altr– || from L adulterare : to commit adultery, to defile, to corrupt fromad– : to, toward + alter : other, another

aeol– {the wind}: aeolian, Aeolus || from Gr Aeolus : god of the winds fromaiolos quick, changeable

aer– {air}: aerate, aerial, aerobatics, aerobe, aerobic, aerodynamic, aeronautics, aeronomy, aeroplane, aerosol, aerospace, anaerobic ●unrelated: aerie ●same as ari– || from L āēr : air

aesth– ●see esth–

aft– {behind}: abaft, aft, after, afterward || from ME afte fromOE æftan

ag– {to do, to drive}: agency, agenda, agent, agile, agitate, ambage, coagulate, reagent, stratagem ●cogent, cogitate ●same as act–, ig– ●see also purg– || from L agere : to set in motion, to drive tofreq. agitare : to drive about, to put in constant motion

agap– {love}: agapanthus, agape (love), agape (love feast) || from LGr agapē fromGr agapan : to greet with affection, to love

agog– {to lead}: anagoge, demagogue, emmenagogue, galactagogue, hypnagogic, pedagogue, mystagogue, synagogue || from Gr agōgos : leader fromagein : to lead

agon– {contest, struggle}: agon, agonize, agony, antagonist, antagonize, deuteragonist, protagonist || from Gr agōn : assembly, contest fromagein : to lead •–agonist fromGr agōnistēs : actor fromagōnizesthai : to contend for a prize fromagōn

agor– {assembly, place of assembly, to speak in assembly}: agora, agoraphobia, phantasmagoria ●same as egor– || from Gr agoreuein fromēgor : to speak in public fromagor : marketplace, assembly

agr– {field}: see agri–, agro–

agra– {seizure}: pellagra, podagra || from Gr agra : seizure

agr(i)– {field, soil, land, property}: agrarian, agrestal, agrestic, agri–, agribusiness, agriculture ●see also agro– || from L ager (gen. agri) fromfield, land toagrārius : of land, of the division of public land; agrestis : of the fields or country, rustic; agricola : tiller of the fields, farmer; agrīcultura : tilling the fields, agriculture; fromIE *agro– : field toGr agros : field

agr(o)– {field}: agriology, agro–, agrobiology, agrochemical, agronomics, agrostology ●see also agri– || from Gr agros : field fromIE *agro– : field toL ager : field

ailur– {cat}: ailuromancy, ailurophile, ailurophobia || from Gr ailouros : cat

al–1 ●see ali–, allelo–, allo–, altr– ●see also allax–

al–2 {noble}: Albert, Alice, Alicia, Alison, Alphonse, Alvin ●unrelated: Alfred, Alan, Allen ●same as adel–, ethel– || from OHG adal : nobility

al–3 {to nourish, to nurture, to grow}: coalesce, coalition, alible, altricial, alumnus ●see also alim–, alma–, prol– || from L alere : to rear, to feed, to nourish toaltor (fem. altrix) : one who nourishes

al–4 {wing}: ala, alar, alary, alate, aliform, aliped, alula ●aileron || from L āla : wing

alb– {white}: alb, albedo, albescent, albinism, albino, album, albumen, albumin, terra alba ●auburn ●compare negr– || from L albus : white toalbum : white color; albere : to be white

ald–, old– {power, to rule}: Arnold, Donald, Gerald, Harold, herald, Reginald, Reynold, Ronald ●same as wald– || from Gmc root wealdan or waldan fromto be strong, to have power, to rule

aleator– {game of dice, game of chance, chance, uncertainty}: aleatoric, aleatory || from L āleātorius : of gambling fromāleātor : gambler fromālea : chance, game of dice, dice from

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