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alex– {to defend}: Alexander, alexipharmic, Alexis, phytoalexin ●Alec || from Gr alexein : to defend

alg–1 {pain}: algolagnia, algophobia, analgesia, cardialgia, causalgia, neuralgia, nostalgia, otalgia || from Gr algos : pain

alg–2 {algae}: algae, algicide, algin, alginate, alginic, algology || from L alga : seaweed from

ali– {other}: alias, alibi, alien, alienate, aliquant, aliquot, aliunde, inter alia ●part of al–1 || from L alius : other, another, different toaliēnus : that which belongs to another toaliēnātio : transference or alientation of property, separation between persons

alim– {to feed, to nurture}: aliment, alimentary, alimentation, alimony ●alumnus ●see also al–3, alma– || from L alere : to nourish, to support toalimentum : food, maintenance toalimentārius : relating to food or the distribution of food; alimonia : nourishment; alumnus (fem. alumna) : a nursling, a foster child

alk(al)– {alkali}: alkalescent, alkali, alkalimeter, alkaline, alkaloid, alkalosis, alkene, alkyd, alkyl || from ME alkaly fromAr al-qily for al-qili : ashes fromqalai : to roast in a pan

allanto– {sausage, sausage-shaped}: allantoic, allantoid, allantois ●see also alli– || from ModL fromGr allantoeidēs : sausage-shaped fromallas : sausage fromprob. dial. allē : garlic fromOscan allo : garlicky sausage fromL ālium or allium : garlic

allax– {to change, other}: morphallaxis, parallax ●see also allo– || from Gr allaxis : an exchange fromallassein : to change, to exchange fromallos : other

allel– {of one another}: allele, allelomorph, allelopathy, parallel ●see also allo– || from Gr allēlos : one another fromallos : other

alli– {garlic}: alliaceous, allicin, allium ●allyl ●see also allanto– || from L allium, ālium : garlic

all(o)– {other}: allegory, allergy, allogamy, allograph, allomorph, allonym, allopathy, allophone, allosaurus, allotropy, hypoallergenic ●part of al–1 ●see also allax–, allel– ●compare homeo– || from Gr allos : other

alma– {nurturing, cherishing, fostering}: Alma, alma mater ●see also al–3, alim– || from L almus (fem. alma) : nourishing, kind fromalere : to nourish, to support, to rear

alopia– {loss of vision, blindness}: hemeralopia, nyctalopia ●see also opia–, op–2 || from Gr –alōps : blindness fromalaos : blind + ōps : eye

alp– {the Alps}: alpenglow, alpenhorn, alpenstock, alpestrine, alpine, Alps || from L Alpes : the Alps

alpha– {the Greek letter alpha: Α}: alpha, alphabet, alphanumeric || from Gr alpha fromSem (as in Heb alef)

alt– {high}: altar, altimeter, altitude, alto, altocumulus, contralto, exalt ●see also haut– ●compare bas–2 ●Sp. alta || from L altus : high toaltitūdo : height

altr– {other}: alter, altercation, alter ego, alternate, alternative, alternator, altruism, subaltern ●part of al–1 ●more at adulter– || from L alter : other, one of two, the other toaltercātio : a dispute; alternare : to one thing then another, to alternate

alum– {alum, aluminum}: alum, alumina, aluminiferous, aluminum ●unrelated: alumnus || from L alumen (gen. aluminis) : alum

am–1 {love, friendship}: Amabel (Mabel), Amanda, amateur, amative, amiable, amicable, amicus curiae, amity, amoretto, amorous, amour-propre, Amy, enamor, inamorata, paramour ●enemy, inimical ●Span. amor ●Fr. amour ●It. amore || from L amare : to love toamīcus : friendly, friend; amābilis : amiable, lovable; amor : love, the object of love

am–2 {ammonia}: amatol, amide (→amid–), amine (→amin–), amitrol, ammine || from L ammoniacum fromammōniakon : gum resin fromtemple of Ammon (Amen) in Libya where the plants grew

am–3 {both, around}: amphora, amplexicaul, ampule, ampulla, amputate, amputee ●clipped form of ambi– or amph– ●same as an–3 || from L amb, ambi : on both sides, around & fromGr amphi– : around

amb– ●see ambi–

ambi–, amb– {both, around}: ambage, ambiance, ambidextrous, ambient, ambiguous, ambition, ambivalent, amboceptor ●more at ambl– ●see also amph– || from L amb–, ambi– : on both sides, around

ambl– {to go around, to walk}: amble, ambulance, ambulate, ambulatory, funambulist, perambulator, postamble, preamble, somnambulist ●part of ambi– || from L ambulare : to go back and forth, to walk about, to go, to travel toambulātor : one who walks about

ambly– {dull}: amblygonite, amblyopia, Amblypgi || from Gr amblys : dull

ambro– {immortal}: ambrosia, ambrotype || from Gr ambrotos : immortal froma– : not + brotos : mortal

ameb– ●see amoeb–

amid– {ammonia compound}: amide, amidogen, amidol, cyanamid(e) ●part of am–2 || from (am)monia + ac(id)

amin– {ammonia}: amine, amino acid, amino, amphetamine, antihistamine, dopamine, scopolamine, vitamin ●part of am–2 || from ammonia

amnes– {to forget}: amnesia, anamnesis, amnesty, paramnesia ●see also mnem– || from Gr amnēsia : forgetfulness froma– : not + mimnēskein : to remember; akin to mnasthai : to remember

amnio– {amnion: the membrane holding a fetus}: amniocentesis, amniomancy, amnion, amniotic || from Gr amnion, dim. of amnos : lamb

amoeb–, ameb– {amoeba}: ameba, amebiasis, amebic, amoeba, amoebaean, amoebocyte || from ModL fromGr amoibē : change fromameibein : to change, to alter (amoeba “change” by fission) from

ampel– {vine}: ampelopsis || from ModL fromGr ampelos : vine from

amph– {both, around}: amphibian, amphibious, amphitheater ●see also ambi– || from Gr amphi– : around

ampl– {large, big enough}: ample, amplidyne, amplify, amplitude, preamplifier || from L amplus : large, spacious, ample toamplitūdo : breadth, size; amplificare : to enlarge

amplex– {to twine around, to wind around}: amplexicaul, amplexus || from L amplexus, pp. of amplectari : to twine around fromam– for ambi– : around, both + plexus & –plexus (with prefixes) : braided, plaited fromIE *plek– : to plait, to fold

amygdal– {almond}: amygdala, amygdalaceous, amygdale, amygdalin, amygdaloid || from L amygdala fromGr amygdalē : almond

amyl– {starch}: amyl, amylaceous, amylase, amylene, amylogen, amylolysis, amylum || from Gr amylon : starch fromamylon (aleuron) : (meal) not ground at the mill froma– : not + mylē : mill

an–1 {one}: an, another, any ●a (article) ●same as on–1 || from OE an : one

an–2 {circle, ring}: anal, annelid, annular, annulet, annulus, anus || from L ānus : anus, hence: ring todim. ānulus : finger ring, ring

an–3 {both, around}: ancipital, andante, anfractuous ●clipped form of ambi– ●same as am–3 || from L ambi– : both, around

an–4 {not, without}: anaerobic, analgesia, anarchy, anecdote, anechoic, anencephaly, anergy, anesthesia, anhedonia, anhydrous, anisometric, anodyne, anomaly, anonymous, anorexia, anosmia, anoxemia, anoxia, anuran, anuria, anurous ●same as a–, used before a vowel || from Gr a–, an– : not, without fromIE *ne– : not

ana– {up, upward, back, backward, again, throughout, according to}: Anabaptist, Anabasis, anabolism, anachronism, anadem, anadromous, anagram, analects, analemma, analeptic, analogy, analyze, anapest, Anastasia, anathema, anatomy ●compare cata– || from Gr ana : up, on, again, apiece

andr– {man, male; and by extension: stamen, anther}: Alexander, Alexandra (Sandra), Andrea, Andrew, androgen, androgynous, android, androsphinx, androsterone, Cassandra, Leander, philander, polyandry ●compare gyn– || from Gr andros, gen. of anēr : man, male

anem– {wind}: anemochore, anemograph, Anemoi, anemology, anemometer, anemone, anemophilous ●see also anim– || from Gr anemos : wind toAnemoi : the gods of the four winds

ang–, anx– {tightness, distress, pain}: angina, anger, angry, anguish, anxiety, anxious ●Ger. Angst || from L angere : to squeeze, to press, to choke, to hurt, to distress, to torment, to make anxious toanxius : anxious, uneasy

angel– {messenger}: angel, Angela, angelica, Angelo, Angelus, archangel, evangelical, Evangeline, evangelist ●Englebert || from LL(Ec) angelus fromGr(Ec) angelos : messenger

angi(o)– {container, vessel}: angiogram, angiology, angioma, angiosperm, sporangium ●compare gymn– || from Gr angeion : case, capsule fromangos : vessel

angl– {the Angles, a Germanic people who came to England, hence: England}: Angle, Anglican, Anglicize, Anglo, Anglophile, Anglo-Saxon ●England || from L Angli : Angles (a people living in Angle [Angul], Holstein) fromangle : hook (so named because of its shape)

anim– {breath, life, soul}: animadversion, animal, animate, animism, animosity, animus, equanimity, inanimate, longanimity, magnanimous, pusillanimous, unanimous ●see also anem– || from L anima : life principle, soul; something breathing or blowing; breath of life, soul, spirit

anis– {anise}: anise, aniseed, anisette, anisole, hydroxyanisole || from L anisum fromGr anison : anise

anis(o)– {unequal}: aniseikonia, anisogamete, anisomerous, anisometric, anisometropia, anisotropic ●comb. of an–4 (not) and iso– (equal)

ankyl– {crooked, hence: a joint}: ankylosaur, ankylosis, ankylostomiasis || from Gr ankylos : crooked

ann– {year}: annals, anniversary, anno Domini, annual, annuity, per annum, superannuated ●Sp. año ●same as enn– || from L annus : year toannalis : lasting one year; anniversārius : recurring every year; the turning of the year; annuus : lasting for a year; returning ever year, annual

ant(e)– {before, preceding}: ante, antebellum, antecedent, antechamber, antedate, antediluvian, ante meridiem, anterior, antler, antrorse ●same as anti–1 ●compare post–2 ●see also Appendix B || from L ante : before, in front of

anth– {flower}: agapanthus, Anthea, anther, anthesis, anthocarpous, anthology, anthozoan, chrysanthemum, dianthus || from Gr anthos : flower

anthrac–, anthrax– {coal, burning coal, ulcer, carbuncle, pustule}: anthracene, anthracnose, Bacillus anthracis, anthracene, anthracite, anthracnose, anthrax || from L anthrax fromGr anthrax : virulent ulcer from(burning) coal, hence: ulcer, carbuncle toanthrakitis : a kind of coal from

anthrax– ●see anthrac–

anthrop– {Man, human}: anthropocentric, anthropoid, anthropology, anthropometric, anthropomorphic, anthropophagous, lycanthrope, misanthrope, philanthropist, Pithecanthropus, theanthropism || from Gr anthrōpos : man (human)

anti–1 {before, preceding}: antic, anticipate, antipasto, antiquate, antique, antiquity ●ancient ●same as ante– || from L anti– (in comb.) : before fromante– : before, in front of

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