For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  Yeah.

BD:  And they’re marching through this as a clock, as an anti-type to what they see happening. So that the globalists and the Illuminati use this almost as a religious ceremony to kind of snub the face of the Creator of the universe. And say: No, we’re God. So that’s why this timepiece is being marched on in Israel.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  OK? And when people grasp that... The reason why I’m going calling you up today is because I don’t know who he’s, but there is another witness. OK? He’s the Witness of Yehudah, the witness of Judah. He’s a Torah Jew who does know this.

And the greatest prophecy that was ever given by Yeshua Ha’Masaich was The Prodigal Son, that the Ephraim, which is the 10 tribes, would be hauled away, scattered over the Earth by the Assyrians, and that they would return, and they would bring on their shoulders, literally the ability to know how to protect the Jews on Earth.

Because the holocaust is coming, Jews. You’ve got to know that there is a holocaust coming to kill every Jew on Earth, Sabbatian or not.

And the reason is they have to expunge the Earth of any knowledge of a Creator God. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Buddhist, or you’re a native Hopi or whatever. They’ve got to get rid of them because there’s a portion of truth that was given specifically by the Creator to the Jews that other peoples did not receive in fullness.

Just like there’s a Bible code in the Bible. Why is that code in the Bible? Why is it not in some Hopi things, or some tablets from some other civilization? It was there because it was set up as an object-lesson to ask of the entirety of mankind: How will you deal with Israel?

How do you deal with it? As it says in Jeremiah, you know: There will be a firepot burning all the nations around it. They’re literally setting a detonator to blow up the Earth.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  And they have weapons that can. They’ve got anti-matter weapons that can turn the Earth into shards, like, you know, like one of these planets that died in the ancient conflicts that they talk about, that was destroyed and created the asteroid belt between Mars and Earth.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK?

BR:  Oh, yeah.

BD:  They have those weapons now. They have things that you just can’t imagine that can be done that could blow the Earth, literally, into tiny fragments.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  OK? But whether we’ll survive is not a geopolitical thing of who we vote for or whether or not we’re going to kind of will our minds. Like, you know, some of the people figure if we just will it, it’s all going to happen.

It’s going to require some painful decisions on our part to say: Hey, we’re going to march in every city capital of every city. We’re going to march in every church to throw down their dogma -- which is their “am-god”. They’re not God.

They have to hear the Voice of the Creator, whatever religion they are, whatever spirituality, whatever agnosticism. If they don’t, they’re not going to survive, because this Earth is marked for judgment. It’s the end of the road. And if they don’t turn back now...

And that means all those ones who are called as prophets, of every race and tongue and people, you need to come out with a grand chorus and sing the song, as it says in the Bible, the Song of Moses. You need to sing the song of humanity that is a spiritual body that knows these things. We intuitively know it.

When I talked to John Boncore, whose name is Splitting the Sky, who’s a Mohawk prophecy-giver -- and he said this on air just this week.

He said there was a prophecy given, you know, untold centuries ago, that a great, a young Mohawk would come and give a prophetic warning to the peoples of Earth.

Well, he has, better than any other person, better than Phil Berg, or anyone else that I’ve heard, put the financial trail of blood-money behind 9/11 together.

People need to grasp this, that if we don’t get back in touch with spirit instead of religion, we’re going to all die, killing each other for religion.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  And for different financial agendas. Or we’re going to save the planet because of carbon dioxide, which is a lie. You know, we’re polluting ourselves to death, so we won’t even be able to reproduce two generations from now.

And it’s all by design. It’s designed that even if we didn’t have a pestilence or nuclear war, or whatever, that life on this planet is soon going to die. We are a dying planet.

If you’re visiting here as an archeologist from another distant time and another space to visit Earth, you’d say: These people are suicidal. They kill their prophets, just like it says in the Bible, you know, between the brazen laborer and the holy of holies.

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