For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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And I said: Well, I’ll contact them... the Santoses. I said, you know: You guys know Zurich? [They said]: Oh, yeah. We lived there are awhile and we love it.

So I started going through and googling, you know, checking out things, trying to find out which organization. The Lord said: You’re supposed to contact these people here at Human Life International. So I speak to God, literally, and he tells me.

So I contact them. I call this guy and he calls me back from Zurich. And in a very German accent he says: Wonderful! We’d love to have you come over and speak to our board.

So we arranged tickets. We go and visit our friends in Austria, and we go over to Zurich. And I told them what I was told, you know -- literally told -- to tell them about was the cybernetic super-soldier program, human genetic engineering, and the chimeric monstrosities they’re making in underground facilities. And to speak against abortion and euthanasia, and selective abortions which are... 93% of the abortions on Earth are female.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  OK? And so, after two and a half hours of me speaking to a board of scientists -- giant boardroom, you know, 24 doctors and scientists, whatever, the International Board of HLI -- they said:Now you sit down, doctor. We give you things.

And they went into another room and brought this stack, about a foot of documents. I said: Well, what is this? They said: You stay here. And they gave me some more water and whatever, and they lectured to me for two hours.

And they had documents there of the weaponization of the avian flu, smuggled out of the World Health Organization in Basel. Actual documents. OK? That they had got gene bioengines, and they had actually resurrected the corpses of people that died of the H1N1 back in 1918, that they were paid for by the Rothschilds... All this stuff!

I’m totally in shock! I mean, these guys are telling me this stuff. I’m thinking: Why am I in Zurich?

And after they finished that, which was about 6 inches, then they gave me documents, that they had these plasmid vaccines that were injected every month. And they were drawing blood from women in sub-Saharan Africa, testing to see if they create antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin to sterilize them.

And I had another 4 inches of documents that showed that AIDS was completely weaponized by cross-genetically engineering the Visna virus with other viruses. They gave me the actual documents!

So I’m sitting there kind of freaked out, you know, wondering... And of course we went to dinner afterward with these doctors. And they said: Now you bring all this – I brought it all back with me, of course -- to North America.

But the thing is, back in... You see how God puts me in all these positions. Back in 1974 I had finished a year of medical school and someone tried to recruit me from a U.S. government agency to take a year off medical school and go to Uganda for a special virus project. Because I had worked...

Before I went into medicine, I was working on my honors degree and I finished my Ph.D. research project in 5 months, although I didn’t write the thesis, for Dr. Robert Brown, who was one of the doctors working on the T-virus project in Bethesda. So I was already a bio-weaponeer. OK?

KC:  Mm hm.

BR:  And you turned that down?

BD:  I turned it down. I told them there was no way I was going to do it. But I had recalled this from ’74 to 1997 when they gave me all those documents, and here it was...

I was also the whistle-blower that blew the whistle that the Factor-8 that was used for hemophiliacs... I was the main whistle-blower for the Canadian government and those lawsuits that got all those doctors, that they were getting it and combining all these Factor-8s...

Because I had a pile of hemophiliacs when I was practicing in Calgary that were dying of AIDS,specifically because they gave them purposely-contaminated Factor-8.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK? And all these things, all my experiences from my life, were laid out so that I would be what I am now, a beaten piece of steel like a Samurai sword...

KC:  Hm.

BD:  ...hardened enough for the truth and willing to tell the people the truth, to tell people that you need to make the right decisions. You cannot believe your pastor, your rabbi, your Buddhist master, your ascended masters, your ET contactees. You need to contact your Self, the spirit of the Most High God.

You need to analyze what’s going on in foreign policy and money. For example, money, as Socrates says, only means exchange. Why are we willing to do spending cuts that will starve people? Why are we going to bail out 700 billion dollars to banksters that are gambling on the future, that’re going to guarantee that we’re going to have a crash and the death of civilization?

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