For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

But it’s happening because it’s happening in the spiritual realm above, and as above/below, and it’s also descending and happening on the physical realm

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But it’s happening because it’s happening in the spiritual realm above, and as above/below, and it’s also descending and happening on the physical realm.

Because we have to answer this question correctly, which is: To transcend technology, we need to transcend religion to a spiritual relationship. And we need to understand that when God is speaking, whether it’s through the ancient peoples of Israel, or the Hopi Indians or whatever, he’s speaking to them, and they only have their portion.

They have to understand God is speaking in a language of history, a language to their spirits, a language of knowing things. Or, if they do not transcend spiritually, they’re going to die together.

KC:  So what these people can do that are listening to this is basically reconnect with the Creator.

BD:  And also stop buying into the Armageddon Night idea; we’re going to have a rapture; we have to be bathed with fire; the Luciferic idea, somehow that I can decide what is good or evil.

That is the foolishness of the “super-scientist,” the technician, the Illuminati, the people in these Black-Op projects that think that they can decide for the rest of the planet.

Surely we’re deciding as we’re building underground bases so we’ll survive as we go into the galactic plane. They’re not going to survive, because I can guarantee you that the Council will not allow them to survive, no matter what they do, if there’s not a transition of their heart.

It’s the exact same message that Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus gave which is: Unless your hearts are changed, your world will die. OK?

KC:  Yes.

BR:  And that’s what’s at stake right now.

BD:  That’s what’s at stake. We’re talking about not just the death of the person that they call “omnicide,” not just the death of the family, not just the death of the nation, not just the death of mankind or every living thing, but the death of the spiritual entities that are incarnated into the beings here on this world.

It’s literally a spiritual abortion that’s being done on the planet, and if you see the transdimensionals, the Satanic/Luciferic transdimensionals, they have harassed, and intervened, and abducted.

And people say: Well, why does the abductions phenomenon seem so malicious? It’s because they’redemonic. I mean, you might not use the term demonic from the Bible, but in every culture you’ll find these things going on.

And they’re intensifying, including you know... Not only are our vehicles up there, like the TR3 which are these giant triangles, and the Aurora and other ones, but there’s a ton of these other vehicles because they’re here watching, for the show. They’re here for the show.

They’re here in the birthing room waiting to see if there’s going to be a delivery or an abortion of the planet. OK? That’s what’s going on. OK?

KC:  Yes.

BD:  And they need to grasp that it’s not going to happen by a change in politics, or a president, or monetary policy. It’s going to happen with a change of the heart.

For example, let me give you one example of solution. Why do we have a world that can allow usury, which is interest? Why do we allow derivatives? Why do we allow a group of people who can control and manipulate money that causes starvation, where 60% of the cost of food is due to manipulation? And then they make bad policies suppressing energy technology, so that people literally can’t truck the food in third-world countries, so they can’t make themselves independent, and they starve to death?

Or in places like North Korea, we demonize people so that they then literally exhume their own dead and eat them, which is what they’ve had to do. OK?

And people do not know the depths of how far this is going to go unless there’s a transformation of the heart. It has to happen immediately.

And I’m called as a Witness of Ephraim, and I’m called up today to be a Witness of Yehuda. OK?

The Jews now... and the Jewish people are by and large mostly agnostic, or what I call... They belong to synagogues that are basically either spiritually dead because they don’t connect with the true reality of this.

There’s a very tiny fraction of real Torah Jews who understand what’s going on, and there are some there who are Rabbis who know what’s going on and are fearful because they see the coming second holocaust. And I went through Yad V’Shem.

And it’s not just the holocaust of the death of the last of the Jews. It’s the death of all humanity that’s coming.

And then they’re conspiring this through their transdimensionals, the serpentine, these civilizations out there that are hell-bent on destroying mankind.

They’re conspiring with these world leaders, who are literally their minions -- George Bush Sr., and George Soros, and the Blackstone Group, and all those other organizations are just their minions.

And many of them think: Oh, I’m going to get life extension technology. I’m going to survive whatever’s coming. I’m going to get a 50,000-acre farm in Paraguay. Lies!

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