For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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Or: I’m going to survive in these underground places. When they’re hit with a force 11 or 12 earthquake that will shatter all their tunnels, no they’re not. They’re going to be entombed into those places.

BR:  It’s a good message to give the guys from the Black-Ops who will be watching this.

BD:  Right. They need to understand that I walk. They can’t stop me. I can instantly walk into spirit, into any of their places without any way of stopping me. OK?

BR:  Mm.

BD:  We are The Sons of the Most High God. It’s not just me -- it’s all of us -- and Daughters of the Most High God. We need to start taking our authority back, because agnosticism, atheism is just another form of Luciferianism. It is “I am God; I can decide what’s good or evil.”

And we need to get away from all religions, and enter back into spirituality with the Creator. We need to fall down on our face and say: Yes, I am here because I signed up for this.

BR:  Now, here’s a question. This will probably be watched by a few tens of thousands of people.

BD:  Right.

BR:  A few tens of thousands of wonderful people, and every single one of those people is critically important here.

BD:  Right.

BR:  Is that enough? It’s a tiny fraction of humanity.

BD:  Yeah. The real issue, and it’s almost exactly like the message that was given by Yeshua, Jesus. His message... He had a message that was given to the general...

Just like when I do my regular radio show, I talk about: Hey! Don’t vaccinate your child, because these vaccines have been determined by globalists that want to poison your children with vaccines, and I show them the technical truth.

But it’s harder for them to accept the fact that the vaccines, like in sub-Saharan Africa, have plasmids to destroy and cause infertility. Or the Guardisil vaccine now.

I got contacted by Desiree Rover just Friday night. She has a radio show in the Netherlands. She used my material and many others to kind of reference in her radio show to tell people: Hey, this is a policy by globalists to sterilize little girls and destroy their health. Right?

And they’re testing vaccines on populations that have no idea of what they’re signing up for. And some of them get multiple vaccines and they’re malnourished and it destroys their health and kills them. Many of them die.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  It’s very hard for them to conceive that and then to go to the next stage. If they listen to all my shows and they listen to this message...

I released three chapters of the scroll, and there’s twelve chapters altogether. The first chapter I released in 1999, which was a warning against America, which I delivered to 42 cities in Israel.

The second chapter of the scroll I released in 2005 at Pastor Butch Paugh’s Conference. And the third chapter of the scroll, which was tied to my talk at Conspiracy-Con 2008, I released this May.

I didn’t get a chance to read the scroll but if you go to you can pull up those PowerPoints and those scrolls. And I’m going to have that, as well as what’s called the “Prayer of the Twelve Stones.”

People need to grasp this in their spirit. It needs to ring the bell, just like when you go to a Buddhist temple and you can feel the vibration of the truth. It’s something spoken truthful.

What we’re speaking tonight is not just wisdom and not just knowledge. It’s what I call spirit words.It’s words that need to ring their spirit no matter what religious background or lack of it, to know how desperately bad the times are.

We’re not just looking at a depression here. We’re looking at the prelude to a financial collapse that’s a prelude to a false peace treaty that is the startup of a guaranteed thermonuclear, biological, chemical and scalar war that will destroy all life on this planet.

BR:  And what’s the time scale? What would the time scale be for this?

BD:  I don’t have all the answers at this point in time.

BR:  Sure. Give your best guess.

BD:  But I can give you some of the signs. The first thing. . . The signs basically are this: When they divide the city of Jerusalem, they -- Jewish Rabbis, and this is Rabbinical Law -- have to have all the elements, the Kalal, the Ashes of the Red Heifer.

They have to have the Cohanim, and all the instruments. They can set up a tabernacle overnight. They have everything, Sea Cows, and curtains and everything. They can put it on the Temple Mount in one evening. OK?

But once they start that sacrifice, which has to happen on the Feast of David, that starts the final clock ticking. That clock will start on that day. And exactly 1230 days later is the Feast of Purim, which goes back to hamen.

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