For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  Hm.

BD:  Why? And they know that starvation leads to war, pestilence, and the crash of civilization. And it’s very fragile. And they’re purposely bringing this about.

This is the start... This phase right now, with the collapse of the banks, this is the start toward world government, world bank, regional currencies, chipping the population. And they’re ready, probably by next year.

I’ve already calculated, and have been told by my sources, both natural and classified, as well as supernatural, there’s about a 30% chance of an avian pandemic this year, and a 70% chance next year, and 100% chance the year after.

BR:  When you say this year, you mean in the next 12 months?

BD:  No, between now and the end of December [2008].

BR:  Really? OK.

BD:  That’s very disturbing. OK? But we’re talking about going up to 70%, which means next year we have a very grave possibility of a thermonuclear attack at least on the Bashear reactor and 450 targets. And a counter-response which is going to release a radiation cloud and cut off the world to the Strait of Hormuz.

And I was taken in 1988 -- one of my very first visions -- I was taken up high above Saudi Arabia, in the spirit, and I actually looked down. And I looked and I could see the carrier groups all assembling.

And this was 1988, twenty years ago. And I looked down, and the angel told me, he says: Watch this place. Because this is where it will all start -- the Strait of Hormuz.

BR:  And how close are we to that now?

BD:  We are so close we can feel the breath of the dragon. People need to pull back... And none of these people that call themselves candidates for president that are in the two leading parties are safe. Neither one.

Obama is backed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, that wrote The Grand Chessboard, that was the head of the Security Council, that was one of the CFR members in Georgetown University. He is personally determined to directly confront, with thermonuclear and other weapons, Russia. OK?

BR:  Yes. Yep.

BD:  We have Joe Biden, who released this information just in the last two weeks. This guy is very clever but very evil. And he’s directly involved with the cover-up of the Israeli Purdue OxyContin scam, where there’s a Purdue Pharma plant in Israel distributing billions of dollars of illegal OxyContin in America. And we have the proof of it. OK? This is not conjecture.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Then we’ve got McCain, who spent five and a half years under the control of a Russian mind-control scientist, the top Russian mind-control scientist. And I heard him on the debate. And actually I think he won the debate against Obama, because Obama, if he’s not reading a teleprompter, is not that smart.

McCain was sharper and he showed more presidential... But McCain is determined that he’s going to invade -- as well as Obama -- he’s going to invade Pakistan and get to the Waziristani nukes. He’s going to expand NATO directly on the back doorstep of the Russians. It’s going to piss off the Russians. And the Russians have got some very, very nasty weapons.

BR:  Yes, and they’re pissed off already.

BD:  They’re very pissed off, and they personally don’t want to do this. They’d much rather negotiate and get richer. Right?

BR:  Sure.

BD:  The Russians are not interested in this. But the people behind the American government, the Satanic Luciferian Reptilians, they’re absolutely determined to bring this agenda toward a final culmination, a thermonuclear war. OK? They’re determined to do it.

KC:  That’s with Russia.

BD:  And they’re pulling Russia... As it says in Ezekiel 38 and 39: I shall pull you with hooks in your jaw. Oh Rosh, chief prince Gog of Meshech, Tubal and Rosh.

And you know what that is? Gog is the name of a Hebrew man. Rosh: Russia. Meshech: Moscow. Tubal: Tublosk. This is Russia. They’ve armed to the teeth all these nations.

They’ve got the S-300 anti-aircraft system; they’ve got the Yakontz hypersonic cruise missile; they’ve got EMP weapons; and they’ve armed to the teeth Syria and Iran; and they are building the largest outside-of-Russia naval base right now in Syria.

BR:  Yes. And they’re poking the Bear with a sharp stick.

BD:  They’re poking the Bear with a sharp stick. So, what we’ve got to do is, people need to get in a panic here. It’s not a matter of voting for Palin and McCain, or voting for Obama. Either alternative guarantees a thermonuclear war.

BR:  Yeah. Is this election going to happen to schedule, or could something happen to it?

BD:  It really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Even if it’s delayed 6 months, you know, it doesn’t matter if McCain gets in there and Palin.

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