For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

Because at some point we’re going to “have contact.” Well, how do we have contact?

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Because at some point we’re going to “have contact.” Well, how do we have contact?

What I’ve presenting is that this is the transition point from “the past, which is religion,” which is based on ignorance. You know, like the Buddhists try to say -- a lot of people say I’m a Buddhist, but I’m not -- is that all pain and suffering is due to ignorance.

The real problem is that, in a future where we have a total understanding of ourselves and the nature of the universe, there’s not even room for religion because religion is like recipe cards. It’s irrelevant. It’s like: This is my past history; these are my recipe cards. It’s dogma. It’s replacing the ever-present knowledge of what is right or wrong. Because you don’t need to be told. Right?

BR:  Sure.

KC:  Right. But let’s get back...

BD:  Right. So the key to why Israel is so important is because Israel is an object-lesson for the whole planet. Israel is, if you want to call it, purposely set up to be the nexus decision point of civilization.

BR:  OK.

BD:  And how that is handled determines whether or not our civilization moves forward. If you look at America right now, the trillion dollar debt of these wars, in the last years since 9/11.

The people who put the bombs in the building were under orders from Project Omega, which is, you know, the overseeing agency of all the secret agencies on the planet.

BR:  Run by the Vatican.

BD:  The ones who put the bombs in the buildings were contract. They could have been any secret agency but they happened to be very experienced Israeli Mossad nuclear agents who put the nuclear bombs in the World Trade Center. OK?

Now they do that because they want to have a hatred of Jewish people. And I’m not an anti-Semite -- I have Jewish blood, Iranian blood, Armenian blood, etcetera, so I have...

KC:  Why would the Mossad want hatred of Jewish people?

BD:  It’s part of their dialectic of control.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  Just like the death of millions of Jews in the Second World War was actually at the hands of not only the Sabbatians who want to cleanse the whole, if you want to call it, the whole people of Israel of anyone who “had any religious Torah belief in a Creator God.” So they had an anti-messiah, an anti-God, a we-are-God.

The real purpose of the Kabbalah, if you want -- the highest level, which is the highest level of all Masonry, is Kabbalah. Right? -- is that we are... The revelation is: You are the Luciferic-Satanic power. You don’t need to go to a higher God; you are god.

BR:  OK. Now...

BD:  Which is very different, right?

BR:  If this all about Israel being an example, right in center stage for everyone to look at and everyone to learn from, with all kinds of things at stake, what can the ordinary person do to influencethese choreographed events?

The people watching this, who are even very aware, very well informed, some of them the most aware, most informed people around, they’ll be saying: Well what can I do? This is already set in train.

BD:  Well, the real issue... It comes down to one real simple thing. It comes down to: What are they going to do personally to come out of religion? OK? Religion is the toxic poison of the modern world. And people say: Well, you’re talking in terms of spirituality like a prophet, like Israel. But people, understand, Yeshua himself, Jesus was not religious.

BR:  Mm hm. Of course.

BD:  He was a spiritual leader. OK?

KC:  Yes.

BD:  He was leading people away from religion to relationship. OK?

KC:  Absolutely.

BR:  OK. And any of the great leaders, even if they only had a tiny portion of that, tried to teach similar pieces of it, you know, whether you’re talking about the prophets or people who are spiritual leaders of the native peoples, or in China or elsewhere, they’re talking about... They all basically had a portion of that truth.

The greatest portion that was ever released was the fullness of the Father in the Flesh, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus, which is why the whole of the Old Testament and New all point back toward him, because he was a great teacher.

Now what’s happening in our world right now, is that everything happening in our world -- financial collapse, control matrix, technologies -- everything is all centered around Israel. Everything. OK?

In fact, the two great empires of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Western Empire are all meeting there, and the goal of the Teutonic Knights, which are the Knights of Malta, is to have a great temple there where they can set up their world government from their temple. Weird, hey?

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