Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Resolve Space battles before planet based ground battles.

Ground units in Space transports have a Force = zero and cannot get card bonuses.

In a space battle, space units must be taken as casualties before transports.

Note: A Space unit vs all transports will always win the battle and will take

no casualties.

If a Planetary Invasion force includes Space units, they may partake in the battle

by bombardment.

Bombarding ships only apply half their Force, and are the last units to be lost

as casualties.

The Leader bonus rule applies to space combat.


Unit Name: #/Speed Type Force Notes

Bad Moonz Ork Boyz 2 I 2

Death Skulls Ork Boyz 2 I 2

Snakebites Ork Boyz 2 I 2

Goffs Ork Boyz 2 I 2

Blood Axes Ork Boyz 2 I 2

Evil Sunz Ork Boyz 2 I 2

Bikeboyz 1F V 1

Boarboyz 1 R 1

Wildboyz 1 I 2

Stormboyz 1 I 2

Madboyz 1 I 2

Nobz 1 L 3

Warboss 1 L 4

Warlord 1 L 5

Ghazghkull Thraka 1 L 6

Gretchin Mob 1 I 1

Ork Freeboterz 1 I 2

Battlewagons 1F V 3

War Buggys 1F V 2

Traktor Kannons 1 A 3

Lungburstas 1 V 3

Gutrippas 1 V 3

Giblet Grinda BF 1 V 4

Skullhamma BF 1 V 4

Bonecrunchers 1 V 2

Bonebreakers 1 V 3

Braincrushas 1 V 3

Evil Sunz Bowel Burnas 1F V 3

Evil Sunz Gobsmashas 1F V 3

Mekboy Speedstas 1F V 2

Mekboy Dragsters 1F V 2

Nobz Warbikes 1F VL 2

Evil Sunz Spleenrippas 1F V 2

Wartracks 1F V 1

Bubble Chukka Speedstas 1F V 3

Mekboy Tinbotz 1 I 3

Evil Sunz Scorchers 1F V 3

Ork Dreadnaughts 1 I 4

Squig Katapults 1 A 2

Mekboy Pulsa Rokkits 1 A 5

Snakebite Squiggoths 1 V 3

Hop Splat Guns 1 A 3

Shokk Attack Guns 1 A 4

Stompers 1 I 5

Weirdboy Battle Tower 1 VP 2

Great Gargant 1 T 10

Slasher Gargant 1 T 8

Mekboy Gargant 1 T 6

Boss Dreadnaught 2 S 10

Nobz Hulk 4 S 8

Mekboy Battle Barge 6 S 6

Ork Warship 8 S 4

Freeboterz Corsair 10 SR 2

BF = Battle Fortress


Unit Name: #/Speed Type Force

Land Raiders 1 V 3

Rhinos 1F V 1

Predator Tanks 1F V 3

Vindicators 1 V 2

Whirlwinds 1 A 1

Land Speeders 1F V 1

Leman Russ Tanks 1 V 3

Basilisks 1 A 1

Bombards 1 A 2

Manticores 1 A 3

Deathstrikes 1 A 4

Shadow Sword SHT 1 V 6

Bane Blade SHT 1 V 5

Storm Blade SHT 1 V 7

Termites 1 VR 1

Moles 1 VR 2

Hellbores 1 VR 3

Hellhound Firethrowers 1 V 3

Assault Landing Pods 1F I 1

Support Landing Pods 1 A 2

Deathwind Pods 1 A 3

Gorgon SHT 1 V 5

Capitol Imperialis 1 LV 6

Tactical Marines 1 I 2

Assault Marines 1 I 3

Devastator Marines 1 I 4

Marine Scouts 1 R 2

Ultramarines 1 I 3

Space Wolf Marines 1 I 3

Blood Angel Marines 1 I 3

Terminators 1 I 5

Space Marine HQ 1 L 1

Space Marine Chaplain 1 LP 2

Space Marine Librarian 1 LP 3

Imperial Troops 1 I 1

Imperial Assault Troops 1 I 2

Imperial Support Troops 1 I 3

Imperial Bike 1F V 1

Imperial Assassin 1 R 3

Ogryns 1 I 3

Ratling Snipers 1 R 2

Rough Riders 1 R 1

Commissar 1 L 2

Commissar Yarrick 1 L 5

Dreadnaughts 1 I 5

Robots 1 I 2

Rapiers 1 A 2

Tarantulas 1 A 2

Mole Mortars 1 AR 1

Thudd Guns 1 A 1

Sentinels 1F V 3

Warlord Titan 1 T 10

Reaver Titan 1 T 8

Warhound Scout Titan 1F T 6

Emperor Capital Ship 2 S 10

Gothic Battleship 4 S 8

Firestorm Cruiser 6 S 6

Thunderbolt Cruiser 8 S 4

Cobra Destroyer 10F S 2

SHT = Super Heavy Tank


Unit Name: #/Speed Type Force

Guardians 2 I 1

Ulthwe Black Guardians 1 I 1

Scouts 2 R 1

Alaitoc Scouts 1 R 1

Swooping Hawks 2F I 1

Dire Avengers 2 I 2

Biel-Tan Avengers 1 I 2

Dark Reapers 2 I 3

Fire Dragons 2 I 3

Howling Banshees 2 I 4

Striking Scorpions 2 I 4

Warlock 1 LP 2

Exarch 1 LP 5

Avatar 1 LP 6

Harlequins 2 I 3

Eldar Jet Bikes 2F VR 1

Saim-Hann Wild Riders 1F V 1

Vyper Jet Bikes 2F VR 2

Falcon Grav Tanks 2F V 3

Wave Serpents 2F V 3

Warp Hunters 2F V 3

Deathstalkers 2F V 5

Tempests 2 V 4

Doomweavers 2 A 4

War Walkers 2 I 3

Dreadnaughts 2 I 3

Wraithguards 1 I 2

Iyanden Ghost Warriors 1 I 2

Vibrocannons 2 A 2

Antigrav Lascannons 2 A 3

Warlock Titan 1 T 10

Phantom Titan 1 T 8

Revenant Scout Titan 1 T 6

Void Stalker 2 S 10

Wraithship 4 S 8

Shadow Hunter 6 S 6

Eclipse Cruiser 8 S 4

Hellbore Escort 10F S 2


Unit Name: #/Speed Type Force Notes

Genestealer Cultists 4 I 1

Hybrid Genestealers 2 I 2

Genestealers 4 I 3

Genestealer Magus 2 LP 1

Devourer Swarm 2 R 1

Biovore 2 A 4

Carniflex 2 I 5

Dactylis 2 A 2

Dominatrix 2 AP 6

Exocrine 2 A 3

Gargoyles 2F I 1

Harridan 1F V 5

Haruspex 2 V 4

Hive Tyrant 1 LP 5

Hormagaunts 4 I 1

Lictors 2 I 3

Zoats 2 I 2

Malefactor 2 V 3

Mycetic Spores 2 A 1

Termagants 4 I 1

Trygon 2 V 4

Tyranid Warriors 2 I 4

Zoanthrope 2 V 2

Hierophant Bio-Titan 1 T 10

Hierodule Bio-Titan 1 T 8

Hierozoan Bio-Titan 1 T 6

Hive Ship 2 S 10

Dark Prowler 4 S 8

Void Fiend 6 S 6

Kraken 8 S 4

Wardrones 10F S 2

Action Deck Card List

Card Name: # Effect:

Tactical Move 12 Move 1 Stack

Operational Move 6 Move 2 Stacks

Strategic Move 3 Move 3 Stacks

Leadership 2 All your Leaders get Force +5

Space Combat 2 One of your Space Units gets Force +5

Fighter Escort 2 One of your Space Units & Transports gets Force +5

Hold Ground 2 All your Infantry get Force +5

Barrage 2 All your Artillery Units get Force +5

Massed Armor 2 All your Vehicles get Force +5

Surprise 2 All your Stealth Units get Force +5

Titan Attack 2 All your Titans get Force +5

Psionic Storm 2 All your Psychic Units get Force +5

Outflank 2 All your Fast Units get Force +5

Recon 2 Look at target stack

Intelligence 2 Look at opponents hand

Terraform 1 Pay 10: Upgrade a poor world to a rich world

Industrialization 1 Pay 10: Upgrade a rich world to a Homeworld

Decoy Force 2 Negate Move by target stack

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