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Scenario for WarpQuest: WWII.

Click here for the WarpQuest Core Rules.

Each player controls a Flight of 300 British (Halifax, Wellington, Mosquito, and

Lancaster) Bombers on a Night Raid to bomb targets in Nazi Germany.


Module 1 represents the flight to the Target Zone.

Module 2 represents the combat over the Target Zone.

The ‘Artifact’ is the halfway point of the Mission when the Bombers must turn back.


A Bomber Flight (Group) has 300 Bombers and 6 Stats.

The Flight also has a Fuel Surplus = 6

Roll on the Stat List Table to see what stats you get:


1D6 Stat: Notes:

1 Bombers +50 Base = 300

2 Electronic Warfare +2 Radar, Radio, Countermeasures

3 Navigation Intelligence +2 Electronics, Planning, Experience

4 Fighter Defense +2 Fighter Escort, Bomber MGs, Tactics

5 Bombing +2 Accuracy & Tonnage

6 Fuel Surplus +1 Base = 6


Every time you fail a Navigation test reduce your Fuel Surplus by one point.

You may voluntarily use up a Fuel Surplus point to ‘Search for Targets’: Instead of

Moving forwards in Movement Phase, move your pawn (Bomber Group) backwards.

If your Fuel Surplus = 0 you must immediately turn back and head for home.

If your Fuel = 0 and you fail a Navigation test you lose 1D6 Bombers.

(They run out of fuel)


There are three Altitudes: Low, Medium, and High.

Start the game at Medium altitude.

Instead of moving forward during Movement phase, use up a Fuel Surplus point and

change your Altitude to any other height.

If you are at low altitude Navigation and Bombing tests are DM –1.

If you are at low altitude Flak and EW tests are DM +1.

If you are at high altitude Navigation and Bombing tests are DM +1.

If you are at high altitude Flak and EW tests are DM -1.


If you fail a Flak or Fighter test lose 1D10 Bombers.

If you pass a Flak or Fighter test you lose no Bombers.

If you pass a fighter test you shoot down 1D6 enemy Fighters.

Add your Fighter Defense Stat to ‘Fighter test’ Skill rolls.


When you bomb a target, 50 of your bombers will drop their bombs.

Add your Bombing Stat to ‘Bombing test’ Skill rolls.

If you pass the test, the target is destroyed: keep the target card in your possession.

If you fail the test, the target card remains in play in that space.

The next Bomber group to land on the space may try to bomb the target.

A Bomber drops all of its bombs at once. Those bombers cannot attack again.


Add your Electronic Warfare Stat to ‘EW test’ Skill rolls.

If you pass an EW test nothing happens.

If you fail an EW test, draw another card.

If it is a Flak or Fighter card, the card attacks with a DM +1.

If the drawn card is not a Flak or Fighter, discard it: nothing happens.


If you pass an Visual Sighting test nothing happens.

If you fail a VS test, draw another card.

If it is a Flak or Fighter card, the card attacks with a DM +1.

If the drawn card is not a Flak or Fighter, discard it: nothing happens.


Get 10 Victory Points (VP) for every target you ‘destroy’.

(The Decoy Target earns no VP, but you must bomb it.)

Get 1 VP for every enemy fighter you destroy.

Lose 1 VP for every bomber you lost.

Lose 5 VP if you run out of Surplus Fuel.


When you go to make a Bombing test roll you may decide to attack with more than

50 Bombers. You may choose 100, 150, or any multiple of 50.

All Bombers you declare to attack must attack.

If the first 50 fail their attack, roll again for the next 50, and so on.


If your pawn lands on an opponents pawn, nothing happens, there is no

conflict, and do not draw a card.


T = Target

N = Navigation

F = Flak

I = Fighter

E = Electronic Warfare

V = Visual Sighting

A = Aid

# = Number of that card in the Deck.


Card Name: # Type Test Modifiers:

Darkness 3 N Navigation

Cloud Cover 3 N Navigation

Storm 3 N Navigation

Headwind 3 N Navigation

8.8cm Flak 18 4 F Altitude

10.5cm Flak 39 3 F Altitude

12.8cm Flak 40 2 F Altitude, DM +1

Flak Battery 2 F Altitude, DM +2

Radar Station 1 E Electronic Warfare

Radar Fence 1 E Electronic Warfare

Radar Operator 1 E Electronic Warfare

Freya Radar Tower 1 E Electronic Warfare

Wurzburg Radar Dishes 1 E Electronic Warfare

Kammhuber Line 1 E Electronic Warfare

Radar Set 1 E Electronic Warfare

Long Range Radar 1 E Electronic Warfare

Radar Beacon 1 E Electronic Warfare

Himmelbett Box 1 E Electronic Warfare

Lichtenstein SN-2 Radar 1 E Electronic Warfare

Flensburg Homing Device 1 E Electronic Warfare

Naxos-Z Homing Device 1 E Electronic Warfare

Visual Contact 1 V Visual Sighting

Ground Observers 1 V Visual Sighting

Me 109 Squad 1 I Fighter Defense

Me 110 Squad 1 I Fighter Defense, DM -1

Messerschmitt Fighters 1 I Fighter Defense

Foke-Wulf 190 Squad 1 I Fighter Defense, DM +1

Night Defense Fighters 1 I Fighter Defense

Luftwaffe 1 I Fighter Defense

JU 88 Night Fighters 1 I Fighter Defense

Heinkel He 219s 1 I Fighter Defense

Wild Boar Squad 1 I Fighter Defense, DM +1

Tame Boar Squad 1 I Fighter Defense

Schrage Musik 1 I Fighter Defense, DM +1

German Fighter Ace 1 I Fighter Defense, DM +2

Drop Tanks 1 A Fuel Surplus +1

Efficient Fuel Management 1 A Fuel Surplus +1

Window Countermeasure 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

Aluminum Foil Strips 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

Operation Corona 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

Perfectos Device 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

Serrate Tracking Unit 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

Jam Radio Traffic 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

Airborne Cigar 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

Noise Transmitters 1 A Electronic Warfare +2

GEE Relay Stations 1 A Navigation +2

OBOE Electronic Guidance 1 A Navigation +2 or Bombing +2

Airborne Radar 1 A Navigation +2

Mission Briefing 1 A Navigation +2

Landmarks 1 A Navigation +2

Firestorm 1 A Bombing +2

Target on Fire 1 A Bombing +2

Blockbuster Bombs 1 A Bombing +2

Pathfinder Force 1 A Bombing +2

Red Spot Flares 1 A Bombing +2

Master Bomber 1 A Bombing +2

Blind-Bombing Radar 1 A Bombing +2

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