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49-2.03A General

49-2.03A(1) Summary

Section 49-2.03 includes specifications for installing structural shape steel piling.

49-2.03A(2) Definitions


49-2.03A(3) Submittals

Submit a certified material test report and a certificate of compliance that includes a statement that the materials and workmanship comply with the Contract and the required tests and inspections have been performed as described.

49-2.03A(4) Quality Assurance


49-2.03B Materials

Structural shape steel piles must comply with ASTM A36/A36M, ASTM A572/A572M, ASTM A709/A709M, or ASTM A992/A992M.

Splices must be CJP groove welds complying with AWS D1.1.

49-2.03C Construction

Field splices must be CJP groove welds complying with AWS D1.1.

49-2.03D Payment

Not Used


49-2.04A General

49-2.04A(1) Summary

Section 49-2.04 includes specifications for constructing PC PS concrete piles.

PC PS concrete piles must comply with sections 50, 51, and 52.

49-2.04A(2) Definitions


49-2.04A(3) Submittals

If requested, submit 2 copies of shop drawings for PC PS concrete piles for use during construction. Include the following details in the shop drawings:

1. Pile dimensions

2. Material type

3. Prestressing methods

4. Tendon arrangement and working stresses

5. Any addition or rearrangement of reinforcement from that shown

Section 50-1.01C(3) does not apply to prestressing systems used for PC PS concrete piles.

Authorization of the shop drawings is not required.

49-2.04A(4) Quality Assurance

The Department inspects PC PS concrete piles at the fabrication site. Notify the Department at least 10 days before fabricating any piles. Materials to be used must be available to the Department for testing.

49-2.04B Materials

49-2.04B(1) General

Threaded inserts and other fittings must comply with section 75-3.

49-2.04B(2) Fabrication

Place concrete for PC PS concrete piles in smooth, mortar-tight forms. Support the forms to prevent appreciable deformation or settlement during placing or curing.

Finish unformed surfaces to a smooth surface.

Piles in a corrosive environment must be steam or water cured under section 90-4.03.

If piles in a corrosive environment are steam cured, do one of the following:

1. Keep the piles continuously wet for at least 3 days. The 3 days includes the holding and steam curing periods.

2. Apply curing compound under section 90-1.03B(3) immediately after steam curing.

If piles to be placed in a corrosive environment are water cured, the piles must be kept continuously wet by the application of water as specified in section 90-1.03B(2).

When removed from the form, the pile must:

1. Have true, smooth, even surfaces, free from honeycombs and voids

2. Be straight such that a line stretched from butt to tip on any pile face is not more than 1 inch from the face of the pile at any point

Except for PC PS concrete piles to be placed in a corrosive environment, remove lifting anchors and fill holes under section 51-1.03F(2).

For PC PS concrete piles to be placed in a corrosive environment, remove lifting anchors to a depth of at least 1 inch below the concrete surface. Fill holes with epoxy adhesive before delivering piles to the job site. The epoxy adhesive must comply with section 95-1.02C.

If using pile anchor dowels, anchor the dowels in cast or drilled holes in the concrete pile with neat cement paste. The diameter of the holes must be the minimum consistent with placing the neat cement paste and dowel.

Use methods for drilling holes that do not damage the concrete, reinforcement, or prestressing steel.

The drilled hole must be free of dust and other deleterious material when placing the neat cement paste. Neat cement paste and dowel must completely fill the drilled hole. The dowels must be left undisturbed until the paste has hardened.

49-2.04B(3) Substitutions


49-2.04C Construction

49-2.04C(1) General

PC PS concrete piles must not be driven until at least 14 days after casting.

49-2.04C(2) Handling

When handling or transporting PC PS concrete piles, provide slings or other equipment to avoid bending the pile or cracking the concrete. Replace piles materially damaged in handling or during driving.

49-2.04C(3) Splicing Precast Prestressed Concrete Piles


49-2.04D Payment

Not Used


49-2.05A General

Section 49-2.05 includes specifications for installing permanent steel sheet piles.

49-2.05B Materials

Steel sheet piles must be interlocking steel sheet complying with ASTM A328/A328M.

The minimum section modulus per linear foot of wall must be the section modulus shown.

You may install used sheet piles if the piles are in good condition and no alterations have been made to reduce the section modulus. Interlocks must be straight, true, and have no gouges or kinks.

Furnish piles in lengths measured from the specified tip elevation shown to the cutoff elevation. Splices in steel sheet piles must be CJP welds complying with AWS D1.1.

49-2.05C Construction

Drive steel sheet piles to the specified tip elevation shown. Remove and redrive or replace piles that are materially out of line.

49-2.05D Payment

Not Used


49-3.01 GENERAL

49-3.01A General

Section 49-3.01 includes general specifications for constructing CIP concrete piles.

CIP concrete piles include:

1. CIDH concrete piles

2. CIDH concrete pile rock sockets

3. Driven steel shells filled with concrete and reinforcement
Concrete must comply with section 51.

Bar reinforcing steel must comply with section 52.

49-3.01B Materials

49-3.01B(1) General

Unless otherwise shown, concrete must have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,600 psi.

Prequalify the concrete under section 90-1.01D(5)(b).

The combined aggregate gradation must comply with the 1-inch, 1/2-inch, or 3/8-inch maximum gradation specified in section 90-1.02C(4).

49-3.01B(2) Mass Concrete

Section 49-3.01B(2) applies to CIP concrete piles with a diameter greater than 8 feet.

The quantity of cementitious material must comply with the values shown in the following table:

Pile diameter (D)


Maximum quantity of cementitious material (lb/cu yd)

8 < D ≤ 10


10 < D ≤ 14


Cementitious material must comply with section 90-1.02B(3), except at least 25 percent of the total cementitious material must be fly ash.

For piles with a diameter greater than 14 feet, concrete must comply with the specifications for mass concrete in section 51-6.

49-3.01C Construction

Except for CIDH concrete piles constructed under slurry, construct CIP concrete piles such that the excavation methods and the concrete placement procedures provide for placing the concrete against undisturbed material in a dry or dewatered hole.

Place and secure reinforcement symmetrically about the axis of the pile. Securely block the reinforcement to provide the minimum clearance shown between the reinforcing steel cage and the sides of the drilled hole or steel shell.

Steel shells and dewatered drilled holes must be clean and free of water and debris before reinforcement and concrete are placed.

Provide a suitable light to the Engineer for inspecting the entire length of the steel shell or dewatered hole before placing reinforcement and concrete.

The methods used to place the concrete must prevent segregation.

Concrete must not be allowed to fall from a height greater than 8 feet without the use of adjustable length pipes or tubes unless the flow of concrete is directed into the center of the hole and the concrete is not allowed to strike the reinforcement, reinforcement bracing, and other objects in the hole.

Vibrate concrete in the upper 15 feet of CIP concrete piles.

After placing concrete, cure the temporarily exposed surfaces of the CIP concrete piles under section 51-1.03H.

49-3.01D Payment

Bar reinforcing steel is not included in the payment for CIP concrete piling unless the CIP concrete piling is less than 24 inches in diameter or for overhead sign structures, standards, and poles.

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