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The alternative is to maintain a distance towards the social order in order to open the lack. We endorse the gap between ideologies. This is the only space that true revolutionary action can occur. The role of the intellectual is not to live in a founded reality—but rather to call out its artificial nature.

Zizek, 93 (Slavoj, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies, University of Ljubljana, “Tarrying with the Negative,” p1-2) 


A. The affirmative attempts to liberate the human from the shackles of the twenty-first century are too strong; this liberation circulates suffering and the like in a binary form between its supposed causes and effects, replaying the same old song and dance for eternity.

Baudrillard ’94 (Jean, Master of Sex and Television and France, The Illusion of the End. 1-3.)

B. The alternative is nothing, a reversal to the state of inaccessibility. Refuse the affirmative’s call to add further layers to our simulated reality.

Agamben ’93 (Giorgio, Professor of Philosophy @ University of Marcerata. Stanzas: Word and Phantasm in Western Culture. Translated by R.L. Martinez.)

Nuclear Malthus

1) Global war is inevitable—as mankind destroys the last of the natural environment it will finally become knowledge that there is not enough room to sustain life on the planet. The only solution to this and the ultimate destruction of the biosphere is immediate global war. Every moment we wait our impacts only become more likely.


Caldwell, 01 (Joseph, “On Saving the Environment, and the Inevitability of Global War,” May 8)

2) We control the direction of extinction—every year brings the earth one step closer to complete biological destruction. Industrial activity has contributed to biodiversity loss, global warming, and the human population explosion.


Caldwell, 03 (Joseph, “The End of the World and the new World Order,” May 8)

3) None of their alternative causalities matter—only a global nuclear war can halt the ongoing industrial activity that makes biosphere collapse and total planetary extinction inevitable.


Caldwell, 03 (Joseph, “The End of the World and the new World Order,” May 8)

4) If the risk of nuclear war is not zero—it is an eventual certainty


Boulding, 91 (Kenneth, After the Cold War: Questioning the Morality of Nuclear Deterrence, p104)

Milton BL – Affirmative – Water

Water Affirmative- 1AC

Text: The United States federal government should increase access to improved water sources in “at need” topically designated areas.
We’ll clarify.
Contention 1 is Inherency
Lack of clean water is killing millions in Africa and exacerbating conflicts – US action is key

DABELKO 6 – 29 – 05 Director, Envt’l Change & Security ProgramWoodrow Wilson Int’l Center for Scholars

[Geoffrey D., “Congressional Testimony: Water and Sanitation,”]
We are all aware of the devastation wrought ………………..are still doing too little to address the water crisis.
Put away your DAs- Bush is pushing for aid now and is succeeding

All Africa 2/26

Since taking office in 2001, the Bush administration ……………..under the African Growth and Opportunity Act.
Advantage 1 is Stability and Diplomacy
A perceived imbalance of water distributions will destabilize the entire region of Africa and cause small conflicts to escalate internationally—Africa is the most likely place to be impacted

C.S.I.S. 05 Center for Strategic Int'l Studies – Sandia National Laboratory

["Global Water Futures: Addressing Our Global Water Future," 9/30/05, White Paper, ]

Finding 3: Water problems are geopolitically ………….. transboundary and domestic instabilities.

Water stress causes internal instability – multiple reasons

OECD, 05 (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.. “Mainstreaming Conflict Prevention.”

Water quality is mainly related to ………………may potentially spill over into violence.
And, African conflict will spread and draw in outside powers to escalate to nuclear war

Deutsch, 02

(Dr. Jeffrey Deutsch, Founder of the Rabid Tiger Project: An Organization Devoted to Political Risk Consulting and Related Research, Contributing Editor for Russian Politics, and PHD in economics from GMU, 11/18/02.
The Rabid Tiger Project believes that a nuclear war …………… troubled waters, and some people love to go fishing.
Finally, working together to solve water creates participatory frameworks to minimize the risk of conflicts developing over other issues

DABELKO 05- Director, Envt'l Change & Security Program Woodrow Wilson Int'l Center for Scholars

[Geoffrey D., "Congressional Testimony: Water and Sanitation," ]
Not only can cooperative water ………….steps may prevent the reemergence of conflict.

Advantage 2 is Hegemony

The United States action on water is vital – it alone can coordinate and create global action to combat water scarcity – Africa will create global awareness—sustaining US leadership

C.S.I.S. 05 Center for Strategic Int’l Studies – Sandia National Laboratory

[“Global Water Futures: Addressing Our Global Water Future,” 9/30/05, White Paper,]
THEME FOUR: The United States should ………………..campaign to elevate water as a foreign policy priority.
Water policies are vital to increase US credibility and overcoming our poor image abroad- makes the US look good.

PETERSON 6 – 21 – 07 The Senior VP of CSIS

(Erik, “Below the Surface: U.S. International Water Policy,”,com_csis_progj/task,view/id,969/+U.S.+Leadership+Water+Africa&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=10&gl=us)
As we scan the more distant time ………………… political will to put a far-sighted strategy into place.
American influence is the only alternative way to prevent multiple scenarios of nuclear war- all other solution make problems worse.

Kagan 07

[Robert, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “End of Dreams, Return of History” Policy Review ( ons/policyreview/8552512.html #n10)]
Finally, there is the United States itself…………….. global involvement will provide an easier path.

Water Affirmative- African Relations Add-on

US leadership in Africa to fight disease and give water is necessary to rebuild US-African ties and gain support from many delegates.

National Summit on Africa 00


The well-being of any society requires a healthy population, an adequate public health system, and safe water .................if they were operating in the United States.

Effective counterterrorism cooperation requires maintaining stable partnerships with African governments

Johnson 06 - formerly Commander in Chief Allied Forces, Southern Europe (CINCSOUTH) and Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe (COMUSNAVEUR).

(Gregory, "The "Long War" Demands Proactive Engagement in Africa", October 2,
The long war can be won. But to facilitate its success and keep the U.S. focused for an extended period of enhance America's twenty-first century security – let's not miss it.
These organizations will gain access to nuclear weapons to be used against the US

Dempsey 06

(Thomas, Director of African Studies @ U.S. Army War College and served as a strategic intelligence analyst for Africa at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and as Chief of Africa Branch for the Defense Intelligence Agency, Counterterrorism in African Failed States: Challenges and Potential Solutions, April,

Raising the Stakes: The Nuclear Dimension of the Terrorist Threat. The threat that terrorist hubs based ........................located to apprehend or destroy them will be a complex and difficult task.

Impact is Extinction

Sid-Ahmed, 4

(Mohamed, Managing Editor for Al-Ahali, "Extinction!" August 26-September 1, Issue no. 705,

A nuclear attack by terrorists ..................pollution infects the whole planet, we will all be losers.

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