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Milton BL - Negative Consult Japan CP

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Milton BL - Negative

Consult Japan CP
The United States federal government will enter into binding consultation with the government of Japan on whether or not to and will implement the outcome of consultation. We’ll clarify.
Contention One Theory
1. The Aff must defend immediate, guaranteed plan action. The Aff can’t enact the plan unconditionally and condition it on Japan’s acceptance-

A) Fiat assumes the plan happens no matter what, otherwise the 1AC could spike out of all Negative offense by saying the plan is delayed or un-enforced

B) There’s no solvency for non-enforced plan action; the government would roll back the plan absent enforcement.

2. Not topical- the counterplan tests the word “resolved” which means “to make a firm decision about,” it also tests “should” which is “used to imply obligation or duty”- counterplans that test the resolution are key to Neg ground [American Heritage Dictionary @]

Contention Two Solvency
Genuine and binding consultation prior to implementation strengthens and restructures the alliance

Mochizuki 97

Mochizuki, Senior Fellow @ Brookings Institute, 1997
As the U.S.-Japan alliance becomes …………with the major West European allies.
Contention Three The Net Benefit
The U.S.-Japan alliance is on the brink now- relations are tense as the political climate in the two countries changes

Brookes 07

(Peter Brookes, columnist for The New York Post and a Heritage Foundation senior fellow, “Japan: Coming of Age”, The Heritage Foundation, March 6, 2007,
But deepening the Washington-Tokyo relationship …………. bring with it a similar shift in focus.
The U.S.-Japan alliance is key to coral reef protection

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Accessed 2006,

"The U.S.-Japan Cooperation on Global Challenges," p ~
Japan and the United States launched …………. civil society organizations (CSO's and NGO's).
And, foreign aid and public health assistance are issues that Japan needs to be and should be consulted on

Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, February, 2007

(Armitage, 13th United States Deputy Secretary of State, the second-in-command at the State Department; Nye, Dean, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Japan is ideally suited to be a ………….. and health challenges.
Weakening coral reef ecosystems destroys biodiversity and causes millions to starve

Dafna Hopenstand, 2002 , Wisconsin Environmental Law Journal, Global Warming and its Impact on Near-Shore Communities: Protection Regimes for Fish and Coastal People Affected by Coral Reef Damage, Spring, p L/N~

Coral reefs serve several important ecological ………….. by an enormous demand for food, particularly fish. n68
Ocean biodiversity is key to prevent extinction of all life

Robin Kundis Craig, 2003 , Associate Professor of Law @ Indiana University School of Law, Taking Steps Toward Marine Wilderness Protection? Fishing and Coral Reef Marine Reserves in Florida and Hawaii, 34 McGeorge L. Rev. 155, Winter~

The world's oceans contain many resources ………….. relatively intact to future generations. n2

Consult Egypt CP


The United States federal government will enter into binding consultation with the Arab Republic of Egypt on whether or not to __________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and will unconditionally implement the outcome of the consultation.
Contention 1 Theory
1. The Aff must defend immediate, guaranteed plan action. The Aff can’t enact the plan unconditionally and condition it on Egypt’s acceptance-
A) Fiat assumes the plan happens no matter what, otherwise the 1AC could spike out of all Negative offense by saying the plan is delayed or un-enforced
B) There’s no solvency for non-enforced plan action; the government would roll back the plan absent enforcement.

2. Not topical- the counterplan tests the word “resolved” which means “to make a firm decision about,” it also tests “should” which is “used to imply obligation or duty”- counterplans that test the resolution are key to Neg ground [American Heritage Dictionary @]

Contention 2 U.S.-Egyptian Relations
U.S.-Egyptian relations are on the brink- effective management and building of trust through binding consultation are key to prevent its collapse

Aly 04

[Abed Monem Said Aly, Visiting Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy; Director, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo, “The Future of U.S.-Egyptian Relations”, The Brookings Institution, 6/9/04,]
At a time when Egypt is embracing political ………… Arab-Israeli conflict and non-proliferation.
Consultation with Egypt over African policy is crucial to U.S.-Egyptian relations

Council on Foreign Relations 02

[“Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship”, Columbia International Affairs Online, May 2002]
The United States must set new goals and ……………. Middle East-Africa, for example.
U.S.-Egyptian relations are key to Middle East stability

Council on Foreign Relations 02

[“Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship”, Columbia International Affairs Online, May 2002]
The U.S.-Egyptian relationship is…………the management of the Middle East.
Middle East instability leads to extinction

Steinbach 02

[John, Israeli Nuclear weapons: a threat to piece, 3/3]
Meanwhile, the existence of an ……………could trigger a world conflagration." (44)

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