Tournament of Champions 2k8 Comprehensive Caselist

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Head Royce SZ – Negative

Head-Royce SZ Neg Cites 

Note: We usually put together K 1NCs specific to the aff.  I’ve tried to create generic outlines of the arguments we read most frequently—the positions listed here cover probably about 80-90% of what we’ve gone for in the 2NR.  If you have questions about the specific outlines or links we’ve used in particular rounds, email and I’ll do my best to put it together for you.  Also, we’ve gone for the China DA/Japan CP a few times—see HRS BZ for those cites.



PHA must be government to government 

UC Berkeley School of Public Health 2005 (Information for a class on, “Private Sector Health Services in Developing Countries”, UCSF Courses in International Health, 

Limits—explodes case list: infinite # of NGOs, 3rd parties etc.  PHA is a broad term which means mechanism of implementation is the only stable limit on the topic 

Ground—lose corruption DAs, etc. 

Surprisingly enough, topicality is a voting issue 


Death Cult 

A. The affirmative simulates a status quo world with spectacles of death.  This comparison of death simulations is bad in debate because we become obsessed with the simulacra of death.   We’re zombies desperate for human flesh: it’s a race to the biggest nuclear war impact on lexis nexis.


Jean Baudrillard, really smart French guy, 1993, Symbolic Exchange and Death 

Pursued and censured…to political economy. 

B.  Don’t disturb the dead.  We should use fiat and best policy option for making a decision, but first we should establish parameters.  Just like topicality which says we don’t fiat non-topical plans, we say don’t fiat plans based on the simulation or deferral of death.  Embracing mortality as a necessary and inevitable part of life allows us to live fuller and move away from a debate death cult. 

Mosaic, publication of interfaith ministries for greater Houston, 3/20/03, Vol 10 No. 2,, “Living with the Inevitable Moment” 

For some the…said Maluski. 


Mann Juice: 

The Affirmative’s supposed resistance to war is the sign of potential combat of words—their discursive armory is oriented towards exchange in the political sense.  This metamorphosis of discourse into war is concealed by their so called benign intent, repeating the masking they attempt to reveal 

Mann 96 (Paul, Dept English Pomona, “The Nine Grounds of Intellectual Warfare”, Postmodern Culture, v. 6 n. 2, January) 

To repeat, the object…video games and smart bombs. 

The inherent cooptation of power and knowledge will take the form of trickery.  Although the affirmative attempts to resist the creation of war, its very utterance and its symbolic demand for subversiveness renders visible all that must remain invisible, making the worse argument seem the better. 

Mann 96 (Paul, Dept English Pomona, “The Nine Grounds of Intellectual Warfare”, Postmodern Culture, v. 6 n. 2, January) 

It remains to be…knows to one’s enemies. 

Our alternative—we will advocate absolute, irretrievable negativity, a form of nihilistic intervention into the realm of overwhelming action.  Our criticism operates as a form of self-negating, inaccessible nothingness while the affirmative sharpens their knives on the simulated body of war. 

Agamben 93 (Giorgio, badass, Stanzas: Word and Phantasm in Western Culture) 

It is possible…conditions of its inaccessibility. 




Appeals to security generates a political subject that must eradicate all difference which threatens rational thought. 
David Campbell/ Michael Dillon, “The end of philosophy and the end of international relations,” The Political Subject of Violence, 1993, pp. 29-30 
As violence is the ultima ratio of politics, so security is… uncertainty and contingency itself 
Enframing our understanding of being diminishes space for deliberation—security returns to the center and turns their impact. 
David Campbell\Michael Dillon, “The end of philosophy and the end of international relations,” The Political Subject of Violence, 1993, pp. 12 
An implosion of established...spring of atrocity. 
Inevitability claims give moral license to violence 
David Campbell\Michael Dillon, “The end of philosophy and the end of international relations,” The Political Subject of Violence, 1993, pp. 17-18 
To broach this…the horizon of life in novel ways. 

The affirmative’s logic of calculation is based on techno rational means of evaluation which allow for the value of lives to be reduced to zero. This is the zero point of holocaust.

Michael Dillon, 4/99, Professor of IR @ Lancaster, “Another Justice” Political Theory, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 165 
COVIELLO 2000—Peter, assistant professor of English at Bowdoin College, Apocalypse From Now On

Instead of offering an alternative policy option and playing the problem and solution song and dance, we should critically interrogate global governance’s problematization of security and refuse to engage in the very policymaking apparatus that has breed the recycling of the squo’s harms

Dillon and Reid 2000 (Michael and Julian, Professor of IR @ Lancaster and Lecturer in IR @ Kings College, “Global Governance, Liberal Peace and Complex Emergency, Alternatives: Social Transformation & Humane Governance, Jan-March 2000, Vol. 25) 
More specifically, where there is… problematized by it. 

Imperial practices are dependent on representations. The colonial discourse constructs the reality under which politics operates—placing representations first is necessary to escape dominant modes of thinking. 

Roxanne Lynn Doty, 1996, Professor of Poli Sci @ Arizona State University, Imperial Encounters, p 171 

By examining the ways…complicity in dominant representations. 

Specific Security Link Cards: 


Representations of viruses lead to exclusion of identifies—viruses are social factors that justify exclusion 
Heather Schell, Miama University, 1997, “Outburst! A Chilling True Story about Emerging-Virus Narratives and Pandemic Social Change,” Configurations, Volume 5, Number 1, Project Muse 
I would like to…politically untenable 
The travel explanations of disease spread reflect a fear of infiltration by Africa 
Heather Schell, Miama University, 1997, “Outburst! A Chilling True Story about Emerging-Virus Narratives and Pandemic Social Change,” Configurations, Volume 5, Number 1, Project Muse 

Cataclysmic discourse of aids destroying Africa legitimize the extermination of the other in the name of white purity and security from the disease

Austin 90 (Sydney Bryn Austin,  Cultural Critique, No. 14, The Construction of Gender and Modes of Social Division II. (Winter, 1989-1990), pp. 129-152. “AIDS and Africa: United States Media and Racist Fantasy”. Jstor.)  

Environmental Security Links: 

Policies that seek to manage natural resources accept the imperatives of economic culture and security logic. Continuing along this course of action will destroy the biosphere’s capacity for human life.

Simon Dalby, professor of geography and political economy at Carleton University, Environmental Security, 2002, pg. 169-70

If the large-scale historical…to the entire universe

The consequence of extending the security logic of environmental management is the exacerbation of current environmental trends, resulting in the destruction of human civilization and the radical endangerment of human “being.”

Simon Dalby, professor of geography and political economy at Carleton University, Environmental Security, 2002, pg. 144-6

This observation makes…modern modes of existence

Their so-called benign environmental gesture treats nature like real estate, guaranteeing its continued exploitation 

Timothy Luke, baler status, 1997, 

In the Nature…ecological significance. 

Water Links: 

The discourse of water wars justifies military intervention and moves securitization from the state to the security of populations.

Anton du Plessis, 2k  (“Charting the Course of the Water Discourse through the Fog of International Relations” in the book Water Wars: Enduring Myth of Impending Reality?, page 21.  ) 

China Links:

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