Institute of linguistic and intercultural studies chair of applied modern languages in economics and law


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Senior executives from the electronics giant Samsung have announced an ambitious and aggressive expansion agenda for the company, to more than double sales by 2010. As if that wasn’t an intrepid enough target, it also has its eye on seizing the top worldwide market share in a host of products within the next five years.

The South Korean firm further said it wants to become one of the world’s three largest consumer electronics companies within the same time span. Samsung’s Chief Executive Officer Yun Jong-yong unveiled his plans to market analysts, who are now busily plotting possible trajectories against which to monitor the success of the company’s rise to new heights. Competitors too must now be reassessing their battle plans.

Samsung is already top dog in the production of memory chips and is currently second to Intel in semiconductors. It is a leading and pioneering producer of a plethora of consumer electronics, including flat-screen TVs and liquid crystal displays (LCDs). It has achieved notable success in the mobile phone market, overtaking the likes of Sony Ericsson to nudge its way to third spot and muscle in on leaders Nokia and Motorola.

Samsung already has a proven track record to back up its expansion plans by posting record sales of US$76 billion in 2004 and recording a consistent 20 percent growth in sales in each of the past five years. As a precursor of what’s in store for consumers, the company showcased its cutting edge mobile phone – with an 8-megapixel camera.


person in a business who takes decisions; manager or director


smth of great size or force


increase in size




money received for selling smth; number of items sold


fearless; audacious

market share

percentage of a total market which the sales of a company cover

a host of

very many; a great number

time span

period of time

to unveil

to reveal; to divulge

market analyst

expert who watches and analyzes the situation on the market

to plot

to mark (the position of smth) on a diagram by connecting points on a graph

to monitor

to check/examine how smth is working

to re-assess

to examine and evaluate smth again

top dog (idiom)



multitude; too much/many

to overtake

to catch up and pass

to nudge one’s way

to push with one’s elbows

to muscle in on smb

to challenge

track record

success or failure of a company in the past


person or thing coming before, as a sign of what is to follow

to showcase

to demonstrate (at an exhibition; in advertising, etc.)

cutting edge (Adj.)


1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How has Samsung risen to become one of the world’s leading consumer electronics companies?

  2. What do you think of companies aiming to double sales within five years?

  3. Why do you think all consumer electronics aren’t unveiling plans to double sales?

  4. What do you think Samsung’s competitors are doing as a result of Samsung’s announcement?

  5. Where is the consumer electronics industry going?

  6. What do you think the most profitable product will be in the future?

  7. How would your life change if you could double sales for your company?

2. Are these statements true or false?


Samsung has ambitious plans for a twofold increase in its sales.

T/ F


Samsung is eying a doubling of sales by the end of the decade.

T / F


It wants to become one of the five largest electronics companies.

T / F


Market analysts are plotting trajectories to track Samsung’s growth.

T / F


Samsung is striving to become top dog in memory chip production.

T / F


Samsung has nudged its way to top spot in the mobile phone market.

T / F


Samsung posted sales figures that suggest it can meet its targets.

T / F


Samsung unveiled a cutting edge phone as a precursor of the future.

T / F

3. The factors below are instrumental in achieving double sales within five

years. Rank them in order of importance.

What is missing from the above list?

  1. _____ Good products

  2. _____ Being first in the market

  3. _____ Classy advertising

  4. _____ Sales incentives to retailers

  5. _____ A happy workforce

  6. _____ Luck

  7. _____ A booming Korean economy

  8. _____ The ability of senior executives to speak English

  9. _____ A CEO with vision

4. In the text, find English equivalents for the following words and


a susţine, ajuta,

поддерживать; подкреплять; подтверждать

analist de piaţă

специалист по изучению рынка

modern, contemporan, performant

новейший; последней модели

concurent, competitor


uriaş, gigantic, colosal


vânzare; comercializare; volum al vânzărilor

продажи; объем продаж

program de expansiune

программа расширения

producător principal, dominant

ведущий производитель

cota pieţei; segment de piaţă

доля рынка

a depăşi, a îndeplini

перегнать; превзойти

perioadă de timp

период времени



5. Match the following synonyms from the article:
















to back up






muscle in on

to support





cutting edge


6. Match the elements of phrases from the text:


an ambitious and aggressive

of a plethora of consumer electronics


As if that wasn’t an intrepid

possible trajectories

has its eye on seizing the

reassessing their battle plans


busily plotting

top worldwide market share


Competitors too must now be

on leaders Nokia and Motorola


Samsung is already top

expansion agenda


a leading and pioneering producer

of Sony Ericsson


overtaking the likes

store for consumers


muscle in

dog in the production of memory chips


a precursor of what’s in

enough target

7. Put down as many nouns and adjectives as you can.




to lead

to monitor

to announce

to record

to expand

to sell

to achieve

8. TOP DOG: What world’s leading companies produce the goods below? What do they need to do to double their sales within the next five years. Is it possible?

  • Mobile phones

  • Cameras

  • Laptop computers

  • Sportswear

  • Cars

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • MP3 music players

  • Gaming machines

9. MARKET LEADER: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the words “market leader”. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.

10. EXPANSION CONSULTANT: You are an expert Business Expansion Consultant. Several clients have asked you how they can double their sales over the next five years. You must work out a plan for each of them. In teams of 2 to 6 formulate ideas for expansion that will impress their management.






Your company


What makes a good leader or manager? For many it is someone who can inspire and get the most from their staff. There are many qualities that are needed to be a good leader or manager. One must

  • be able to think creatively to provide a vision for the company and solve problems

  • be calm under pressure and make clear decisions

  • possess excellent two-way communication skills

  • have the desire to achieve great things

  • be well informed and knowledgeable about matters relating to the business

  • possess an air of authority

Managers deal with their employees in different ways. Some are strict with their staff and like to be in complete control, while others are more relaxed and allow workers the freedom to run their own working lives. Whatever approach is predominately used it will be vital to the success of the business. There are three main categories of leadership styles: autocratic, paternalistic and democratic.

Autocratic (or authoritarian) managers like to make all the important decisions and closely supervise and control workers. Managers do not trust workers and simply give orders (one-way communication) that they expect to be obeyed. This approach has limitations, but it can be effective in certain situations, for example, when quick decisions are needed in a company (e.g. in crisis situations), or when controlling large numbers of low-skilled workers.

Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. Managers are interested in how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father figure (pater means father in Latin). They consult employees over issues and listen to their opinions. The manager will however make the actual decisions (in the best interests of the workers), believing that the staff still need direction, and in this way it still looks like an autocratic approach.

A democratic style of management will put trust in employees and encourage them to make decisions. They will delegate to them the authority to do this and listen to their advice. This requires good two-way communication and often involves democratic discussion groups, which can offer useful suggestions and ideas. Managers must be willing to encourage leadership skills in subordinates.


to manage

to direct/be in charge of smth


person who manages or directs others


power to do smth


circumstance which forces one to do smth


appearance, manner

to deal with

to manage; to organize


of supreme importance

to supervise

to watch work carefully to see if it is well done

to obey

to do what one is told to do




real, existing

to encourage

to help someone to do smth by giving advice

to put trust in smb

to be confident in one’s abilities


member of staff who is directed by someone

to involve

to have as a necessary result


ability to do smth after a special training course


person who gives orders without considering the wishes of others


practice of controlling people n a paternal way: limiting their freedom or responsibility by well-intentioned rules

1. What do you think makes a good manager? Tick four of the following qualities that you consider to be the most important.

  1. being decisive: able to make quick decisions

  2. being efficient: doing things quickly, not leaving tasks unfinished, having a tidy desk, and so on

  3. being friendly and sociable

  4. being able to communicate with people

  5. being logical, rational and analytical

  6. being able to motivate and inspire and lead people

  7. being authoritative: able to give orders

  8. being competent: knowing one’s job perfectly, as well as the work of one’s subordinates

  9. being persuasive: able to convince people to do things

  10. having good ideas

2. Are the statements below true or false?

___ 1. In most cases, managers are company owners.

_T_ 2. Democratic management style encourages two-way communication between supervisors and subordinates.

___ 3. In a crisis situation, it is necessary to form democratic discussion groups.

___ 4. Workers’ social needs and views are of great importance to auto- cratic managers.

___ 5. Under paternalistic approach, workers’ opinions are taken into account but actual decisions are made by the management.

___ 6. Promotion is a means of encouraging skills in subordinates.

___ 7. One-way communication presupposes that orders given by superiors must be obeyed by subordinates.
3. Give English equivalents for the following:



a lua decizie

принимать решения

a soluţiona probleme

решать проблемы


жизненно важный



a conduce o afacere

управлять бизнесом

abordare, modalitate (de abordare, studiere)


în interesul/favoarea cuiva

в интересах



a poseda, a avea în posesiune/în proprietate

владеть, обладать

a inspira


a asculta, a se supune

подчиняться, повиноваться

а delega, a abilita, a împuternici

уполномочивать, передавать полномочия

4. Fill in the table with the features of management styles listed below.










1) Workers are allowed to make own decisions

2) Authority is delegated to workers which is motivating

3) Still quite a dictatorial or autocratic style of management

4) Effective when employing many low- skilled workers

5) More two-way communication so motivating

6) Creates “them and us” attitude between managers and workers

7) Senior managers take all the important decisions with no involvement from workers

8) Workers feel their social needs are being met

9) Mistakes or errors can be made if workers are not skilled or experienced enough

10) Some businesses run on the basis of majority decisions

11) Quick decision-making

12) Slows down decision- making

13) Managers make decisions in best interests of workers after consultation

14) No two-way communication so can be de-motivating

15) Useful when complex decisions are required that need specialist skills

5. Read the definition of management below. Work with the underlined

MANAGEMENT is the organization and coordination of an enterprise. The manager, who conducts or supervises production, for example, may be

a paid expert in administration, as opposed to the entrepreneur who originally conceived the operation and took the risk in mounting it. In modern corporations, management and control tend to be separated from ownership, which is vested in the stockholders.







to conceive




1. shareholder

2. to give as a fixed right

3. to be inclined; to have a tendency

towards smth; to be characterized by

4. being an owner; right of possession

5. to fix all details for good operation

6. to form (an idea, plan, etc.) in the


7. a highly-qualified specialist

(authority) in smth

8. a person who organizes and

sometimes manages an enterprise and

assumes all risks involved

9. to watch and direct (an organization)

6. Choose the right word.
1. You must keep staff …, especially when things get difficult.

a. generated b. motivated c. electrified

2. What can we do to improve … in this department?

a. morale b. mortality c. temperament

3. Try to ensure that each employee’s … is not too great.

a. workload b. working practice c. work-to-rule

4. He decided to let things … as he dropped the subject until later.

a. freeze b. ice over c. cool down

5. A good manager must be able to handle … situations.

a. sensible b. touchy c. touching

6. Those who can’t manage their time efficiently always have high stress…

a. levels b. grades c. standards.

7. Can you guess which management styles would work best for each situation listed below?

Should managers use only one management style? Situational style?

Listed below are a few situations and options for what you would do. Try to decide which of the four situational styles would work best in each situation. Then pick the option that best fits that style.

Situation 1

The employees in your program appear to be having serious problems getting the job done. Their performance has been going downhill rapidly. They have not responded to your efforts to be friendly or to your expressions of concern for their welfare.

Which style would you pick? What would you do?

  1. Reestablish the need for following program procedures and meeting the expectations for task accomplishment.

  2. Be sure that staff members know you are available for discussion, but don’t pressure them.

  3. Talk with your employees and then set performance goals.

  4. Wait and see what happens.

Situation 2

During the past few months, the quality of work done by staff members has been increasing. Record keeping is accurate and up to date. You have been careful to make sure that the staff members are aware of your performance expectations.

Which style would you pick? What would you do?

  1. Stay uninvolved.

  2. Continue to emphasize the importance of completing tasks and meeting deadlines.

  3. Be supportive and provide clear feedback. Continue to make sure that staff members are aware of performance expectations.

  4. Make every effort to let staff members feel important and involved in the decision making process.

Situation 3

You are considering a major change in your program. Your staff has a fine record of accomplishment and a strong commitment to excellence. They are supportive of the need for change and have been involved in the planning.

Which style would you pick? What would you do?

  1. Continue to involve the staff in the planning, but direct the change.

  2. Announce the changes and then implement them with close supervision.

  3. Allow the group to be involved in developing the change, but don’t push the process.

  4. Let the staff manage the change process.

8. Comment on the following opinion:

An organization is only as good as the person running it

It is often said that the best businesses have the best motivated workers. Indeed, well-motivated employees work at 80-95% of their ability and are usually characterized by higher productivity, better-quality work with less wastage, more employee feedback, and suggestions made for improvements.

Work motivation is one of the key areas of organizational psychology. Organization theory is frequently described as an interdisciplinary study that examines the structure and functioning of organizations and the behaviour of the people within organizations. Usually the term “organizational psychology” refers to the area of industrial psychology that is based upon social and personality psychology. Organizational psychology is the field that focuses on understanding and predicting human behaviour in organizational settings. In is based upon a number of theories.

Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of human needs (1943)    

Maslow stated that humans are motivated to reach certain levels of needs. The hierarchy of needs is usually represented as a triangle. Once one level of needs has been satisfied, a person is motivated to meet the next need and so on until the final level in the hierarchy (the top of the triangle) is reached.

According to Maslow, there are 5 levels in the hierarchy. Physiological or basic needs lie at the bottom of the triangle and include hunger, thirst, and sleep. In the working environment, these needs are satisfied by means of wages or salary. Safety or security needs correspond to being safe from danger, pain or unemployment, and to provision for the future. That is why people seek “job security”. Belonging or affection needs include the feeling of belonging to a group or team, as well as the wish to be accepted and liked by colleagues. Esteem or ego needs are connected with independence, the esteem of others, and domination. At work a position of authority and some benefits are the means for satisfying these needs. Self-actualization needs for the top of the triangle and are related to the desire to develop one’s potential, to achieve one’s goals, and be creative.

Frederick Herzberg and his theory of motivation (1960)

Herzberg offered a two-factor theory. Motivators, or factors bringing satisfaction include challenging work, career prospects, responsibility and recognition, promotion, etc. The second group of factors, termed “satisfiers”, refers to condition of work: salary and fringe benefits, status, good labour relations, job security, good working conditions, etc. These factors do not give increased satisfaction (i.e. they do not motivate), although their absence may lead to dissatisfaction with one’s job.

Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y (1960)

McGregor summarized two possible views of management in worker motivation. Theory X is the traditional view of direction and control. It states that the worker dislikes work and tries to avoid it. The function of management, therefore, is to force the employee to work, through coercion and threats of punishment. The worker prefers in most cases to be directed and wants to avoid responsibility. Thus, in order to achieve organizational objectives managers will use money and other rewards as the most popular motivator.

     Theory Y is the humanistic/self-actualization approach to human motivation. Sometimes called the human resources model, it states that work is natural and can be a source of satisfaction, and that when it is, the worker can be highly loyal, interested, and motivated. Workers often seek responsibility and need to be more fully involved with management to become motivated. Theory Y is most likely to be used when management encourages worker participation in organizational decisions. In doing so management should create a working environment (or culture) where workers can show and develop their creativity.


rate of output per worker

to waste

to use more than needed


amount lost by being wasted


information, especially about people’s reactions


manners; treatment towards others

to predict

to say that smth will certainly happen




system where ideas are arranged in a formal structure, from lowest to highest; organization with grades of authority from lowest to highest


feeling of being a member of a group


high opinion, respect


complex; demanding effort


being in charge of smth


the state of being recognized; respect and gratitude


moving up to a more important job

fringe benefits

extra item given by a company to workers in addition to their salaries (company cars, private insurances, etc.)

job security

feeling that a worker has that his job will never end


using force to make smb obedient


statement of an intention to punish or hurt a person

to be involved with

to get mixed/take part in smth


smth which is given in return for work or services

1. Which of the following statements seems to you to be generally true?

Explain your point of view.

  1. People dislike work and avoid it if they can.

  2. Work is necessary to people’s psychological well-being.

  3. People avoid responsibility and would rather be told what to do.

  4. People are motivated mainly by money.

  5. Most people are far more creative and ingenious than their employers realize.

  6. Human needs are basic motivators in both private life and workplace.

2. Choose the right term.

1. To inspire, to induce, to give a reason or incentive to someone to do


a. motivate b. promote c. provoke

2. A person employed by someone else, working for money.

a. earner b. employee c. employer

3. Money paid (per hour or day or week) to manual workers.

a. earnings b. salary c. wages

4. A fixed regular payment made by employers, usually monthly, for

professional or office work.

a. earnings b. salary c. wages

5. Knowing that there is little risk of losing one’s job.

a. bureaucracy b. job safety c. job security

6. Relations between employers and employees, managers and workers,

management and trade unions.

a. human relations b. labour relations c. labour unions
3. Match the concepts with their definitions.
hierarchy security motivation self-actualization

benefits status symbol promotion status job title



job title








1. to be raised to a higher rank or a better job

2. name of job (e.g. accountant, manager)

3. protection from danger/harm

4. the position of smb in society

5. advantages that come with a job (apart

from earnings)

6. self-development

7. stimulus, motive or encouragement to the

staff to work well

8. formal structure (from top to bottom)

9. thing that shows the status of its possessor

4. In the text, find English equivalents for the following: 


обратная связь

garanţie de ocupaţie

гарантия занятости


принадлежность к чему-либо

a domina








recunoaştere, apreciere

признание (заслуг)

beneficii marginale (suplimentare)

дополнительные блага; доплаты

circumstanţe, situaţii externe






5. Fill in the table with items referring to satisfaction of different human

needs listed below.



physiological needs

safety needs

needs of belonging

esteem needs

self-actualization needs


1. trade union membership

2. Professor Warren, PhD

3. company car

4. possession of a certain skill or expertise

5. group norms of


6. knowledge of the results of one’s work

7. salary

8. status symbol

9. working conditions

10. company social


11. sick pay scheme

12. satisfaction received from the work process

13. job title

14. pension scheme

15. visiting card

6. Choose and rank ten items which motivate you to do your best, in descending order (i.e. "1" is the item you desire most).

__ Being able to participate in the decisions that affect me.

__ Being able to problem solve in my job.

__ Getting recognition by superior when I do a good job.

__ Feeling that what I do is important to the organization.

__ Freedom to make decisions without approval from supervisor.

__ Getting feedback on my performance, so I know where I stand.

__ Getting along well with others in the organization.

__ Good pay or stipend.

__ Good physical working conditions.

__ Having an internship with minimal amount of pressure.

__ Having a flexible work schedule.

__ Having a written job description .

__ Having an efficient and competent superior.

__ Knowing I will be held responsible for my own performance.

__ Knowing my supervisor trusts me.

__ Knowing what is going on in the organization.

__ Large amount of freedom.

__ Opportunity for improving my present skills and learning new ones.

__ Opportunity to do creative and challenging work.

__ Opportunity to attain greater computer know-how.

__ Prestige.

__ Relaxed organizational climate.

__ Respect for me as an individual.

__ Supportive environment.

__ Working by myself.

__ Working under close supervision.

__ Having a sense of achievement and accomplishment.

__ Knowing that what I do will be appealing to a future employer.

__ Opportunity in decision making.

__ Opportunity for training and gaining experience.

__ Feeling like I am part of a team.


  1. Comment on the saying:

You can take a horse to water but you cannot force it to drink; it will drink only if it’s thirsty – so with people.

Electronic commerce, or Ecommerce, which means business trading via the Internet, has been around the globe since the mid-1990s. In the recent few years, Ecommerce is getting more and more attention from entrepreneurs and consumers because the virtual commercial market is easily accessible and its operations are time-saving.

Ecommerce is highly instrumental in saving time as compared to the traditional commerce method: with just a few clicks, a transaction is made or an order is placed and completed via the Internet practically in no time. For instance, a banking transaction can be completed through the Internet within a few minutes, as payment and documentation are executed with greater efficiency.

From the business viewpoint, Ecommerce is much more cost-effective in comparison with the traditional commerce method. Companies no more need middlepersons to sell their products. For example, Dell, a giant computer enterprise, runs most of its business through the Internet without involving any third parties and spending extra sums for their services.

Ecommerce marketing allows companies to reach the customer audience in a cheaper and more efficient way, as putting an ad on the Internet costs significantly less compared to filming a TV commercial.

Ecommerce also helps to save the total overheads needed to run a business. Thus, an Ecommerce business may be controlled by a single head office that is not divided into departments. Consequently, the cost for staff, maintenance, communications and office rental can be substituted by a single cost – that of web-hosting for the Ecommerce business.

In comparison with the traditional commerce method, Ecommerce provides better connectivity for companies and their potential customers. The respective website can be accessed virtually from anywhere on the Internet, eliminating the limits of geographical location.

Ecommerce is rather convenient for customers, as they can browse through any directories of catalogues, compare prices between products, and are free to choose between local and foreign manufacturers. On top of that, customers can do it while at home or at work, without any necessity to move a single inch from their chair. Besides, for both consumers and businesses, Ecommerce is easier to use or run, as online trading has less red tape compared to the traditional commerce method.

As regards the global market, the appearance of Ecommerce had opened up good opportunities for companies and investors worldwide. For instance, due to the booming of Ecommerce, more and more resources are being directed into electronic securities, Internet facilities, business plans and new technologies. As a result, a variety of new markets have emerged from Ecommerce itself giving a boost to the global market.


to access

to reach easily


that can be reached easily


a business deal (to conclude / make a transaction)




costs of running a business

to eliminate

to remove

red tape

official paperwork which takes a long time to complete


additional / supplementary


which gives value, especially when compared with smth else

to execute

to carry out to complete

to boom

to expand; to become prosperous

to boost

to make smth increase

to browse

to look through/read inattentively

to involve

to cause smb to become connected/concerned

to emerge

to come/appear (from/out of somewhere)


placing materials on the Internet

1. Answer the following questions.

1. How can a businessman save time for his transactions using the


2. Why is it cost-effective to avoid third parties in commerce?

3. What facilities does Ecommerce offer customers?

4. How can companies reduce overheads with the help of the Internet?

5. Why is Ecommerce important for the global market?

2. Choose an appropriate word.
1. Our … are growing rapidly. We should be more economical in our

administrative expenses

a. headlines b. overheads c. headings.

2. Customers enjoy free … to any commercial website in their search for

competitive products and prices.

a. access b. entrance c. visit

3. The Internet makes it possible to conclude business … practically in no


a. operations b. transactions c. negotiations

4. Using traditional commerce methods, businesses cannot avoid …

services in supplying their goods.

a. suppliers’ b. secretaries’ c. middlepersons’

5. Overheads are the costs of … a business.

a. moving b. running c. flying

6. Ecommerce is instrumental in the boost of the … commercial market


a. virtual b. real c. global
3. In the text, find terms for the following definitions:












1. In no time

2. Ability to work well and show good results

3. To be instrumental in doing smth

4. A short advertising film

5. Bureaucratic obstacles

6. Which is added/more than usual

7. Persons listening, watching, reading

8. Public announcement (in the press, on

TV, Internet)

9. Head office

10. Ability to be connected easily

11. That is not real

4. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions:




эффективные затраты





a executa, îndeplini




cheltuieli de regie

административные расходы

a prospera




сheltuieli generale, costuri zilnice ale unei afaceri

общефирменные накладные расходы

majorare (a preţurilor, cererii), stimul, încurajare

повышение (цен, спроса), стимул, поддержка

5. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.

 any directories paying no attention to

2. Putting an ad on the Internet is

7. Online trading makes

n The total overheads

 manufacturers’ websites and can

 choose the best products and services.

 to conclude a transaction via the Internet.

 the local geographical limitations.

1. Ecommerce is instrumental

 to a boost of the global market.

y are saved by businesses which no

 it possible to avoid third

8. Consumers can browse through

 parties in making transaction.

 cheaper than filming a TV commercial.

 in the emergence of new markets.

6. The recent boom of Ecommerce leads

4. Customers enjoy free access to

y more need big head offices.

3. It takes practically no time

6. Join:

a) two synonyms in columns A and B, and

b) an antonym in column C.






 commerce

 wasting



 master

 local



 instrumental

 production



 economical

 recession


 worldwide

 guest



 virtual

 hindering



 boom

 real

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