Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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phobia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] phobia

phobic = {adj} [Pathol.] phobic

phoca = {n} [Zool.] seal

phon- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] phono-, phon- (= voice; sound) {Hence:} phonic-phonica; aphone-aphonia-aphonic; symphone &; antiphona &; phonographo etc.; phonologo etc.; cacophone etc.; euphone etc.; polyphone etc.; saxophono etc.; xylophono etc.; megaphono etc.; microphono etc.; telephono etc.; kaleidophonic etc.

phonema = {n} phoneme, phone

phonet- see phonetic

phonetic = {adj} phonetic {Hence:} phonetismo; phonetista; phonetica

phonetica = {n} phonetics

phonetismo = {n} phonetism

phonetista = {n} phonetician, phonetist

phonic = {adj} phonic; acoustic

phonica = {n} phonics; acoustics

phonographia (-ía) = {n} phonography

phonographic = {adj} phonographic

phono-grapho (-ógrafo) = {n} phonograph {Hence:} phonographia; phonographic

phonolithic = {adj} phonolitic

phono-litho (-nó-) = {n} phonolite, clinkstone {Hence:} phonolithic

phonologia (-ía) = {n} phonology

phonologic = {adj} phonological

phono-logo (-ólogo) = {n} phonologist {Hence:} phonologia; phonologic

phonometria (-ía) = {n} phonometry

phono-metro (-nó-) = {n} phonometer {Hence:} phonometria

-phore = {adj} [occurring in compounds] -phore, -phorous (= carrying; carrier, bearer) {Hence:} acanthophore etc.; rheophoro etc.

phosph- see phosphoro

phosphatate = {adj} phosphated

phosphatic = {adj} phosphatic

phosphato = {n} [Chem.] phosphate

phospheno = {n} phosphene

phosphina = {n} [Chem.] phosphine

phosphito = {n} phosphite

phosphorescente = {adj} phosphorescent

phosphorescentia = {n} phosphorescence

phosphorescer = {v} to phosphoresce {Hence:} phosphorescente-phosphorescentia

phosphoric = {adj} phosphoric

phosphorite = {n} [Mineral.] phosphorite

phosphoro (fós-) = {n} phosphorus {Hence:} phosphorite; phosphoric-hypophosphoric, pyrophosphoric etc.; phosphorose-hypophosphorose; phosphorescer &; phosphato-phosphatate, phosphatic, hypophosphato, arseniophosphato etc., glycerophosphato etc.; phosphina; phosphito-hypophosphito

phosphorose = {adj} [Chem.] phosphorous; acido phosphorose phosphorous acid

phot- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] phot-, photo- (= light) {Hence:} photon; photic; photica; photometro etc.; photographo etc.; photochimia etc.; photolithographia etc.; photosynthese etc.; photoelectric etc.; photogene etc.; telephoto etc.

photic = {adj} photic, light

photica = {n} photics (= science of light)

photo = {n} photo, snapshot {Hence:} photomontage etc.

photo-chimia (-ía) = {n} photochemistry

photo-chromia (-ía) = {n} color photography, photochromy

photo-electric a [Phys.] photoelectric

photo-gene = {adj} photogenous, photogenic (= generating light) {Hence:} photogenic

photogenic = {adj} photogenic (as in "photogenic face")

photographar = {v} to photograph

photographia (-ía) = {n} 1. photography; 2. photograph

photographic = {adj} photographic

photo-grapho (-ógrafo) = {n} photographer {Hence:} photographia-astrophotographia etc., chromophotographia etc., microphotographia etc., telephotographia etc.; photographic; photographar

photo-gravure = {n} photogravure

photo-lithographia (-ía) = {n} 1. photolithography; 2. photolithograph {Hence:} photolithographiar

photolithographiar = {v} to photolithograph

photo-metro (-ómetro) = {n} photometer

photo-montage (-aje) = {n} photomontage

photon = {n} [Phys.] photon

photo-sphera = {n} photosphere; {also:} [Astron.]

photostatic = {adj} photostatic

photo-stato (-óstato) = {n} photostat (1. photostating camera; 2. photostatic copy) {Hence:} photostatic

photo-synthese (-sín-) = {n} photosynthesis

photo-synthetic = {adj} photosynthetic

photo-therapia (-ía) = {n} phototherapy {Hence:} phototherapic

phototherapic = {adj} phototherapeutic

phototypia (-ía) = {n} phototypy, phototyping

phototypic = {adj} phototypic

photo-typo = {n} (-ótipo) [Print.] phototype {Hence:} phototypia; phototypic; phototypographia etc.

phototypo-graphia (-ía) = {n} phototypography {Hence:} phototypographic

phototypographic = {adj} phototypographic

phras- = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} phrase-phrasar, phraseologia etc.; antiphras- &; metaphras- &; paraphras- &; periphras- &: holophras- etc.

phrasar = {v} [Mus.] to phrase

phrase = {n} I. phrase (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Mus.]); II. [Gram.] sentence

phraseo-logia (-ía) = {n} phraseology {Hence:} phraseologic

phraseologic = {adj} phraseological (= pertaining to phraseology)

phren- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] phren-, phreno (= midriff, diaphragm; mind) {Hence:} phrenesia; phrenitis &; phrenic; phrenographo etc: phrenologo etc.; phrenopathia etc.; schizophrenia etc.

phrenesia (-ía) = {n} frenzy

phrenet- see phrenitis

phrenetic = {adj} frantic, frenzied, phrenetic

phrenetico = {n} phrenctic, madman

phrenic = {adj} [Anat.] phrenic

phrenitis (-ítis) = {n} [Anathol.] phrenitis {Hence:} phrenetic-phrenetico

phreno-grapho (-nó-) = {n} phrenograph (= instrument recording the movements of the diaphragm)

phrenologia (-ía) = {n} phrenology

phrenologic = {adj} phrenological

phrenologista = {n} phrenologist

phreno-logo (-ólogo) = {n} phrenologist {Hence:} phrenologia-phrenologista; phrenologic

phreno-pathia (-ía) = {n} phrenopathy {Hence:} phrenopathic

phrenopathic = {adj} phrenopathic

Phrygia = {npr} Phrygia {Hence:} phrygie-phrygio

phrygie = {adj} Phrygian; bonetto phrygie Phrygian cap

phrygio = {n} Phrygian

-phthong- = {n} [occurring in compounds] -phthong (= voice; sound) {Hence:} diphthonge etc.; triphthongo etc.

phyllo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] phyllo-, -phyll, -phyllum (= leaf) {Hence:} chlorophyllo etc. ...

phylo = {n} 1. [Biol.] phylon (= tribe or race); 2. [Biol.] phylum {Hence:} phylogenese etc.; phylogenia etc.; phylogenetic etc.

phylo-genese (-gé-) = {n} phylogeny, phylogenesis

phylo-genesis (-gé-) = {n} phylogeny, phylogenesis

phylo-genetic = {adj} phylogenetic

phylo-genia (-ía) = {n} phylogeny (1. "science of phylogeny"; 2. phylogenesis) {Hence:} phylogenista

phylogenista = {n} phylogenist

physic = {adj} physical; astronomia physic physical astronomy; geographia physic physical geography

physica = {n} physics

physico = {n} 1. physique; 2. physicist

physico-chimia (-ía) = {n} physicochemistry {Hence:} physicochimic

physicochimic = {adj} physicochemical

physio-crate (-ó-) = {n} physiocrat

physio-cratia (-ía) = {n} physiocracy

physio-cratic = {adj} physiocratic

physiognomia (-ía) = {n} physiognomy (1. art of determining character from features of the face; 2. face) {Hence:} physiognomista; physiognomic

physiognomia see also physiognomonia

physiognomic = {adj} physiognomic (1. as in "physiognomic studies"; 2. as in "physiognomic expression)

physiognomista = {n} physiognomist

physio-gnomonia (-ía) = {n} physiognomy (= physiognomics) {Hence:} physiognomonic; physiognomia &

physiognomonic = {adj} physiognomonic

physio-graphia (-ía) = {n} physiography

physiologia (-ía) = {n} physiology

physiologic = {adj} physiologic, physiological

physiologista = {n} physlologist

physio-logo (-ólogo) = {n} physiologist {Hence:} physiologia-physiologista, psychophysiologia etc.; physiologic

physio-therapia (-ía) = {n} physiotherapy

physis (fí-) = {n} nature, inborn quality (of a person or thing); physis {Hence:} physic-physicochimia etc., geophysic etc., psychophysic etc.; physica-metaphysica, metaphysic, metaphysico; physico; physiotherapia etc.; physiognomonia etc.; physiologo etc.; monophysita etc.

phyto- [occurring in compounds] phyto-, phyt- (= grown; growth, plant) {Hence:} epiphyto; phytographia etc.; phytolacca etc.; zoophyto etc.; neophyto etc.; saprophyto etc.

phyto-graphia (-ía) = {n} descriptive botany, phytography

phyto-lacca = {n} pokeweed

pi = {n} pi (1. "the Greek letter pi"; 2. [Math.])

pianino = {n} upright piano

pianissimo (-íssimo) = {adv/adj} [Mus.] pianissimo

pianista = {n} pianist

piano [I] = {adv/adj} [Mus.] piano {Hence:} pianissimo; piano (2) &

piano = {n} [Mus.] piano, pianoforte {Hence:} pianino; pianista; pianola; pianoforte etc.

piano-forte = {n} [Mus.] pianoforte, piano

pianola = {n} pianola

piastra = {n} [Monet.] piaster, piastre

pica = {n} magpie

picaresc = {adj} picaresque

picaro [H] = {n} pícaro {Hence:} picaresc

picca (1) = {n} 1. [Arms] pike; 2. [Card Games] spade

picca (2) = {n} pique (as in "a fit of pique")

piccante I. ppr of piccar; II. {adj} 1. biting (as in "biting sarcasm"); 2. piquant

piccar = {v} I. to sting, bite, smart; II. to pique (1. to arouse, stir up; 2. to offend); piccar se to take offense; le vino se picca the wine turns acid or sour; piccar se de to pride oneself on, pique oneself on or upon; piccar (super le inimico) [Aeronaut.] to dive (down on the enemy) {Hence:} picca (2); piccante

picco = {n} 1. pick, pickax; 2. (mountain) peak

pice = {n} pitch (= residuum of wood tar, coal tar, etc.) {Hence:} piciose; piciar

piciar = {v} to pitch (= to cover over or smear with pitch)

piciose = {adj} pitchy

pickles [A] = {npl} pickles

pickpocket [A] = {n} pickpocket

pick-up [A] = {n} [Elec.] pickup, tone arm

picnic [A] = {n} picnic

pico = {n} woodpecker

pict- see pinger

pictor = {n} painter {Hence:} pictoressa; pictoresc

pictoresc = {adj} picturesque

pictoressa = {n} paintress, woman painter

pictura = {n} painting (1. art of painting; 2. picture)

pictural = {adj} pictorial, pictural

picturar = {v} to paint, picture

pie = {adj} pious, devoted {Hence:} pietate-pietismo, pietista, pietose-impietose; expiar &; impie-impietate

pièce [F] = {n} piece (1. play, dramatic work; 2. "piece of music")

pietate = {n} 1. [Relig.] piety; 2. affectionate devotion; 3. pity (= compassion); haber pietate de to pity or have pity on; facer pietate a un persona to arouse someone's pity or compasssion

pietismo = {n} Pietism

pietista = {n} Pietist

pietose = {adj} 1. compassionate; 2. piteous; pitiful

pigmentar = {v} to color or imbue with pigment

pigmentari = {adj} pigmentary

pigmentation = {n} pigmentation

pigmento = {n} pigment {Hence:} pigmentari; pigmentar-pigmentation; auripigmento etc.

pignorar = {v} to pawn, put in pawn

pignore = {n} pledge, pawn, security; prestator super pignore pawnbroker

pigre = {adj} lazy {Hence:} pigritia; pigressa

pigressa = {n} laziness

pigritia = {n} laziness

pila = {n} I. pier (of a bridge); II. pile (1. heap, stack; 2. [Elec.; Atomic Phys., etc.]); pila sic [Elec.] dry pile or cell; pila primari (secundari) [Atomic Phys.] primary (secondary) reactor {Hence:} pilar (1); pilastro; pilar (2)-compilar &

pilar (1) = {n} pillar

pilar (2) = {v} to pile, heap up

pilar (3) = {v} to remove the hair from, depilate

pilastro = {n} pilaster

Pilato, Pontio = {npr} Pontius Pilate

pilav [Tu.] = {n} pilaf, pilau, pilaw

pilaw [Pers.] = {n} pilau, pilaw, pilaf

piliage (-aje) = {n} pillage

piliar = {v} to pillage, plunder {Hence:} piliage; piliator

piliator = {n} pillager, plunderer

pilo = {n} I. hair (1. a single hair; 2. the hair of a person, animal, etc.); II. nap, pile (of cloth, velvet, etc.); III. down (as in "down on fruit"); montar a pilo to ride bareback {Hence:} pilose-pilositate; pilar (3); depilar-depilation, depilatori, depilatorio; horripilar etc.

pilori (-í) = {n} pillory

pilose = {adj} hairy, pilose

pilositate = {n} hairiness, pilosity

pilota = {n} [Naut., etc.] pilot {Hence:} pilotar-pilotage

pilotage (-aje) = {n} piloting, pilotage

pilotar = {v} to pilot

pilula (pí-) = {n} pill, pilule {Hence:} pilular

pilular = {adj} pilular

pimentar = {v} to season with pimento

pimento = {n} pimento (1. pimiento; 2. allspice) {Hence:} pimentar

pinaceas = {n} pl [Bot. ] Pinaceae

pinacee = {adj} pinaceous

pinastro = {n} pinaster, cluster pine, sea pine

pincel = {n} brush, painthrush; specif.: (artist's) pencil (= quill of camel's hair, fitch, sable, etc.) {Hence:} pincelar

pincelar = {v} to paint (= to use a painthrush)

pince-nez [F] = {n} pince-nez

pincette [F] = {n} tweezers, small pincers

pincion = {n} [Zool.] finch

pinea = {n} pine cone

pineal = {adj} pincal; glandula pineal pineal gland

pinee = {adj} pine, piny

pineto = {n} pine grove, pinetum

-ping- see pang-

pinger [ping-/pict-] = {v} to paint {Hence:} pictor &; pictura-pictural, picturar; depinger

ping-pong [A] = {n} ping-pong

pinguin = {n} penguin

pinion = {n} pine nut, piñon

pinna = {n} fin {Hence:} pinnaculo; pinnion; pinnula; pinnate

pinnaculo = {n} [Arch.] pinnacle

pinnate = {adj} [Bot.l pinnate

pinnion = {n} pinion (= cogwheel)

pinnula = {n} [Surv.] pinnule, sightvane

pino = {n} pine (1. pine tree; 2. pine wood) {Hence:} pinastro; pineto; pinacee-pinaceas; pinee-pinea-pineal

pinta = {n} pint

pintada [P] = {n} guinea fowl, guinea hen, pintado

pionero = {n} [Mil.] pioneer

pipa = {n} I. fife; II. pipe (1. tube; 2. [Meas.]; 3. "tobacco pipe") {Hence:} pipata; pipetta; pipar

pipar (1) = {v} to peep, cheep, chirp {Hence:} pipator

pipar (2) = {v} to (play the) fife

pipata = {n} pipeful

pipator = {n} peeper, cheeper

piperaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Piperaceae

piperacee = {adj} [Bot.] piperaceous

piperar = {v} to pepper, season with pepper

piperate 1. pp of piperar; 2. {adj} peppery

pipere = {n} pepper {Hence:} piperacee-piperaceas; piperiera; piperina; piperar; piperate

piperiera = {n} pepper shaker

piperina = {n} [Chem.] piperine

pipetta = {n} pipette

pipion = {n} dove, pigeon

piqué [F] = {n} piqué (= ribbed cotton fabric)

pira = {n} pear (= fruit of the pear tree) {Hence:} piriero

-pirar see spirar

pirata = {n} pirate (= one who commits piracy) {Hence:} pirateria; piratar

piratar = {v} to pirate, commit piracy

pirateria = {n} piracy

piriero = {n} pear tree

pirouettar = {v} to pirouette

pirouette [F] = {n} [Dancing] pirouette {Hence:} pirouettar

pisca = {n} 1. fishing; 2. catch, haul (of fishes); le pisca miraculose [Eccl.] the miraculous draught of fishes

piscar = {v} to fish (to catch or try to catch fish, etc.); piscar in aqua turbide to fish in troubled waters

piscaria = {n} fishing ground, piscary

piscator = {n} fisherman; anello del piscator [Eccl.] Fisherman's ring

piscatori = {adj} piscatory, piscatorial

pisce = {n} fish; pisce de mar salt-water fish; pisce aurate goldfish; pisce volante flying fish; ni carne ni pisce neither fish nor fowl; como un pisce fora del aqua like a fish out of water; mute como un pisce as mute as a fish; Pisces [Astron.] Pisces, Fishes {Hence:} piscaria; piscina; piscose; piscar-pisca, pischeria, piscator, piscatori; piscicultura etc.; pisciforme etc.; piscivore etc.

pisch- see pisce

pischeria (-ía) = {n} 1. fishing ground; 2. fishmarket

pisci-cultura = {n} pisciculture

pisci-forme = {adj} pisciform

piscina = {n} 1. [Eccl.] piscina; 2. fishpond; 3. swimming pool

pisci-vore = {adj} piscivorous

piscose = {adj} abounding in fish

pisi-forme = {adj} pisiform (1. pea-shaped; 2. [Anat., Zoo.])

piso = {n} pea; piso odorose sweet pea {Hence:} pisiforme etc

pista = {n} 1. tracks, trail (of an animal); 2. racecourse, race track

pistacia = {n} pistachio (tree) {Hence:} pistacio-pistaciero

pistaciero = {n} pistachio (tree)

pistacio = {n} pistachio (nut)

pistillar = {adj} [Bot.] pistillar, pistillary

pistillifere = {adj} [Bot.] pistilliferous

pistillo = {n} 1. pestle; 2. [Bot.] pistil {Hence:} pistillar; pistillifere

pistola = {n} 1. pistol; 2. pistole

piston = {n} piston (1. [Mach.]; 2. [Mus.]); corneta a piston [Mus.] cornet

pitancia = {n} small allowance, pittance

pizzicato [I] = {adj/adv/n} pizzicato

placa = {n} plaque (= disk of metal, etc.); {also:} badge {Hence:} plachetta; placar

placabile = {adj} placable

placabilitate = {n} placableness, placability

placar (1) = {v} to placate, appease {Hence:} placabile-placabilitate, implacabile-implacabilitate; placation; placator; placatori

placar (2) = {v} to plate, overlay (with plates of metal)

placard [F] = {n} poster, placard {Hence:} placardar

placardar = {v} to post (a bill, placard, etc.)

placation = {n} placation

placator = {n} placater

placatori = {adj} placatory, conciliatory

placente 1. ppr of placer; 2. {adj} pleasant

placer = {v} to please; placer a un persona to please somebody; si il vos place (if you) please {Hence:} placide &; placente; complacer &; displacer-displacente-displacentia

placer (1) = {n} pleasure

placer (2) [A] = {n} [Mining] placer

plach- see placa

plachetta = {n} plaquette (= small decorated plaque)

placia = {n} place (1. square; 2. position, office); placia de armas drill ground; placia (forte) fortress, fortified town {Hence:} placiar-placiamento; displaciar &; implaciar &; misplaciar

placiamento = {n} placement (1. action of placing, setting; 2. action of securing a position for someone); bureau de placiamento employment office, placement bureau

placiar = {v} to place (1. to put, set; 2. to secure a position or place for)

placide = {adj} placid {Hence:} placiditate

placiditate = {n} placidity

plaga = {n} 1. wound; sore; 2. plague (= affliction, calamity); poner le digito super le plaga to put one's finger on the sore spot {Hence:} plagar

plagar = {v} 1. to wound; 2. to plague

plagia (-aja) = {n} beach

plagiar = {v} to plagiarize

plagiario = {n} plagiarist

plagiato = {n} something plagiarized; {also:} plagiarism

plagio = {n} plagiarism; {also:} case of plagiarism {Hence:} plagiario; plagiar-plagiato

plaid [A] = {n} plaid

plan = {adj} 1. flat, level, plane; 2. plain (= clear, easy to understand) {Hence:} planar (2)-plana (1), planator; applanar &; explanar &; planimetro etc.; planispherio etc.; plano (2) &; plana (2)

plana (1) = {n} plane (= tool for smoothing, planishing, etc.)

plana (2) = {n} plain

planar (1) = {v} to plan (1. to represent by map, diagram, etc.; 2. to think out plans for)

planar (2) = {v} 1. to smooth, plane; 2. to planish

planar (3) = {v} 1. to hover; 2. [Aeronaut.] to glide {Hence:} planator; aeroplano etc.

planator (1) = {n} 1. planer (= one who or that which planes or smoothes); 2. planisher (of metals)

planator (2) = {n} [Aeronaut.] glider

planca = {n} 1. plank, board; 2. shelf (as in "book shelf") {Hence:} planchetta

planch- see planca

planchetta = {n} small plank, small board

planct- see planger

plancto = {n} lamentation, lament, plaint

plancton (plánc-) = {n} [Zool.] plankton

planeta = {n} planet {Hence:} planetari; planetario; planetoide

planetari = {adj} planetary; systema planetari planetary system

planetario = {n} planetarium

planetoide = {n} planetoid

planger [plang-/planct-] = {v} -; planger se de to complain of or about {Hence:} plancto

planimetria (-ía) = {n} planimetry

plani-metro (-í-) = {n} planimeter {Hence:} planimetria

planispheric = {adj} planispheric, planispherical, planispheral

plani-spherio = {n} planisphere {Hence:} planispheric

plano (1) = {n} plan (1. of a house, garden, town, etc.; 2. scheme; also: project, design) {Hence:} planar1

plano (2) = {n} plane (= flat or level surface); plano (inclinate) [Geom.] (inclined) plane; prime plano foreground {Hence:} planar (3) &; biplano etc.; monoplano etc.

planta = {n} 1. plant (= vegetable organism); 2. sole (of foot) {Hence:} plantagine &; planton; plantula; plantar (1); plantar (2)-plantation, plantator, displantar, implantar &, replantar-replantabile, supplantar &, transplantar &; plantigrade etc.

plantaginaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Plantaginaceae

plantaginacee = {adj} [Bot.] plantaginaceous

plantagine = {n} [Bot.] plantain {Hence:} plantaginacee-plantaginaceas

plantar = {adj} [Anat.] plantar, sole plantar {v} to plant

plantation = {n} 1. (art of) planting; 2. plantation

plantator = {n} planter (1. one who plants; 2. owner of a plantation)

planti-grade (-í-) = {adj} [Zool.] plantigrade {Hence:} plantigrado

plantigrado (-í-) = {n} plantigrade

planton = {n} 1. [Hort.] set, shoot, cutting; 2. [Mil.] orderly

plantula = {n} [Bot.l plantule; plantlet

plasma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} plasm, plasma (1. [Mineral.]; 2. [Physiol]); plasma del sanguine blood plasma {Hence:} cytoplasma etc.; neoplasma etc.; protoplasma etc.; ectoplasma etc

plast- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] plast- (= moulded, formed) {Hence:} -plastia &; plastic-plasticitate, organoplastic etc., plastico, plastica; chloroplasto etc.

-plastia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -plasty (= moulding, formation) {Hence:} galvanoplastia etc.; osteoplastia etc.; rhinoplastia etc.

plastic = {adj} plastic; {also:} [Technol.] plastics; operation plastic plastic operation; artes plastic plastic arts

plastica = {n} plastic art

plasticitate = {n} plasticity

plastico = {n} plastic, plastics (as in "plastic or plastics is a widely used material"); plasticos plastics (as in "plastics are widely used materials")

plastron [F] = {n} plastron (1. protection for the breast of a fencer; 2. starched shirt front)

plat- see platy-

platanaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Platanaceae

platanacee = {adj} [Bot.] platanaceous

plataneto = {n} grove of plane trees

platano (plá-) = {n} [Bot.] plane (tree) {Hence:} plataneto; platanacee-platanaceas

plateau [F] = {n} plateau

platessa = {n} flatfish, plaice; flounder

plat-helminthe = {n} [Zool.] flatworm, planarian, platyhelminth; plathelminthes Platyhelminthes

platinar = {v} to platinize

platinatura = {n} platinization

platinifere = {adj} platiniferous

platino = {n} platinum {Hence:} platinifere; platinoide; platinar-platinatura; platmotypia etc.

platinoide = {adj} platinoid

platinoide = {n} platinoid

platino-typia (-ía) = {n} [Photog.] platinotype

platitude [F] = {n} platitude

Platon = {npr} [Gr. Philos.] Plato {Hence:} platonismo-neoplatonismo etc.; platonic-neoplatonic etc.; platonico-neoplatonico etc.; platonizar

platonic = {adj} Platonic; amor platonic Platonic love

platonico = {n} Platonist, Platonic

platonizar = {v} to Platonize

platonismo = {n} Platonism

platta = {n} plate (= sheet of metal); {also:} [Photog.]

platte = {adj} flat, level {Hence:} applattar; platteforma etc.; platto; platta

platte-forma = {n} platform (1. as in "gun platform, streetcar platform, etc."; 2. [Pol.])

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