Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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repris- see reprender

reprisa = {n} 1. retaking, recapture, recovery; 2. resumption, resuming; 3. [Mus.] reprise, repetition

reprobabile = {adj} reprovable

reprobar = {v} I. to test again, try again; II. to reprove (1. to express disapprobation of; 2. to rebuke); III. [Theol.] to reprobate

reprobate 1. pp of reprobar; 2. {adj} [Theol.] reprobate {Hence:} reprobabile; reprobation; reprobative; reprobator; reprobate-reprobato

reprobation = {n} reprobation (1. disapproval, censure; 2. [Theol.])

reprobative = {adj} reprobative

reprobato = {n} [Theol.] reprobate, lost soul

reprobator = {n} reprover

reprochabile (-sh-) = {adj} reproachable

reprochar (-sh-) = {v} to reproach (= to upbraid, censure)

reproche (-sh-) = {n} reproach (= censure) {Hence:} reprochar-reprochabile-irreprochabile

reproducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} to reproduce (1. to produce again; 2. to make a copy or copies of); reproducer se to reproduce, multiply {Hence:} reproducibile; reproduction; reproductive

reproducibile = {adj} reproducible

reproduct- see reproducer

reproduction = {n} reproduction (1. act of reproducing or producing again; 2. [Biol.]; 3. copy, likeness, etc.)

reproductive = {adj} reproductive

rept- see reper

reptar = {v} to creep, crawl

reptation = {n} (act or action of) creeping, crawling; reptation

reptatori = {adj} [Zool.] reptant

reptile = {adj/n} reptile

republica (-pú-) = {n} 1. commonwealth, state; 2. republic {Hence:} republican-republicanismo, republicanizar, republicano

republican = {adj} republican (1. of a republic; 2. consonant with the principles of a republic)

republicanizar = {v} to republicanize

republicanismo = {n} republicanism

republicano = {n} republican (= one who favors a republican government)

repudiabile = {adj} repudiable

repudiar = {v} I. to repudiate (1. [Hist.] to divorce; 2. to reject); II. [Law] to disclaim

repudiation = {n} 1. repudiation; 2. [Law] disclaimer (= action of renouncing a legal claim)

repudiator = {n} repudiator

repudio = {n} repudiation (1. [Hist.] divorce; 2. rejection) {Hence:} repudiar-repudiabile, repudiation, repudiator

repugnante I. ppr of repugnar; II. {adj} repugnant (1. contradictory; 2. refractory; 3. distasteful)

repugnantia = {n} repugnance (1. contradiction; 2. dislike, disgust); sentir repugnantia a facer un cosa to feel repugnance to doing something

repugnar = {v} to cause repugnance {Hence:} repugnante-repugnantia

repuls- see repeller

repulsa = {n} repulse

repulsar = {v} to repel, repulse (1. to drive back; 2. to reject)

repulsion = {n} repulsion (1. act of repulsing; fact of being repulsed; 2. feeling of aversion; 3. [Phys.])

repulsive = {adj} repulsive (1. as in "repulsive force"; 2. arousing aversion)

reputar = {v} to consider, deem; esser reputate to be reputed (to be), have the reputation (of being) {Hence:} reputation

reputation = {n} reputation (as in "of great reputation")

request- see requirer

requesta = {n} request; al requesta de at the request of

requestar = {v} to request

requiem (ré-) = {n} requiem

requiescat in pace!, R.I.P. [L] = requiescat in pace!, R.I.P., may he rest in peace!

requirente = {n} applicant, suitor

requirer [-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-] = {v} to require (= to demand as necessary) {Hence:} reguirimento; requirente; requesta-requestar; requisition-requisitionar; requisitorio; requisite-requisito

requirimento = {n} requirement

requisit- see requirer

requisite = {adj} requisite

requisition = {n} requisition (= act of requiring as of right)

requisitionar = {v} to requisition, commandeer

requisito = {n} requisite

requisitorio = {n} [Law] summation, summing-up (of the prosecuting attorney)

rescinder [-scind-/-sciss-] = {v} to rescind (1. to cut off, remove; 2. to annul, abrogate) {Hence:} rescission; rescissori

resciss- see rescinder

rescission = {n} rescission

rescissori = {adj} rescissory, rescinding

rescriber [-scrib-/-script-] = {v} to write over again, rewrite {Hence:} rescripto

rescript- see rescriber

rescripto = {n} rescript (1. [Hist.]; 2. [Eccl.]; 3. rewriting)

resecar [-sec-/-sect-] = {v} [Surg.] to resect {Hence:} resection

resect- see resecar

resection = {n} [Surg.] resection

reseda = {n} [Bot.] mignonette, reseda; {also:} reseda (color) {Hence:} resedacee-resedaceas

resedaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Resedaceae

resedacee = {adj} [Bot.] resedaceous

reseminar = {v} to sow again

resentimento = {n} resentment; con resentimento resentfully

resentir = {v} 1. to feel keenly; 2. to resent; resentir se de to feel the effects of (an injury, illness, etc.) {Hence:} resentimento

reserva = {n} reserve (1. part of something kept back for future use; {also:} [Mil.]; 2. reservation, restriction; 3. self-restraint)

reservar = {v} to reserve (1. to save, keep back for a later occasion; 2. as in "to reserve a seat in a theater"); reservar se pro to reserve or save oneself for {Hence:} reserva-reservista; reservation; reservate

reservate 1. pp of reservar; 2. {adj} reserved (= reticent)

reservationn reservation (= act of reserving or keeping back)

reservir = {v} to serve again

reservista = {n} [Mil.] reservist

reservoir [F] = {n} reservoir (1. place where anything is kept in store; 2. "water reservoir")

residente 1. prp of resider; 2. {adj} residing, resident residente {n} 1. resident (= one who resides in a place); 2. (minister) resident

residentia = {n} residence (1. "place of residence"; 2. [Dipl.] resident's function, office, tenure)

resider = {v} to reside, dwell {Hence:} residente-residentia; residue &

residual = {adj} residual

residue = {adj} residual {Hence:} residuo-residual

residuo n1. residue, residuum; 2. [Math.] remainder

resignar = {v} to resign (an office, right, etc.); resignar se (a) to resign oneself (to) {Hence:} resignation

resignation = {n} resignation (1. act of resigning or giving up; 2. state of being resigned or submissive)

resimilante 1. ppr of resimilar; 2. {adj} resembling, similar (to)

resimilantia = {n} resemblance

resimilar = {v} to resemble {Hence:} resimilante-resimilantia

resina = {n} resin {Hence:} resinifere; resinose; resinificar

resinifere = {adj} resiniferous, resin-producing

resinificar = {v} to resinify

resinose = {adj} resinous

resistentia = {n} resistance

resister = {v} to resist; resister al autoritate to resist authority {Hence:} resistentia; resistibile-irresistibile-irresistibilitate

resistibile = {adj} resistible

resolu- see resolver

resolubile = {adj} resoluble, resolvable

resolut- see resolver

resolute = {adj} resolute

resolution = {n} resolution (1. act of disinvolving, decomposing, etc.; {also:} solution, as in "solution of a difficulty"; 2. decision; 3. resoluteness); prender un resolution to make a resolution

resolvente 1. ppr of resolver; 2. [Med.] resolvent resolvente {n} [Med.] resolvent

resolver [-solv-/-solut-] = {v} to resolve (1. to disinvolve, decompose, etc.; {also:} to solve; 2. to decide, determine); resolver se a (facer un cosa) to resolve, make up one's mind to (do something); resolver un tumor to resolve a tumor; resolver un dissonantia to resolve a discord {Hence:} resolvente; resolubile-irresolubile; resolution-irresolution; resolute-irresolute

resonante 1. ppr of resonar; 2. {adj} resonant, resounding

resonantia = {n} resonance (1. quality of being resonant; 2. act of resounding)

resonar = {v} to resound, reverberate, echo {Hence:} resonante-resonantia; resonator

resonator = {n} resonator

resorber [-sorb-/-sorpt-] = {v} to resorb, absorb {Hence:} resorption

resorpt- see resorber

resorption = {n} resorption, absorption

resortir = {v} to go or come out again

resorto = {n} spring ("spring in a piece of mechanism"); also: mainspring

respect- see respicer

respectabile = {adj} respectable

respectabilitate = {n} respectability

respectar = {v} to respect

respective = {adj} respective

respecto = {n} respcct (1. esteem, deferential regard; 2. relation, reference); respectos respects, regards; in omne respectos in all respects, in every respect

respectuose = {adj} respectful

respicer [-spic-/-spect-] = {v} 1. to look back; 2. to look after, take care of; 3. to examine carefully, verify, check {Hence:} respective; respecto-respectuose; respectar-respectabile-respectabilitate

respirabile = {adj} respirable, breathable

respirabilitate = {n} respirability, breathableness

respirar = {v} to breathe (1. to respire; 2. to exhale, give off) {Hence:} respirabile-respirabilitate, irrespirabile; respiration; respirator; respiratori

respiration = {n} respiration, breathing

respirator = {n} respirator

respiratori = {adj} respiratory

resplendente = {adj} resplendent; resplendente de resplendent with

resplendentia = {n} (great) brightness, resplendence

resplender = {v} to shine, be resplendent {Hence:} resplendente-resplendentia

respondente 1. ppr of responder; 2. {adj} respondent

responder [-spond-/-spons-] = {v} to answer (= to reply); responder a (un persona, or un littera, un question, etc.) to answer (someone, or a letter, question, etc.); responder a (un cosa) to correspond to (something); responder de (un cosa) to answer, vouch for (a thing); responder pro (un persona) to answer, vouch for (a person) {Hence:} respondente; responsabile-responsabilitate, irresponsabile-irresponsabilitate; responsive, responsorio; responso; responsa; corresponder &

respons- see responder

responsa = {n} answer

responsabile = {adj} responsible (= answerable, accountable); responsabile de 1. responsible for; 2. liable for

responsabilitate = {n} accountability, responsibility

responsive = {adj} answering, replying; responsive a in reply to

responso = {n} [Eccl.] responsory

responsorio = {n} [Eccl.] responsory

resposar = {v} to remarry

ressource [F] = {n} resource (= reserve source of supply); ressources resources, means; un persona de ressources a resourceful person

restabilimento = {n} re-stablishment

restabilir = {v} to re-establish, restore; restabilir se to recover, get well again

restablimento = {n} re-establishment

restablir = {v} to re-establish, restore; restablir se to recover, get well again

restar = {v} to remain (1. to be left; 2. to stay) {Hence:} resto-restive; arrestar &

restaurabile = {adj} restorable

restaurant [F] = {n} restaurant

restaurante 1. ppr of restaurar; 2. {adj} restorative restaurante {n} restaurant

restaurar = {v} to restore (as in "to restore a dynasty, a picture, etc.") {Hence:} restaurante; restaurabile; restauration; restaurative; restaurator

restauration = {n} restoration, restoring

restaurative = {adj} restorative

restaurator = {n} 1. restorer (of pictures, etc.); 2. restaurant keeper

restituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] = {v} to restore (1. to give back, return; 2. to bring back to the former or original state) {Hence:} restituibile; restitution; restitutor; restitutori

restituibile = {adj} restorable (1. returnable; 2. that can be brought back to its former or original state)

restitut- see restituer

restitution = {n} restoration (1. act of restoring or returning, to its former owner, restitution; 2. act of restoring to its former or original state)

restitutor = {n} restorer

restitutori = {adj} [Law] restitutory

restive = {adj} restive (= mulish, stubborn)

resto = {n} rest, remainder; specif.: [Arith.] remainder; restos remains

restrict- see restringer

restriction = {n} restriction; restriction mental mental reservation

restrictive = {adj} restrictive

restringer [-string-/-strict-]' 1. {v} to restrict, restrain; restringer se (a) to confine oneself (to) {Hence:} restriction; restictive; restringitor

restringitor = {n} restrainer

resultante 1. ppr of resultar; 2. {adj} resulting, resultant; (fortia) resultante resultant (force)

resultar = {v} to result; resultar de to result from; resultar in to result in {Hence:} resultante; resultato

resultato = {n} result

résumé [F] = {n} résumé

resumer = {v} to sum up, summarize {Hence:} resumitor

resumitor = {n} summarizer

resurger [-surg-/-surrect-] = {v} 1. to resurge, rise again; 2. to resurrect (= to bring back to life or existence); 3. to rise again (from the dead) {Hence:} resurrection

resurrect- see resurger

resurrection = {n} resurrection (1. as in "the resurrection of nature in the Spring"; 2. [Theol.])

resuscitar = {v} to resuscitate {Hence:} resuscitation; resuscitator

resuscitation = {n} resuscitation

resuscitator = {n} resuscitator

retabulo (-tá-) = {n} [Eccl.] retable

retaliar (1) = {v} to cut again {Hence:} retalio

retaliar (2) = {v} to retaliate {Hence:} retaliation

retaliation = {n} retaliation

retalio = {n} cutting, shred, clipping, etc.

retardamento = {n} retardation (= act of retarding), retardment

retardar = {v} 1. to delay (= to make slow or late, retard); 2. to be slow or delayed {Hence:} retardo; retardamento; retardation; retardative; retardator; retardatario

retardatario = {n} latecomer

retardation = {n} retardation (= act of retarding)

retardative = {adj} retardative (= having power to retard)

retardator = {n} retarder

retardo = {n} delay (as in "delay of a day"), retard; in retardo late, behindhand

rete = {n} 1. net (as in "fish net," "hair net," etc.); 2. network (as in "a network of railroads") {Hence:} reticulo &; retiario; retina &

retemperar = {v} [Metal.] to retemper

retenaculo = {n} [Bot.] retenaculum

retener [-ten-/-tent-] = {v} I. to keep, hold (back), detain, withhold, hinder, etc.; II. to retain (1. to preserve; 2. to reserve; 3. to remember);

III. to restrain, curb, keep from, etc.; retener se to check oneself {Hence:} retenaculo; retenibile; retention; retentive-retentivitate; retentor

retenibile = {adj} retainable

retent- see retener

retention = {n} I. detention; {also:} withholding; II. retention (1. reservation; 2. memory; 3. [Med.])

retentive = {adj} retentive (= good at remembering)

retentivitate = {n} retentivity

retentor = {n} retainer (1. detainer; 2. maintainer, preserver)

reti- see rete

retiario = {n} [Rom. Antiq.] retiarius

retic- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} reticente reticentia

reticente = {adj} reticent

reticentia = {n} 1. reticence; 2. [Rhet.] apophasis

reticular = {v} to reticulate reticular {adj} netlike, reticular, reticulated; structura reticular [Atomic Phys.] lattice structure

reticulate = {adj} reticulate, reticulated

reticulation = {n} reticulation

reticulo = {n} I. reticulum (1. net, netlike structure, membrane, etc.; 2. [Zool.] second stomach of a ruminant); II. reticule (= ladies' handbag); III. [Opt.] reticle; {also:} lattice, etc. {Hence:} reticular (1); reticulate; reticular (2)-reticulation

retina = {n} retina {Hence:} retinitis

retinitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] retinitis

retirada = {n} [Fortif.] retrenchment

retiramento = {n} 1. retirement (= act of retiring); 2. retreat (= place of seclusion)

retirar = {v} to withdraw, take away; retirar se I. to retire (1. to seek seclusion; 2. "to retire from business"); II. [Mil.] to retreat {Hence:} retiro; retirada; retiramento

retiro = {n} 1. retirement (= act of retiring); 2. retreat (= place of seclusion)

retoccar = {v} 1. to touch again; 2. to retouch, touch up, rework; {also:} [Photog.] to retouch {Hence:} retocco; retoccator

retoccator = {n} [Photog.] retoucher

retocco = {n} (act of) retouching, touching up

retornar = {v} to return (1. to give back; 2. to go or come back) {Hence:} retorno

retorno = {n} return (1. act of going or coming back; 2. requital, recompense); (viage) de retorno return (trip); esser de retorno to be back (again)

retorquer [-torqu-/-tort-/-tors-] = {v} 1. to turn or twist again or back; 2. to retort (an argument, etc.) {Hence:} retorta; retorsion; retorsive

retors- see retorquer

retorsion = {n} 1. retortion (= act of turning or twisting again or back); 2. (act of) retorting (an argument, etc.), retort

retorsive = {adj} retortive (= of the nature of a retort)

retort- see retorquer

retorta = {n} [Chem.] retort

retraciar = {v} to retrace

retract- see retraher

retractar = {v} to treat again

retractile = {adj} retractile

retractilitate = {n} retractility

retraction = {n} retraction (1. act of drawing back; 2. retractation, recantation)

retractive = {adj} retractive

retraher [-trah-/-tract-] = {v} to withdraw (1. to draw or take back; 2. to retract); retraher se to withdraw, retire {Hence:} retractile-retractilitate; retraction; retractive

retraite [F] = {n} 1. retreat, withdrawal; 2. [Mil.] tattoo, (signal of) retreat

retro = {adv} back (1. backwards; 2. ago; 3. as in "to give back"); a retro backwards {Hence:} arretrar-arretrate-arretrato

retro- = {prefixo} [used mainly with verbs] retro- (= back, backwards) {Hence:} retroager etc.; retroceder etc.

retroaction = {n} retroaction

retroactive = {adj} retroactive

retroactivitate = {n} retroactivity

retroager [-ag-/-act-] = {v} to retroact

retroceder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to retrocede (1. to move backwards; 2. as in "to retrocede territory") {Hence:} retrocession

retrocess- see retroceder

retrocession = {n} retrocession

retrograd- [-grad-/-gress-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} retrograde; retrogression; retrogradar-retrogradation

retrogradar = {v} to retrograde (1. to move backwards, retrogress; 2. [Astron.])

retrogradation = {n} retrogradation; {also:} [Astron.]

retrograde (-tró-) = {adj} retrograde (= reversed in order, movement, direction, etc.)

retrogress- see retrograd-

retrogression = {n} retrogression, {also:} [Math., Astron.]

retroguarda = {n} [Mil.] rearguard

retrospect- see retrospic-

retrospective = {adj} retrospective

retrospecto = {n} retrospect

retrospic- [-spic-/-spec-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} retrospecto; retrospective

reunion = {n} reunion (1. action of reuniting, state of being reunited; 2. gathering, meeting assembly)

reunir = {v} 1. to reunite (= to bring together again); 2. to unite (= to join together); reunir se 1. to gather together, meet; 2. to unite (= to become united)

revaccinar = {v} to vaccinate again, revaccinate

revaccination = {n} repeated vaccination, re-vaccination

revalorizar = {v} [Fin.] to revalorize

revelamento = {n} revealment

revelar = {v} 1. to reveal; 2. [Photog.] to develop {Hence:} revelamento; revelation; revelator

revelation = {n} revelation; Revelation Revelation, Apocalypse

revelator = {n} 1. revealer; 2. [Photog.] developer

reveller [-vell-/-vuls-] = {v} [Med.] to revulse (= to divert by revulsion) {Hence:} revulsion; revulsive

revender = {v} to resell

revendita (-vén-) = {n} resale

revenditor = {n} reseller

revenir = {v} 1. to come again; 2. to come back, return

reverberar = {v} to reverberate (1. to rebound; 2. to reflect, re-echo) {Hence:} reverbero; reverberation

reverberation = {n} reverberation, reflection

reverbero (-vér-) = {n} reverberator, reflector

reverende = {adj} reverend (= worthy of reverence)

reverendo = {n} reverend

reverente 1. prp of reverer; 2. {adj} reverent, reverential

reverentia = {n} 1. reverence (= deep respect or regard); 2. deep bow, obeisance; {also:} curtsy

reverential = {adj} reverential

reverentiose = {adj} (over)reverential, ceremonious

reverer = {v} to revere {Hence:} rererende-rererendo; reverente-reverentia-reverential, reverentiose, irreverente-irreverentia

rêverie [F] = {n} reverie, revery; {also:} [Mus.]

revers- see reverter

reverse = {adj} reverse, reversed

reversibile = {adj} reversible (= capable of being reversed)

reversibilitate = {n} reversibility, reversibleness

reversion = {n} reversion (1. [Law]; 2. [Biol.])

reverso = {n} I. reverse (1. opposite, contrary; 2. back, opposite side; 3. adverse change of fortune); II. revers; {also:} lapel; III. cuff (of trousers, boots, etc.); le reverso del medalia the reverse of the medal; obverso e reverso obverse and reverse

reverter [-vert-/-vers-] = {v} to turn, turn round, reverse {Hence:} reversibile-reversibilitate; reversion; reverse-reverso

revestimento = {n} 1. (act of) dressing (a person) again; 2. covering, coating, facing (of a wall bank, etc.); also: revetment

revestir = {v} 1. to dress (a person) again; 2. to attire, deck out; 3. to clothe (= to endow or invest); 4. to revet {Hence:} revestimento

revider [-vid-/-vis-/-vist-] = {v} 1. to see (someone or something) again; 2. to review (= to inspect or examine again); {also:} to revise {Hence:} revision-revisionista; revisor; revista

revindicar = {v} to reclaim, vindicate

revindication = {n} [Law] reclaim, revendication

revis- see revider

revision = {n} revision (as in "the revision of a book")

revisionista = {n} revisionist

revisor = {n} reviser

revist- see revider

revista = {n} review (1. act of looking over or re-examining something; {also:} [Mil.]; 2. periodical containing critical articles; 3. [Theat.] revue); passar in revista to pass in review

reviver = {v} to revive (= to recover life)

revivificar = {v} to revivify

revivification = {n} revivification

reviviscente 1. ppr of reviviscer; 2. {adj} reviviscent

reviviscentia = {n} reviviscence

reviviscer = {v} to revive, come to life again {Hence:} reviviscente-reviviscentia

revocabile = {adj} revocable

revocabilitate = {n} revocability

revocar = {v} 1. to call back (= to bid come back); 2. to revoke, cancel {Hence:} revoco; revocabile-revocabilitate, irrevocabile-irrevocabilitate; revocation; revocator; revocatori

revocation = {n} rcvocation

revocator = {n} revoker

revocatori = {adj} revocatory

revoco = {n} revoke, annulment

revolt- see revolver

revolta = {n} revolt (= rebellion)

revoltar = {v} to revolt (= to rebel) {Hence:} revolta

revolut- see revolver

revolute = {adj} [Bot.] revolute

revolution = {n} revolution (1. rotation; 2. [Pol.]) {Hence:} revolutionari; revolutionario; revolutionar; contrarevolution

revolutionar = {v} to revolutionize (1. to overthrow the government of; 2. to change completely)

revolutionari = {adj} revolutionary

revolutionario = {n} revolutionary, revolutionist

revolvar = {v} 1. to fly back; 2. to fly again

revolver [A] = {n} revolver (= pistol with a cylinder) revolver [-volv-/-volut-/-volt-] {v} to revolve (1. to cause to revolve or rotate; 2. to turn over and over in the mind) {Hence:} revolution &; revolute; revoltar &

revuls- see reveller

revulsion = {n} [Med.] revulsion

revulsive = {adj} [Med.] revulsive

rhachis (rá-) = {n} [Anat.; Bot.; etc.] rachis, spine {Hence:} rhachitis-rhachitic; rhacitomia etc.

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