reflecter [-flect-/-flex-] = {v} to reflect (1. to throw or cast back; 2. to ponder); reflecter se in to be reflected in {Hence:} reflexibile-reflexibilitate; reflexion-irreflexion; reflexive; reflexe-reflexo; reflector
reflector = {n} [Opt.] reflector; {also:} [Atomic Phys.]
reflex- see reflecter
reflexe = {adj} reflex (1. reflective; 2. [Physiol.])
reflexibile = {adj} reflexible
reflexibilitate = {n} reflexibility
reflexion = {n} reflection, reflexion (1. [Opt.; Acous.]; 2. mental consideration, contemplation)
reflexive = {n} reflective (1. as in "reflective surface"; 2. as in "reflective person"); verbo reflexive [Gram.] reflexive verb
reflexo = {n} reflex (1. mirrored image; likeness, copy; 2. [Physiol.])
refluer [-flu-/-flux-] u to flow back; {also:} to ebb {Hence:} refluxo
reflux- see refluer
refluxo = {n} reflux; {also:} ebb, ebb-tide; fluxo e refluxo flux and reflux, ebb and flow
reforestar = {v} to reforest
reforestation = {n} reforestation
reforma = {n} 1. reform; 2. [Eccl. Hist.] Reformation
reformabile = {adj} reformable
reformar = {v} to reform (1. to form a second time; 2. to convert into better form) {Hence:} reforma; reformismo; reformista; reformabile; reformation; reformative; reformator; reformate
reformate 1. ppr of reformar; 2. {adj} reformed; {also:} [Eccl. Hist.] Reformed
reformation = {n} reformation; {also:} [Eccl. Hist.] Reformation
reformative = {adj} reformative
reformator = {n} reformer; {also:} [Eccl. Hist.]
reformismo = {n} reformism
reformista = {n} reformist
refract- see refranger
refractar = {v} to refract
refractari = {adj} refractory
refraction = {n} refraction
refractive = {adj} refractive
refractivitate = {n} refractivity
refractor = {n} refractor
refractori = {adj} refractory
refrain [F] = {n} refrain (= burden of a poem)
refranger [-frang-/-fract-] = {v} to refract {Hence:} refrangibile-refrangibililate, irrefrangibile-irrefrangibilitate; refraction; refractive-refractivitate; refractor; refractori; refractari; refractar
refrangibile = {adj} refrangible
refrangibilitate = {n} refrangibility
refrenar = {v} to bridle; {also:} to restrain, hold back
refrescamento = {n} refreshment (= restoration of strength, vigor, etc.)
refrescar = {v} 1. to cool (= to make or become cool in temperature); 2. to refresh, renew; refrescar se to refresh oneself (by means of refreshments, rest, etc.); refrescar le memoria de un persona to refresh someone's memory {Hence:} refrescamento
refrigerante 1. ppr of refrigerar; 2. {adj} refrigerant refrigerante {n} I. refrigerant (1. [Med.]; 2. substance used in refrigeration); II. refrigeratory, condenser
refrigerar = {v} to chill, refrigerate {Hence:} refrigerante; refrigeration; refrigerative-refrigerativo; refrigerator; refrigeratori
refrigeration = {n} refrigeration
refrigerative = {adj} refrigerative
refrigerativo = {n} [Med.] refrigerant
refrigerator = {n} refrigerator
refrigeratori = {adj} refrigeratory
refrigidar = {v} 1. to cool, chill; 2. to cool off, become cold
refugiar = {v} to give refuge; refugiar se to take refuge
refugiato = {n} refugee
refugio = {n} refuge {Hence:} refugiar-refugiato
refugir = {v} 1. to flee back; 2. to flee again {Hence:} refugio &
refulgente 1. ppr of refulger; 2. {adj} refulgent
refulgentia = {n} refulgence, refulgency
refulger = {v} to flash back, reflect {Hence:} refulgente-refulgentia
refunder [-fund-/-fus-] = {v} [Metal.] to recast, refound {Hence:} refusion
refus- see refunder
refusa = {n} refusal
refusar = {v} to refuse {Hence:} refusa
refusion = {n} [Metal.] recast
refutabile = {adj} refutable
refutar = {v} to refute {Hence:} refutabile-irrefutabile-irrefutabilitate; refutation; irrefutate
refutation = {n} refutation
regal = {adj} regal, royal regal {n} royal right or privilege; regales regalia, regalities
regalamento = {n} regaling, regalement
regalar = {v} to regale (= to treat, entertain); regalar se to feast (= to eat sumptuously)
regalitate = {n} regality (= royalty, kingship)
regalo = {n} 1. feast, banquet; 2. treat, refreshment {Hence:} regalar; regalamento
reganiar = {v} to win back, regain
regata = {n} regatta, boat race
rege = {n} king {Hence:} regina; regulo; regal-regalitate; vicerege; regicida etc.; regicidio etc.
regenerar = {v} to regenerate {Hence:} regeneration; regenerative
regeneration = {n} regeneration
regenerative = {adj} regenerative
regentar = {v} 1. to teach, give (a class, course, etc.); 2. to rule, direct (as or like a regent)
regente = {n} regent (1. as in "prince regent"; 2. as in "university regent") {Hence:} regentia; regentar
regentia = {n} [Gov.] regency, regentship
reger [reg-/rect-;-rig-/-rect-] {v} to govern (1. to direct, control; 2. [Gram.]) {Hence:} regimento &; regente &; rector &; recte &; corriger &; diriger &; eriger &
regi-cida = {n} regicide (= one who kills a king)
regi-cidio = {n} regicide (= act of killing a king)
regime [F] = {n} 1. regime; 2. [Med.] regimen
regimental = {adj} regimental
regimento = {n} 1. regime (= system of government); 2. [Mil.] regiment {Hence:} regimental; inregimentar
regina = {n} queen
region = {n} region {Hence:} regioral-regionalismo, regionalista
regional = {adj} regional
regionalismo = {n} regionalism
regionalista = {n} regionalist
registrar = {v} to register (= to record in writing)
registration = {n} registration (= act of recording in writing)
registrator = {n} registerer, recorder; {also:} registrar; (apparato) registrator [Technol.] recorder
registro = {n} register (1. record of regular entries; 2. organ stop; 3. "register of a voice, an instrument"; 4. "register of a furnace, etc."; {also:} damper; 5. [Print.]) {Hence:} registrar-registration, registrator
regnante I. prp of regnar; II. {adj} regnant (1. as in "queen regnant"; 2. prevalent)
regnar = {v} to reign
regni-cola (-ní-) = {n} citizen, national, subject (of a country)
regno = {n} 1. reign; 2. kingdom, realm; le regno vegetal the vegetable kingdom; le regno animal the animal kingdom; le regno mineral the mineral kingdom {Hence:} regnar-regnante; interregno; regnicola etc.
regratiar = {v} to thank
regreder [-gred-/-gress-] = {v} to go or move back, backward, down, etc. {Hence:} regression; regressive; regressar
regress- see regreder
regressar = {v} to go or move back, backward, down, etc.; to regress
regression = {n} regression; {also:} [Geom., Astron.]
regressive = {adj} regressive
regret = {n} regret, repentance
regrettabile = {adj} regrettable
regrettar = {v} 1. to miss (as in "I miss her"); 2. to regret, be sorry for {Hence:} regret; regrettabile
reguardar = {v} 1. to look at; 2. to concern, regard; reguardar como to regard as, consider {Hence:} reguardo
reguardo = {n} 1. look, glance; 2. regard (= care, attention, consideration)
regula (ré-) = {n} I. rule (1. regulation; 2. as in "slide rule"); II. ruler (= instrument used in drawing straight lines) {Hence:} reguletto; regular (1) &; regular (2)-regulamento-regulamentari, regulation, regulator, disregular &
regulamentari = {adj} regular (= according to regulations)
regulamento = {n} regulation (1. act of regulating; 2. regulating principle or rule)
regular = {adj} regular {Hence:} regularitate; regularizar-regularization; irregular-irregularitate
regular = {v} I. to rule (= to mark with parallel straight lines drawn with a ruler, etc.); II. to regulate (1. to control or direct by rule or regulations; 2. to adjust to a particular standard, purpose, etc.); III. to settle (a question, quarrel, account, etc.)
regularizar = {v} to regularize
regularization = {n} regularization
regularitate = {n} regularity
regulation = {n} regulation
regulator = {n} regulator; attrib regulating
reguletto = {n} [Typog.; Arch.] reglet
regulo (ré-) = {n} [Chem. & Metal.] regulus
regurgitar = {v} to regurgitate, to throw up; {also:} to vomit {Hence:} regurgitation
regurgitation = {n} regurgitation
rehabilitar = {v} to rehabilitate
rehabilitation = {n} rehabilitation
Reich [G] = {n} Reich
Reichstag [G] = {n} Reichstag
reimbursabile = {adj} reimbursable
reimbursamento = {n} reimbursement, refund
reimbursar = {v} to reimburse, refund {Hence:} reimbursabile; reimbursamento
reimplaciamento = {n} replacement (= action of replacing)
reimplaciante = {n} replacement, substitute (= person who replaces another)
reimplaciar = {v} to replace (1. to supply an equivalent for; 2. to take the place of) {Hence:} reimplaciamento; reimplaciante
reimpler = {v} 1. to refill; 2. to fill up, stuff
reimpression = {n} reimpression (1. reprinting; 2. reprint)
reimprimer [-prim-/-press-] = {v} to reprint
Reims [F] = {npr} Reims, Rheims
reincarnar = {v} to reincarnate
reincarnation = {n} reincarnation
reincassamento = {n} reboxing
reincassar = {v} 1. to rebox; 2. to receive (money) back
reinfortiamento = {n} reinforcement (= act of reinforcing)
reinfortiar = {v} to strengthen, reinforce {Hence:} reinfortiamento
reingagiar = {v} to engage again (= to hire, employ, again)
reinstallar = {v} to reinstall
reinstallation = {n} reinstallation
reintegrar = {v} to reintegrate
reintegration = {n} reintegration
reiterabile = {adj} repeatable
reiterar = {v} to reiterate
reiteration = {n} reiteration
reiterative = {adj} reiterative
reject- see rejic-
rejectabile = {adj} rejectable
rejectar = {v} 1. to throw again; II. to throw back, fling back; III. to reject (1. to refuse; 2. to spew out)
rejection = {n} rejection
rejic- [-jic-/-ject-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} rejection; rejectar-rejectabile
rejuvenescer = {v} to rejuvenate, make young again {Hence:} rejuvenescimento
rejuvenescimento = {n} rejuvenescence, rejuvenation
relais [F] = {n} [Elec.] relay
relat- see referer
relatar = {v} to relate (= to give an account of, to tell)
relation = {n} relation (1. account, report; 2. "relation between things"); facer relation de to give an account of
relative = {adj} relative (1. not absolute; 2. [Gram.]); pronomine relative relative pronoun; relative a relating to, relative to {Hence:} relativitate; relativismo; correlative
relativismo = {n} relativism
relativitate = {n} relativity
relator = {n} relater (= narrator)
relaxamento = {n} relaxation (= decrease of tension, strain, etc.)
relaxar = {v} I. to loosen (= to make looser); {also:} to relax (something); II. to release (1. to set free; 2. to relieve from a duty, obligation, etc.) {Hence:} relaxamento, relaxation
relaxation = {n} relaxation (= decrease of tension, strain, etc.)
relegar = {v} to relegate (= to send away, banish; {also:} to consign or assign to an inferior position or class) {Hence:} relegation
relegation = {n} relegation (= sending away; exile, banishment)
releger = {v} to reread
relentamento = {n} slackening, reduction of speed or activity
relentar = {v} to slacken (1. to slow down; 2. to reduce activity, intensity of efforts, etc.); relentar se to slacken, become slower or less active {Hence:} relentamento
relevamento = {n} (act of) relieving, relief
relevar = {v} I. to point out, call attention to; II. to relieve (1. to bring relief to; 2. "to relieve from a duty, etc."; 3. to make stand out, bring into relief; also: [Art]) {Hence:} relevamento; relevator
relevator = {n} reliever (as in "reliever of the poor")
relict- see relinquer
relicte = {adj} abandoned, relict
relievo = {n} relief (1. [Sculp., etc.] relievo; 2. distinctness of outline due to sharp contrast); in relievo in relief; poner in relievo to set off, to bring into relief; alte relievo high relief; basse relievo low relief, bas-relief
religar = {v} to bind again
religion = {n} religion (1. as in "Christian religion"; 2. scrupulousness) {Hence:} correligionario; religiose-religiositate, antireligiose, irreligiose-irreligiositate, religioso, religiosa; irreligion
religiosa = {nf} member of a religious order; {also:} nun
religiose = {adj} religious (1. devout, pious; 2. as in "with religious care")
religiositate = {n} religiousness (1. state of being devout or religious; 2. as in "to do something with great religiousness")
religioso = {nm} member of a religious order; {also:} monk, friar
relinquer [-linqu-/-lict-] = {v} to relinquish, leave behind; also: to abandon {Hence:} reliquia &: relicte; derelinquer &
reliqu- see relinquer
reliquario = {n} shrine, reliquary
reliquia = {n} relic (as in "relic of a saint"); reliquias relics, ruins {Hence:} reliquario
relucer = {v} to shine, glitter
reluctante 1. ppr of reluctar; 2. {adj} reluctant, resistent
reluctantia = {n} reluctance, unwillingness, resistence
reluctar = {v} 1. to struggle again; 2. to be unwilling, resist {Hence:} reluctante-reluctantia
remanente 1. ppr of remaner; 2. {adj} residuous, remanent
remanentia = {n} (state of) remaining
remaner = {v} to remain (1. to stay; 2. to be left) {Hence:} remanente-remanentia
remar = {v} to row (= to be rowing)
remarcabile = {adj} remarkable
remarcar = {v} 1. to mark again; 2. to remark (= to notice) {Hence:} remarcabile
remaritar = {v} to remarry (= to unite again in wedlock); remaritar se to remarry (= to get married again)
remasticar = {v} to chew again; to ruminate
remate = {adj} oared, having oars
remator = {n} oarsman
remediabile = {adj} remediable
remediar = {v} to remedy
remedio = {n} remedy (= cure, treatment; medicine) {Hence:} remediar-remediabile-irremediabile
rememorar = {v} to remind; rememorar un cosa a un persona to remind someone of something;
rememorar se to remember (= to bear in mind)
remington [A] = {n} Remington (gun)
remiss- see remitter
remissa = {n} 1. remittance (= action of remitting money, etc.); 2. carriage house
remissibile = {adj} remissible
remissibilitate = {n} remissibility
remission = {n} remission (1. forgiveness; 2. abatement, lessening)
remitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} I. to put back, restore; II. to remit (1. to transmit, send; 2. to forgive; 3. to abate, become less); III. to postpone, remit; remitter se a to rely on {Hence:} remissibile-remissibilitate, irremissibile-irremissibilitate; remission; remissa
remo = {n} oar (= implement for rowing) {Hence:} remar-remator, remate; bireme etc.
remonstrantia = {n} remonstrance
remonstrar = {v} to expostulate, protest, remonstrate {Hence:} remonstrantia
remonta = {n} [Mil.] remount
remontar = {v} to remount (1. to ascend again; 2. to refix, reset, etc.) {Hence:} remonta
remora (ré-) = {n} 1. hindrance, drag; 2. [Zool.] remora, shark sucker
remorar = {v} to retard, hinder, hold back {Hence:} remora
remorder [-mord-/-mors-] = {v} 1. to bite again; 2. to afflict, torment {Hence:} remorso
remors- see remorder
remorso = {n} remorse
remot- see remover
remote = {adj} remote, distant
remotion = {n} removal, remotion
remover [-mov-/-mot-] = {v} to remove (to a distance) {Hence:} removibile; remotion; remote
removibile = {adj} removable
remunerabile = {adj} remunerable
remunerar = {v} to remunerate {Hence:} remunerabile-irremunerabile; remuneration; remunerative; remunerator; remuneratori
remuneration = {n} remuneration
remunerative = {adj} remunerative (1. serving to remunerate; 2. profitable)
remunerator = {n} remunerator
remuneratori = {adj} remunerative (= serving to remunerate)
ren (1) = {n} kidney; renes loins {Hence:} renal-adrenal-adrenalina, suprarenal; reniforme etc.
ren (2) = {n} reindeer
renal = {adj} renal
renascente 1. ppr of renascer; 2. {adj} renascent, reviving, springing up again, etc.
renascentia = {n} re-birth, renascence, revival (as in "revival of learning"); le Renascentia the Renaissance
renascer = {v} to be born again, reborn
render = {v} I. to give back, return; II. to render (1. to give up, yield; 2. to translate; 3. to cause to become) {Hence:} rendimento; rendition
rendez-vous [F] = {n} rendezvous
rendimento = {n} yield, return; le rendimento de un machina the efficiency of a machine
rendition = {n} surrender (as in "surrender to the enemy")
renegamento = {n} disowning, repudiation, denial, etc.
renegar = {v} to disown, repudiate, deny, etc. {Hence:} renegamento; renegate-renegato
renegate 1. pp of renegar; 2. {adj} renegade
renegato = {n} renegade
reni-forme = {adj} kidney-shaped
renominar = {v} 1. to renominate; 2. to celebrate, give renown to {Hence:} renomine; renominate
renominate = {adj} renowned, famed
renomine = {n} renown
renovabile = {adj} renewable (= that can be renewed, replaced, etc.)
renovar = {v} to renovate (1. to make new or like new; 2. to renew, replace) {Hence:} renovabile; renovation; renovator
renovation = {n} renovation (1. making new or like new; 2. renewal, replacing)
renovator = {n} renovator
renta = {n} (unearned) income; viver de su rentas to live on one's private means {Hence:} rentero; arrentar
rentero = {n} independent gentleman, `rentier'
renunciamento = {n} renouncement
renunciar = {v} to renounce (1. to give up in a complete and formal manner; 2. [Cards]) {Hence:} renunciamento; renunciation; renunciator
renunciation = {n} renunciation, renouncement
renunciator = {n} renouncer
reoccupar = {v} to reoccupy (= to take possession of a place again)
reoccupation = {n} reoccupation (= act of taking possession of a place again)
reordinar = {v} 1. [Eccl.] to reordain; 2. to put in order again
reordination = {n} reordination (1. [Eccl.]; 2. a second or repeated disposition in harmonious form)
reorganizar = {v} to reorganize
reorganization = {n} reorganization
reorganizator = {n} reorganizer
reorientar = {v} to reorient
reorientation = {n} reorientation
repagamento = {n} repayment
repagar = {v} to repay, refund
reparabile = {adj} reparable
reparar = {v} to repair (1. to mend; 2. to make up for, make amends for) {Hence:} reparo; reparabile-irreparabile-irreparabilitate; reparation; reparator
reparation = {n} reparation (1. restoration to good condition; 2. act of giving satisfaction for wrong or injury done; 3. amends)
reparator = {n} repairer, repairman
reparo = {n} repair (= act or work of repairing)
repartir = {v} to distribute (= to allot to each as his share) {Hence:} repartition; repartitor
repartition = {n} distribution, allotment
repartitor = {n} distributor (= one who allots to each as his share)
repascer [-pasc-/-past-] = {v} to pasture again
repassar = {v} 1. to repass, pass again; 2. to iron; ferro de repassar flatiron
repast- see repascer
repasto = {n} repast, meal
repatriar = {v} to repatriate {Hence:} repatriation
repatriation = {n} repatriation
repeller [-pell-/-puls-] = {v} to repel, repulse (1. to drive back; 2. to reject) {Hence:} repulsion; repulsive; repulsa; repulsar
repentente = {adj} repentant
repententia = {n} repentance
repentir = {v} -; repentir se de (un action, etc.) to repent (an action, etc.) {Hence:} repentente-repententia
reper [rep-/rept-] = {v} to creep, crawl {Hence:} reptile; reptar-reptation, reptatori
repercuss- see repercuter
repercussion = {n} 1. repercussion, reverberation; 2. [Med.] (action of) repelling (humors, swellings, eruptions, etc.)
repercussive = {adj} 1. repercussive; 2. [Med.] repellent
repercuter [-cut-/-cuss-] = {v} 1. to reflect back, reverberate; 2. [Med.] to repel {Hence:} repercussion; repercussive
repertoire [F] = {n} [Theat.; etc.] repertoire, repertory
repeter = {v} 1. to repeat; 2. [Law] to claim back {Hence:} repetition; repititor
repetition = {n} repetition; horologio de repetition repeater (watch or clock); fusil de repetition repeating rifle
repetitor = {n} 1. one who repeats something said or done previously; 2. coach, tutor
replantabile = {adj} replantable
replantar = {v} to replant
replenamento = {n} replenishment
replenar u to refill, replenish {Hence:} replenamento
repler = {v} to refill, replenish {Hence:} repletion
repletion = {n} repletion
replica (ré-) = {n} 1. reply, answer; 2. [Art] replica
replicamento = {n} 1. (act of) folding up; 2. [Mil.] withdrawal, falling back
replicar = {v} 1. to fold up (= to make smaller by folding); 2. to reply, answer; replicar se [Mil.] to fall back {Hence:} replica; replicamento
reportage (-aje) = {n} [Journ.] reporting
reportamento = {n} 1. (action of) carrying back; 2. [Journ.] (action of) reporting
reportar = {v} 1. to carry back; 2. to report (= to give an account of) {Hence:} reporto; reportage; reportamento
reporter [A] = {n} reporter (= journalist)
reporto = {n} report, account
reposante 1. prp of reposar; 2. {adj} restful
reposar = {v} to repose (1. as in "to repose one's head on"; 2. to take a rest or lie at rest); reposar super to repose on (= to be based or founded on) {Hence:} reposo; reposante
reposo = {n} rest, repose; prender reposo to take a rest; in reposo at rest; in repose; lecto de reposo couch
reprehender [-hend-/-hens-] = {v} to reprehend {Hence:} reprehensibile-reprehensibilitate, irreprehensibile; reprehension; reprehensive
reprehens- see reprehender
reprehensibile = {adj} reprehensible
reprehensibilitate = {n} reprehensibility, reprehensibleness
reprehension = {n} reprehension
reprehensive = {adj} reprehensive
reprender [-prend-/-pris-] = {v} to take back again, retake {Hence:} reprisa
represalia = {n} reprisal
representabile = {adj} representable
representante = {n} representative; Camera del Representantes House of Representatives
representar = {v} I. to re-present, present again; II. to represent (1. to be a representative of; 2. to give a representation of; {also:} to present, perform) {Hence:} reprecentante; representabile; representation; representative; representator
representation = {n} I. re-presentation (= second or new presentation); II. representation (1. portrayal; {also:} performance; 2. act or state of representing as a representative)
representative = {adj} representative
representator = {n} representer
repress- see reprimer
repressibile = {adj} repressible
repression = {n} repression
repressive = {adj} repressive
repressor = {n} represser
reprimenda = {n} reprimand {Hence:} reprimendar
reprimendar = {v} to reprimand; to scold
reprimer [-prim-/-press-] = {v} to repress (1. to check, restrain, control; 2. to put down by force, suppress) {Hence:} reprimenda &; repressibile-irrepressibile; repression; repressive; repressor
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