rhachitic = {adj} [Med.] rickety, rachitic
rhachitis (-ítis) = {n} [Med.] rickets, rachitis
rhachi-tomia (-ía) = {n} rachitomy
-rhag [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} -rhagia-hemorrhagia etc.; pneumorrhagia etc. ...
-rhagia (-ía) = {n} [occurring in compounds] -rhage, -rhagia (= bursting forth)
rhapsodia (-ía) = {n} rhapsody (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. literary miscellany; 3. [Mus.])
rhapsodic = {adj} rhapsodic, rhapsodical
rhapsodista = {n} rhapsodist (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. one who makes rhapsodies)
rhaps-odo = {n} [Gr. Antiq.] rhapsode {Hence:} rhapsodia; rhapsodista; rhapsodic
rhenan = {adj} Rhenish
Rhenania = {npr} Rhineland
Rheno = {npr} Rhine {Hence:} rhenan-Rhenania
rheo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] rheo- (= current; electric current) {Hence:} rheometro etc.; rheotomo etc.
rheo-metro (-ó-) = {n} [Elec.] rheometer
rheo-phoro (-óforo) = {n} [Elec.] rheophore
rheo-stato (-ó-) = {n} rheostat
rheo-tomo (-ó-) = {n} [Elec.] rheotome, interrupter
Rhetia = {n} Rhaetia
rhetian = {adj} Rhaetian
rhetic = {adj} Rhaetic (1. Rhaetian, pertaining to Rhaetia; 2. [Geol.])
rhetico = {n} [Geol.] Rhaetic
rheto = {n} Rhaetian {Hence:} Rhetia-rhetian, rhetic-rhetico; rhetoroman etc.
rhetor = {n} rhetorician (1. teacher of rhetoric; 2. one who uses rhetorical language); {also:} rhetor {Hence:} rhetoric; rhetorico; rhetorica
rhetoric = {adj} rhetorical
rhetorica = {n} rhetoric
rhetorico = {n} rhetorician (= teacher of rhetoric)
rheto-roman = {adj} Rhaeto-Romanic {Hence:} rhetotomano
rhetoromano = {n} Rhaeto-Romanic
rheubarbaro (-bárbaro) = {n} rhubarb
rheuma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} catarrh, cold, rheum {Hence:} rheumatic-rheumatico; rhematizar-rheumatismo
rheumat- see rheuma
rheumatic = {adj} 1. rheumy, catarrhal; 2. rheumatic
rheumatico = {n} rheumatic
rheumatizar u to make rheumy or rheumatic; rheumatizar se to have a cold
rheumatismo = {n} [Med.] rheumatism
rhin- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] rhino-, rhin- (= nose) {Hence:} rhinitis; rhinal; catarrhin &; rhinalgia etc.; rhinologo etc.; rhinocerote etc.; rhinoplastia etc.; rhinoscopio etc.; platyrrhin etc.; otorhinolaryngologia etc.
rhinal = {adj} rhinal
rhin-algia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] rhinalgia
rhinitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] rhinitis
rhino-cerote = {n} rhinoceros
rhinologia (-ía) = {n} rhinology
rhinologic = {adj} rhinological
rhino-logo (-ólogo) = {n} rhinologist {Hence:} rhinologia; rhinologic
rhino-plastia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] rhinoplasty {Hence:} rhinoplastic
rhinoplastic = {adj} [Surg.] rhinoplastic
rhino-rrhea (-réa) = {n} [Pathol.] rhinorrhea
rhinoscopia (-ía) = {n} rhinoscopy
rhinoscopic = {adj} rhinoscopic
rhino-scopio = {n} rhinoscope {Hence:} rhinoscopia; rhinoscopic
rhiz- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -(r)rhiza, rhizo-, rhiz- (= root) {Hence:} rhizoide; rhizopode etc.; rhizophage etc.; glycyrrhiza etc.
rhizoide = {adj} [Bot.; Zool.] rhizoid
rhizo-phage (-óphage) = {adj} rhizophagous
rhizo-pode (-ópode) = {adj} [Zool.] rhizopod {Hence:} rhizopodo
rhizopodo (-ópodo) = {n} [Zool.] rhizopod
Rhodano (ró-) = {npr} Rhone (river); canal del Rhodano al Rheno Rhine-Rhone Canal
Rhode-Island [A] = {npr} Rhode Island
rhodic = {adj} [Chem.] rhodic
rhodie = {adj} Rhodian (= of Rhodes)
rhodio = {n} Rhodian (= native of Rhodes)
rhodium (ró-) = {n} [Chem.] rhodium {Hence:} rhodic
rhodo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] rhod-, rhodo- (= rose, rose color) {Hence:} rhodium &; rhodonite; rhododendro etc.; Rhodos &
rhodo-dendro = {n} [Bot.] rhododendron
rhodon- see rhodo-
rhodonite = {n} [Mineral.] rhodonite
Rhodos (ró-) = {npr} [Geog.] Rhodes; Colosso de Rhodos Colossus of Rhodes {Hence:} rhodie-rhodio
rhombic = {adj} rhombic
rhombo = {n} 1. [Geom.] rhombus; 2. [Ichthyol.] turbot {Hence:} rhombic; rhomboido-rhomboidal; rhombohedro etc.
rhombohedric = {adj} rhombohedral
rhombo-hedro = {n} rhombohedron {Hence:} rhombohedric
rhomboidal = {adj} rhomboidal
rhomboido = {n} rhomboid
rhyncho- = {n} [occurring in compounds] rhyncho-, -rhynch- (= snout; beak) {Hence:} ornithorhynche etc. ...
rhythmar = {v} to mark with rhythm
rhythmic = {adj} rhythmical
rhythmica = {n} rhythmics
rhythmo = {n} rhythm {Hence:} rhythmic; rhythmica; rhythmar; eurhythmia etc.
ribes (rí-) = {n} currant (= acid berry of several species of `Ribes'); ribes (rubie, nigre, etc.) (red, black, etc.) currant
ric = {adj} rich (1. wealthy; 2. abundant; 3. valuable, costly) {Hence:} ricchessa; inricchir-imicchimento; ricco
Ricardo = {npr} Richard
ricc- see ric
ricch- see ric
ricchessa = {n} 1. wealth; 2. richness (= abundance, costliness, etc.); 3. object of value; ricchessas riches
ricco = {n} rich (person); le riccos the rich
rider [rid-/ris-] = {v} to laugh; rider (se) de to laugh at, make fun of {Hence:} ridicule &; risibile-risibilitate; riso-risada; derider &; irrider &;surrider &
ridicule = {adj} ridiculous {Hence:} ridiculo
ridiculo = {n} 1. ridiculous thing, characteristic, etc.; 2. ridicule
rig- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} rigide &; rigor &
rigar = {v} to water, wet {Hence:} irrigar &
rigaudon [F] = {n} [Dancing] rigadoon
-riger see reger
rigide = {adj} rigid, stiff {Hence:} rigiditate
rigiditate = {n} rigidity, stiffness
rigor = {n} rigor (1. rigidity, stiffness; 2. strictness, harshness; 3. [Med., Physiol.]) {Hence:} rigorismo; rigorista; rigorose
rigorismo = {n} rigorism
rigorista = {n} rigorist
rigorose = {adj} rigorous
rima = {n} [Pros.] rhyme {Hence:} rimario; rimar-rimator
rimar = {v} 1. to make rhymes or verses; 2. to rhyme (= to accord in rhyme)
rimario = {n} rhyming dictionary
rimator = {n} versifier, rhymer
ripa = {n} bank (= land bordering a river, lake, etc.) {Hence:} ripari
ripari = {adj} riparian
ris = {n} rice {Hence:} riseria; risiera
ris- see rider
risada = {n} burst of laughter
riscar = {v} to risk, run the risk of
risco = {n} risk, hazard, peril; currer le risco de to run the risk of {Hence:} riscose; riscar
riscose = {adj} risky
riseria (-ía) = {n} rice mill
risibile = {adj} risible (1. capable of laughter; 2. laughable)
risibilitate = {n} risibility
risiera = {n} rice field
riso = {n} laughter; {also:} laugh
-rite see rate
rito = {n} rite {Hence:} ritual-ritualismo, ritualista
ritu- see rito
ritual = {adj} ritual ritual {n} ritual (1. as in "Catholic ritual"; 2. book containing prescribed ritual)
ritualismo = {n} ritualism
ritualista = {n} ritualist; attrib ritualistic
rival = {adj} rival, competing {Hence:} rivalitate; rivalizar
rival = {n} rival, competitor
rivalizar = {v} to rival (= to be a rival)
rivalitate = {n} 1. rivalship; 2. rivalry
rivetage (-aje) = {n} (action of) riveting
rivetar = {v} to rivet
rivetator = {n} riveter
rivete = {n} rivet {Hence:} rivetar-rivetage, rivetator
riviera = {n} river; stream
rivo = {n} brook, small stream {Hence:} derivar &
roast beef [A] = {n} roast beef
roba = {n} clothing, clothes; {also:} garment, robe, frock, etc. {Hence:} inrobar; guardaroba etc.
robamento = {n} robbery
robar = {v} to rob, steal {Hence:} robamento; robator
robator = {n} robber
roborar = {v} to strengthen, make strong {Hence:} corroborar &
robore = {n} 1. [Bot.] British or red oak; 2. strength {Hence:} roboreto; roborar &
roboreto = {n} plantation of red or British oaks
robot [Cz.] = {n} robot
robuste = {adj} robust {Hence:} robustessa
robustessa = {n} robustness
roc = {n} [Chess] rook, castle
rocca (1) = {n} distaff (= staff for holding flax, wool, etc., in spinning) {Hence:} roccata; rocchetta
rocca (2) = {n} rock (= large mass of stone) {Hence:} roccose
roccata = {n} distaff-full
rocch- see rocca
rocchetta = {n} rocket (as in "signal rocket")
roccose = {adj} rocky (as in "a rocky shore")
rococo (-có-) = {n} rococo; {also:} attrib rococo (as in "rococo mirror")
rodente 1. ppr of roder; 2. {adj} rodent
roder [rod-/ros-] = {v} to gnaw {Hence:} rodente; corroder &; eroder &
rodomontada = {n} rodomontade
Rodomonte = {npr} [boastful character in a work by Ariosto]; rodomonte boaster, bragger, rodomont {Hence:} rodomontada
rogar = {v} to ask for, beg, request {Hence:} rogation; rogatori; abrogar &; arrogar &; derogar &; erogar &: interrogar &; prerog- &; prorogar &; subrogar &; surrogar &
rogation = {n} [Rom. Law] rogation; rogationes [Eccl.] rogations; septimana del rogationes Rogation week
rogatori = {adj} [Law] rogatory
rolamento = {n} 1. (act of) rolling; 2. [Naut.] roll (= continued motion from side to side)
rolar = {v} to roll (1. as in "to roll a ball along the ground"; 2. to be rolling; 3. [Naut.] to sway from one side to the other); le tambur rola the drum rolls {Hence:} rolo &; rolamento; inrolar (2)
rolo = {n} I. roll (1. something rolled up; 2. cylindrical mass; 3. record, list of names, etc.); II. roller; {also:} rolling pin; III. role; rolo compressor steam roller {Hence:} controlo &; inrolar (1) &
Roma = {npr} Rome {Hence:} Romulo; roman-Romania &, romanismo, romanista, romanic, romanizar, Roman, romano; romaic-romaico; grecoroman etc.
Romagna [I] = {npr} Romagna (= former province of Italy) {Hence:} romagnol-romagnolo
romagnol (-nyól) = {adj} Romagnol
romagnolo (-nyólo) = {n} Romagnol
romaic (-áic) = {adj} Romaic
romaico (-áico) = {n} Romaic
roman = {adj} Roman; (lactuca) roman romaine (lettuce)
romance = {n} 1. [Philol.] Romance; 2. [Lit., Mus.] romance; {also:} ballad; 3. [Lit.] novel {Hence:} romancero; romancesc
romancero (1) = {n} 1. romancer; {also:} ballad writer; 2. novelist
romancero (2) [H] = {n} romancero (= a collection of ballads)
romancesc = {adj} romantic (= of the nature of a romance or novel)
romancio = {n} Romansh, Romansch
Romania = {npr} 1. Romania, Rumania; 2. Roman realm, realm of Latin (language and culture) {Hence:} romanian-romaniano
romanian = {adj} Romanian, Rumanian
romaniano = {n} Romanian, Rumanian
romanic = {adj} 1. Romanic; 2. [Arch.] Romanesque
romanizar = {v} to Romanize
romanismo = {n} Romanism
romanista = {n} Romanist (1. one versed in Roman law; 2. student of Romance languages or philology)
romano = {n} Roman (= inhabitant of Rome)
romantic = {adj} romantic {Hence:} romanticismo; romantico
romanticismo = {n} romanticism
romantico = {n} romantic; specif.: romanticist
Romulo = {npr} Romulus
-ron see electron
roncar = {v} to snore; {also:} to snort
roncator = {n} snorer
ronco = {n} (act of) snoring; snort {Hence:} roncar-roncator
ronda = {n} [Mil., etc.] round(s) {Hence:} contraronda
ronde = {adj} round (1. spherical, globular; 2. circular) {Hence:} rondo
rondeau [F] = {n} rondeau (1. [Pros ]; 2. [Mus.])
rondo = {n} round (1. spherical or globular body; 2. circle, ring)
Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad = {npr} [1845-1923; German physicist]; radios Röntgen Roentgen rays, x-rays {Hence:} röntgen; röntgenogramma etc.; röntgenologia etc.
röntgen = {n} [Phys.] roentgen (= international unit of quantity of x-rays)
röntgeno-gramma = {n} roentgenogram
röntgeno-logia (-ía) = {n} roentgenology {Hence:} röntgenologista
röntgenologista = {n} roentgenologist
roral = {adj} dewy
rore = {n} dew {Hence:} roral; irrorar &; roriflue etc.
rori-flue = {adj} dripping dew
ros = {n} dew {Hence:} rosmarino etc.
rosa = {n} rose (1. rose flower; {also:} plant; 2. "rose color"; 3. [Arch.] rosette; {also:} rosace, rose window; 4. [Pathol.] erysipelas; 5. "rose diamond"); rosa del ventos compass card; rosa nautic mariner's compass {Hence:} rosario; rosetta; rosacee-rosaceas; rosate; rosee-roseina, roseola; rosar
rosaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Rosaceae
rosacee = {adj} [Bot.] rosaceous
rosar = {v} to rose, give a roseate tint to
rosario = {n} 1. rosebush, rose; 2. [Eccl.] rosary
rosate = {adj} rose (1. pink, rosy; 2. as in "rose vinegar")
rosee = {adj} rose, rose-colored
roseina (-í-) = {n} [Chem.] rosaniline; {also:} fuchsin
roseola (-sé-) = {n} [Pathol.] roseola, rose rash
rosetta = {n} rosette; {also:} [Arch.]
ros-marino = {n} rosemary
rossiniolo = {n} nightingale
rostimento = {n} [Cookery] roasting, broiling, grilling, etc.
rostir = {v} [Cookery] to roast, broil, grill, etc. {Hence:} rostimento
rostral = {adj} 1. pertaining to a beak, bill; 2. rostral, pertaining to a rostrum
rostrate = {adj} 1. beaked, billed; 2. rostrate (= having a rostrum)
rostro = {n} 1. beak, bill; 2. [Rom. Antiq.] rostrum (= curved end of a ship's prow); rostros [Rom. Antiq.] rostrum (= platform in the Forum) {Hence:} rostral; rostrate; dentirostre etc.; tenuirostre etc.; fissirostres etc.
rota = {n} I. wheel (1. as in "wheel of a car"; 2. as in "to break on the wheel"); II. [R.C.Ch.] rota {Hence:} rotalia; rotula; rotifere; rotunde &: rotar-rotation, rotative, rotator, rotatori; rotogravure etc.
rotalia = {n} [Zool.] rotalia
rotar = {v} to rotate, turn, revolve
rotari- see Rotary
rotarian = {adj} Rotarian
rotariano = {n} Rotarian
Rotary [A] = {n} Rotary; Rotary Club Rotary Club; Rotary International Rotary International {Hence:} rotarian-rotariano
rotation = {n} rotation (= act of rotating, turning, revolving)
rotative = {adj} rotary, rotatory, rotative
rotator = {n} rotator (1. that which rotates; 2. [Anat.]); rotatores [Zool.] Rotatoria, Rotifera
rotatori = {adj} rotatory, rotary
rotifero (-tí-) = {n} [Zool.] rotifer (= one of the Rotifera)
rotisserie [F] = {n} rotisserie, grillroom
roto-gravure = {n} rotogravure
rotor [A] = {n} [Mach.] rotor
rotula = {n} kneecap, patella
rotunda = {n} [Arch.] rotunda
rotundar = {v} to round, make round
rotunde = {adj} round, rotund {Hence:} rotunditate; rotundar; arrotundar; rotundo; rotunda
rotunditate = {n} roundness, rotundity
rotundo = {n} round (= round object)
rouge [F] = {n} rouge, paint
roulette [F] = {n} (game of) roulette
route [F] = {n} route (= way taken in getting from starting point to destination)
routinari = {adj} routine, routinary
routine [F] = {n} routine {Hence:} routinero; routinari
routinero = {n} routineer
royal = {adj} royal; prince royal prince royal {Hence:} royalismo; royalista
royalismo = {n} royalism
royalista = {n} royalist; attrib royalist, royalistic
-rrhagia see -rhagia
-rrhea (-réa) [occurring in compounds] -rrhoea, -rrhea (= flow; discharge) {Hence:} gonorrhea etc.; rhinorrhea etc.
-rrhin see rhin-
-rrhiza see rhiz-
-rrho- [occurring in compounds] -rrho- (= flowing) {Hence:} hemorrhoide etc.
rubee = {adj} red, reddish
rube-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} [Med.] to produce irritation of the skin {Hence:} rubefaciente; rubefaction
rubefaciente = {adj} [Med.] rubefacient
rubefact- see rubefacer
rubefaction = {n} [Med.] rubefaction
rubeola (-bé-) = {n} [Med.] measles
ruber = {v} to redden, grow red {Hence:} rubicunde; rubee-rubeola; rubie-rubino, infrarubie, pectore-rubie etc., rubia &; rubide-rubidium; rubor; rubescer-rubescente, erubescer &; rubificar; rubefacer etc.
rubescente 1. ppr of rubescer; 2. {adj} rubescent
rubescer = {v} to redden, grow red; {also:} to blush
rubia = {n} madder {Hence:} rubiacee-rubiaceas
rubiaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Rubiaceae
rubiacee = {adj} rubiaceous
rubicunde = {adj} rubicund, ruddy
rubide = {adj} (dark) red
rubidium (-bí-) = {n} [Chem.] rubidium
rubie = {adj} red
rubificar = {v} to redden, make red
rubino = {n} (Oriental) ruby
rublo = {n} [Monet.] ruble
rubo = {n} blackberry
rubor = {n} redness; {also:} blush
rubre = {adj} red {Hence:} ruhrica &
rubrica (-íca) = {n} 1. red ocher, ruddle; 2. [Eccl., Law] rubric {Hence:} rubricista; rubricar-rubricator
rubricar u to rubricate
rubricator = {n} rubricator
rubricista = {n} rubrician, rubricist
ruct- see rug-
ructar = {v} to belch; {also:} to vomit forth
ructator = {n} belcher
ructo = {n} belch, belching
rude = {adj} rude (1. roughly made or done, without finish or polish; 2. impolite, not courteous) {Hence:} erudir &
rug- [rug-/ruct-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} ructo; ructar-ructator, eructar &
ruga = {n} wrinkle, crease, fold {Hence:} rugose-rugositate; rugar-corrugar &; arrugar
rugar = {v} to wrinkle, crease
rugir = {v} to roar {Hence:} rugito
rugito = {n} (act of) roaring
rugose = {adj} rugose, wrinkled
rugositate = {n} rugosity
ruina (-ína) = {n} ruin (1. downfall, decay, etc.; 2. building in ruins); ruinas ruins; cader in ruina to fall into ruin; ir a ruina to go to ruin {Hence:} ruinose; ruinar-ruinamento
ruinamento = {n} (act of) ruining, ruin
ruinar = {v} to ruin
ruinose = {adj} ruinous
ruitar = {v} to bruit
ruito (-íto) = {n} 1. noise, din; 2. rumor, report {Hence:} ruitose; ruitar
ruitose = {adj} noisy
rum [A] = {n} rum
ruminante = {n} ruminant (= one of the Ruminantia)
ruminar = {v} to ruminate
rumination = {n} rumination
rumine = {n} rumen (= first stomach of ruminants) {Hence:} rummar-ruminante; rumination
rumor = {n} 1. rumor, report; 2. hum, murmur; din, hubbub, etc. {Hence:} rumorose; rumorar
rumorar = {v} 1. to rumor; 2. to create a hubbub
rumorose = {adj} 1. much talked of, rumored; 2. noisy
rumpe-glacie = {n} icebreaker
rumpente = {n} breaker (= foam-crested wave)
rumpe-nuces (-nú-) = {n} nutcracker
rumper [rump-/rupt-] = {v} to break (1. to make come apart or to pieces; 2. to put an end to; 3. to come apart or to pieces); rumper se le capite to rack one's brains; rumper con un persona to break with someone; rumper le silentio to break silence {Hence:} rumpimento; rumpente; ruptura; rupte-bancarupta etc.; abrump- &; corrumper &; disrumper &; erumper &; interrumper &; irrumper &; rumpeglacie etc.; rumpenuces etc.
rumpimento = {n} rupture, breaking
runa = {n} rune {Hence:} runic
runic = {adj} runic
rupia = {n} rupee
rupt- see rumper
rupte = {adj} broken
ruptura = {n} rupture, breaking; ruptura de pneu [Motoring] blowout
rural = {adj} rural {Hence:} ruralizar
ruralizar = {v} to ruralize (= to make rural)
russe = {adj} Russian
Russia = {npr} Russia; Czar de omne le Russias Czar of All the Russias
russificar = {v} to Russify
russo = {n} I. one of the Ros or Rus; II. Russian (1. native of Russia; 2. Russian language) {Hence:} Russia; russe-russificar; russophile etc.
russo-phile = {adj} Russophile {Hence:} russophilo
russophilo (-só-) = {n} Russophile
rustic = {adj} rustic (1. pertaining to the country; 2. rough, unrefined) {Hence:} rusticitate; rusticar-rustication; rustico
rusticar = {v} to rusticate (1. to reside in the country; 2. [Masonry])
rustication = {n} rustication (1. living in the country; 2. [Masonry])
rusticitate = {n} rusticity
rustico (rús-) = {n} rustic, countryman
Ruth = {npr} Ruth
ruthen = {adj} Ruthenian {Hence:} rutheno-Ruthenia-ruthenium &; ruthenic
Ruthenia = {npr} Ruthenia
ruthenic (1) = {adj} Ruthenian
ruthenic (2) = {adj} [Chem.] ruthenic
ruthenium (-té-) = {n} [Chem.] ruthenium {Hence:} ruthenic
rutheno = {n} Ruthenian
rutilante 1. ppr of rutilar; 2. rutilant, glowing, gleaming (red)
rutilar = {v} to glow or gleam red
rutile = {adj} golden red, rutilant {Hence:} rutilar-rutilante; rutilo
rutilo (rú) = {n} [Mineral.] rutile
-s- see esser
sabbatario = {n} Sabbatarian
sabbatarismo = {n} Sabbatarianism
sabbatic = {adj} Sabbatic(al), Sabbatarian
sabbato = {n} 1. Sabbath; 2. Saturday {Hence:} sabbatario-sabbatarismo; sabbatic
sabin = {adj} Sabine {Hence:} sabino; Sabino; Sabina
Sabina = {nprf} Sabina
sabino = {n} Sabine; le rapto del sabinas the rape of the Sabines
Sabino = {nprm} [Rom. Hist.] Sabinus
sabla = {n} saber, sabre {Hence:} sablar
sablar (1) = {v} to sand (= to sprinkle or cover with sand)
sablar (2) = {v} to saber, slash
sablieran 1. sand pit; 2. sand box, sand sprayer, etc.
sabliero = {n} hourglass, sandglass
sablo = {n} sand {Hence:} sabliera; sabliero; sablose; sablar; insablar-insablamento
sablose = {adj} sandy
sabotage (-aje) = {n} sabotage
sabotar = {v} to sabotage {Hence:} sabotage; sabotator
sabotator = {n} saboteur
saboteur [F] = {n} saboteur
saccata = {n} sackful, bagful
sacch- see sacco
saccharar = {v} to sugar, sweeten
saccharate 1. pp of saccharar; 2. {adj} sweet, sugary
saccharato = {n} [Chem.] saccharate
saccharifere = {adj} sacchariferous
saccharificar = {v} to saccharify
saccharification = {n} saccharification
saccharin = {adj} saccharine
saccharina = {n} [Chem.] saccharin
saccharo (sác-) = {n} sugar {Hence:} saccharato; saccharifere; saccharin-saccharina; saccharoide; saccharose-saccharosa; saccharar-saccharate; saccharificar-saccharification; saccharometro etc.
saccharoide = {adj} saccharoid
saccharo-metro (-ómetro) = {n} saccharometer
saccharosa = {n} [Chem.] saccharose
saccharose = {adj} saccharic
saccheamento = {n} pillage, sacking
sacchear = {v} to sack, pillage
saccheator = {n} pillager
saccheo (-éo) = {n} pillage, sacking
sacchetto = {n} small bag
sacco (1) = {n} 1. sack, bag; 2. [Anat., Bot., Zool.] sac; sacco de terra sandbag; sacco lacrimal tearpit, tear sac; sacco a mano handbag {Hence:} saccata; sacchetto; insaccar
sacco (2) = {n} sack (= sacking, plundering); mitter a sacco to sack, put to sack {Hence:} sacchear-saccheo, saccheamento, saccheator
sacer- see sacro
sacerdotal = {adj} sacerdotal
sacer-dote = {n} priest {Hence:} sacerdotio; sacerdotal
sacerdotio = {n} priesthood, sacerdocy
sacramental = {adj} sacramental
sacramentario = {n} [R.C.Ch.] Sacramentary
sacramento = {n} [Eccl.] sacrament {Hence:} sacramental; sacramentario
sacrar = {v} to consecrate (as in "to consecrate a church")
sacrate 1. pp of sacrar; 2. {adj} holy, sacred
sacre = {adj} holy, sacred; ordines sacre Holy orders {Hence:} sacrista &; sacrar-sacramento &, sacrate, consecrar &, execrar &, obsecrar &; sacro &
sacrificar = {v} to sacrifice {Hence:} sacrificator
sacrificator = {n} sacrificer
sacrificio = {n} sacrificc (1. as in "sacrifice to the gods"; 2. as in "sacrifice of one's life")
sacri-lege (-í-) = {adj} sacrilegious
sacri-legio = {n} sacrilege
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