radiologista = {n} radiologist
radio-logo (-ólogo) = {n} radiologist {Hence:} radiologia-radiologista; radiologic
radiose = {adj} radiant (= radiating rays of light)
radio-telegraphia (-ía) = {n} radiotelegraphy
radio-telephonia (-ía) = {n} radiotelephony
radio-therapia (-ía) = {n} radiotherapy
radium (rá-) = {n} radium
radon = {n} (rá-) [Chem.] radon
raffinamento = {n} (act of) refining (sugar, oil, etc.)
raffinar = {v} to refine (sugar, oil, etc.) {Hence:} raffinamento; raffineria; raffinator
raffinator = {n} refiner (of sugar, oil, etc.)
raffineria (-ía) = {n} refinery (of sugar, oil, etc.)
rage (raje) = {n} rage, violent anger {Hence:} ragiose; ragiar; inragiar-inragiamento
ragi- see rage
ragiar (-jar) = {v} to rage, be in a rage
ragiose (-jo-) = {adj} furious
raglan [A] = {n} raglan
ragout [F] = {n} ragout; stew
raid [A] = {n} raid
rail [A] = {n} rail (= car or railroad track) {Hence:} derailar; derailamento
railway [A] = {n} railway
raja [Hind.] = {n} rajah
ramada = {n} boughs, branches
ramage (-aje) = {n} 1. branches, boughs; 2. branched pattern, flower pattern
ramificar = {v} to cause to branch out, ramify; ramificar se to branch out, ramify
ramification = {n} ramification (1. dividing or spreading out into branches or parts; 2. branch, part)
ramo = {n} branch, bough {Hence:} ramada; ramage; ramose; ramificar-ramification; deramar
ramose = {adj} branched, ramose
rampa = {n} ramp (= sloping surface connecting two different levels)
rampante = {adj} [Her.] rampant
rampar = {v} to be rampant {Hence:} rampa; rampante
rana = {n} [Zool.] frog {Hence:} ranario; raniera; ranides; ranula; ranunculo &; ranin-ranina; raniforme etc.
ranario = {n} ranarium
rancer = {v} to become rancid {Hence:} rancide &; rancor &
ranchero (-tch-) = {n} rancher, ranchman
rancho [H] = {n} 1. rancho (= rude hut for herdsmen); 2. ranch, ranche {Hence:} ranchero
rancide = {adj} rancid {Hence:} ranciditate
ranciditate = {n} rancidity
rancor = {n} rancor {Hence:} rancorose
rancorose = {adj} rancorous
rangi- see rango
rangiar (-jar) = {v} to range (1. to arrange in lines or rows; 2. to place in order)
rango = {n} rank (1. [Mil.] row, line; 2. position, grade); de alte rango of (high) rank {Hence:} rangiar-arrangiar &; disrangiar &
rani [Hind.] = {n} ranee, rani
ranides (rá-) = {n} [Zooi.] Ranidae
raniera = {n} froggery, frog pond, place where frogs abound
rani-forme = {adj} raniform, frog-shaped
ranin = {adj} ranine ([1. [Zool.]; 2. [Anat.]); vena ranin ranine vein
ranina = {n} [Anat.] ranine vein
ranula = {n} [Med.] ranula
ranunculaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Ranunculaceae
ranunculacee = {adj} [Bot.] ranunculaceous
ranunculo = {n} [Bot.] ranunculus {Hence:} ranunculacee-ranunculaceas
rapa = {n} turnip (`Brassica rapa') {Hence:} betarapa etc.; caule-rapa etc.
rapace = {adj} rapacious {Hence:} rapacitate
rapacitate = {n} rapacity
raper [rap-/rapt-] 1. to carry off (by force); 2. to ravish, delight {Hence:} rapina &; rapimento; raptor; rapto
rapide (rá-) = {adj} rapid; traino rapide express train {Hence:} rapiditate; rapido
rapiditate = {n} rapidity
rapido (rá-) = {n} 1. rapid (in a river); 2. express (train)
rapimento = {n} 1. plunder, ravage; 2. ravishment
rapina = {n} rapine, plunder {Hence:} rapinar
rapinar = {v} to plunder
rapt- see raper
rapto = {n} 1. abduction (= carrying off illegally); 2. rapture
raptor = {n} 1. ravager; 2. ravisher
rar = {adj} 1. thin (as in "thin hair, thin grass etc."); 2. rare (= not frequent; {also:} exceptional, excellent) {Hence:} raritate; rarefacer etc.
rare-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} to rarefy (= to make thinner or less dense) {Hence:} rarefactibile; rarefaction; rarefactive
rarefact- see rarefacer
rarefactibile = {adj} rarefiable
rarefaction = {n} rarefaction (of gas, air, etc.)
rarefactive = {adj} rarefactive
raritate = {n} rarity (1. rareness; 2. rare object, curiosity)
ras- see rader
rasar = {v} 1. to shave; 2. to raze
rasorio = {n} razor
raspar = {v} 1. to scrape, rasp; 2. to grate (as in "to grate cheese") {Hence:} raspator; raspatura
raspator = {n} rasp, scraper, grater
raspatura = {n} (action of) scraping, rasping
rastrellage (-aje) = {n} (act or action of) raking
rastrellar = {v} to rake (leaves, the soil, etc.)
rastrellator = {n} raker (of hay, etc.)
rastrello = {n} garden rake, etc. {Hence:} rastrellar-rastrellage, rastrellator
rastro = {n} garden rake, etc. {Hence:} rastrello &
rasura = {n} 1. shave, shaving; 2. erasure
rata = {n} rate (as in "at the rate of"); pro rata `pro rata', proportionally
rate = {n} raft (= float)
rate = {adj} [Law] ratified, averred {Hence:} ratificar &; irrite; rata
ratificar = {v} to ratify {Hence:} ratification; ratificator
ratification = {n} ratification
ratificator = {n} ratifier
ratio- see ration
ratiocinar = {v} to ratiocinate {Hence:} ratiocination; ratiocinative
ratiocination = {n} ratiocination
ratiocinative = {adj} ratiocinative
ration = {n} I. reason (1. reasoning faculty; 2. as in "reason for, why," etc.); II. [Math.] ratio; III. ration; haber ration to be right; con ration rightly; ration social name (of a firm); ration de stato reason of state; a ration de (un dollar le hora) at the rate of (a dollar an hour) {Hence:} rational-rationalismo, rationalista, rationalitate, rationalizar-rationalization, irrational-irrationalitate; rationar-rationamento, rationabile-disrationabile, irrationabile, rationator, rationate; ratiocinar &
rationabile = {adj} reasonable (1. endowed with reason; 2. conformable to reason)
rational = {adj} rational (1. endowed with reason; 2. conformable to reason, reasonable; 3. based on reasoning; 4. [Math.]) rational {n} [Eccl. Hist.] rational (= breastplate of the Jewish high priest)
rationalizar = {v} to rationalize (1. to bring into agreement with reason; 2. [Technol.]; 3. [Psychol.])
rationalization = {n} rationalization; {also:} [Technol.], [Psychol.]
rationalismo = {n} [Philos.] rationalism
rationalista = {n} rationalist
rationalitate = {n} rationality (1. quality of being rational or endowed with reason; 2. quality of being reasonable or conformable to reason)
rationamento = {n} 1. reasoning; 2. rationing
rationar = {v} 1. to reason (= to use the faculty of reasoning); 2. to ration (= to allot in rations)
rationate 1. pp of rationar; 2. {adj} rational (= based on reasoning)
rationator = {n} reasoner
rattero = {n} ratter, ratcatcher
rattiera = {n} rattrap
ratto = {n} [Zool.] rat {Hence:} rattero; rattiera
rauc = {adj} hoarse, raucous {Hence:} raucitate; inraucar &
raucitate = {n} hoarseness, raucousness
ravina = {n} ravine
ravioli = {npl} [Cookery] ravioli
rayon [A] = {n} rayon
razzia [F] = {n} raid, razzia (1. foray, incursion; 2. police raid) {Hence:} razziar-razziator
razziar = {v} to raid
razziator = {n} raider
re (1) = {n} 1. [Mus.] re; 2. [Mus.] (the note) D
[re (2)]' 1. {n} thing, affair, matter; 2. {prep} regarding, about, of, on, concerning {Hence:} real &
re- = {prefixo} [used with verbs; also in connection with verbal suffixes] re- (1. back, backwards; 2. again) {Hence:} reabsorber etc.; reager etc.; reflecter etc.; revaccinar etc.
reabsorber [-sorb-/-sorpt-] = {v} to reabsorb
reabsorption = {n} reabsorption
react- see reager
reaction = {n} reaction; reaction in catena chain reaction
reactionari = {adj} reactionary
reactionismo = {n} reactionism
reactionista = {n} reactionist
reactivo = {n} reagent
reactor = {n} reagent; {also:} [Atomic Phys.] reactor
readjustamento = {n} readjustment
readjustar = {v} to readjust
readjustator = {n} readjuster
readmission = {n} readmission
readmitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to readmit
reaffirmar = {v} to reaffirm
reagente = {n} reagent
reager [-ag-/-act-] = {v} to react; reager super to react upon; reager contra to react against {Hence:} reagente; reaction-reactionari, reactionismo, reactionista; reactivo; reactor
real = {adj} real (1. actually existing; 2. pertaining to immovable property) {Hence:} realismo-surrealismo; realista-realistic, surrealista; realitate; realizar-realizabile-irrealizabile, realization; irreal-irrealitate
realizabile = {adj} realizable
realizar = {v} to realize (1. to make real; 2. to convert into actual money)
realization = {n} realization (1. act or process of converting something hoped for, aimed at, etc., into reality; 2. act or process of converting property into money)
realismo = {n} realism (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Art., Lit.])
realista = {n} realist
realistic = {adj} realistic
realitate = {n} reality; in realitate in reality
realtiar = {v} to raise, lift up
reanimar = {v} to revive, reanimate
reaperir [-per-/-pert-] = {v} to open again, reopen
reapertura = {n} reopening
reapparer = {v} to reappear
reapparition = {n} reappearance
rearmamento = {n} rearmament
rearmar = {v} to rearm
reassecurantia = {n} 1. reinsurance; 2. reassurance
reassecurar = {v} 1. reassure (= to restore one's confidence); 2. [Com.] to reinsure
reassemblar = {v} to reassemble
reassumer = {v} to reassume
reattaccamento = {n} reattachment, reattaching
reattaccar (1) = {v} to attack, assail, again
reattaccar (2) = {v} to attach, fasten, again; to reattach
reavivar = {v} to revive, enliven, quicken
rebaptizar = {v} to rebaptize
rebaptismo = {n} rebaptism
rebatter = {v} 1. to beat again; 2. to beat back, repel
rebellar = {v} to stir up to rebellion; rebellar se to rebel {Hence:} rebelle-rebello, rebellion
rebelle = {adj} rebellious
rebellion = {n} rebellion
rebello = {n} rebel
rebus (ré-) = {n} rebus
recader = {v} to fall back or down again, to relapse {Hence:} recadita
recadita = {n} relapse
recalcitrante = {adj} recalcitrant
recalcitrar = {v} to recalcitrate {Hence:} recalcitrante; recalcitration
recalcitration = {n} recalcitration
recantar = {v} 1. to sing again; 2. to recant (= to withdraw; retract) {Hence:} recantation
recantation = {n} recantation
recapitular = {v} to recapitulate {Hence:} recapitulation
recapitulation = {n} recapitulation
recapturar = {v} to recapture
receder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to recede (= to retreat, retire) {Hence:} recession; recessive; recesso
recens- see recenser
recensente = {n} reviewer, critic
recenser [-cens-/-cens-] = {v} to review (as in "to review a book") {Hence:} recensente; recension
recension = {n} 1. recension (= critical revision of a text); 2. review (= book review, etc.)
recente = {adj} recent
recept- see reciper
recepta = {n} I. [Com.] receipts; II. receipt (1. written acknowledgment of receipt; 2. recipe);
III. [Med.] prescription
receptaculo = {n} receptacle (1. container, vessel, etc.; 2. [Bot.])
receptar = {v} to receive (stolen goods)
receptator = {n} receiver (of stolen goods), fence
reception = {n} reception; {also:} receipt; accusar reception de to acknowledge receipt of
receptive = {adj} receptive
receptivitate = {n} receptivity
receptor = {n} receiver (1. one who receives; {also:} [Fin., etc.] collector; 2. [Teleph., Radio, etc.] receiving apparatus)
recerca = {n} search, investigation; {also:} research, research work
recercar = {v} to search, investigate; {also:} to research, make researches {Hence:} recerca; recercator
recercator = {n} searcher, investigator; {also:} researcher, research worker
recess- see receder
recession = {n} recession, withdrawal
recessive = {adj} recessive; {also:} [Biol.]
recesso = {n} recess (1. act of retiring; 2. place of retirement)
reciper [-cip-/-cept-] = {v} to receive {Hence:} recipiente; reception; receptive-receptivitate; receptor; recepta; receptar-receptaculo, receptator
recipiente = {adj} recipient recipiente {n} 1. [Chem.] receiver; 2. container
reciproc (-cí-) = {adj} reciprocal {Hence:} reciprocitate; reciprocar-reciprocation
reciprocar = {v} to reciprocate
reciprocation = {n} reciprocation
reciprocitate = {n} reciprocity
recital [A] = {n} [Mus.] recital
recitar = {v} to recite (1. to repeat from memory; 2. to recount) {Hence:} recitation; recitative-recitativo
recitation = {n} recitation (1. repetition from memory; 2. recountal)
recitative = {adj} recitative
recitativo = {n} recitative
reclamabile = {adj} claimable
reclamar = {v} to claim (= to demand as one's due); reclamar contra to protest against {Hence:} reclamo; reclamabile-irreclamabile; reclamation; reclamator
reclamation = {n} 1. protest; 2. claim (= demand for something due)
reclamator = {n} claimant
reclamo = {n} 1. [Print.] catchword; 2. advertising, publicity; facer le reclamo pro un cosa to advertise, make publicity for, something
reclinar = {v} to recline (as in "to recline one's head")
recluder [-clud-/-clus-] = {v} to shut up, seclude {Hence:} reclusion; recluse-recluso
reclus- see recluder
recluse = {adj} recluse, secluded
reclusion = {n} seclusion, retirement
recluso = {n} recluse
recocer = {v} 1. to cook again; 2. to temper (steel, glass, clay etc.)
recognition = {n} recognition (= identification of something previously known)
recognoscentia = {n} I. reconnaissance; II. recognition (1. identification of something previously known; 2. acknowledgment, avowal; 3. appreciation)
recognoscer [-gnosc-/-gnit-] = {v} I. to recognize (1. to identify as known before; 2. to acknowledge the validity or existence of; {also:} to appreciate); II. to reconnoiter, make reconnaissance of {Hence:} recognoscentia; recognoscibile; recognition
recognit- see recognoscer
recognoscibile = {adj} recognizable
recolar = {v} to strain again, filter again
recollection = {n} recollection (= recollecting oneself in prayer etc.)
recolliger [-lig-/-lect-] = {v} 1. to collect (= to make a collection of); 2. to gather harvest; 3. to take in, shelter; recolliger se to recollect oneself {Hence:} recolligimento recollection
recolligimento = {n} meditation, recollection
recolta = {n} harvest, crop(s) {Hence:} recoltar
recoltar = {v} to harvest, reap, gather in
recomenciamento = {n} recommencement
recomenciar = {v} to begin again, recommence
recommendabile = {adj} recommendable
recommendar = {v} to recommend; recommendar a (un persona) de (facer un cosa) to advise (someone) to (do something) {Hence:} recommendabile; recommendation
recommendation = {n} recommendation
recompensa = {n} recompense (1. reward; 2. compensation); in recompensa de as a reward, in return, for
recompensar = {v} to recompense (1. to compensate; 2. to repay, as by rewarding or punishing); recompensar de to recompense for
recompensator = {n} one who recompenses, recompenser
recomponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to recompense (= to compose again, to recombine, to rearrange); recomponer un cabinetto to recompose, reshuffle, a cabinet {Hence:} recomposition
recomposit- see recomponer
recomposition = {n} recomposition
reconciliabile = {adj} reconcilable
reconciliar = {v} to reconcile
reconciliation = {n} reconciliation
reconciliatori = {adj} reconciliatory
reconducer = {v} to conduct back, reconduct
reconfortar = {v} 1. to strengthen, fortify (again); 2. to comfort, console (again)
reconsiderar = {n} to reconsider, consider anew
reconstituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] = {v} to reconstitute
reconstitution = {n} reconstitution
reconstruction = {n} reconstruction
reconstruer [-stru-/-struct-] = {v} to reconstruct
recoperir = {v} to recover (= to cover again)
record [A] = {n} record (= the best yet done); batter le record to beat the record
recordar = {v} to remind; recordar un cosa a un persona to remind someone of something
recovrabile = {adj} recoverable
recovrar = {v} to recover (= to get back, regain); recovrar le sanitate to recover one's health {Hence:} recovrabile; recovrator
recovrator = {n} recoverer
recrear = {v} 1. to re-create, create anew; 2. to recreate, give fresh life to {Hence:} recreation; recreative
recreation = {n} 1. re-creation, creating anew; 2. recreation (= refreshment of strength and spirits)
recreative = {adj} recreative
recrescer = {v} to grow again
recriminar = {v} to recriminate {Hence:} recrimination; recriminator; recriminatori
recrimination = {n} recrimination
recriminator = {n} recriminator
recriminatori = {adj} recriminatory
recrudescente 1. ppr of recrudescer; 2. {adj} recrudescent
recrudescentia = {n} recrudescence
recrudescer = {v} to break out again, recrudesce {Hence:} recrudescente-recrudescentia
recruta = {n} 1. recruiting, recruitment; {also:} levy; 2. recruit
recrutamento = {n} recruitment
recrutar = {v} to recruit {Hence:} recruta; recrutamento; recrutator
recrutator = {n} recruiter
rect- see reger
rectal = {adj} [Anat.] rectal
rectangular = {adj} rectangular
rect-angule = {adj} right-angled, rectangular {Hence:} rectangulo-rectangular
rectangulo (-ángulo) = {n} rectangle
recte = {adj} straight (1. not curved or bent; 2. honest, upright); angulo recte right angle {Hence:} rectitude; rectificar &; derecte &; rectilinee etc.; rectangule &; recto &
rectificabile = {adj} rectifiable
rectificar = {v} to rectify (1. to set right by adjustment or calculation; 2. [Chem.]) {Hence:} rectificabile; rectification; rectificator
rectification = {n} rectification
rectificator = {n} rectifier
recti-linee = {adj} rectilinear
rectitude = {n} 1. straightness (= quality or fact of being straight, not bent or curved); 2. rectitude
recto = {n} 1. [Print.] recto; 2. [Anat.] rectum {Hence:} rectal
rector = {n} rector, director, chief, ruler, etc. {Hence:} rectorato; rectoral
rectoral = {adj} rectorial
rectorato = {n} rectorate
reculamento = {n} (act of) recoiling, drawing back
recular = {v} I. to back (= to move or draw back); II. to recoil (1. to retreat; 2. to shrink back; 3. to rebound after impact or discharge) {Hence:} reculamento
recuperabile = {adj} recoverable
recuperar = {v} to recover (1. to get back again; 2. to recoup, make up for); recuperar se (de un perdita) to recoup oneself (for a loss), rccuperate (from a loss) {Hence:} recuperabile-irrecuperabile; recuperation: recuperator
recuperation = {n} recuperation
recuperator = {n} rocuperator
recurrente 1. ppr of recurrer; 2. {adj} recurrent (1. returning periodically or from time to time; 2. [Anat.])
recurrentia = {n} recurrence (= periodical return; frequent occurrence)
recurrer [-curr-/-curs-] = {v} 1. to run again; 2. to resort, have recourse {Hence:} recurrente-recurrentia; recurso
recurs- see recurrer
recurso = {n} 1. recourse; 2. [Law] appeal
recurvar = {v} 1. to curve again; 2. to bend back
recusabile = {adj} [Law] challengeable, exceptionable
recusar = {v} [Law] to reject, object to; to challenge {Hence:} recusabile-irrecusabile
redact- see rediger
redaction = {n} 1. redaction (= act of drafting, finished draft); 2. editorial staff
redactor = {n} 1. redactor (= one who draws up a document, speech, etc.); 2. [Journ.] editor
redempt- see redimer
redemption = {n} redemption; {also:} ransom
redemptive = {adj} redemptive, redeeming
redemptor = {n} 1. redeemer; 2. Redeemer
redente = {n} [Fortif.] redan
redescender = {v} to redescend
rediger [-ig-/-act-] = {v} 1. to draw up (a document, speech, etc.); 2. [Journ.] to edit {Hence:} redaction; redactor
redimer [-im-/-empt-] = {v} to redeem (1. to buy back; 2. to clear of charges, obligations, etc.; 3. to ransom, liberate; 4. [Theol.]) {Hence:} redimibile-irredimibile; redemption; redemptive; redemptor
redimibile = {adj} redeemable
redingote [F] = {n} frock coat
redolente 1. ppr of redoler; 2. {adj} redolent
redolentia = {n} redolence, redolency
redoler = {v} to smell (of), be redolent (of) {Hence:} redolente-redolentia
reducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} to reduce (1. to cut down, diminish; 2. [Surg.]; 3. [Chem.] to deoxidize); reducer un persona al silentio to reduce someone to silence; reducer a pulvere to reduce to dust; reducer fractiones al mesme denominator to reduce fractions to a common denominator {Hence:} reducibile-reducibilitate, irreducibile-irreducibilitate; reduction; reductive; reductor; reducto
reducibile = {adj} reducible
reducibilitate = {n} reducibility
reduct- see reducer
reduction = {n} reduction (1. diminution, cutting down; 2. copy made on a smaller scale; 3. [Surg.]; 4. [Chem.]; 5. [Arith.])
reductive = {adj} reductive (= tending to reduce)
reducto = {n} 1. [Mil.] redoubt; 2. casino (= building used for social meetings, gambling, etc.)
reductor = {n} reducer (1. one who reduces or cuts down; 2. [Chem.] reducing agent)
redundante = {adj} redundant
redundantia = {n} redundancy, redundance
redundar = {v} 1. to be in excess, to superabound; 2. to redound {Hence:} redundante-redundantia
reduplamento = {n} (act of) redoubling
reduplar = {v} to redouble (1. as in "to redouble one's efforts"; 2. to become more intense)
reduplicar = {v} to reduplicate (1. to redouble; 2. [Gram.])
reduplication = {n} [Gram.] reduplication
reduplicative = {adj} reduplicative
reedificar = {v} to rebuild
reedification = {n} rebuilding
reelection = {n} re-election
reeliger [-lig-/-lect-] = {v} to re-elect
reeligibile = {adj} re-eligible
reemplear = {v} to reemploy, employ again
reexpedir = {v} to send on, forward
reexpedition = {n} sending on, forwarding
reexportar = {v} to reexport
reexportation = {n} reexportation
refacer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} 1. to do or make again; 2. to repair, restore; refacer se to recover (one's health) {Hence:} refaction
refact- see refacer
refaction = {n} 1. (act of) doing or making again; 2. repair, (act or process of) repairing
refect- see refic-
refection = {n} refreshment, refection
refectorio = {n} refectory
referendario = {n} referendary
referendum [NL] = {n} referendum (1. [Pol.]; 2. [Dipl.])
referentia = {n} reference (1. as in "reference work"; 2. "letter of reference")
referer [-fer-/-lat-] = {v} 1. to report, relate; 2. to refer (= to attribute, ascribe); referer se a to refer to (1. to have recourse to for information, etc.; 2. to make an allusion or reference to; 3. to be related to, have reference to) {Hence:} referentia; relation-correlation; relative &; relator; relatar-correlatar
refic- [-fic-/-fect-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} refection; refectorio
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