propitiation = {n} propitiation (1. appeasement; 2. atonement)
propitiator = {n} propitiator
propitiatori = {adj} propitiatory
propitiatorio = {n} [Jewish Antiq] propitiatory
propitie = {adj} propitious (1. favorable, advantageous; 2. favorably inclined) {Hence:} propitiar &
proponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to propose, suggest; proponer se un cosa to intend, plan something; proponer se de (facer un cosa) to propose, purpose to (do something) {Hence:} proposition; proposito; proponitor
proponitor = {n} propounder, proposer
proportion = {n} proportion (as in "proportion of wise to foolish"); {also:} [Math]; proportiones proportions, dimensions {Hence:} proportional-proportionalismo; proportionar-proportionate; disproportion-disproportionate
proportional = {adj} proportional; representation proportional proportional representation
proportionalismo = {n} proportionalism
proportionar = {v} to proportion (as in "to proportion a penalty to an offense")
proportionate I. pp of proportionar; II. {adj} 1. proportioned (= formed, fashioned); 2. proportionate; ben proportionate wellproportioned; proportionate a proportionate to
proposit- see proponer
proposition = {n} I. proposition (1. proposal; 2. [Logic]); II. [Gram] clause; proposition principal [Gram] main clause; proposition incidente [Gram] nonrestrictive or descriptive clause; proposition subordinate [Gram] subordinate clause
proposito (-pó-) = {n} purpose (1. aim; 2. subject under discussion); (dicer un cosa) a proposito (to say something) to the purpose, apropos, to the point; a omne proposito at every turn; a proposito! by the way! incidentally; foras de proposito ill-timed, irrelevant, beside the mark; a proposito de with regard to, apropos of
proprie = {adj} 1. proper (= appropriate); 2. own; proprie a proper or peculiar to; le senso proprie the literal sense; amor proprie self-esteem; nomine proprie proper name {Hence:} proprietate &; improprie-improprietate; appropriar &; expropriar &
propriet- see proprietate
proprietari = {adj} proprietary (= pertaining to a proprietor)
proprietario = {n} proprietor, owner
proprietate = {n} I. ownership; II. property (1. thing or things owned; 2. piece of land or real estate; 3. quality proper to a thing) {Hence:} proprietari; proprietario-coproprietario; coproprietate
[propter] (próp-) = I. {adv} near, at hand; II. {prep} 1. near, close to; 2. on account of, by reason of, because of
propugnar = {v} to defend, fight for {Hence:} propugnator
propugnator = {n} defender, champion
propuls- see propeller
propulsion = {n} propulsion (= act of propelling)
propulsor = {n} propeller; {also:} screw propeller
propyleo (-éo) = {n} [Arch] propylaeum
pro-que = {adv/conj} 1. why (= for what reason); 2. because
prorogar = {v} to prorogue, prorogate (= to postpone, adjourn) {Hence:} prorogation
prorogation = {n} prorogation
pros- = {prefixo} pros- (1. near, besides; 2. to, towards) {Hence:} prosopo- etc
prosa = {n} prose; {also:} [Eccl] sequence {Hence:} prosaismo; prosaista; prosaic; prosar-prosator
prosaic (-áic) = {adj} 1. prose; 2. prosaic
prosaismo (-ízmo) = {n} prosaism
prosaista (-ísta) = {n} prose writer
prosar = {v} to write prose, prose
prosator = {n} prose writer
proscenio = {n} [Theat] proscenium
proscriber [-scrib-/-script-] = {v} to proscribe (= to outlaw) {Hence:} proscription; proscriptor; proscripto
proscript- see proscriber
proscription = {n} proscription
proscripto = {n} exile, outlaw
proscriptor = {n} proscriber
prosecut- see prosequer
prosecution = {n} pursuit (= action of carrying on)
prosemita = {n} pro-Semite
prosemitic = {adj} pro-Semitic
prosemitismo = {n} pro-Semitism
prosequer [-sequ-/-secut-] = {v} to pursue (= to carry on) {Hence:} prosecution
prosodia (-ía) = {n} prosody {Hence:} prosodista; prosodic
prosodic = {adj} prosodic, prosodical
prosodista = {n} prosodist, prosodian
prosopo = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] prosopo-, prosop- (= face) {Hence:} prosopopeia etc
prosopo-peia (-péya) = {n} [Rhet] prosopopoeia
prospect- see prospicer
prospecto = {n} 1. prospect (outlook, vista, view); 2. prospectus
prosperar r to prosper (1. to be prospering; 2. to cause to prosper)
prospere = {adj} prosperous (1. having success; 2. conducing to success) {Hence:} prosperitate; prosperar
prosperitate = {n} prosperity
prospicer [-spic-/-spect-] = {v} 1. to look forward, to look ahead; 2. to exercise foresight {Hence:} prospecto
prostata (pró-) = {n} [Anat] prostate (gland)
prosternamento = {n} prostration; being prostrate
prosternar = {v} to prostrate (1. to throw prostrate; 2. to reduce to submission, exhaustion, etc); prosternar se to prostrate oneself {Hence:} prosternamento; prosternation
prosternation = {n} prostration (1. throwing prostrate; 2. complete exhaustion, defection, etc)
prosterner [-stern-/-strat-] = {v} to prostrate (1. to throw prostrate; 2. to reduce to submission, exhaustion, etc); prosterner se to prostrate oneself {Hence:} prostration; prostrate
prosthese (-óstese) = {n} prosthesis (1. [Gram]; 2. [Surg])
prostituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] = {v} to prostitute {Hence:} prostitution; prostituta
prostitut- see prostituer
prostituta = {n} prostitute
prostitution = {n} prostitution
prostrar = {v} to prostrate (1. to throw prostrate; 2. to reduce to submission, exhaustion) {Hence:} prostration; prostrate
prostrat- see prosterner, prostrar
prostrate I. pp of prostrar; II. {adj} prostrate (1. lying prostrate; 2. exhausted, dejected)
prostration = {n} prostration (1. act of throwing prostrate; 2. complete exhaustion, dejection, etc)
prot- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] proto-, prot- (= first) {Hence:} prote-proteina, proteic, proteolyse etc, proteolytic etc; protagonista etc; protoxydo etc; protonotario etc; protoplasma etc; prototypo etc; proton
prot-agonista = {n} protagonist
prote- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] prote-, proteo- (= protein)
protect- see proteger
protection = {n} 1. protection; 2. patronage, support
protectionismo = {n} [Econ] protectionism
protectionista = {n} [Econ] protectionist
protective = {adj} protective; systema protective [Econ] protective system
protector = {n} 1. protector; 2. patron, sponsor
protectorato = {n} protectorate (1. rank or office of a protector; 2. as in "British protectorate")
protectrice = {n} protectress
protégé [F] = {n} protégé
proteger [-teg-/-tect-] = {v} to protect {Hence:} protective; protection-protectionismo, protectionista; protector-protectorato; protectrice
proteic (-éic) = {adj} proteinaceous, proteic, protein
protei-forme = {adj} protean, proteiform
proteina (-ína) = {n} protein
protele = {n} aardwolf; Proteles
pro tempore, pro tem. [L] = pro tempore, pro tem.
Proteo = {npr} [Gr Mythol] Proteus; proteo [Zool] Proteus {Hence:} proteiforme etc
proteo-lyse (-ó-) = {n} proteolysis
prote-olytic = {adj} proteolytic
protestante (1) = I. ppr of protestar; II. {adj} 1. protestant; 2. [Eccl] Protestant
protestante (2) = {n} 1. protestant (= one who protests); 2. [Eccl] Protestant
protestantismo = {n} 1. protestantism; 2. [Eccl] Protestantism
protestar = {v} to protest (1. to assert, affirm; 2. to make a protest) {Hence:} protesto; protestante (1)-protestante (2)-protestantismo; protestation
protestation = {n} protestation (1. as in "protestations of friendship"; 2. protest)
protesto = {n} protest (1. as in "to pay under protest"; 2. [Law])
prothese (-ótese) = {n} 1. [Surg] prosthesis; 2. artificial limb
protocollar = {v} to protocol protocollar {adj} protocol, protocolar
protocollista = {n} protocolist
protocollo = {n} protocol (1. [Roman Civil Law] original record kept by a notary of documents or transactions that he certifies; 2. records or minutes of a conference or congress which show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators; 3. diplomatic etiquette or ceremonial) {Hence:} protocollista; protocollar (1); protocollar (2)
proto-martyre = {n} [Eccl] protomartyr
proton = {n} proton
proto-notario = {n} protonotary (1. chief notary or clerk; 2. [RCCh])
proto-plasma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} protoplasm {Hence:} protoplasmic; protoplasmatic
protoplasmat- see protoplasma
protoplasmatic = {adj} protoplasmatic
protoplasmic = {adj} protoplasmic
prototypic = {adj} prototype, prototypical
proto-typo (-ótipo) = {n} 1. prototype; 2. model (as in "a model of virtue") {Hence:} prototypic
prot-oxydo (-óx) = {n} [Chem] protoxide
proto-zoon (-zó-) (pl protozoa) [NL] = {n} [Zool] protozoon, protozoan
protuberantia = {n} protuberance
protuberar = {v} to swell or bulge out {Hence:} protuberantia
prova = {n} proof (1. evidence sufficient to establish a fact; 2. test, trial; 3. [Print, Phot, etc]); poner al prova to put to the proof; a prova de bomba bombproof; prova prime galley proof; leger le provas to proofread; lectura del provas proofreading; lector del provas proofreader
provabile = {adj} provable
provar = {v} 1. to prove (= to establish as true); 2. to test, try; {also:} to prove (as in "to prove gold") {Hence:} prova-semiprova etc; provabile
provententia = {n} provenance, provenience
provenir = {v} to arise, spring (from) {Hence:} provenientia
proverbial = {adj} proverbial
proverbio = {n} proverb, byword; le Proverbios the Proverbs {Hence:} proverbial
providente 1. ppr of provider; 2. {adj} provident (= exercising foresight, making provision for the future)
providentia = {n} 1. providence; 2. Providence
providential = {adj} providential
provider [-vid-/-vis-/-vist-] = {v} I. to see beforehand, foresee; II. to provide (1. "to provide for a future contingency"; 2. "to provide what is needed"); provider de to provide with; provider a to provide for {Hence:} providente-providentia-providential; provision-provisional, approvisionar-approvisionamento; provisori; provise-improvise-improvisar &; disprovider-disproviste
provincia = {n} province (as in "province of Quebec") {Hence:} provincial-provincialismo
provincial = {adj} provincial provincial {n} [Eccl] provincial
provincialismo = {n} provincialism (1. provincial style, form of life, etc; 2. provincial turn of expression)
provis- see provider
provise = {adj} foreseen, expected
provision = {n} provision (1. act of providing; 2. provisions, supply)
provisional = {adj} provisional, provisory
provisori = {adj} provisory, provisional
provist- see provider
provocar = {v} to provoke (1. to induce, instigate; 2. to bring about, call forth; 3. to incense, irritate) {Hence:} provocation; provocative; provocator
provocation = {n} provocation
provocative = {adj} provocative, provoking
provocator = {n} provoker
proxime (próx-) = {adj} 1. very near, close; 2. next (as in "next week"); causa proxime [Philos] proximate cause; proximo neighbor, fellow being {Hence:} proximitate; approximar &
proximemente = {adv} shortly, soon
proximitate = {n} proximity; proximitate del sanguine proximity of blood; in le proximitate de in the proximity or vicinity of
prude [F] 1. {adj} prudish; 2. {n} prude
prudente = {adj} prudent {Hence:} prudentia-prudential; imprudente-imprudentia; jurisprudente etc
prudentia = {n} prudence
prudential = {adj} prudential
pruderie [F] = {n} prudery
pruina (-ína) = {n} 1. frost, hoarfrost; 2. bloom ("the bloom on fruit") {Hence:} pruinose; pruinar
pruinar = {v} to rime (= to form hoarfrost)
pruinose = {adj} [Bot] pruinose, velvety
pruna = {n} plum; pruna sic prune
prunella = {n} [Bot] prunella
pruneto = {n} plum orchard
prunifere = {adj} pruniferous; drupiferous
pruni-forme = {adj} pruniform
pruno = {n} plum (tree); pruno maritime beach plum {Hence:} pruneto; prunifere; pruniforme etc; pruna
prunus [L] = {n} [Bot] Prunus {Hence:} prunifere; pruniforme etc
pruriente 1. prp of prurir; 2. {adj} prurient
prurientia = {n} prurience
prurigine (-ígine) = {n} prurigo {Hence:} pruriginose
pruriginose = {adj} pruriginous
prurir = {v} to itch {Hence:} prurigine &; pruriente-prurientia; prurito
prurito = {n} itch, pruritus
prussi- see prussic
Prussia = {npr} Prussia; blau de Prusia Prussian blue
prussian = {adj} Prussian
prussianizar = {v} to Prussianize
prussianization = {n} Prussianization
prussiano = {n} Prussian
prussiato = {n} [Cheml prussiate
prussic = {adj} [Chem] prussic; acido prussic prussic acid {Hence:} prussiato
prusso = {n} Prussian (1. one of the Prussi; 2. inhabitant of the Prussian state; 3. Prussian language) {Hence:} Prussia-prussian-prussianizar-prusianization, prussiano, prussic &
psalmic = {adj} psalm, psalmic
psalmista = {n} psalmist; {also:} Psalmist
psalmo = {n} psalm; {also:} Psalm {Hence:} psalmista; psalmic; psalmodo etc
psalmodia (-ía) = {n} psalmody
psalmodiar = {v} to psalmodize
psalmodic = {adj} psalmodic, psalmic
psalm-odo = {n} psalmist, psalmodist {Hence:} psalmodia-psalmodic, psalmodiar
psalterio = {n} 1. Psalter; 2. [Mus] psaltery; 3. [Anat] psalterium
psest- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] -psest (= rubbed, rubbed away) {Hence:} palimpsesto etc
pseud- [occurring in compounds] pseud-, pseudo- (= false, falsely) {Hence:} pseudesthesia etc; pseudopropheta etc; pseudopodio etc; pseudoclassic etc
pseud-esthesia (-ía) = {n} [Med] pseudesthesia
pseudo-classic = {adj} pseudoclassic {Hence:} pseudoclassicismo
pseudoclassicismo = {n} pseudoclassicism
pseud-onyme (-ónime) = {adj} pseudonymous {Hence:} pseudonymitate; pseudonymo
pseudonymitate = {n} pseudonymity
pseudonymo (-ónimo) = {n} pseudonym
pseudo-podio = {n} [Zool] pseudopodium, pseudopod
pseudo-propheta = {n} pseudoprophet
pseudo-symmetria (-ía) = {n} [Mineral] pseudosymmetry
psittacidos (-tá-) = {npl} [Zool] Psittacidae
psittaco (psí-) = {n} parrot {Hence:} psittacidos; psittacosis
psittacosis (-ósis) = {n} [Pathol] psittacosis
psyche = {n} psyche (= soul, mind); Psyche [Mythol] Psyche {Hence:} psychic; metempsychose, psychiatro etc; psychoanalyse etc; psychopathia etc; psychopathe etc; psychophysic etc
psychiatria (-ía) = {n} psychiatry
psychiatric = {adj} pcychiatric
psych-iatro = {n} psychiatrist {Hence:} psychiatria; psychiatric
psychic = {adj} psychic (= of the psyche or mind); phenomenos psychic psychical phenomena
psychoanalysar = {v} to psychoanalyze
psycho-analyse (-ná-) = {n} psychoanalysis {Hence:} psychoanalysar-psychoanalysta
psychoanalysta = {n} psychoanalyst
psycho-analytic = {adj} psychoanalytic
psychologia (-ía) = {n} psychology (= science of psychology)
psychologic = {adj} psychological; momento psychologic psychological moment
psycho-logo (-ólogo) = {n} psychologist {Hence:} psychologia; psychologic
psycho-metria (-ía) = {n} [Psychol] psychometry
psycho-pathe (-ó-) = {n} psychopath (= mentally deranged person)
psycho-pathia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol] psychopathy {Hence:} psychopathic
psychopathic = {adj} psychopathic (= pertaining to psychopathy)
psychopathologia (-ía) = {n} psychopathology
psycho-pathologo (-ólogo) = {n} psychopathologist {Hence:} psychopathologia
psycho-physic = {adj} psychophysical {Hence:} psychophysica
psychophysica = {n} psychophysics
psycho-physiologia (-ía) = {n} psychophysiology
psychose = {n} [Pathol] psychosis
psycho-therapeuta = {n} psychotherapist
psycho-therapia (-ía) = {n} psychotherapy
ptero- = {n} [occurring in compounds] ptero-, pter- (= feather, wing) {Hence:} aptere-apteros; pterodactylo etc; helicoptero etc; phenicoptero etc; chiroptere etc; coleoptere etc; orthoptere etc; diptere etc; hymenoptere etc
ptero-dactylo (-dác-) = {n} pterodactyl
ptolema- see Ptolemeo
ptolemaic (-áic) = {adj} Ptolemaic (1. as in "Ptolemaic system"; 2. of the Ptolemies)
Ptolemeo (-éo) = {nprm} [Gr Hist] Ptolemy {Hence:} ptolemaic
ptom- = {n} [occurring in derivatives] ptom- (= corpse) {Hence:} ptomaina
ptomaina (-ína) = {n} ptomaine
pubere = {adj} who has arrived at puberty, pubescent {Hence:} pubertate; impubere
pubertate = {n} puberty
public = {adj} public {Hence:} publicista; publicitate; publicar-publicabile-impublicabile, publication; publico
publicabile = {adj} publishable
publicar = {v} to publish (1. to make public; 2. as in "to publish a book")
publication = {n} publication (1. act of making public; 2. as in "the publication of a book, etc"; 2. something published)
publicista = {n} publicist, journalist
publicitate = {n} publicity (1. quality or state of being public; 2. advertising)
publico = {n} public (1. people; 2. audience)
pud- = {v} [occurling in derivatives] {Hence:} pudibunde, pudic-impudic; pudor; pudente-impudente-impudentia
pudding [A] = {n} pudding
pudente = {adj} modest, bashful
pudibunde = {adj} modest, bashful
pudic = {adj} modest (= decorous in manner and conduct)
pudor = {n} modesty (= womanly propriety of behavior)
puera (púera) = {n} girl
pueril = {adj} childish (1. of a child; 2. puerile, immature) {Hence:} puerilitate
puerilitate = {n} puerility (1. childhood; 2. foolishness, immaturity; 3. foolish act, statement, etc)
pueritia = {n} childhood; {also:} boyhood
puero (púero) = {n} boy {Hence:} pueritia; pueril &; puerpera etc; puera
puer-pera (-érpera) = {n} woman in labor or childbed {Hence:} puerperio; puerpetal
puerperal = {adj} puerperal; febre puerperal puerperal fever
puerperio = {n} puerperium (= confinement, lying-in)
pugile = {n} pugilist, boxer {Hence:} pugilismo; pugilista-pugilistic
pugilismo = {n} pugilism
pugilista = {n} pugilist
pugilistic = {adj} pugilistic
pugnace = {adj} pugnacious
pugnacitate = {n} pugnacity
pugnal = {n} poniard, dagger {Hence:} pugnalar
pugnalar = {v} to stab
pugnar = {v} to fight {Hence:} pugnace-pugnacitate; expugnar &; impugnar (1) &; propugnar &; repugnar &
pugnata = {n} handful
pugno = {n} fist {Hence:} pugnata; pugnal &; pugnar &; impugnar (2)
pulice (pú-) = {n} flea {Hence:} pulicose; expulicar-expulicatorio
pulicose = {adj} infested with fleas, pulicous
pullario = {n} chicken coop
pullero = {n} 1. chicken farmer; 2. poultry dealer, poulterer
pulli-cultura = {n} poultry farming
pullman [A] = {n} [RR] Pullman
pullo = {n} young animal; specif: 1. colt, foal; 2. young bird; {also:} chicken {Hence:} pullario; pullero; pullicultura etc
pullular = {v} to pullulate (1. to sprout out, bud; 2. to swarm) {Hence:} pullulation
pullulation = {n} pullulating, pullulation
pulmon = {n} lung; a plen pulmones at the top of one's voice {Hence:} pulmonia; pulmonar; pulmonaria; pulmonate; pulmonifere
pulmonar = {adj} pulmonary
pulmonaria = {n} [Bot] Pulmonaria
pulmonate = {adj} [Zool] pulmonate, pulmonated
pulmonia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol] pneumonia
pulmonifere = {adj} pulmoniferous, pulmonate
pulpa = {n} pulp (1. as in "pulp of a fruit"; 2. [Anat] as in "dental pulp"; 3. as in "wood pulp") {Hence:} pulpitis; pulpose
pulpitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol] pulpitis
pulpito (púl-) = {n} pulpit
pulpose = {adj} pulpous, pulpy
puls- see pell-
pulsar = {v} 1. to push; {also:} to shove, thrust, drive, etc; 2. to pulsate (= to beat, throb) {Hence:} pulsatile; pulsation; pulsative; pulsator; pulsata
pulsata = {n} push (as in "to give someone a push")
pulsatile = {adj} pulsating, pulsatile
pulsation = {n} pulsation
pulsative = {adj} beating, throbbing, pulsative
pulsator = {n} pulsator
pulso = {n} pulse (= regular throbbing in the arteries) {Hence:} pulsometro etc
pulso-metro (-ómetro) = {n} pulsimeter, pulsometer
pulverar = {v} to powder, dust (= to sprinkle with powder or dust)
pulvere = {n} I. dust; II. powder (1. pulverized substance; 2. [Specif: Pharm, Cosmetics]; 3. gunpowder); jectar pulvere in le oculos de un persona to throw dust in someone's eyes; reducer in pulvere to reduce to powder; ille non habe inventate le pulvere he won't set the world (or Thames) on fire {Hence:} pulverose; pulverulente-pulverulentia; pulverar-dispulverar; pulverizar-pulverizabile, pulverization, pulverizator
pulverizabile = {adj} pulverizable
pulverizar = {v} to pulverize
pulverization = {n} pulverization
pulverizator = {n} atomizer, pulverizer, spray
pulverose = {adj} dusty
pulverulente = {adj} pulverulent, dusty, powdery
pulverulentia = {n} (state of) being pulverulent
pumpa = {n} pump (as in "suction pump") {Hence:} pumpero; pumpar
pumpar = {v} to pump (= to raise with a pump)
pumpero = {n} 1. pumpman; 2. fireman (= member of a fire brigade)
pun- see pena
punch [A] = {n} punch ("the beverage punch")
punct- see punger
puncta = {n} point (1. sharp end of a weapon, pin, pen, etc; 2. [Geog] tapering promontory or cape; 3. salient feature of a story, epigram, joke, etc) {Hence:} punctute; punctar &; appunctar &
punctage (-aje) = {n} pointing, aiming (of guns, etc)
punctar = {v} to point (1. to furnish with a point; 2. to direct, level) {Hence:} punctage; punctator
punctator = {n} pointer; specif: [Artil]
punctilio = {n} nice point of honor, punctilio {Hence:} punctiliose
punctiliose = {adj} punctilious
puncto = {n} I. point (1. dot; 2. [Gram] period; 3. definite item or unit, as "salient point," "important point," "another point," etc); II. prick, stitch; puncto e virgula semicolon; puncto de interrogation question mark; puncto de exclamation exclamation point; duo punctos [Gram] colon; puncto de congelation, de ebullition, etc freezing, boiling, etc, point; le punctos cardinal the cardinal points; puncto de vista point of view; esser super le puncto de facer un cosa to be on the point of doing something; puncto de honor point of honor {Hence:} punctilio &; punctual &; punctar &; punctuar &; appunctar &; contrapuncto &
punctu- see puncto
punctual = {adj} 1. exact, punctilious; 2. punctual {Hence:} punctualitate, impunctual-impunctualitate
punctualitate = {n} 1. exactness, punctiliousness; 2. punctuality
punctuar = {v} to punctuate {Hence:} punctuation
punctuation = {n} punctuation
punctura = {n} prick, puncture {Hence:} puncturar; acupunctura etc
puncturar = {v} to puncture
punctute = {adj} pointed (= having a point or points)
pungente' I. ppr of punger; II. {adj} 1. pungent; 2. poignant {Hence:} pungentia
pungentia = {n} 1. pungency; 2. poignancy
punger [pung-/punct-] = {v} to sting (1. to prick; 2. to pain sharply) {Hence:} pungente &; punctura &; puncto &; puncta &; compunger &; expunger &
punibile = {adj} punishable
punibilitate = {n} punishability
punic = {adj} Punic; fide punic Punic faith; guerras punic Punic wars
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