punir = {v} to punish {Hence:} punibile-punibilitate, impunibile; punition; punitor; punite-impunite
punite 1. pp of punir; 2. {adj} punished
punition = {n} punishment
punitive = {adj} punitive
punitor = {n} punisher
puno = {n} Carthaginian {Hence:} punic
pupa = {n} 1. (young) girl; 2. doll; 3. [Zool] pupa
pupilla = {n} pupil (1. girl under the care of a guardian; 2. [Anat]) {Hence:} pupillage; pupillari
pupillage (-aje) = {n} pupilage
pupillari = {adj} pupillary (1. [Law]; 2. [Anat])
pupillo = {n} pupil, ward (= boy or child under the care of a guardian) {Hence:} pupillage; pupillari
pupi-pare = {adj} [Zool] pupiparous
pupo = {n} boy, child {Hence:} pupillo &; pupipare etc; pupa-pupilla &
pur = {adj} pure {Hence:} puressa; purismo; purista; puritate-puritan &; purificar-purification, purificator; appurar &; depurar &; impur-impuressa, impuritate
pure = {n} [Pathol] pus {Hence:} purulente &; suppurar &
purée [F] = {n} purée; purée de malos applesauce; purée de patatas mashed potatoes
puressa = {n} pureness
purga = {n} purge
purgar = {v} to purge {Hence:} purga; purgation; purgative-purgativo; purgatori; purgatorio; expurgar &
purgation = {n} purgation
purgative = {adj} purgative
purgativo = {n} purgative
purgatori = {adj} purgatory, purifying
purgatorio = {n} Purgatory
purificar = {v} to purify
purification = {n} purification
purificator = {n} 1. purifier; 2. purificator
purismo = {n} purism
purista = {n} purist
puritan = {adj} puritan, puritanical {Hence:} puritano-puritanismo
puritanismo = {n} Puritanism
puritano = {n} Puritan
puritate = {n} purity
purpura (púr-) = {n} I. purple (1. [Zool] Purpura; 2. purple dye or color; 3. purple garment); II. [Pathol] purpura {Hence:} purpurato; purpuree; purpurin-purpurina; purpurar
purpurar = {v} 1. to purple (= to make or dye purple); 2. to dress in purple
purpurato = {n} [Chem] purpurate
purpuree = {adj} purple, purpurate
purpurin = {adj} purplish, purpurate
purpurina = {n} [Chem] purpurin
purulente = {adj} purulent {Hence:} purulentia
purulentia = {n} purulence
pus = {n} [Pathol] pus
pusill-anime (-ánime) = {adj} pusillanimous {Hence:} pusillanimitate
pusillanimitate = {n} pusillanimity
pusille = {adj} 1. very small; 2. petty {Hence:} pusillitate; pusillanime etc; pusillo
pusillitate = {n} 1. smallness; 2. pettiness
pusillo = {n} small boy or man
pustula (pús-) = {n} [Pathol] pustule {Hence:} pustulate; pustulose; pustular
pustular = {v} to pustulate (= to form pustules)
pustulate = {adj} pustulate, pustulous
pustulose = {adj} pustulous
putar = {v} 1. to trim, prune, lop (trees or vines); 2. to suppose, think, imagine {Hence:} putative; amputar &; computar &; deputar &; disputar &; imputar &; reputar &
putative = {adj} putative
puteal = {n} well curb, puteal
puteo = {n} 1. well ("well of water, oil, etc"); 2. [Mineral] shaft, pit; un puteo de scientia a well of learning, fount of knowledge {Hence:} puteal
puter = {v} to stink
putre-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} to putrefy (= to cause to rot) {Hence:} putrefaction; putrefactive
putrefact- see putrefacer
putrefaction = {n} putrefaction
putrefactive = {adj} putrefactive
putrer = {v} to rot {Hence:} putride-putriditate; putrescer-putrescente-putrescentia, putrescibile-imputrescibile-imputrescibilitate; putrefacer etc
putrescente 1. ppr of putrescer; 2. {adj} putrescent
putrescentia = {n} putrescence
putrescer = {v} to rot
putrescibile = {adj} putrescible
putride = {adj} putrid
putriditate = {n} putridity
putsch [G] = {n} putsch
pyjama = {n} pajamas
pyl- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] pyl- (= gate) {Hence:} pylon; propyleo; pyloro etc; Thermopylas etc
pylon = {n} [Arch] pylon
pyloric = {adj} pyloric
pyl-oro = {n} [Anat] pylorus {Hence:} pyloric
pyr- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] pyr-, pyro- (= fire) {Hence:} pyridina; pyrite &; pyric; empyree &; empyreuma &; pyrolatra etc; pyromane etc; pyromania etc; pyrometro etc; pyroxeno etc; pyroxylo etc; pyrophosphoric etc; pyrotechnic etc; pyrophore etc; pyrolignose etc
pyra = {n} pyre
pyramidal = {adj} pyramidal
pyramidar = {v} to pyramid (= to build or heap up in the shape of a pyramid)
pyramide (-rá-) = {n} [Arch, Geom, etc] pyramid {Hence:} pyramidal; pyramidar
Pyrene = {npr} [Gr Mythol] Pyrene {Hence:} pyrenee-Pyreneos
pyrenee (-ée) = {adj} Pyrenean
Pyreneos (-né-) = {nprpl} [Geog] Pyrenees
pyric = {adj} of fire, producing fire, fiery
pyridina = {n} [Chem] pyridine
pyrite = {n} [Mineral] pyrite, iron pyrites, fool's gold {Hence:} pyritose
pyritose = {adj} pyritous
pyro-latra (-ó-) = {n} pyrolater, fire worshiper {Hence:} pyrolatria
pyrolatria (-ía) = {n} pyrolatry, fire worship
pyro-lignose = {adj} pyroligneous
pyro-mane = {adj} pyromaniacal {Hence:} pyromano
pyro-mania (-ía) = {n} pyromania
pyromano (-ró-) = {n} pyromaniac
pyrometric = {adj} pyrometric
pyro-metro (-ó-) = {n} pyrometer {Hence:} pyrometric
pyro-phore = {adj} [Chem] pyrophorous
pyro-phosphoric = {adj} [Chem] pyrophosphoric
pyro-technic = {adj} pyrotechnical {Hence:} pyrotechnico; pyrotechnica
pyrotechnica = {n} pyrotechnics
pyrotechnico = {n} pyrotechnist
pyro-xeno (-róx-) = {n} [Mineral] pyroxene
pyroxylina = {n} [Chem] pyroxylin
pyro-xylo = {n} [Chem] pyroxyle, pyroxylin {Hence:} pyroxylina
Pythagoras (-tá-) = {npr} [Gr Philos] Pythagoras {Hence:} pythagorismo; pythagorista; pythagoric
pythagoric = {adj} Pythagorean, Pythagoric
pythagorismo = {n} Pythagoreanism
pythagorista = {n} Pythagorean
pythia = {n} Pythia
pythic = {adj} Pythian
pythie = {adj} Pythian
Pytho = {npr} [Gr Antiq] Pytho (= Delphi) {Hence:} pythic; pythie-pythia
Python = {npr} [Gr Mythol] Python; python [Zool] Python
pyxide (píx-) = {n} 1. small box or case; 2. [Eccl] pyx; 3. [Bot] pyxis, pyxidium
[qua] = {adv} as, in the capacity of, `qua'
quaderno = {n} notebook
quadr- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} quadragenari; quadragesima; quadrilla &; quadrigemine etc; quadrilatere etc; quadrivio etc; quadrangule etc; quadrennal etc; quadrupede etc; quadruple etc; quadruplicar etc; quadro-quadrar &, esquadrar &, inquadrar &
quadrabile = {adj} squarable
quadragenari = {adj} quadragenarian
quadragesima (-gé-) = {n} Quadragesima (= first Sunday in Lent)
quadrangular = {adj} quadrangular
quadr-angule = {adj} quadrangular {Hence:} quadrangulo-qundrangular
quadrangulo (-ráng-) = {n} quadrangle
quadrante = {n} 1. [Math, Astron] quadrant; 2. dial (= face of a clock); quadrante solar sundial
quadrar = {v} I. to square (1. to give the shape of a square; 2. [Math]); II. to suit or fit to a T {Hence:} quadrante; quadrabile; quadratura; quadrate-quadrato-quadratino, quadratic
quadrate 1. pp of quadrar; 2. {adj} square (as in "a square foot," "a square piece of cloth")
quadratic = {adj} quadratic
quadratino = {n} [Print] em quad
quadrato = {n} I. square (1. a rectangle of four equal sides; 2. [Math]); II. [Print] quad, quadrat
quadratura = {n} quadrature (1. [Math]; 2. [Astron])
quadri-ennal = {adj} quadrennial
quadri-gemine = {adj} born four at one birth {Hence:} quadrigemino
quadrigemino (-gé-) = {n} quadruplet
quadrilateral = {adj} quadrilateral
quadri-latere = {adj} quadrilateral, four-sided {Hence:} quadrilatero
quadrilatero (-lá-) = {n} quadrilateral {Hence:} quadrilateral
quadrilla = {n} quadrille {Hence:} quadrillar
quadrillar = {v} to dance a quadrille
quadri-reme = {adj} quadrireme, four-oared quadri-reme {n} quadrireme
quadri-syllabe (-sí-) = {adj} quadrisyllabic {Hence:} quadrisyllabo
quadrisyllabo (-sí-) = {n} quadrisyllable
quadri-vio = {n} [Hist] quadrivium
quadro = {n} 1. frame (of a picture, etc); 2. [Cards] diamond, card of the suit of diamonds
quadru- see quadr-
quadru-mane = {adj} [Zool] quadrumanous
quadru-pede (-drú-) = {adj} four-footed, quadruped quadru-pede (-drú-) {n} quadruped
quadruplar = {v} to quadruple
quadru-ple (quá-) = {adj} quadruple {Hence:} quadruplar
quadru-plicar = {v} to quadruple {Hence:} quadruplication
quadruplication = {n} quadruplication
quai [F] = {n} quay, key, pier
quaker [A] = {n} Quaker, Friend {Hence:} quakerismo
quakerismo = {n} Quakerism
qual' 1. {adj} which, what; 2. {interr pron} which; `le qual = {rel pron} which; that; who {Hence:} qualitate &; qualificar &; qualcunque etc
qual- see qualque
qualc- see qualque
[qual-cosa] = {pron} something, anything
[qualc-un] = {adj} some, any; {also:} a few
[qualc-uno] = {indef pron} someone, anyone
qual-cunque = {adj} any, whatever, of whatever kind
qualificar = {v} 1. to characterize as (= to term); 2. to qualify (= to fit for a place, office, privilege, etc) {Hence:} inqualificabile; qualification; qualificative; qualificator; qualificate; disqualificar-disqualification
qualificate I. pp of qualificar; II. {adj} 1. of quality or rank; 2. [Law] aggravated
qualification = {n} characterization (= act of characterizing or terming)
qualificative = {adj} qualifying, qualificative
qualificator = {n} 1. characterizer; 2. [R.C.Ch.] qualificator
qualit- see qualitate
qualitate = {n} quality; de qualitate of quality, of rank; in qualitate de in the quality, capacity of {Hence:} qualitative
qualitative = {adj} qualitative; analyse qualitative qualitative analysis
[qualque] (quálke) = {adj} some, any; {also:} a few {Hence:} qualcosa etc; qualcun etc; qualcuno etc
[quam]' 1. {adv} in what manner, how; 2. {conj} as, than; `tam ... quam' as ... as {Hence:} [quamquam] etc; [quanquam] etc; plusquampertecto etc; postquam etc
[quam-quam] (quamquam) 1. though, although; 2. however, yet, nevertheless (= quanquam)
quan- see quam
quando = {adv/conj} when {Hence:} quandocunque etc; aliquando etc
quandocunque = {adv/conj} whenever
[quan-quam] (quánquam) 1. though, although; 2. however, yet, nevertheless (= quamquam)
quantcunque = {adj} however much/many
quante = {adj} how much, how many {Hence:} quantitate &: quanto (1); quanto (2)-aliquanto etc; [alquanto] etc
quantit- see quantitate
quantitate = {n} quantity (1. amount, number; 2. [special: Math, Mus, Pros, etc]) {Hence:} quantitative
quantitative = {adj} quantitative; analyse quantitative quantitative analysis
quanto = {n} quantum (1. guantity; 2. [Phys]); theoria del quantos quantum theory
quanto = {adv} as much as; as far as; quanto ... tanto = the ... the; quanto a as for
quantocunque = {adv} however much
quar- see quaranta
quaranta = {adj} forty {Hence:} quarantena &; quaresime &; quarantesime
quarantena = {n} 1. about forty; 2. quarantine {Hence:} quarantenari; quarentenar
quarantenar = {v} to quarantine
quarantenari = {adj} quarantine
quarantesime (-ésime) = {adj} fortieth; le quarantesime parte, le quarantesimo the fortieth part, the fortieth
quare = {adv} wherefore, why
quaresima (-ésima) = {n} Lent; facer quaresima to keep Lent {Hence:} quaresimal; quaresimar
quaresimal = {adj} Lenten
quaresimar = {v} to observe Lent
quaresime (-ésime) = {adj} fortieth; le quaresime parte, le quaresimo the fortieth part, the fortieth {Hence:} quaresima &
quarta = {n} 1. [Mus] fourth; 2. [Fencing] carte
quartan = {adj} quartan {Hence:} quartana
quartana = {n} quartan (fever)
quarte = {adj} fourth; le quarte parte, le quarto the fourth part, the fourth or quarter {Hence:} quartiero &; quartetto; quartan &; decequarte etc; quarta
quarter- see quartiero
quarteron = {n} quadroon
quartetto = {n} quartet
quartierar = {v} to guarter (1. to cut into quarters; 2. to assign living quarters to)
quartiero = {n} I. quarter (1. fourth part; 2. district, neighborhood); II. quarters; quartiero general headquarters; dar quartiero to give quarter {Hence:} quartierar; quarteron
quarz [G] = {n} [Mineral] quartz {Hence:} quarzite; quarzifere; quarzose
quarzifere (quartsífere) = {adj} quartziferous
quarzite (-tsí-) = {n} [Mineral] quartzite
quarzose (-tsó) = {adj} quartzose
quasi = {adv} almost, nearly; in a certain sense, in a way, etc;
quasi que as if {Hence:} quasi-contracto etc
quasi-contracto = {n} [Law] quasi contract
quasi-delicto = {n} [Law] quasi delict
quatrillion = {n} quadrillion (1. number denoted by a unit with fifteen zeros annexed; 2. number denoted by a unit with twenty-four zeros annexed)
quatro = {adj} four {Hence:} quatrillion; dece-quatro etc
quattar = {v} to squat, crouch
quatte = {adj} squatting, crouching {Hence:} quattar
[quattuor] (quát-) = {adj} four {Hence:} quattuordece etc
quattuor-dece (-ór-) = {adj} fourteen
que (1) (ke, kwe) = 1. {interr pron/adj} what; 2. {rel pron} who, whom, which, that; what (= that which) {Hence:} [quem]; [quecunque] etc
que (2) (ke, kwe) = {conj} 1. that; 2. than {Hence:} [esque] etc; proque etc; [porque] etc; ubique etc; [itaque] etc
[que-cunque] (kekúnkwe, kwekúnkwe) = {rel pron} whatever
[quem] = {rel pron acc} what, which, whom
querco = {n} oak
querela = {n} I. complaint (1. utterance of grievance; 2. [Law]); II. quarrel (= angry dispute or disagreement) {Hence:} querelar-querelator
querelar = {v} 1. to complain; 2. to quarrel
querelator = {n} quarreler
querer [quer-/quest-;-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-] {v} 1. to seek, search, look for; 2. to ask, query, question {Hence:} question &; questor; questura; questa; acquirer &; conquirer &; disquir- &; exquir- &; inquirer &; perquirer &; requirer &
quest- see querer
questa = {n} [Eccl] collection
question = {n} question (1. interrogation, query; 2. problem; 3. application of torture as part of judicial examination) {Hence:} questionario; questionar-questionabile, questionator
questionabile = {adj} questionable, doubtful
questionar = {v} to question, call in question
questionario = {n} questionnaire
questionator = {n} questioner
questor = {n} quaestor, questor (1. [Rom Hist]; 2. [RCCh]; 3. [French, Italian, etc, Parl])
questura = {n} questorship; questor's office
qui (ki, kwi) = {interr pron} who, whom; de qui whose; (con, a, etc) qui (with, to, etc) whom [qui] {adv} here (= hic, ci)
quia (quía) = {conj} because
cui-cunque (ki-, kwi-) = {pron} whoever
[quid] [L] = {adv} why, how, wherefore [quid] rel {pron} what {Hence:} quidem
[quidem] [L] (quí-) = {adv} certainly, truly; indeed, even
quiescente 1. ppr of quiescer; 2. {adj} quiescent
quiescentia = {n} quiescence
quiescer [quiesc-/quiet-] = {v} to become quiescent, quiesce {Hence:} quiescente-quiescentia; quiete &; acquiescer &
quiet- see quiescer
quietar = {v} to quiet (1. to make quiet; 2. to appease)
quiete = {adj} quiet (1. peaceful; 2. noiseless; 3. motionless) {Hence:} quietismo; quietista; quietude; quietar; inquiete-unquietude, inquietar-inquietator
quiete = {n} quiet
quietismo = {n} [Relig] quietism
quietista = {n} quietist
quietude = {n} quietude
quillia = {n} pin (as in "ninepins")
[quin] why not, that not
quin- see quinqu-
quina (1) = {n} quina, china, cinchona (1. cinchona tree; 2. cinchona bark, Peruvian bark) {Hence:} quinismo, quinon-anthraquinon etc; quinic; quinina-quininismo, quininic; quinoidina; quinoleina etc; quinaquina etc; quinquina etc
quina (2) = {n} 1. [Lotto, Keno] winning series of five numbers; 2. [Dominoes] (a throw of) double fives
quina-quina = {n} quinaquina, cinchona (1. cinchona tree; 2. cinchona bark, Peruvian bark)
quinari = {adj} quinary
quincalia = {n} hardware {Hence:} quincaliero; quincalieria
quincalieria (-ía) = {n} hardware store
quincaliero = {n} hardware dealer
quin-dece (quín-) = {adj} fifteen
quinic = {adj} [Chem] quinic; acido quinic quinic acid
quinina = {n} quinine
quininic = {adj} quininic
quininismo = {n} [Med] quininism, quinism, cinchonism
quinismo = {n} [Med] quinism, quininism, cinchonism
quinoidina = {n} [Chem] quinoidine
quin-oleinia (-ína) (-ínia?) = {n} [Chem] quinoline, chinoline
quinon = {n} [Chem] quinone
quinqu- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} quinquagesime &; quinari; quinquereme etc; quindece etc; quina
Quinquagesima (-gé-) = {n} Shrove Sunday
quinquagesime (-gé-) = {adj} fiftieth; le quinquagesime parte, le quinquagesimo the fiftieth part, the fiftieth {Hence:} Quinquagesima
quinque-reme = {adj} quinquereme, five-oared quinque-reme {n} quinquereme
quin-quina = {n} quinquina, cinchona (1. cinchona tree; 2. cinchona bark, Peruvian bark)
quinta = {n} quint (1. [Mus] fifth; 2. [Cards])
quintan = {adj} [Med] quintan {Hence:} quintana
quintana = {n} quintan (fever)
quintar = {v} 1. to divide into fifths; 2. to take one fifth of
quinte = {adj} fifth; (le) quinte parte, (le) quinto (the) fifth part, fifth; quinte columna fifth column {Hence:} quintetto; quintillion; quintan &; quintar; quintessentia etc; quintuple etc; quintuplicar etc; dece-quinte etc; quinta
quint-essentia = {n} quintessence
quintetto = {n} quintette
quintillion = {n} quintillion (1. unit with eighteen zeros annexed; 2. unit with thirty zeros annexed)
quintu- see quinte
quintuplar = {v} to quintuple (= to multiply fivefold)
quintu-ple (quín-) = {adj} quintuple, fivefold {Hence:} quintuplar
quintu-plicar = {v} to quintuplicate
quitantia = {n} receipt (= written acknowledgment of receipt)
quitar = {v} 1. to acquit (= "to release from a duty or obligation"); 2. to quit, leave
quite = {adj} 1. quit, rid; 2. quits {Hence:} quitar-quitantia
quixoteria (kishoteria, kihotería) = {n} quixotry, quixotism
quixotic (kisho-, kiho-) = {adj} quixotic
quixotismo (kisho-, kiho-) = {n} quixotism
[quo] [L] I. {adv} 1. whither, where; 2. wherefore; II. {conj} so that, in order that [quo] rel {pron} who, what {Hence:} quomodo etc
[quod] [L] rel = {pron} that, what [quod] {conj} that, because, why quod erat demonstrandum, QED [Math] `quod erat demonstrandum, QED'
[quo-modo] (quó-) = {adv} 1. how, in what manner; 2. in the manner that, as (= como)
[quot] = {adj} how many; as many; each, every {Hence:} [quotiens]; quotidian etc
quota = {n} 1. quota; 2. dues (= membership fee) {Hence:} quotar &; quotizar &
quotar = {v} [Stock Market] to quote {Hence:} quotation
quotation = {n} [Stock Market] quotation
quoti-dian = {adj} daily; le vita quotidian everyday life; febre quotidian quotidian fever
[quotiens] (quó-) = {adv} 1. how often, how many times;
2. as often as
quotiente = {n} [Math] quotient
quotizar = {v} to assess (as in "to assess each club member five dollars"); quotizar se to contribute, chip in; club together {Hence:} quotization
quotization = {n} assessment (as in "assessment of each club member")
rab- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} rabie &; rabide
rabbi = {n} Rabbi (as in "Rabbi Ben Ezra")
rabbin = {n} rabbi (as in "the tradition of the rabbis") {Hence:} rabbinato; rabbinismo; rabbinista; rabinic
rabbinato = {n} rabbinate
rabbinic = {adj} rabbinical
rabbinismo = {n} rabbinism (= teachings and tradition of the rabbis)
rabbinista = {n} rabbinist
rabiar = {v} 1. to rage, be in a rage; 2. to go mad, develop rabies
rabide = {adj} rabid (1. having rabies; 2. furious, raging)
rabie = {n} 1. rabies; 2. rage (= violent anger); rabie del (moneta, etc.) passion or mania for (money, etc.) {Hence:} rabiose; rabiar; inrabiar &
rabiose = {adj} 1. mad (as in "mad dog"); 2. furious
racemic = {adj} racemic
racemi-forme = {adj} racemiform, clustershaped
racemo = {n} cluster, {also:} [Bot.] raceme {Hence:} racemic; racemose; racemiforme etc.
racemose = {adj} racemose
racia = {n} [Biol.] race; de racia of good breed or stock {Hence:} racial-racialismo, racialista
racial = {adj} racial
racialismo = {n} racialism, racism
racialista = {n} racialist, racist
radar = {n} [Radio] radar, radiolocator
rader [rad-/ras-] = {v} 1. to scrape, scratch; {also:} to scratch out, erase; 2. to graze, brush (against) {Hence:} radimento; rasorio; rasura; rasar; abrader &
radial = {adj} radial (1. pertaining to a ray; 2. pertaining to a radius)
radiano = {n} [Math.] radian
radiante 1. ppr of radiar; 2. {adj} radiant, brilliant, beaming
radiar = {v} to radiate (= to emit rays)
radiate 1. pp of radiar; 2. {adj} radiate
radiation = {n} radiation (= act of radiating, emitting rays)
radiator = {n} radiator
radical = {adj} radical (1. proceeding from the root; 2. reaching or affecting the root; 3. [Pol., Math., etc.]) {Hence:} radicalismo
radical = {n} radical (1. [Philol.] root; 2. [Pol., Math., etc.])
radicalismo = {n} radicalism
radicante 1. ppr of radicar; 2. {adj} [Bot.] radicant
radicar = {v} to take root; {also:} to grow roots
radication = {n} radication (= process of taking root)
radice (-íce) = {n} I. root (1. as in "root of a plant"; 2. source, origin; 3. [Philol.]); II. radish; radice quadrate, cubic [Math.] square, cube root {Hence:} radicula &; radicella; radical &; radicar-radicante, radication; eradicar &
radicella = {n} [Bot.] rootlet, radicel
radicula = {n} [Bot.] radicle {Hence:} radicular
radicular = {adj} radicular
radimento = {n} scraping, scratching, erasing
radio (1) = {n} I. ray ("ray of light, etc."); II. radius (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Math.]); III. spoke ("spoke of a wheel"); radio X x-ray {Hence:} radium; radial; radiano; radiose; radiar-radiante, radiation, radiator, radiate, irradiar &; radiologo etc.; radiographo etc.; radioconductor etc.; radiotelegraphia etc.; radiotelephonia etc.; radiotherapia etc.; radioactive etc.
radio (2) = {n} radio (1. wireless telephony and telegraphy; 2. radio receiving set) {Hence:} radiofrequentia etc.; radiogramma etc.; radiodiffunder etc.
radio-active = {adj} radioactive {Hence:} radioactivitate
radioactivitate = {n} radioactivity
radio-conductor = {n} [Elec.] radioconductor
radio-diffunder [-fund-/-fus-] u [Radio] to broadcast {Hence:} radiodiffusion; radiodiflusor
radiodiffus- see radiodiffunder
radiodiffusion = {n} [Radio] broadcasting
radiodiffusor = {n} [Radio] transmitter
radio-frequentia = {n} radiofrequency
radio-gramma = {n} radiogram (= message transmitted by radio)
radiographia (-ía) = {n} radiography, x-ray photography
radiographic = {adj} radiographic
radio-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} radiograph, x-ray photograph {Hence:} radiographia; radiographic
radiologia (-ía) = {n} radiology
radiologic = {adj} radiological
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