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Internet Video Coding Exploration

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Internet Video Coding Exploration

The following issues were initially identified to be discussed and if possible settled during the meeting:

  • Procedure in extending ITM

  • Assess improvements achieved and the potential for ongoing improvements

  • Establish plans for future EEs

The following recordings of discussions were made in the BoG (chaired by Kiho Choi).
    1. General IVC Development Ground rule [Kiho Choi, Euee S. Jang]

  • Summary

  • Agreement

    • An output doc of this meeting.
    1. EE

At the previous meeting, exploration experiments (N13578) had been set up for potential further improvements of ITM5. Low-cost multiple-hypothesis motion compensation for internet video coding [Lei Chen, Ronggang Wang, Zhenyu Wang, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]

    • Summary

      • In this proposal, proponents recommend a new technology for P frames: low-cost multi-hypothesis motion compensation.

      • The experimental results show about 4% BD rate saving in CS2 on average.

      • The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology.

    • Comments

      • Q: What is MV1? Is this the same one in MV predictor used in ITM 5.0?

        • Yes.

    • Agreement

      • Adopt it to next version of ITM. Extended motion compensation blocksize for internet video coding [Ronggang Wang, Lei Chen, Hao Lv, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]

    • Summary

      • In this contribution, proponents propose to add 16x8 and 8x16 blocksize in the motion compensation.

      • Experimental results show 3.3% and 2.5% bit rate saving on average in CS2 and CS1, respectively

      • The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology.

    • Comments

      • There is no the IPR information in the contribution.

        • Proponent said that they will include the IPR information to the contribution.

    • Agreement

      • Adopt it to next version of ITM. Loop filtering based on pixel differences for internet video coding [Xufeng Li, Ronggang Wang, Lei Chen, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]

    • Summary

      • In this contribution, proponents propose to add a loop filtering tool in the coding loop of Internet Video Coding Test Model.

      • Experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves about 8.9% and 6.0% bit rate saving in CS2, CS1 configure respectively.

      • The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology.

    • There is no the IPR information

      • Proponent said that they will include the IPR information to the contribution.

    • Comments

      • Who analyzed the IPR information?

        • Proponent said that they investigated by themselves.

      • Further study on the IPR information should be done. IVC EE: Performance improvement of ITM5.0 [Ronggang Wang, Lei Chen, Xufeng Li, Hao Lv, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]

    • Summary

      • In this contribution, proponents provide information on the performance gain based on the proposed contributions in this meeting: m30180, m30181, and m30182.

      • By adding the above three new coding tools in ITM5.0, the coding performance improvement of ITM is 12.1% both in CS2 and 8.4% in CS1.

    • Comments

      • What is the overall gain using m30180 and m30181?

        • About 7%, and the proponent will provide the information on the contribution.

      • Is the performance on the contribution better than anchor in both constrains?

        • Yes.

      • Do you think that the performance is comparable compared to anchor?

        • Yes.

      • The performance in Class D is different from that in other Classes.

        • Proponent said that they will investigate the reason why. Cross-check of m30180 on multiple-hypothesis MC [Weiran Li, Yun He]

    • Summary

      • This is a cross-check report of m30180 on multiple-hypothesis MC.

      • The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Cross-check of m30181 on extended MC blocksize [Weiran Li, Yun He]

    • Summary

      • This is a cross-check report of m30181.

      • The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Cross-check of m30182 on loop filtering [Weiran Li, Yun He]

    • Summary

      • This is a cross-check report of m30182.

      • The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Cross-check of m30183 on ITM improvement [Weiran Li, Yun He]

    • Summary

      • The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Non-Reference P Improvement for Internet Video Coding [Dong-Hyun Kim, Jae-Gon Kim]

    • Summary

      • In this contribution, proponents propose to enhance the non-reference P coding in the form of more accurately and reliably detecting which frames should encoded as a non-reference P frame by adopting 2-level non-reference P coding.

      • In the experiments, the proposed method gives the average 0.9% bit saving and the coding gain is obtained in the most of the test sequences.

      • The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology during this meeting.

    • Comments

      • Do you have IPR information on the technology?

        • Further study during the meeting

      • What is the two-level approach?

        • The current ITM version can make the proposed method similarly but the performance proposed in the contribution is better than the method using current version.

        • Signaling method is better than the current version.

      • One expert concerns the order of frames because the order of frames on the proposed method seems to make IPR issue.

        • There is no IPR issue if the proposed method is used only for P frames.

      • Proponent said that they will include the IPR information to the contribution.

    • Agreement

      • Adopt it to next version of ITM, only used in LD case, closed in RA case. IVC-EE: Cross-check of reference frame improvement (m30406) [Dong-Hyun Kim, Jae-Gon Kim]

    • Summary

      • This is a cross-check report of m30406.

      • The coding efficiency is matched with the ones reported by proponent. IVC-EE: Reference frame improvement [Minsoo Park, Kiho Choi, Jin Yeon Choi, Sang-hyo Park, Euee S. Jang]

    • Summary

      • Use multiple reference frames to improve the performance of ITM5, -7.3% in CS2 is obtained.

      • IPR issue is analyzed on multiple reference frames (MRF), a patent related to MRF filed on 1992, and it has been expired.

      • Cross-checked.

    • Agreement

      • Adopt it to next version of ITM only used in LD case, closed in RA case. Cross-check of M30200 [Minsoo Park, Kiho Choi, Sang-hyo Park, Euee S. Jang]

    • Summary

      • This is a cross-check report of m30200.

      • The coding efficiency is matched with the ones reported by proponent.

BoG meeting discussion (2013-07-29)


  • To adopt the technologies which the group agreed to adopt to the next version of ITM

  • To further study on IPR information with regard to technologies that are not clear on Type-1 license

  • To discuss an IVC development ground rule for the future process.

  • To continue to improve the text as well as the software of next version of ITM.

  • To discuss moving on to WD stage based on the test results during the meeting.


  • To adopt the technologies which the group agreed to adopt to the next version of ITM. (done)

  • To further study on IPR information with regard to technologies that are not clear on Type-1 license.  (done)

  • To discuss an IVC development ground rule for the future process.  (It will be discussed on Tuesday)

  • To continue to improve the text as well as the software of next version of ITM.  (Software integration plan: Peking university  Hanyang university  Korea Aerospace University  Peking university), (Text: It is needed to have the editorial period for 4 weeks)

  • To discuss moving on to WD stage based on the test results during the meeting. (Having time to show the test result based on the adopted technology on Video plenary)

Preparation for output documents

  • ITM6: Software: Hanyang university (Aug. 3)  Korea Aerospace University (Aug. 10)  Peking university (Aug. 24))

  • IVC EE: Prof. Wang will prepare the document.

  • IVC Guidelines: (T.B.D) It will be decided after a discussion on Tuesday.

Joint meeting with BoG on IVC CfP (2013-07-30)

  • IVC Guidelines: The related document (i.e., m29775) was reviewed by Bog on IVC with Bog on IVC CfP.

BoG on IVC (2013-07-31)

Preparation for output documents:

  • ITM6

    • Text: Hanyang university (Aug. 3)  Korea Aerospace University (Aug. 10)  Peking university (Aug. 24))

    • Software: Peking university (Jul. 30)  Hanyang university (Aug. 10)  Korea Aerospace University (Aug. 17)  Peking university (Aug. 24))

  • IVC EE

    • It will be uploaded by Aug. 10.

  • Development Procedure of Type-1 Standards

BoG recommendations:

  • It was reported that there are great improvements in compression efficiency over ITM 5.0.

  • The performance of this temporal version of ITM by adding two tools among the adopted techonogies is comparable with IVC anchor as follows:

  • It is expected that the improvement of coding efficiency of ITM 6.0 is higher than the teimporal version for ITM 6.0.

  • Bog recommends initiating a process to elevate ITM 6.0 to WD stage based on the test result.

  • Bog recommends initiating a process to manage “Technology-IPR mapping management” document as made decision on the document “Development Procedure of Type-1 Standards”.

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