The following issues were initially identified to be discussed and if possible settled during the meeting:
Procedure in extending ITM
Assess improvements achieved and the potential for ongoing improvements
Establish plans for future EEs
The following recordings of discussions were made in the BoG (chaired by Kiho Choi).
General IVC Development Ground rule [Kiho Choi, Euee S. Jang]
An output doc of this meeting.
At the previous meeting, exploration experiments (N13578) had been set up for potential further improvements of ITM5. Low-cost multiple-hypothesis motion compensation for internet video coding [Lei Chen, Ronggang Wang, Zhenyu Wang, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]
In this proposal, proponents recommend a new technology for P frames: low-cost multi-hypothesis motion compensation.
The experimental results show about 4% BD rate saving in CS2 on average.
The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology.
Q: What is MV1? Is this the same one in MV predictor used in ITM 5.0?
Adopt it to next version of ITM. Extended motion compensation blocksize for internet video coding [Ronggang Wang, Lei Chen, Hao Lv, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]
In this contribution, proponents propose to add 16x8 and 8x16 blocksize in the motion compensation.
Experimental results show 3.3% and 2.5% bit rate saving on average in CS2 and CS1, respectively
The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology.
There is no the IPR information in the contribution.
Proponent said that they will include the IPR information to the contribution.
Adopt it to next version of ITM. Loop filtering based on pixel differences for internet video coding [Xufeng Li, Ronggang Wang, Lei Chen, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]
In this contribution, proponents propose to add a loop filtering tool in the coding loop of Internet Video Coding Test Model.
Experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves about 8.9% and 6.0% bit rate saving in CS2, CS1 configure respectively.
The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology.
There is no the IPR information
Proponent said that they will include the IPR information to the contribution.
Who analyzed the IPR information?
Proponent said that they investigated by themselves.
Further study on the IPR information should be done. IVC EE: Performance improvement of ITM5.0 [Ronggang Wang, Lei Chen, Xufeng Li, Hao Lv, Siwei Ma, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao]
In this contribution, proponents provide information on the performance gain based on the proposed contributions in this meeting: m30180, m30181, and m30182.
By adding the above three new coding tools in ITM5.0, the coding performance improvement of ITM is 12.1% both in CS2 and 8.4% in CS1.
What is the overall gain using m30180 and m30181?
About 7%, and the proponent will provide the information on the contribution.
Is the performance on the contribution better than anchor in both constrains?
Do you think that the performance is comparable compared to anchor?
The performance in Class D is different from that in other Classes.
Proponent said that they will investigate the reason why. Cross-check of m30180 on multiple-hypothesis MC [Weiran Li, Yun He]
This is a cross-check report of m30180 on multiple-hypothesis MC.
The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Cross-check of m30181 on extended MC blocksize [Weiran Li, Yun He]
This is a cross-check report of m30181.
The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Cross-check of m30182 on loop filtering [Weiran Li, Yun He]
This is a cross-check report of m30182.
The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Cross-check of m30183 on ITM improvement [Weiran Li, Yun He]
The coding efficiency and encoder time of cross-check are identical to the ones reported by proponent. Non-Reference P Improvement for Internet Video Coding [Dong-Hyun Kim, Jae-Gon Kim]
In this contribution, proponents propose to enhance the non-reference P coding in the form of more accurately and reliably detecting which frames should encoded as a non-reference P frame by adopting 2-level non-reference P coding.
In the experiments, the proposed method gives the average 0.9% bit saving and the coding gain is obtained in the most of the test sequences.
The proponent provides IPR information related to the technology during this meeting.
Do you have IPR information on the technology?
Further study during the meeting
What is the two-level approach?
The current ITM version can make the proposed method similarly but the performance proposed in the contribution is better than the method using current version.
Signaling method is better than the current version.
One expert concerns the order of frames because the order of frames on the proposed method seems to make IPR issue.
There is no IPR issue if the proposed method is used only for P frames.
Proponent said that they will include the IPR information to the contribution.
Adopt it to next version of ITM, only used in LD case, closed in RA case. IVC-EE: Cross-check of reference frame improvement (m30406) [Dong-Hyun Kim, Jae-Gon Kim]
This is a cross-check report of m30406.
The coding efficiency is matched with the ones reported by proponent. IVC-EE: Reference frame improvement [Minsoo Park, Kiho Choi, Jin Yeon Choi, Sang-hyo Park, Euee S. Jang]
Use multiple reference frames to improve the performance of ITM5, -7.3% in CS2 is obtained.
IPR issue is analyzed on multiple reference frames (MRF), a patent related to MRF filed on 1992, and it has been expired.
Adopt it to next version of ITM only used in LD case, closed in RA case. Cross-check of M30200 [Minsoo Park, Kiho Choi, Sang-hyo Park, Euee S. Jang]
This is a cross-check report of m30200.
The coding efficiency is matched with the ones reported by proponent.
BoG meeting discussion (2013-07-29)
To adopt the technologies which the group agreed to adopt to the next version of ITM
To further study on IPR information with regard to technologies that are not clear on Type-1 license
To discuss an IVC development ground rule for the future process.
To continue to improve the text as well as the software of next version of ITM.
To discuss moving on to WD stage based on the test results during the meeting.
To adopt the technologies which the group agreed to adopt to the next version of ITM. (done)
To further study on IPR information with regard to technologies that are not clear on Type-1 license. (done)
To discuss an IVC development ground rule for the future process. (It will be discussed on Tuesday)
To continue to improve the text as well as the software of next version of ITM. (Software integration plan: Peking university Hanyang university Korea Aerospace University Peking university), (Text: It is needed to have the editorial period for 4 weeks)
To discuss moving on to WD stage based on the test results during the meeting. (Having time to show the test result based on the adopted technology on Video plenary)
Preparation for output documents
ITM6: Software: Hanyang university (Aug. 3) Korea Aerospace University (Aug. 10) Peking university (Aug. 24))
IVC EE: Prof. Wang will prepare the document.
IVC Guidelines: (T.B.D) It will be decided after a discussion on Tuesday.
Joint meeting with BoG on IVC CfP (2013-07-30)
IVC Guidelines: The related document (i.e., m29775) was reviewed by Bog on IVC with Bog on IVC CfP.
BoG on IVC (2013-07-31)
Preparation for output documents:
Text: Hanyang university (Aug. 3) Korea Aerospace University (Aug. 10) Peking university (Aug. 24))
Software: Peking university (Jul. 30) Hanyang university (Aug. 10) Korea Aerospace University (Aug. 17) Peking university (Aug. 24))
It will be uploaded by Aug. 10.
Development Procedure of Type-1 Standards
BoG recommendations:
It was reported that there are great improvements in compression efficiency over ITM 5.0.
The performance of this temporal version of ITM by adding two tools among the adopted techonogies is comparable with IVC anchor as follows:
It is expected that the improvement of coding efficiency of ITM 6.0 is higher than the teimporal version for ITM 6.0.
Bog recommends initiating a process to elevate ITM 6.0 to WD stage based on the test result.
Bog recommends initiating a process to manage “Technology-IPR mapping management” document as made decision on the document “Development Procedure of Type-1 Standards”.
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