CHAPTER-05 BUILDING BYE-LAWS Every locality has its own peculiarities in respect of weather conditions, availability of materials and labour and thus adopts its own methods of constructions, every locality prepares certain rules and regulations which help in controlling the development of the locality. The rules and regulations covering the requirements of buildings, ensuring safety of the public through open spaces minimum size of rooms, and height of the area limitations are known as building bye-laws. The building bye-laws are necessary to achieve the following objects. 1. Building bye-laws give guidelines to the architects or engineer and thus help in pre planning the building activities. 2. Provisions of bye laws usually afford safety against fire, noise, health hazard, and structural failure. In the absence of suitable building bye-laws, the people will construct residences lacking in amenities and health conditions, with profit as the only motive. Hence only fanning of building bye-laws is not sufficient. If desired results are to be achieved there should be proper authority that could enforce the building bye-laws. While farming building bye-laws assistance of experts on various subjects such as town planning law, health, civil engineering, traffic, general administrations etc. Should besought and their views given due weightage. Now the importance of building Bye-laws is being increasingly realized. Indian standard Institution, an organization of Government of India has published IS. 1256" code of building 4aws" covering all the salient aspects of building activities. Having realized the importance of building bye-laws and also to smoothen the work of local enforcing authorities. Government of India has published National Building Code (NBC. This publication covers all the aspects of building activities and embodies all the relevant Indian standards and thus has been taken as an advisory document by all the local authorities, government and semi-government departments and other construction agencies. The document has been drafted with performance orientation and gives better freedom to architects and engineers. In case of any difficulty or dispute the Provision of NBC form the deciding the things IMPORTANCE OF BUILDING BYE-LAWS Building bylaws are made to ensure orderly development of localities in urban areas so that every houses is assured of good ventilation and no building affects the lighting and ventilation of neighbors. There has to be laws or regulations binding on the prospective builders, if not, the building constructed will be 1. Unscientific 2. Unhealthy
INTERNSHIP REPORT Department of civil engineering Page 16