SECOND VIEWING Note-taking This time, watch the whole video and make notes on what you think are the main points. Don’t read the transcript yet. Comparing notes Now compare your notes with the transcript on the lecture webpage (or, if possible, with the notes of another student. Content Do you agree how many main pointsthere were in the lecture If you missed other points, has your partner made notes on them If there were points (or words) that you could not understand, check in a dictionary or ask someone else to help. Form (For this you need another student. Look for differences between the ways in which you have used abbreviations symbols layout (e.g. linear notes or spider’s web) emphasis (e.g. underlining, capital letters) Monitoring Compare the confidence scores you gave yourself during your first listening. Did they vary much from point to point during the lecture (Are they similar to the other students
Lecture Listening and Note-taking Independent Study unit 3: Monitoring 5