Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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If the attack hits roll 1D8:

1-2 No Effect

3-4 Roll again at the end of next turn.

5-6 Sick: Target is -2 to all rolls for the rest of the battle.

7 Paralyzed: Target cannot do anything for the rest of the battle: Will fall.

8 Death: Will fall.

For stink bombs, disease, & flatulence the result is automatically: sick.

If it hits the contents of the bag of scorpions gets 1 attack each turn for 1D6 turns.

Nonliving mounts are immune to poison.

Arrows may be coated with poison.


Units may ram.

Ramming attacks are +1 Tohit.

If it's a miss the attacker moves past the target.

If it's a hit the defender takes damage = 1D6 + the current speed of the rammer.

Blunt rams and Piercing rams also add the speed of the rammer.

The attacker takes 1D6 damage.


The attacker grabs the target.

The target cannot move (except to get closer to the attacker) or

attack until it breaks free or is dropped.

If the attacker moves the grabbed target moves with it.

To break free roll 1D6 at the end of the turn:

1-2 hold not broken. The grabber may move and do damage next turn.

3-4 hold not broken. The grabber may not move but may do damage next turn.

5-6 the target breaks free.

Each turn after the first the attacker may automatically inflict 1D6 hits of damage.

A Flyer grabbing a Mount has its Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced to 1.


If the attack hits the defender gets a Magic Save just like in the Spell attack section.

If the defender fails its save, it is immobilized, and will fall.

For gaze attacks the attacker and defender must be facing each other.

These attacks have no effect on nonliving targets.


If the attack hits roll 1D6:

On a roll of 4 or higher the target loses its next attack.


If the attack hits the target is entangled. Roll 1D6:

1-2 the target cannot attack

3-4 Target flyer Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced by 1 each

5 Target flyer Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced to 1

6 Target falls

The target may attempt to break free of the webs.

Roll 1D6 at the end of the turn:

1-3 still entangled 4-6 the target breaks free.

Web and net attacks include bolas, goo guns, and lassos.


The attacker and defender must be facing each other.

If the attack hits the defender gets a Magic Save just like in the Spell attack section.

If the defender fails its save, it misses its next attack and must hover or fly at its

slowest speed. Nonliving targets are unaffected.


The attacker and defender must be facing each other.

If the attack hits the defender gets a Magic Save just like in the Spell attack section.

If the defender fails its save, it misses its next attack and must fly away at top speed.

Nonliving targets are unaffected.


This action produces a 1 inch diameter 'cloud' of smoke, gas, etc.

If the to hit roll is missed place the cloud next to the target.

A target is not required.

Smoke, Bubbles and ink jets block line of sight.

If a flyer moves through gas or spores roll on the poison attack table.

If a flyer moves through mines or bombs it will be hit on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.

Gas Clouds, Ink jets, Bubbles and Parachute bombs fall 1 inch per turn.

Smoke rises 1 inch per turn. Balloon mines do not move.


If hit by a fire or acid attack roll 1D8 at the end of the turn:

1-4 Fire extinguished, Acid neutralized. Do not roll again next turn.

5-6 Smoldering, burning: Take 1 hit point of damage: roll again next turn.

7-8 Burst into flames: Take 1D6 hit point of damage: roll again next turn.

Subtract 3 if doused with water.

Subtract 1 if trying to extinguish fire without water. (Cannot attack)

Catapult missiles and arrows may be set on fire.


Roll 1D6 to see which type of breath weapon the mount has:

Roll Type Range Tohit ROF Dam Ammo Type Notes

1 Fire 5 +1 1/3 3 U F Fire

2 Frost 4 +2 1/3 1 U F Freeze

3 Lightning 6 - 1/3 2 U F Stun

4 Poison Gas 3 +2 1/3 0 U F Gas

5 Steam 3 +2 1/2 1 U F

6 Acid 3 +2 1/3 2 U F Acid


Type Range Tohit ROF Dam Ammo Type Notes

Sonic Blast 4 +1 ½ 1 U F Stun

Sting 1 - 1 1 U 360 Poison

Bite A - 1 2 U F

Hooves A - 1 1 U F

Venomous Bite A - 1 1 U F Poison

Beak A - 1 2 U F

Talons A - 1 2 U F

Claw A - 1 2 U F

Tail Spike 5 - ½ 2 4 360

Horn A - 1 2 U F

Poisonous Tentacles 2 - 1 1 U 360 Poison

Tentacles 2 +1 1 2 U 360 Grab

Mesmerize 4 - 1 0 U F Mesmerize

Electrical Sting 1 - ½ 1 U 360 Stun

Gaze 4 -2 1 0 U F Petrify

Web 4 - 1 0 U F Web

Fear Attack 5 - 1 0 U F Fear

Flatulence 3 +2 ½ 0 8 R Gas

Disease 1 +1 1 0 U 360 Disease

Ink Jet Defense 3 - 1/3 0 8 R Gas

F = Attack is into the forward 180 degree arc

R = Attack is into the rear 180 degree arc

360 = Attack can be made in any direction

A = Adjacent


Type Speed Mnvr Hits Cap Notes

Bat 7a 5 20 2 Sonic Blast Attack

Dragon Fly 7a 5H 15 1

Flying Fish 5a 2 25/1 3

Butterfly 4a 3 10 2 Also: Moth

Wasp 7a 5H 15/1 2 Sting Attack

Bee 4a 4H 15 2 Sting Attack

Flying Squirrel 6a 5 20 2 Bite Attack

Winged Snake 6a 5 30/1 2 Venomous Bite Attack

Katydid 7a 1 25/1 3 Also: Grasshopper

Skiff 4 3 20 3 Also: Dinghy, Rowboat, Catamaran

Metal Disk 4 4H 30/1 3

Crystal Orb 5 4H 20/1 4E Also: Sphere, Cube, Pyramid

Kettle Pot 3 2H 30/2 3 Also: Goblet

Gryphon 6a 5 30 2 Beak & Talons Attack

Manticore 5a 4 35 2 Bite & Claw & Tail Spike Attack

Wyvern 6a 5 25/1 2

Magic Carpet 7 5H 15 2

Contraption 4 2 30/1 4

Rocket 7 1 20 3

Balloon 1 1H 10 3

Dragon 6a 4 40/2 4 Bite & Claws & Breath Attack

Fire Drake 7a 5 30/1 2 Bite & Claws & Breath Attack

Biplane 6 2 15 3 Also: Triplane, monoplane

Throne 5 5H 40/2 3

Skull 6 4H 30/1 4E Bite Attack

Hang Glider 3 3 10 2

One Man Dirigible 2 2H 15 3

Gyrocopter 4 5H 15 4

Archimedes Screw 3 4H 15 2

Flying Machine 5 3 20/1 3

Wind Board 4 4 10 2 Also: Surfboard

Cloud 1 1H 10 4 Insubstantial

Bicycle 2 4 5 2

Saucer 5 5H 25/1 4

Narwhale 3a 3 20 4 Horn Attack

Jellyfish 1a 2H 10 3 Poisonous Tentacles Attack

Skeletal Dragon 6 4 30/1 4 Bite & Claws Attack

Boulder 6 2H 40/2 4

Raft 1 1H 10 4

Sphinx 4a 3 30 3 Claws Attack

Pegasus 5a 4 20 2 Hooves Attack

Nightmare 6a 3 25 2 Hooves & Fear Attack

Beetle 5a 4H 20/1 4

Squid 7a 2 20/1 3 Ink Jet Defense; Tentacle Attack

Nautilus 4a 3H 30/1 4 Tentacle Attack; Mesmerize Attack

Bird of Prey 6a 5 20 2 Beak & Talons Attack

Shell 4 4H 20/2 3

Kite 4 3H 10 2

Roc (Rukh) 5a 2 35 4 Beak & Talons Attack

Manta Ray 6a 4 25 3 Electrical Sting Attack

Wind Spider 5a 5 15 3 Web & Venomous Bite Attack

Flying Pig 4a 4 25 4 Gas Attack (Rear Arc)

Chimera 5a 4 30 2 Bite & Horn & Breath Attack

Peryton 7a 5 20 2 Horn & Claw Attack

Mini-Sub 4 2H 30/2 4E Jules Vern Style

Cockatrice 4 4 15 2 Gaze Attack

Chariot 4 3 25/1 4 Also: Sled, Carriage, Wagon, Cart

Albatross 4 4 20 4

Pterodactyl 5 4 20 3 Bite Attack

Plague Fly 5 5 15 2 Disease

Winged Tiger 5 3 30 2 Bite & Claw Attacks

Jabberwocky 4 2 25/1 3 Beak & Talon Attacks

Mechanical Bird 7 5 20/2 2 Beak Attack

Ornithopter 6 4 15 3

Winged Centaur 5 4 15 2 Hooves & Hand Weapon Attack

Flying Unicorn 6 5 15 2 Hooves & Horn Attack

Steam Engine 3 2 35/2 4

Archaeopteryx 4 4 20 2 Beak Attack

a = the mount is alive.

E = enclosed rider.

H = the mount can hover.

Hits column notation (x/x): Hits/Armor

Cloud Mounts can only be damaged by elemental attacks.

Wild and intelligent mounts do not require a rider.

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