Introduction to Warpspawn Games

PARTY TABLE 1D6 Party Abbreviation 1-3 Democratic D 4-6 Republican R RACE TABLE

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1D6 Party Abbreviation

1-3 Democratic D

4-6 Republican R


1D6 Race Abbreviation

1 Black Black


3 European Euro

4 South American SAmer

5 Caribbean Carib

6 Oriental Orient


1D6 Issue Abbreviation

1 Taxes Tax

2 Roads Road

3 Healthcare Heal

4 Crime Crime

5 Education Edu

6 Environment Envir


Each Block has exactly one randomly determined income, party, race, and issue.

Use the abbreviations when writing on the chits:

On the upper left hand corner of the chit write the income.

On the upper right hand corner of the chit write the party.

In the middle of the chit write the race.

On the bottom, write the issue.


Each player has a candidate that is running for office

Each candidate has the following 8 profile characteristics:

1. Income: Determine on the Income Table

2. Party: Determine on the Party Table

3. Race: Determine on the Race Table

4. First Allied Race: Determine on the Race Table (must be different from #3 on this list)

5. Second Allied Race: Determine on the Race Table (must be different from #3 & #4)

6. Primary Issue: Determine on the Issue Table

7. Second Issue: Determine on the Issue Table (must be different from #6)

8. Third Issue: Determine on the Issue Table (must be different from #6 & #7)


After setup the game has 4 phases:

1. District lines are drawn

2. District lines are redrawn

3. Census

4. Election


Players take turns. Roll high on 1D6 to determine who goes first.

In the first part the District lines are drawn.

There are 50 District Markers (Blank Chits). They are all the same.

The first player places 1D6 markers on the map, one per block.

The very first marker may be placed on any one of the 9 center squares.

All other markers must be placed on a block adjacent to another marker.

Adjacent means side by side, not diagonal.

The next player places 1D6 markers, then the next, and so on.

This continues until all 50 markers are placed.

Everything under a marker is part of the voting district.


In the second part the District lines are redrawn.

Turns continue from where they left off.

The game will continue for another XD6 turns. X = number of players.

On a players turn he may move 1D6 markers.

A marker cannot be moved if it is adjacent to 3 or more markers.

A marker cannot be moved if this action separates the district into 2 or more

isolated parts.

A removed marker can then be placed back on the map adjacent to any other marker.

After this then a census is taken of the district


Take the 50 blocks in the district and count the number of each variable. For example:

The district may have contained: 16 High income blocks, 19 middle income, and

15 low income; 27 Democrats and 23 Republicans; 9 Blacks, 8 WASPs, 6 Europeans,

10 South Americans, 8 Caribbean's, and 9 Orientals; 10 Taxes, 6 Education,

10 Roads, 9 Health care, 7 Crime, and 8 Environmentalists.


Calculate votes for the candidates:

1. For each matching Income block get 2 votes.

For example: A High income candidate would get 32 votes for 16 High income

blocks in the district but no votes for middle and low income blocks.

2. For each matching Party block get 1 vote.

3. For each matching Race block get 3 votes.

4. For each matching First Allied Race block get 1 vote.

5. For each matching Second Allied Race block get 1 vote.

6. For each matching Primary Issue block get 3 votes.

7. For each matching Second Issue block get 2 votes.

8. For each matching Third Issue block get 1 vote.


The player with the most votes at the end of the game is the winner.

And your next elected official.


For a smaller game play on an 8 X 8 map and use 32 District markers.

Pick your candidates characteristics instead of generating them randomly.



Card game for two players. Common deck.

Players are a pair of Roman Gladiators fighting to the death in the arena.

One player is a type of gladiator called the Secutor.

The other player is a type of gladiator called the Retiarius.


Reduce your opponent to zero hit points.

At this point, you have your opponent at your weapons tip, and

you await the final judgment of the cheering crowd.


Each Gladiator starts with 10 hit points.


Secutor: Used an egg-shaped helmet with round eye-holes, greave on one leg, arm

protector, legionary-style shield and sword. The secutor was called a “chaser,” probably

because he was frequently paired with the retiarius, who used running as one of his



Retiarius (“net-and-trident” fighter): used an arm protector (often topped with a high

metal shoulder protector), large net, trident, small dagger, no helmet; the retiarius was the

only type of gladiator whose head and face were uncovered. Since he wore practically no

defensive armor, the retiarius was more mobile than most gladiators but was also more

vulnerable to serious wounds.


Players share a common deck.

The deck contains 56 cards.


Name # Ftr Type Notes

Trident Thrust 8 R Atk 3 points damage

Cast Net 4 R Atk Immobilize

Withdraw 4 R Def

Sword Stab 8 S Atk 3 points damage

Shield Block 4 S Def

Armor 4 S Def

Pommel 2 B Atk 1 point damage

Kick 2 B Atk 1 point damage

Dagger 2 R Atk 1 point damage

Shield Bash 2 S Atk 1 point damage

Disarm 2 B Atk Immobilize

Knockdown 2 B Atk Immobilize

Sand in the eyes 2 B Atk Immobilize

Grapple 2 B Atk Immobilize

Duck 2 B Def

Leap 2 B Def

Dodge 2 B Def

Parry 2 B Def

# = Number of that card type in the Deck.

Ftr = Which type of fighter can use the card.

S = Secutor

R = Retiarius

B = Both

Atk = Attack card

Def = Defense card

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