Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Star cruisers may declare they are blockading the world they currently orbit.


Non-wounded Agents have two different actions they may take:

1. Observe-2 an opponents reserve pile.

Observe-2 means that the observation succeedes on a roll of 1-2 on D6.

2. Observe-2 an enemy unit. If successful,

The controlling player must declare that units' movement orders immediately.

The agent gets observe-4 if he is in the same system as the unit.


All players write down movement orders for all of their units.

A unit can move to any world on the map from any other world.

Blockading Cruisers may not move.

Players reveal their orders.

Example Order: Move Agent#3 to Cassiopia.

Players move their units. All movement is considered simultaneous.

Rebels, Ion Cannons, Shields, and Bases do not move (Rebel Leaders may move).

Troops can only move if a Star cruiser transports them.

Example Order: Move Star cruiser #1 and Troops#2 to planet Jungla.

Units not given written orders do not move.

Smugglers rule:

Every enemy personality trying to get on or off a blockaded world

must roll D6: On a roll of 1-2 they are destroyed.

Disrupted & wounded units may move.


Wounded Personalities can take no other action except heal

Disrupted units, installations, and worlds can take no other action except repair.

Conduct all the actions on one planet before moving to the next.

Go in Alphabetical order by planet.

Players with units on the World take turns.

In a turn, one unit takes one action.

The Player with more units in the System goes first.

Blockading Cruisers may not do any further actions.

Worlds disrupted by bombardment cannot deploy.

Units on worlds disrupted by bombardment cannot deploy.

Governors may only deploy on loyal Worlds.

A unit may only attempt to control a world if no enemy troops are present.

An agent that acted in surveillance phase may not act in this phase.

Wounded/disrupted units that are wounded/disrupted again

are eliminated.


All actions are written in the form: Action-X

For example: Sabotage-3

This means the sabotage action is successful on a roll of 1-3 on D6.

Sabotage-4 means the sabotage action is successful on a roll of 1-4 on D6


Actions can only be taken against units in the same system.

A unit may only undertake one of the following actions if the action is

listed in the units description.


Deploy Put target chit from your reserve pile into same system

Attack Roll D6: on 1-4 Target Destroyed; on 5-6 Target Disrupted

Kill Roll D6: on 1-3 Target Killed; on 4-6 Target Wounded

Sabotage Roll D6: on 1-2 Target Destroyed; on 3-6 Target Disrupted

Bombardment Target Military Units/Installations; Roll D6: 1 = Destroyed; 2-6 = Disrupted

Bombardment Target a Worlds Industry. The World becomes Disrupted.

Heal Remove Wounded result from personality. All personalities have Heal-3

Repair Remove Disrupted result from unit. All nonpersonality units have Repair-3

Control World World (not in Uprising) becomes loyal to your side.

Incite Uprising The world becomes Uncontrolled and Hostile to all players

Indicate with an 'Uprising' marker.

Subdue Uprising Remove 'Uprising' marker, World becomes loyal to your side.

Spy All further actions this turn against target of espionage are at +1

to the success roll For example: Kill-3 becomes Kill-4; Only 1 such

bonus allowed vs target.


Only one of each type of Installation can be deployed on a world.


Only Diplomats & Troops can gain the loyalty of worlds.

The world must first be rid of all enemy Troops & Installations.

Once a world becomes loyal to you, put any rebels on it you control into your reserve.

You cannot Deploy rebels onto a world you control.


Betrayal- Play as an action. Gain control of target personality.

Sabotage- Play as an action. Automatic success. Any Military target.

Deploy Rebels- Play as an action. Automatic success. Any target planet.

Careful Planning- Personality gets an extra Action this turn.

Tactical Superiority- Military unit gets an extra Action this turn.

Assassination- Play as an action. Automatic success. Any target Personality.

Quick Recovery- Play as an action. Target unit healed or repaired.

Deploy Personality- Play as an action. Automatic success. Any target planet.

Incite Uprising- Play as an action. Automatic success. Any target planet.

Subdue Uprising- Play as an action. Automatic success. Any target planet.

Diplomacy- Play as an action. Automatic success.

Any target neutral planet comes under your control.


Similar to Emporex but cleaner & more elegant.

Its like getting to be both the rebels & the evil empire.

Special thanks to Lorenzo Hernandez & Dan S. for pointing out several

flaws in the rules (which have been "fixed")


The following amazing sets were created by David Ashton:

David has also made counters and cards for Stratastar.

To view the Planet Maps at David's site:

Click here for Planets 1-5

Click here for Planets 6-10

Download Insurrection Counters



Track & Field Series card game.

Simulation of the Javelin Throw for 2 or more players.

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