Card Name: Notes:
Cultist Combat X2
Minor Entity (monster) Combat x2
Horrible Old One (monster) Combat
Dark Young One (monster) Combat
Pit trap Mechanics X2 or Agility X2
Sliding hidden door Mechanics and Strength: If failed miss next turn
Hidden grave Science and Agility
A diary Ling. & Science: If successful move forward 1D6 spaces
Tunnel into the earth Survival X2
Dead end Survival and Science: If failed move backward 2 spaces
Oxygen-eating device Survival and Agility
Horrible picture Personality and Strength
Terrifying statue Personality and Strength
Rat pack Combat and Agility
Hunting Horror (monster) Combat
Disturbing sound Personality and Strength
Undead cultist Combat X2
Ancient inscription Linguistics X2: If successful move forward 1D6 spaces
First aid kit Aid: Survival +1 (or remove all Wounds from a character)
Pistol Aid: Combat +1
The Elder Sign Aid: Combat +2 against monsters.
Two player Card game simulating trench warfare in WWI
Reduce your opponent to 0 troops, or
Capture all six territory markers
Use change to represent troops. 1 cent = 1 squad
One or more six sided dice are needed
Cards will have to be made to play.
The deck contains around 60 cards.
Six markers to represent territories.
Play is from a common deck
Players start with no cards
Each player starts with a battalion of 100 squads
Each player starts with 3 territory markers
Roll high on 1D6 to determine turn order
1. Logistics Phase
2. Artillery Barrage Phase
3. Charge Orders Phase
4. Defender Fire Phase
5. Trench Fighting Phase
Active player draws a card
Active player fires his big guns killing 1D6 enemy squads
Active Player may declare he is charging, if not...
Roll 1D6, on a roll of 1 the player is ordered by his superiors to charge.
Over the Top Boys!
Occurs only if active player charged.
The defender kills 1D6 attacking squads in no-mans-land with mostly small arms fire.
Occurs only if active player charged.
Both sides lose 2D6 squads in the hand to hand fighting.
If the attacker kills more squads than the defender the attacker takes a territory
marker from the defender.
Heavy Shelling Active player plays in Barrage Phase. +1D6 squads killed
Machine Gun Defending player plays in Defender Fire Phase. +2D6 squads killed
Hand Grenades Either player plays in Defender Fire Phase
Negate a Machine gun card or kill 1D6 enemy squads
Bunker Defending player plays in Barrage Phase
Negate casualties caused by artillery (Bunker Destroyed)
Barbed Wire Defending player plays at end of Defender Fire Phase
Play an additional Defender Fire Phase
Tank Active player plays in Defender Fire Phase
Negate a Barbed Wire or a Machine gun card
Reinforcements Active player plays in Logistics Phase. Gain +1D6 squads
Mustard Gas Active player plays in Barrage Phase. +2D6 squads killed
Gas Masks Defending player plays in Barrage Phase
Negate casualties caused by Mustard gas
Mine Field Defending player plays in Defender Fire Phase. +1D6 squads killed
Flame Thrower Either player plays in Trench Fighting Phase. +1D6 squads killed
Bayonets Either player plays in Trench Fighting Phase. You lose 1D6 squads
Opponent has 2D6 Killed
Typhoid Fever Active player plays in Logistics Phase. 1D6 squads killed
Major Offensive Active player plays at end of turn
Go again but skip Logistics & Artillery Barrage Phase
Ariel Reconaissance Active player plays in Logistics Phase
Look at opponents hand and discard one of opponents cards
Cards are discarded right after they are played
When making the deck include 4 of each card.
Play with fewer squads.
Gain 1D6 reinforcements each turn.
Draw 2 cards per turn.
Amazing cardset here by Randy Knauff
Check out
Pork Chop Hill
by Joe Nixon
The Great War Society
Tank Tactics
Two player set piece strategic game.
One player controls the Aztecs.
The other player controls the Spaniards and their allies:
The Totonac, Tlascalans, Texcocoans, and Cholula.
The Spaniards must capture the Aztec leader Cuahtemoc.
The Aztecs must capture the Spanish leader Cortez.
Use a hex map.
The map describes the Capitol city: Tenochtitlan.
One side of the city is bordered by lake Texcoco.
Indicate housing, roads, plots, jungle, water, and temple hexes.
Walls line the borders between hexes.
The city is geometrically organized.
The city is surrounded by walls except the parts bordered by water.
There are some internal walls.
Use counters or chits to represent units.
The Aztecs have 45 warrior units and one Cuahtemoc unit.
The Spaniards have the following units:
5 Totonac units.
10 Tlascalan units.
5 Cholula units.
5 Texcocoan units.
15 Rogue Aztec units.
13 Brigantines (Boats).
5 Conquistador units and one Cortez unit.
The Aztecs are inside the city. The Spanish are outside.
Every city must have at least 3 units in it.
Each unit represents 10,000 indians or 100 Spaniards.
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