Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Card Name: Force Notes (Sub title):

Man Bat 5 Villain; Scientist Kirk Langstrom

Scarecrow 3 Villain; Jonathan Crane

Poison Ivy 4 Villain; Pamela Lillian Isley

Cat Woman 5 Villain; Mutual attraction with Batman

Harley Quinn 6 Villain; Jokers Girlfriend

Riddler 7 Villain; Computer and electronics genius

Joker 7 Villain; Clown Prince of Crime

Two Face 4/10 Villain; Flip a coin to determine Force

Penguin 8 Villain; Oswald Cobblepot

Mr. Freeze 9 Villain; Dr.Victor Fries

The Mad Hatter 4 Villain;

The Ventriloquist 2 Villain;

Clayface 6 Villain;

Killer Croc 7 Villain;


Card Name: Force Notes (Sub title):

Hideout 5 Location

Crime Spree 3 Location

Next Logical Target 2 Location

On the Run 4 Location

Incognito 1 Location

Note: the deck contains 2 of each card


Card Name: Force Notes (Sub title):

Wild Animals 4 +3 if paired with Cat Woman

Laughing Gas 3 Trap, +3 if paired with Joker; Smilex

Freeze Ray 6 Weapon, +3 if paired with Mr, Freeze

Fear Gas 4 Trap, +3 if paired with Scarecrow

Deadly Umbrella 5 Weapon, +3 if paired with the Penguin

Dynamite 4 Trap

Hand Grenade 3 Weapon

Molitov Cocktail 2 Weapon

Ninja 5 Thugs

Hoodlums 1 Thugs, +3 if paired with Two-Face

Clowns 3 Thugs, +3 if paired with Joker

Freaks 4 Thugs, +3 if paired with Penguin

Street Gang 2 Thugs

Acid 3 Trap

Whip 2 Weapon, +3 if paired with Cat Woman

Trip Wire 1 Trap, Negate Capture

Guillotine 3 Trap

Revenge 4 +3 if paired with Two-Face

Hijacking - Crime

Blackmail - Crime

Bank Robbery - Crime, +1 VP if paired with Two-Face

Arson - Crime

Hostages - Crime

Bomb Threat - Crime, +1 VP if paired with Riddler

Lab Break In - Crime, +1 VP if paired with Mr. Freeze

Jewelry Heist - Crime, +1 VP if paired with Harley Quinn

Art Theft - Crime, +1 VP if paired with Joker

Kidnapping - Crime

Cat Burglary - Crime, +1 VP if paired with Cat Woman

Trap Door 2 Negate Capture

Laser Gun 4 Weapon

Rocket Launcher 5 Weapon

Helicopter 2 Negate Capture

Red Herring 1 Negate Clue

Wild Goose Chase 1 Negate Clue

Ambush 4 Trap

Cage 5 Trap

Conveyor Belt 6 Trap

Firearms 4 Weapon, +3 if paired with Two-Face

Knockout Gas 3 Trap

Mind Control 5

Sword 1 Weapon

Game of Cat & Mouse 2 Negate Clue

Disguise 4

Fun House Mirrors 2 Trap, +3 if paired with Joker

Misdirection 3 Trap

Criminally Insane 4

Escape Arkham Asylum - Negate Capture

Criminal Mastermind 7 Can only be played with a Villain of 7+ Force


Batman the Animated Series


‘Batman’ is a copyrighted/trademarked property.

This is just a fan site.



Players control rival Hives trying to acquire the most honey.


Use a 13 X 13 grid as the board.

Each player has a set of 4 counters of a separate color to represent their bees.

Have a set of counters of a unique color to represent the flowers.

The flower counters become nectar, and then honey counters.

Six sided dice are required.


Be the first player to have 20 honey counters.


Each player controls one corner square known as their hive.

A player stacks all 4 of his Bee counters onto his hive space.

Roll high on the eight sided die to determine turn order.


Players take turns. Each turn has 2 phases:

1. Bloom Phase

2. Move phase


Roll 2D6 twice.

The first roll is the x-axis coordinate, the second roll is the y-axis coordinate.

Place a flower counter on the indicated square.

If the flower blooms on a players bee, that bee gets a nectar counter.

Flower counters may be stacked on top of each other.


Roll two six sided dice.

Move one of your bees a distance equal to one of the dice rolls.

Move one of your bees a distance equal to the other roll.

This can be the same bee, or two different bees.

If you roll doubles, you may use each dice roll twice.

If one of your bees lands on a flower counter, it is captured: stack

the counter onto the bee. It is now called a nectar counter.

When a bee with nectar counter returns to his hive, the nectar

counters become honey counters.

Keep your captured honey counters in a separate honey pile.

A bee may hold any number of nectar counters.

A bee with a nectar counter that lands on a flower gets a pollination

bonus: Add a counter to your honey pile.

If one of your bees lands on an opponents bee, that bee is stung.

A stung bee is moved back to his players hive.

The stinging bee steals all the nectar counters from the stung bee.

Bees may only move orthogonally.

Your bees cannot move into other players hives.

Bees may 'jump' over other bees.

You may stack your bees.

Stacked bees may move nectar from one bee to another.

A bee cannot move onto an opponents stack of bees.

A bee that lands within 2 spaces of his hive may automatically be

moved onto the hive by his controlling player.


Use a standard chessboard and eight sided dice to get coordinates.



Backgammon variant on a circular board with cards and a sci-fi theme.

One player is the Terran Defense Force.

The other player is the Evil Empire.

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