Ismt s-599 Capstone Seminar in Enterprise Systems Summer 2015 Team 3

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Functional Requirements

  1. Create an enrollment service that interfaces with the existing patient medical records system and collects information about the patient’s external health aggregator identifiers. The enrollment system will add information to the existing billing system for the home monitoring service.

  2. Create a flexible scheduling service that interfaces with the legacy billing system to identify current home monitoring subscribers. This data will be used to program the receiver services to collect data from the aggregators. It will provide elasticity by starting and stopping receiving services based on demand.

  3. Create a monitoring service that collect medical data (vital signs) from the health aggregation services. It will enrich this data with GlocoHCP stored data and forward it to the analysis service.

  4. Provide a context-aware analytics service to analyze the patient data from the receiving service and determine if the patient’s vital signs are abnormal. The service will “learn” each patient’s normal ranges based on historical information and prdefined rules from their medical physician. The service will provide a severity level indicator based on the deviation from the baseline.

  5. Create a notification service that receives information from the analytics service and routes the notfication based on severity to; the patient, a monitoring representitive, an ambulatory service, or a GlocoHCP hospital.

  6. Create individual notification services that are specific to existing external ambulatory service providers and patient monitoring applications - It must be flexible to allow new providers.

  7. Create a legacy interface service that allows communications between any new services and the legacy EMR, billing, and data warehouse systems.


The following are the non-functional requirements of the use cases:

  1. Provide asynchronous processing units for flexibility.

  2. Create an interface to allow new service instantiation and deployment within 7 business days.

  3. Use non-proprietary building blocks.

  4. Provide support for polyglot technologies.

  5. Create systems that can be supported by small teams.

  6. Increase fault isolation with smaller more specialized services.

  7. Eliminate long-term commitment to a proprietary technology stack.

  8. Be independent of other services and invisible to existing processes.

2.4Business Benefit Justification

Cost / Benefits Estimation

The proposed solution will cost $2.6 million. It will add new service to the hospital without changing current, working process, and pressure on the existing resources. The following table shows a summary of the estimated; Revenue (considering a $49 monthly plan per patient), Cost, and Gross profit. The team anticipates subscriber numbers to increase and fixed costs to decrease over the five year timeframe.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

# of patients






Revenue Forecast






Yearly Total cost estimation






Gross Margin






Gross profit %






Solution Benefits

Implementing the new business enablement features and the Anywhere Healthcare monitoring system will; increase efficiencies in the current processes, allow for incentive pay, and new product offerings.

  • Provided the product is properly marketed, the project is projected to breakeven within a year. While the service uptake may have a slow start, it is expected that marketing will bring rapid growth of the home care program.

  • The increase in revenue will be an average of 5 million per annum with 53% profit margin. An increase in marketing and awareness will allow revenue and profit margins to increase.

  • With the Medicare Incentive Program (MIP); 700K will be paid out to external care providers for enrolling and maintaining patient data. Commissions paid to external providers will establish a new echo system in the industry, which can be maximized over time.

  • Over time, the system will gradually remove the need for all monolith systems, resulting in operation savings over 1-5 years.

  • The system will remove the cost of onsite data warehousing, and will provide real time analytics for business decision-making.

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