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konvinsa — (kwo) persuasion, conviction (act of convincing; a firmly held belief, opinion) konvinsinesa

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konvinsa (kwo) persuasion, conviction (act of convincing; a firmly held belief, opinion)
konvinsinesa (kwo) conviction (the state of being convinced)
konvinsive(kwel) convincing

konvoki (zwo) convoke
konvoka (kwo) convocation

konyak(kwo) cognac

ko-operati (zwo) cooperate
ko-operative (kwel) cooperative
ko-operata (kwo) cooperation
Syn.: ko-gun

kopa(kwo) bowl (hemispherical vessel; a bowl-shaped object); goblet; calyx; flower cup

kopernikyum(kwo) copernicium (chem.)

kopeyka(kwo) copeck

kopia(kwo) copy
kopi(zwo) copy
kopibile(kwel) copyable
koping(kwo) copying

kopilefta(kwo) copyleft

kopiraita(kwo) copyright
kopiraiti(zwo) copyright
kopiraiten kitabaa copyrighted book

kopra(kwo) copra

koral(kwo) coral

Koral-ney mar(kwo) Coral Sea

Koran(kwo) Quran

korda(kwo) rope, cord
saltikorda(kwo) skipping-rope

kordia(kwo) 1) heart
kordiale(kwel) cordial, hearty
kordialem(komo) cordially, heartily
2) hearts (suit of playing cards)

kordialogia(kwo) cardiology

Kordilyeras(kwo) Cordilleras

korekti(zwo) correct
korekta(kwo) correction
korekta-ney (korekte) — (kwel) correct

korespondi(zwo) correspond (answer in character or function, be adequate)
koresponda(kwo) correspondence
koresponde, korespondi-she(kwel) corresponding; respective
korespondem(komo) correspondingly; respectively

koridor(kwo) corridor, passage-way

korka(kwo) cork (bark; stopper)
korkatirika(kwo) corkscrew
korki(zwo) cork
dekorki(zwo) uncork
See also: tapa

korna(kwo) horn (of animals, as material or as used in wind instrument)

kornanos(kwo) rhinoceros
(Origin: korna + nos)

kornea(kwo) cornea

korpa(kwo) body (but not a group of persons or collection of particulars)

korpabildi(zwo) practice bodybuilding
korpabilder(kwo) bodybuilder
korpabilding(kwo) bodybuilding

korporasion(kwo) corporation

korpus(kwo) corps
diplomatike korpus — diplomatic corps

korta(kwo) court, yard, courtyard; court (all the surroundings of a sovereign)
kortayuan(kwo) courtier (a person in attendance at a royal court)

korva(kwo) raven

kosa(kwo) thing
pa un-ney kosa — first of all, the first thing

ko-senti(zwo) sympathize (with), feel (for)

kosinus(kwo) cosine (math.)

kosmo(kwo) cosmos
kosmike(kwel) cosmic
kosmokostum(kwo) space suit

kosmonauta(kwo) astronaut

Kosta Rika(kwo) Costa Rica

kosti(zwo) cost
Kwanto kosti? — How much does it cost?
(kwo) cost

kostum(kwo) suit (set of clothes)
swimi-kostum(kwo) swimsuit

kota(kwo) cat (feline)
man-kota (koto) — (kwo) male cat
gin-kota (kotina) — (kwo) female cat
yunkota(kwo) kitten

kotkinka(kwo) catkin

koton(kwo) cotton

kovi(zwo) brood, incubate, hatch (cause to hatch)
kovilot(kwo) brood

kovra(kwo) cover, covering
sub kovra de nocha — under cover of night
tablakovra(kwo) table-cloth
kovri(zwo) cover
dekovri(zwo) uncover
bukovri-ney(kwel) not covered; undisguised

koy(inplas-kwel) some
Dar ye koy jen, me bu koni lu. — There is some man there, I don't know him.
koygrad (inplas-komo) to some degree, to a certain extent
Yu es prave. Bat sol koygrad. — You are right. But only to a certain extent.
koykomo(inplas-komo) somehow, in some way or other
Me mus zwo se koykomo. — Somehow I must do it.
koylok(inplas-komo) somewhere
May planeta es koylok dar. — My planet is somewhere there.
Pon ya yur bao a koylok. — Do put your bag somewhere.
koysa(inplas-kwo) something
Me bu jan kwo es inen. Bat me nadi ke dar ye koysa kel es muy jamile. — I don't know what is inside. But I hope that there is something very beautiful.
koytaim, koywen(inplas-komo) somewhen, sometime, some time
Lai ba koytaim manya. — Come tomorrow some time.
Ela gwo dansi hao koytaim. — She used to dance well formerly.
Koywen me ve hev un gran dom. — Some day I'll have a big house.
koywan(inplas-kwo) somebody
Me audi koy vos. Dar ye koywan, baken dwar. — I hear some voice. There is somebody behind the door.
koyves(inplas-komo) sometimes
May oma jivi ausen urba. Me visiti ela koyves. — My grandmother lives out of town. I visit her sometimes.

kraba(kwo) crab (crustacean)

krai(zwo) cry (shout — cf. "plaki")
kraisa(kwo) cry (shout)
kraishil(kwel) vociferous
kraiyuan (kwo) town/public crier

kraki(zwo) crackle, crack, crunch
kraking(kwo) crackling, crack, crunch
krak!(exklami) crack!

kran(kwo) faucet, stopcock, tap, spigot
ofni kran — turn on a faucet

krapi(zwo) snore
krapa, kraping(kwo) snore, snoring

krashi(zwo) crush, squeeze

kreati(zwo) create
kreative(kwel) creative
kreata, kreating(kwo) creation
kreatura(kwo) creature

kreba(kwo) crawfish, crayfish

kredi(zwo) believe
kredi (a) koywan — believe smb.
kredi in boh — believe in god
kreda(kwo) belief, faith
duskreda(kwo) superstition
krednik(kwo) true believer, the faithful
kredibile(kwel) credible, verisimilar, believable
nokredibile(kwel) incredible, unbelievable
kredival(kwel) plausible, credible, convincing

kredita(kwo) credit (business, finances)
krediti(zwo) credit

krek(kwo) crack, crevice, fissure, cleft, split
kreki(zwo) crack, cleave
kreki-ney vos — cracked voice
Nuta-kreker — Nutcracker
kreking(kwo) cracking

krem(kwo) cream
aiskrem(kwo) ice-cream
shu-krem(kwo) shoe polish

kren(kwo) horseradish

kresi(zwo) grow (but not "become")
kresa(kwo) growth
dekresi(zwo) decrease
bekresi(zwo) overgrow
livada bekresen bay flor — a meadow overgrown with flowers

kreson(kwo) cress

kresta(kwo) crest, ridge, top

kreta(kwo) chalk

kreveta(kwo) shrimp

Krim(kwo) Crimea

krimen(kwo) crime (act)
krimenale(kwel) criminal
krimenalitaa(kwo) criminality; crime (practice)
krimenjen(kwo) criminal

kripi(zwo) creep, crawl

kripton(kwo) krypton (chem.)

krisa(kwo) crisis

Krista(kwo) Christ
kristajanma(kwo) Christmas
kristakreda(kwo) Christianity
kristajen(kwo) Christian
kristisi(zwo) christen, baptize

kristal(kwo) crystal

kristalografia(kwo) crystallography

kriteri(kwo) criterion

kritike(kwel) critical (1. involving criticism; 2. crucial, pivotal, decisive)

kritiki(zwo) criticize
kritika(kwo) criticism
kritika-ney(kwel) critical, of criticism
kritiker(kwo) critic

krokodil(kwo) crocodile

krom(kwo) chromium (chem.)

krome(konekti-komo) besides, in addition to
krome to — besides that, moreover
Me es gro-fatigi-ney. Krome, taim yok. — I'm very tired. Besides there is no more time.
In sey kitaba ye pikturas krome texta. — In this book there are also pictures in addition to the text.
Krome lekti it, yu mog yoshi kan pikturas. — Besides reading you can also look at the pictures.
kromegun — work additionally, make some money on the side
kromepaga — extra payment

kromenam(kwo) nickname
kromenami(zwo) nickname

krona(kwo) crown (also fig. as of teeth; also the former British coin worth 5 shillings)
kroni(zwo) crown
kroning(kwo) crowning, coronation
dekroni(zwo) uncrown

kronika(kwo) chronicle
kroniki(zwo) chronicle

kronike(kwel) chronic

kros(kwo) 1) cross
krosi(zwo) cross, intersect
krosa(kwo) intersection, crossing
daokrosa — crossroads
2) clubs (suit of playing cards)

krosta(kwo) crust, incrustation; scab (incrustation)
pan-krosta — a crust of bread
krosti(zwo) crust, encrust
kun krostifen hema — caked with blood

kru(kwel) raw, crude
kru masu — raw meat

kruele(kwel) cruel
Syn.: brutale

kruga(kwo) jar, jug, pitcher

kruma(kwo) crumb
krumi(zwo) crumb, crumble

krushi(zwo) crash, collapse
krusha(kwo) crash, collapse, wreck
krushisi(zwo) smash, defeat, beat, shatter
krushisa(kwo) rout, crushing defeat

krute(kwel) steep
nokrute(kwel) slightly/gently sloping
krutika(kwo) steep slope, precipice
Syn.: abrupte

ku(gramatika) interrogative particle
Me darfi zin ku? — May I come in?
Yu pri sey kitaba ku? — Do you like this book?
Yu lai ku? — Are you coming?
Yu ku lai? — Is it you who will come?
See also: ob

Kuba(kwo) Cuba
Kuba-jen(kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Cuba

kuba(kwo) cube
kubike(kwel) cubic

kuda(kwo) elbow (also a length of pipe with a sharp bend in it)
kudi, kudavati(zwo) elbow
wekkudi koywan — elbow smb away

kufla(kwo) lock (device for fastening)
pendikufla — padlock

kukaracha(kwo) cockroach

kuki(zwo) cook
kuking(kwo) cooking; cuisine, cooking style
kuker(kwo) cook
kukishamba, kukilok(kwo) kitchen
kukisikin(kwo) kitchen knife

kukla(kwo) doll

kuku(kwo) cuckoo
kuku fai ku-ku — a cuckoo cries "cuckoo"

kul(komo) cool, super
kul-ney(kwel) cool, excellent, first-rate

kula(kwo) bullet (projectile)
kuladan(kwo) case (receptacle for bullet)
kulakin(kwo) (small) shot
kulagron(kwo) shell (projectile for cannon)

kulak(kwo) fist
kulak-batala(kwo) fistfight

kulmini(zwo) culminate, reach the highest point
kulmina(kwo) culmination

kulpa(kwo) guilt
es may kulpa — it's my guilt
kulpa-ney (kulpe) — (kwel) guilty
kulpe om koysa — guilty of smth
kulpe versu koywan — guilty towards smb
sinkulpa-ney (sinkulpe) — (kwel) guiltless, innocent
kulpanesa(kwo) guiltiness
kulpi(zwo) be guilty (of smth)
dekulpi(zwo) absolve (pronounce clear of guilt or blame)
dekulpa(kwo) absolution

kultivi(zwo) cultivate
kultiva(kwo) cultivation

kultura(kwo) culture
kultura-ney (kulture) — (kwel) cultural
kulturisi(zwo) culturize

kum-(syao) god- (related through christening)
kumpatra(kwo) godfather
kummata(kwo) godmother
kumson(kwo) godson
kumman(kwo) godfather of one's child; father of one's godchild
kumisma(kwo) nepotism

kumin(kwo) caraway

kun(konekti) with, along with
Me yao go adar kun yu. — I want to go there with you.
Me pri pi chay kun milka. — I like to drink tea with milk.
Gina kun bavul. — Woman with a suitcase.
kunem(komo) with oneself
Pren me kunem! — Take me with you!
Mani bu es kunem. — I don't have money on me (with me).

kunda(kwo) butt (of gun)
Hindi, Pashtoo

kundal(kwo) earring

kunflui(zwo) flow together, interflow, join, merge
(Origin: kun+flui)

kungo(kwo) go together, go along with
Origin: kun+go

kunila(kwo) rabbit

Kunlun Shan(kwo) Kunlun Mountains

kunpren(zwo) take with one
(Origin: kun+pren)

kunshwo(zwo) converse, talk
kunshwosa(kwo) conversation, talk
kunshwoer(kwo) interlocutor
Syn.: toki

kupala(kwo) Midsummer Day

kupi(zwo) buy
kupa(kwo) purchase (act of purchasing or smth purchased)
kuping(kwo) shopping
kuper(kwo) buyer, purchaser

kuprum(kwo) copper

kupula(kwo) cupola, dome

kuraja(kwo) courage, boldness
kuraja-ney (kuraje) — (kwel) courageous, bold, daring, audacious
kuraji(zwo) dare, be bold, venture
kurajisi(zwo) encourage, hearten
kurajnik(kwo) man of courage
nokuraja(kwo) cowardice

kurban(kwo) sacrifice
kurbani(zwo) sacrifice

kurd (kwel, kwo) Kurd; Kurdish

kuri(zwo) court (someone of the opposite sex), woo

kuriose(kwel) curious (odd, arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness — cf. “jigyas-ney”)

kurkuma(kwo) turmeric

kurkuri(zwo) coo

kurla(kwo) curls
kurlinka(kwo) curl
kurli(zwo) curl (intr.)
kurlisi(zwo) curl (tr.), twist into ringlets or coils
kurlisa(kwo) curling, (hair-)wave
kurla-ney (kurle), kurlahar-ney(kwel) curly, curly-haired

kursa(kwo) course (of lessons, of lectures, of study, etc.); (fin.) rate (of exchange); course (direction)

kurte(kwel) short
kurti(zwo) shorten (tr./intr.)
mah-kurte (kurtisi) — (zwo) shorten (make shorter)
fa-kurte (kurtifi) — (zwo) shorten (become shorter)
kurtem(komo) shortly, in short

kurtena(kwo) curtain
kurteni(zwo) curtain
dekurteni(zwo) uncurtain

kurupe(kwel) ugly, unsightly
kurupa(kwo) ugly creature, ugly person

kurve(kwel) curved, crooked, bent
kurva(kwo) curve
kurvitaa(kwo) curvature
kurvi(zwo) curve, bend (tr./intr.)
(zwo) curve, bend (become curved), wind
(zwo) curve, bend (cause smth to change its shape into a curve)

kuryum(kwo) curium (chem.)

kushale(kwel) skilful, deft, dexterous, clever
nokushale(kwel) awkward, clumsy

kushen(kwo) pillow, cushion
kushenkuta(kwo) pillow case

kushike(kwel) Cushitic

kusi(zwo) bite
kusa(kwo) bite
kusishil(kwel) biting (tending to bite)

kuta(kwo) tegument, coating, envelope (wrapping)
baumkuta(kwo) tree bark
letakuta(kwo) envelope (wrapper for a letter)
kuti(zwo) envelop, wrap, cover, coat
dekuti(zwo) uncoat, unwrap; peel

kuydi(zwo) care, take care; be concerned, worry
kuydi kinda — care for children
kuydi flor — look after flowers
bu kuydi om to — don't worry about that
kuyda(kwo) care, concern, worry
kun kuyda — with care
kuyda-ney (kuyde) — (kwel) careful, thorough
(kuydem) — (komo) carefully, thoroughly
(kwel) careful, considerate, conscientious
sinkuyda-ney (sinkuyde) — (kwel) careless; carefree
sinkuyda-nem (sinkuydem) — (kwel) carelessly; light-heartedly, with complete unconcern
kuydaful(kwel) preoccupied

kwach(kwo) nonsense, rubbish, rot, bullshit
kwachi(zwo) talk nonsense / rubbish, drivel

kwadra(kwo) 1) square (polygon); check (square)
kwadri(zwo) square (raise to the second power)
kwadra-ney (kwadre) — (kwel) square (but not "honest, fair")
kwadra-riza — square root
kwadras-ney, do kwadras(kwel) checkered (divided into squares)
2) diamonds (suit of playing cards)

kwadranta(kwo) quadrant (device)

kwadrila(kwo) quadrille (dance)

kwaizi(kwo) chopsticks
chi bay kwaizi — eat with chopsticks
un para kwaizi — a pair of chopsticks
un ge kwaizi — a chopstick
Syn.: chi-stik

kwaki (zwo) croak (of a frog, to make its cry)
bakak kwaki — frog croaks

kwalifi(zwo) qualify (characterize; certify)
kwalifa(kwo) qualification

kwalitaa(kwo) quality
kwalitaa-ney(kwel) qualitative

kwalma(kwo) fumes, charcoal fumes

kwan (kwo) well

kwanshi (kwo) ore
fer kwanshi — iron ore
kwanshilok (kwo) mine (place where ores and minerals are extracted)

kwantitaa(kwo) quantity
kwantitaa-ney(kwel) quantitative

kwanto(kwesti) how much, how many
Kwanto yar yu hev? — How old are you?
Kwanto it kosti? — How much does it cost?
Me bu ve pagi tanto kwanto lu yao. — I will not pay as much as he wants.

kwanto-worda — (grammar term) word denoting number, numeral (e.g. dwa)

kwantum(kwo) quantum (physics)

kwarza(kwo) quartz

kwas(kwo) kvass

kwasi(konekti-komo) quasi, as if, as it were, as though
Ta shwo kwasi me bu audi hao. — He speaks as if I don't hear him well.

kway(kwel, komo) quick, rapid, fast; quickly, rapidly, promptly
kway tren — fast train
kway kom bliza — as quick as lightning
kwaytaa(kwo) quickness, rapidity; speed, velocity

kwaylok(kwo) rapids

kwel(kwesti) which, what (which one)
Kwel es lu? — What is he like?
Kwel de li? — Which (one) from them?
Kwel kitaba yu zai lekti? — What book are you reading?
Suy okos es do kwel kolor? — What color are her eyes?
Kwel bus go adar? — What bus goes there?
Kwelgrad? — To what extent?

kwel-worda — (grammar term) word that functions as a noun modifier, adjective (e.g. jamile, jen-ney, lektival)

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