Let’s Talk 2 中级听说 课程教案 2006-2007学年第三学期 (夏季学期)

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Unit Six Leisure Time

  1. Teaching Objectives

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

  1. learn some useful words and expressions about leisure activities.

  2. learn some useful words and expressions about the interests and hobbies

  3. learn to how to speak out leisure activities and express their own tastes and desires .

  1. The Points to Be Highlighted

  1. How to express their own interests and hobbies?

  2. Different leisure activities.

III. Teaching Approaches and Facilities

1. Look and talk 2. Group discussion 3. Group work

4. Pair work 5. Guessing 6. Role playing

7.Individual work

  1. Background Information

All work no play makes Jack a dull boy! No one can work all the time. Everyone needs some leisure time. There are some people in society who either have to or want to work all the time. Most people, however, seek ways to socialize, to relax or to have fun during their leisure hours. Obviously people’s tastes vary depending on their income and their age. But in recent years, the home entertainment industry has grown all over the world. Instead of going out to see a movie or taking a walk in a park, people of all ages prefer to turn on the television and stay at home. More and more families have tape recorders, CD players, VCRs and VCDs to add to the variety of leisure activities, surfing on the Internet or playing computer games.
Despite the rise in home entertainment, there are still many people who enjoy spending some of their leisure time attending sports events or participating in competitive sports or other physical activities such as dancing and taiji(shadow boxing). Exercise not only contributes to good health but also takes the mind away from worries and troubles.
Concerts, plays and other performances constitute another source of entertainment outside the home. While some people prefer to be entertained, others prefer to be the entertainers. They derive great satisfaction in giving others pleasure by making them laugh or by enabling them to lose themselves in the imaginary world of a play or the relaxing sounds of music.
V. Vocabulary



jogging 慢跑

bowing 保龄球

yaga 瑜伽

science fiction科幻小说

borscht 红汤

劳逸结合 strike a proper balance between work and leisure
有独立支配的时间 have some time at one's own disposal
打保龄球 play bowling
打高尔夫球 play golf
打牌 play card-games
逛公园 visit a park; stroll around a park
逛街 stroll up / down the streets
睡懒觉 sleep in; lie in
踏青 go for a walk in the country in spring (when the grass has just turned green)
去远足 go on an outing
买打折商品 buy goods at a discount
驾车兜风 go for a drive in one's car
泡吧 hang about in a bar
上网冲浪 surf the web; surf the Internet
VI. Teaching Procedures and Contents

  1. Lead-in

1) Greetings

2) Warm-up

Please select one or two from the following activities.

a. Tongue Twister:

  • A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!
    A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.
    A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more!
    Ann and Andy's anniversary is in April.

b. Puzzle

What,by losing one eye,has nothing left but a nose?(Noise)

c. Guessing

The teacher prepares some cards each with a word about leisure activities on it, and let A student demonstrate and B student guess what it is.

d. Idioms and hot words

The teacher prepares four idioms relevant to leisure activities and let students guess the meaning of them and make dialogues with at least two of them.

e.g. People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.

Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.

yellow dog可耻的人,胆怯的人

a rain check下一次机会;补偿

a mare’s nest 海市蜃楼的东西

a fair shake 公平的待遇,好机会

a dandy idea 特别好的主意

  1. Body

Activity 1

Look and talk: Look at the photos on page 24 and tell what the leisure activities are shown in these pictures? Which of them do you enjoy doing? Why?

Activity 2

Group discussion: Look at the activities photos on page 25. Have students form groups of three or four to discuss their favorite activities. A representative of them will be asked to put forward their answers in the front. Thereafter, the teacher makes a supplement about various kinds of leisure activities.

Group work: Have students exchange their ideas about their own interests and hobbies, then point out their advantages and disadvantages.

Activity 3

Pair work: Let students form groups of three. Have them list some leisure activities for their parents, their grandparents and themselves and try to compare them.

Possible answer:

1. Make a list of the things you do for fun in your leisure time;
playing tennis/table tennis/ football/ basketball/ cards/computer games/musical instruments; Going swimming/skating; going to movies; watching VCDs; dancing; collecting stamps/coins; going to the pub; traveling; listening to music; reading novels; watching a sports match, going to a concert; going to theaters and museums; going shopping..

2. Make a list of the things your parents do for fun in their leisure time;

watching TV, going shopping, traveling, bowling, dancing, listening to music, reading novels, playing mahjong, watching a sports match, going to a concert…

3. Make a list of the things your grandparents do for fun in their leisure time:

Watching TV, bird-raising, growing plants and flowers, drinking tea in the tea house, traveling, listening to music, reading novels, playing mahjong, watching a sports match, going to concert…

Activity 4

Creative imagination: Suppose students might do if they had enough time and money. Suggest skiing in the Alps, going to dance clubs in Sydney, or eating borscht in Russia. Make them list as much as possible.

Activity 5

Role Playing: Suppose you are in your dormitory, try to role play some typical behaviors that some or most of the college students have (They could perform positive or negative habits.)

Activity 6

Individual work:

Topics on campus life:

1) Does your cinema put on many English films (with Chinese subtitles)? (Question No. 4)

2) What do you do in your spare time besides studying? (Question No.14)

VII. Assignments

1. Review task: go over the expressions used to describe leisure activities.

2. Search for some sports items.

3. Topics for preparation:

1) Do you like to play sports? Why or why not?

2)What games would you like to play? Please name some of them.

VIII. Complementary Expressions

1.Relevant new words


Resist-a-ball 健身球
Aerobics 健美操
Yoga 瑜伽
Kick Boxing 搏击操
Hip Hop 街舞
Step 踏板操
Latin Aerobics 拉丁健美操
Kwando Aerobics 有氧搏击操
Pilates 普拉提课程
Powerflex 有氧杠铃操
Hi/Low Aerobics 有氧健身操
Spinning 动感单车
Ballet 芭蕾形体
Martial Arts 太极养生
Abs/Back 腰腹

films types影片类型

newsreel新闻片,纪录片documentary (film)记录片,文献 片


literary film文艺片




dracula movie恐怖片

sowordsmen film武侠片

detective film侦探片

ethical film伦理片

affectional film爱情片

erotic film黄色片

western movies西部片

film d’avant-garde前卫片



cartoon (film)卡通片,动画片


full-length film, feature film长片


colour film彩色片(美作:color film)

silent film默片,无声片

dubbed film配音复制的影片,译制片

silent cinema, silent films无声电影

sound motion picture, talkie有声电影

2. Useful expressions

1.前途远大 have the world before one

2.好险 a narrow squeak  
3.手气好 have the midas touch
(此语源自希腊神话。据说神给一个叫midas的人一种特殊的力量,任何东西只要被他的手一碰就会变成黄金.后来,midas touch便用来喻指“有发财的运气或技能”了)

4.走运 be on the gravy train
5.让人给骗了 be ripped off
6.不入虎穴焉得虎子 nothing venture ,nothing have.
7.白费力气plough the air.
8.命好 lead a charmed life
9.倒霉 get in the neck
10.背黑锅 hold the bag
11. 有利可图的事 an angle
12.吃苦头 burn one’s fingers
13.被开除 be sacked
14.因祸得福 a blessing in disguise
15.一举成名 be vaulted to fame
16.千载难逢 once in a blue moon

What sort of interests do you have? 你有什么样的兴趣?

What do you enjoy most about those activities? 对于这些活动,你最喜欢哪一种?

And how long do you spend on those sort of activities? 你在这样的活动上花费多长时间?

I’m really into yoga. 我非常喜欢瑜伽。

  1. Functional patterns

    • Talking about leisure

  1. Where do you usually spend your weekends?


  1. At home I like reading books and listening to music.


  1. Nowadays many people go traveling for the holidays.


  1. Pubs and discos are good places to kill time.


  1. My father likes going fishing and hunting in his spare time.


  1. Why don’t we see a movie together this weekend?


  1. I want to take a few days off just for relaxation.


  1. He’s such a workaholic that he doesn’t know how to spend his leisure time.


  1. Many business people turn off their pagers and cell phones during their leisure time.


  1. If you feel tired at work, just take a vacation.


    • Talking about hobbies

Hobbies are pastimes we pursue in our spare time, such as collecting things, or doing small activities. Since the explosion of the internet, hobby web sites are responsible for many lost man hours as enthusiasts slave away over their personal web presence. Simply looking and exploring the web has become a hobby in itself.

  1. Do you have any hobbies?


  1. I believe stamp collecting is an interesting hobby.


  1. He spends too much money on his hobbies.


  1. If you waste all your time playing computer games, you’ll never get anywhere in life.


  1. Find a productive hobby, and see if you can learn something.


  1. Collecting matchsticks was fun, until that fateful day one of them caught alight.


  1. Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing.


  1. That’s not a hobby; you’re just brought your work home with you!


  1. I have little interest in bird watching, but it sure beats working.


  1. My family can survive on the produce form our hobby farm.



1) 这是多少钱?

How much does this cost?
2) 我喜欢这个。
I like this.

3) 我要买这个。

I would like to take this one.

4) 有没有别的颜色?

Do you have any other colors?

5) 我可以试穿这个吗?

May I try this on?

6) 你可以算便宜一点吗?

Can you cut me a deal?

7) 我可不可以用信用卡付帐?

Can I pay by credit card?

8) 在哪里可以换钱?

Where can I change money?

9) 你们几点营业/打烊?

What time do you open/close?

10) 我要买这个礼物送给我朋友。

I'm looking for a gift for my friend.

11) 请帮我把这个包起来。

Please wrap this for me.

12) 谢谢,可是我只是看看。

Thank you but I'm just looking
IX. Reference

Web sites:

词汇论坛,谈论词汇! - 休闲英语如何地道表达:工作,机会和运气(页 1) - 生活英语 - 词汇论坛 - powered by Discuz! Archiver.htm

Unit Seven Games and Sports

  1. Teaching Objectives

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

  1. learn some useful words and expressions about games and sports.

  2. learn to describe different sports and how to play them.

  3. learn to describe different games and how to play them.

  1. The Points to Be Highlighted

  1. How to describe different sports and how to play them?

  2. How to describe different games and how to play them?

III. Teaching Approaches and Facilities

1. Look and talk

2. Situational conversation

3. Individual work

4. Guessing

5. Pair work

6. Role playing

7. Group work

8. Game playing

IV. Background Information

1.History of Sports and Games

Multiple resources on the history of sports from early BC to the present.Sports history includes football history, basketball history, baseball history, ice hockey history, golf history, boxing history, triathlon, horseracing, soccer, and the Olympics. Sports history is an intriguing topic with interests for every age group, male and female. Sports history takes us through all types of cultures and geographical regions

Auto Racing History

- Features types of auto racing, famous automobile races, and regulatory bodies. The race most popularly associated with the sport of auto racing is the Indianapolis 500, so called because contestants must cover 500 mi (about 805 km); it has been held annually on Memorial Day since 1911. With crowds averaging 400,000, the Indianapolis 500 auto racing event is the best-attended sports event in the U.S.
Baseball History

- Baseball is a competitive athletic game of skill played with a hard ball and a bat by two opposing nine-player teams, widely regarded as the American national sport. Among the earliest games to be played professionally in the U.S., baseball is also the most popular; it daily attracts crowds of fans to parks and stadiums where it is played, is followed by millions more over radio and television, and is reported extensively in almost every newspaper in the country.

Basketball History

- Basketball is an athletic sport, usually played on an indoor court in which two competing teams of five players each attempt to score points by throwing an inflated ball so that it descends through one of two baskets suspended, at each end of the court, above their heads. The team scoring the most points by such throws, either field goals or foul shots, wins the game. Because of its continuous action and frequent scoring, basketball ranks among the world’s most popular spectator and participant sports.

Croquet History

- Romans played Paganica in early BC where they walked across fields and hit a small leather ball with a curved stick and aimed to strike certain trees.  The winner was the person who hit all the trees in the fewest possible strokes.  This sport developed in two ways.  In country areas where there was adequate space, courses were laid out and the target became a hole.  Thus the game of golf evolved.  In towns where space was limited, the game of Paille-Maille (ball-mallet) became popular.  In this game, a box-wood ball, a foot in circumference, was played down an alley, passing through a number of arches or hoops on the way.  The winner was the person achieving this in the fewest hits.

Double Switch

- Read original articles that cover 100 years of the history of baseball. Look back at 99 years of baseball history, and ahead with Player Previews for the current season. Over 500 pages of information.

Football History

- American football is a type of football that developed in the U.S. in the 19th century from association football, or soccer, and Rugby football. Played by professionals and amateurs, football is one of the most popular American sports. Organized football is played from late summer, throughout autumn, and into January. Generally, all teams play one football game each week, with an occasional week off, using the time between games to prepare for the next game.

Golf History

- Golf is an outdoor game for one or more players, each of whom uses specially designed clubs to propel a small, hard ball over a field of play known as a course or links. The object of the game is to sink the ball in each of 18 holes, using as few strokes as possible. The rules of play are numerous and complex and include a code of etiquette for behavior on the course.
Hockey Research Association

- preserving and promoting hockey history and statistics through responsible and accurate research.

Ice Hockey

- Ice hockey is a form of hockey played on a frozen surface in which two opposing teams wearing ice skates attempt to drive a puck through the opponent’s goal using curved sticks. An extremely rough, action-packed game, ice hockey is considered the fastest-paced team sport.

Olympic History

- Olympic games includes international athletic competition comprising two separate 4-year cycles, the summer Olympics and the winter Olympics. The two cycles alternate in even-numbered years to give the world an Olympic spectacle every two years.

Olympics Through Time

- The evolution of the Olympics from Prehistory and Antiquity up to their modern revival in 1896. Detailed information about all the winners in Antiquity and a VRML representation of the temple of Zeus at Olympia.

Soccer History

- Soccer is a name commonly given in North America to a form of football in which members of two opposing teams use their feet, heads, and bodies in attempting to advance a spherical ball into the opponent’s goal. It is the most widely played team game in the world and the most popular spectator sport, followed avidly by hundreds of millions of fans. Originally called association football (the name soccer is a corruption of the word assoc, derived in turn from association), soccer is distinguished from American or Canadian football and from Rugby in that it is primarily played with the feet. Soccer also differs from these other games in that it does not have complex and detailed rules. The action is almost constant; with few stoppages of play, players must improvise tactics as play proceeds, constantly shifting positions to receive or intercept passes.

  1. Difference between Sports and Games

A sport is a physical activity carried out under an agreed set of rules, with a recreational purpose: for competition or self-enjoyment or a combination of these. A game is a recreational activity involving one or more players, defined by a goal that the players try to reach, and some set of rules to play it. Games are played primarily for entertainment or enjoyment. The difference of purpose differentiates sport from game, combined with the notion of individual (or team) skill or prowess.

  1. Chinese Sports

After 1979, the Chinese sports, the millennia old practice of wushu, or martial arts, is back on the upswing in China-and around the world. There are at least a hundred different forms of wushu (also called gongfu or kung fu) in China alone. Traditionally, practical needs like self-defense and physical strengthening were only part of what drew practitioners to wushu; it was also a vehicle for spiritual development. It made its impact on other branches of Chinese culture, as well; wushu moves were often incorporated into performing arts such as opera and acrobatics. Famous centers of wushu study include the Buddhist Shaolin Monastery  in Henan and the Daoist Wudangshan temples in Hubei. Tai chi (or tai i), a toned-down version of wushu featuring slow, fluid, circular body movements, is extremely popular with the nation's elderly, who pack into parks at the crack of dawn for morning exercise.

After 1949, sports began to intertwine with politics; the Communist government treated athletics as a means of building and displaying national prestige. The government encouraged participation in sports and built public sports facilities. During the height of the Maoist era, the Chairman, an avid swimmer since childhood, urged the nation's young people to "learn to thrive in the turbulent waves" (both figuratively and literally). Millions heeded his call and dove into the nation's rivers and lakes, even as they plunged into the violent tides of politics.

Due to overcrowding in Chinese urban spaces, the most popular sports today also tend to be the most space-efficient. Ping pong and badminton took the country by storm in the middle of the century. Pioneering the rapid-firing "pencil grip," Chinese ping pong players overwhelmed opponents still using traditional grips and established themselves as the unquestioned leaders in the sport. In the early 1970s, when China was at the height of its international isolation, ping pong matches were the first instances of the unofficial cultural contacts between the U.S. and China that led to the normalization of relations between the two; hence, the phrase Ping Pong Politics.

In the last few decades, freed from the weighty burden of promoting political agendas, sports have flourished as leisure activities. Bowling, billiards, tennis, and racquetball, though increasingly popular, are still considered sports of the well-to-do. Bans on "bourgeois sports" like golf, bowling, and horse-racing have been lifted, though gambling remains officially illegal. Michael Jordan (known as Qiaodan) mania hit China hard, and basketball is now mind-bogglingly popular among young people. In Olympic competition, China is traditionally strong in diving, gymnastics, women's volleyball, and table tennis, but overnight successes in swimming and track and field have raised suspicions about the use of performance enhancement drugs.

The most popular spectator sport is soccer, and the failure of the Chinese men's team to quality for the World Cup has been the cause of deep national disappointment. Even the most ardent fans must resort to cheering for other countries (Brazil being the most popular, followed by Germany, Nigeria, and the Netherlands). Fortunately for fans, Chinese women's teams have continuously succeeded where their male counterparts have not. Winners of six straight Asian championships, the Chinese women are considered one of the premier teams in the world. Over 91% of Be&g residents stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to watch the 1999 Women's World Cup Medals, in which China finally fell to the U.S. after playing a scoreless match lasting 120 minutes of regulation play and overtime.

  1. Value of Sports and Games

Sports can make people healthy and active. For instance, basketball is a kind of sport, many young people like and play it. It is not only a sport but also a process. People who play it to improve their length. on the other hand, games can make people relaxed. When you work for all day, an interesting game usually could keep you in a relax situation.

  1. Olympic Games

The Olympic Games (often referred to simply as The Olympics or The Games) is an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events. The summer and winter games are each held every four year. Until 1992, they were held in the same year. Since then, they have been celebrated two years apart.

The original Olympic Games (Greek: Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες; Olympiakoi Agones) began in 776 BCE in Olympia, Greece, and were celebrated until CE 393. In 1896, the ancient Olympic Games were revived at the initiative of a French nobleman, Pierre Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, thus beginning the era of the Modern Olympic Games.

Since the first modern games, in Athens, Greece, participation in the Olympic Games has increased to include athletes from nearly all nations worldwide. With the improvement of satellite communications and global telecasts of the events, the Olympics are consistently gaining supporters. The most recent Summer Olympics were the 2004 Games in Athens and the most recent Winter Olympics were the 2006 Games in Turin. The upcoming games in Beijing are planned to comprise 302 events in 28 sports. As of 2006, the Winter Olympics were competed in 84 events in 7 spots.
V. Vocabulary























sumo wrestling












tae kwon do
















weight lifting






martial art
















VI. Teaching Procedures and Contents

  1. Lead-in

1) Greetings

2) Warm-up

Please select one or two from the following activities.

a. Tongue Twister:

  • A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where's the big black bear the big black bug bit? Little Lily and Little Nelly are writing letters. Let's leave Little Nelly and Little Lily alone.

  • A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed

b. Guessing

The teacher prepares some cards each with a word about sport on it, and let A student demonstrate and B student guess what it is.

c. Warm- up for the Relative Sports Words in Olympic Games

acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动

  athletics/track & field---田径

   boat race---赛艇

  bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇


  canoe slalom---激流划船




  downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降

  dragon-boat racing---赛龙船




  figure skating---花样滑冰



  gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动

  Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤

  gymnastic apparatus----体操器械


  hold, lock-----揪钮

  horizontal bar-----单杠

  hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛

  huttlecock kicking---踢毽子


  item Archery---箭术



  mat exercises---垫上运动

  modern pentathlon---现代五项运动

  mountain bike---山地车

  parallel bars---双杠


  relative work---造型跳伞

  relay race; relay---接力






  side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马

  ski jump---跳高滑雪

  ski jumping competition--跳高滑雪比赛




  table tennis---乒乓球








  walking; walking race---竞走

  wall bars---肋木

water polo----水球

  weightlifting ---举重

  weights ---重量级

  winter sports -----冬季运动

  wrestling --- 摔跤

  yacht --- 游艇

  Men's 10m Platform 男子10米跳台

  Women's Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道

  Women's Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竞走

  Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板

  Women's Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板

  Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台

d. Warm up questions

Which sports and games do you like most and why? Could you perform them in the class so that the other students could guess what they are?

  1. Body

Activity 1

Look and talk: Look at the photos on page 28 and tell if these sports are popular in our country and if we play any of them? What is the most popular sport in our country and which team is the most popular? What do you think is the most exciting sport and the most boring one? What do you think is the most dangerous sport and why? Do you like to play sports? Why or why not?

Activity 2

Situational conversation: After listening the recording about six people talking about what they do to stay in shape, combine the students into group of six, and ask each group to brainstorm some advantage of each healthy practice listed in the chart.

Activity 3

Individual work: According to the previous group work, whose ideas do you agree with most and why? Whose ideas do you agree with the least and why? Do you like Olympic games and why?

  1. Topic 21 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing?

  2. Topic 43 Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day’s work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do you prefer?

Activity 4


Ask one student to come to the front and look at the sports quiz on page 29, he or she must write play, go or do on the blackboard according to the sports he or she chooses and performs this sport by body language. Then all the other students guess what it is. Then encourage the students to add any of their own or their country’s favorite sports that are not mentioned.

Activity 5

Pair Work: Have students guess what a “sport nut” is. Then demonstrate the activity by writing the first two items on the board and saying how many times a year you participate in them. Then tell students to work in their pairs to answer the two questions and to add up their numbers in the two columns. After several minutes, survey the class to find out how many students like to participate in sports and how many prefer to watch.

Activity 6

Role playing: Look at the photos for different types of games on page of 30 and choose one of them to perform. Then, write down as many games as you can on the blackboard and tell which one you like to play and why; which games you like to learn how to play and why; what games you play as child, but don’t play now?

Activity 7

Group work: choose one of the games on the page of 31to play

Activity 8

Games playing:

1) Fast Words 首字母
The class is arranged into rows. The first person in each row is given a piece of chalk. The blackboard is divided into sections. No more than six teams.
The teacher calls a letter and the students must write as many words as they can beginning with that letter, in the allocated time. Their team-mates can call out hints, but be warned, this is very noisy.
Next, the second member gets the chalk and goes to the board and the teacher calls out a new letter.
The team with the most correct words is the winner.
2).Word Association 单词联想(关联)
The teacher starts the game by saying a word, such as \"Hotel\".
For example:
Teacher: Hotel
Student A: Bed 床
Student B: Room 房间
Student C: Service 服务
Student D: Food 食物
Student E: Restaurant 饭店
Student F: Chinese 中国的
As you can see, any association is ok.
If the student can\'t answer (5 second limit) he or she must stand up. The last student seated is the winner.
If the association is not obvious, the student is asked to explain the association.
3).Chinese Whispers 轻声传话
Divide the class into even rows.
The last member of each row (at the back of the class) is taken out of the classroom. A \"key\" letter, word or sentence (depending on level) is given.
The students run back inside, and whisper the \"key\" to the next student in their row. It is whispered down through the row until the last member writes it on the board.
The first student to write it correctly on the blackboard is the winner!
VII. Assignments

1. Review task: go over the expressions for sports and games.

2. Describe a great sports game that you recently watched.

3. Describe a game you like to play, and explain how to play it.

3. Preview next unit and prepare the topics about places.
VIII. Complementary Expressions

  1. Relevant new words

Football 足球

field, pitch    足球场
midfield    中场
kick-off circle  中圈
half-way line   中线
football, eleven  足球队
football player  足球运动员
goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员
back        后卫
left        左后卫
right back     右后卫
centre half back  中卫
half back     前卫
left half back   左前卫
right half back  右前卫
forward      前锋
centre forward,centre 中锋
inside left forward, inside left 左内锋
inside right forward, inside right 右内锋
outside left forward, outside left 左边锋
outside right forward, outside right 右边锋
kick-off      开球
bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球
chest-high ball   平胸球
corner ball, corner 角球
goal kick      球门球
ground ball, grounder 地面球
hand ball      手触球
header       头球
penalty kick    点球
spot kick      罚点球
free kick      罚任意球
throw-in      掷界外球
ball handling    控制球
block tackle    正面抢截
body check     身体阻挡
bullt        球门前混战
fair charge     合理冲撞
chesting      胸部挡球
close-marking defence 钉人防守
close pass, short pass 短传
consecutive passes 连续传球
deceptive movement 假动作
diving header    鱼跃顶球
flying headar    跳起顶球
dribbling      盘球
finger-tip save   (守门员)托救球
clean catching   (守门员)跳球抓好
flank pass     边线传球
high lobbing pass  高吊传球
scissor pass    交叉传球
volley pass     凌空传球
triangular pass   三角传球
rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球
slide tackle    铲球
clearance kick   解除危险的球
to shoot      射门
grazing shot    贴地射门
close-range shot  近射
long drive     远射
mishit       未射中
offside       越位
to pass the ball  传球
to take a pass   接球
spot pass      球传到位
to trap       脚底停球
to intercept    截球
to break through,to beat 带球过人
to break loose   摆脱
to control the midfield 控制中场
to disorganize the defence 破坏防守
to fall back    退回
to set a wall    筑人墙
to set the pace   掌握进攻节奏
to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势
to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势
ball playing skill 控球技术
total football   全攻全守足球战术
open football    拉开的足球战术
off-side trap    越位战术
wing play      边锋战术
shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术
time wasting tactics 拖延战术
Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式
four backs system  四后卫制
four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式
four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式
red card      红牌(表示判罚出场)
yellow card     黄牌(表示警告)

Tennis 网球

tennis    网球运动
lawn tennis  草地网球运动
grass court  草地网球场
racket    球拍
racket press 球拍夹
gut, string  (球拍的)弦
line ball   触线球
baseline ball 底线球
sideline ball 边线球
straight ball 直线球
down-the-line shot 边线直线球
crosscourt  斜线球
high ball,lob 高球
low ball   低球
long shot   长球
short shot  短球
cut      削球
smash     抽球
jump smash  跃起抽球
spin     旋转球
low drive   抽低球
volley    截击空中球
low volley  低截球
deep ball   深球
heavy ball  重球
net      落网球
flat stroke  平击球
flat drive  平抽球
let      重发球
fluke,set-up,easy 机会球
ground stroke 击触地球
wide     打出边线的球
overhead smash,overhand smash 高球扣杀
game     局
set      盘
fifteen all  一平
thirty all  二平
forty all   三平
deuce     局末平分, 盘末平局
love game   一方得零分的一局
double fault 双误, 两次发球失误
‘not up’  两跳,还击前球着地两次
service line 发球线
fore court  前场
back court  后场
centre mark  中点
server    发球员
receiver   接球员

2. Useful expressions

What do you do to keep fit?

Lately, I’ve taken up yoga, and it seems to be a great thing for me because it’s very slow, very tranquil, and I just am forced to breathe and to move slowly. It is good balance for me.

Swimming is the best, most total exercise because it works out your whole body.

I am a runner, you know, great for you heart, it is great for your whole body, you get out in the sun.

I eat mostly a vegetarian diet.

3. Functional patterns

Talking about competitions

The match between Team A and Team B ended in a goalless draw.

The visiting team lost to the home team 3:1.

The match was a close finish, and he only gained three points in it.

The lost their fourth consecutive game in the preliminary.

Do you think that the gap between Team A and other teams is wide?

Do you have any comments on the strong points and the weak pints of your team?

How did the game go yesterday?

How do you like his play?

Please tell me when the match will be played.

Who is in the fifth lane?

He is now having a safe lead over the other runners.

The match has just been on for ten minutes, but it s is already very tense and close.

He is making a dash toward the goal.

The score at half-time was 30 to 28 for his team.

They breast the tape at the same time.

She’s made a score of 7.8 at eh final vault in horse-vaulting.

He is disqualified for the finals.

The losing team has been eliminated from the competition.

These players displayed outstanding individual skills and good physical qualities.

He has got accustomed to opponent’s style and is sure to win the match.

Duration of the game is 90 minutes and each half is 45 minutes.

We shall adopt one-round system.

Ranking will be determined by the total points earned.

A football match usually lasts ninety minutes.

In the second stage, eight teams will play on knock-out system.

Table tennis became a full Olympic sport in 1992 Barcelona.

Olympic Games are held every four years.

A beach volleyball match consists of three sets.

In international tennis competitions, a match is composed of the best of three sets or five sets.

IX. Reference

1. Web sites:



2. Book

< 体育实用英语> 孟莲芬 上海交通大学出版社 2004

Unit Eight Travel and transportation

  1. Teaching Objectives

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

  1. learn some useful words and expressions about travel and transportation.

  2. learn to describe a place they have traveled.

  3. learn the expressions used when people travel around.

  1. The Points to Be Highlighted

  1. How to describe a place they have traveled?

  2. The expressions used when people travel around.

III. Teaching Approaches and Facilities

1. Look and talk 2. Group discussion 3. Group work

4. Situational conversation 5. Pair work 6. Guessing

7. Role playing 8. Individual work

IV. Background Information

1. Tips for Traveling Abroad

If you are traveling abroad here are the top 10 tips you need to make your trip easier:

1.Make sure you have a signed, valid passport and visas, if required. Also, before you go, fill in the emergency information page of your passport!

2.Read the Consular Information Sheets (and Public Announcements or Travel Warnings, if applicable) for the countries you plan to visit.

3.Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs of the countries to which you are traveling. While in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws.

4.Make 2 copies of your passport identification page. This will facilitate replacement if your passport is lost or stolen. Leave one copy at home with friends or relatives. Carry the other with you in a separate place from your passport.

5.Leave a copy of your itinerary with family or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency.

6.Do not leave your luggage unattended in public areas. Do not accept packages from strangers.

7.To avoid being a target of crime, try not to wear conspicuous clothing and expensive jewelry and do not carry excessive amounts of money or unnecessary credit cards.

8.In order to avoid violating local laws, deal only with authorized agents when you exchange money or purchase art or antiques.th your mouth open. It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating. Don't reach over someone’s plate for something, ask for the item to be passed. Never talk with food in your mouth. It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth. Never blow your nose on a napkin (serviette). Napkins are for dabbing your lips and only for that.

V. Vocabulary

旅客姓名   name of passenger

旅行经停地点 good for passage between

机票确认   ticket confirm

登机口    gate

承运人(公司) carrier

航班号    flight No.

座舱等级   class (fare basis)

机号     plane No.

机座号    seat No.

吸烟坐位   smoking seat

非吸烟席   non-smoking seat

机场费    airport fee

国际机场   international airport

国内机场   domestic airport 

机场候机楼  airport terminal

国际候机楼  international terminal

国际航班出港 international departure

国内航班出站 domestic departure

不需报关   nothing to declare

海关     customs

登机口    gate; departure gate

候机室    departure lounge

来自......  arriving from

VI. Teaching Procedures and Contents

  1. Lead-in

1) Greetings

2) Warm-up

Please select one or two from the following activities.

a. Tongue Twister:

  • While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water.

  • Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?

b. Jokes

I wasn’t asleep

When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep,  and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!"

  "I wasn't asleep," the man answered.

   "Not asleep? But you had your eyes closed."

   "I know. I just hate to look at ladies standing up beside me in a crowded car."

Does the dog know the proverb, too?

The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.

    "It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?"

    "Ah, yes," answered the little boy. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"

c. Guessing

The teacher prepares some cards each with a word about transportation on it, and let A student demonstrate and B student guess what it is.

  1. Body

Activity 1

Look and talk: Look at the photos on page 32 and tell what these people did on vocations. Which vocation looks like fun? Which don’t?

Activity 2

Pair work:

1. Ask one or two students what they did on their last vacation.

2. Have the class form pairs to look at the pictures and answer the questions.

3. After a few minutes, ask some volunteers to tell the rest of the class which vacations look the most and the least fun.

Activity 3

Group work: Look at the photos on page 33 and answer some questions.

1. What are the people doing? Where do you think they are?

2. Imagine that you can take one of these vacations. Which one would you choose? Why?

3. If your dream vacation isn’t shown here, describe it to the group.

Activity 4

Pair work: Look at the chart on page 34. Then discuss the questions.

1. In which country do people travel the most by car? By train? By air? In which country do people travel the least by these forms of transportation?

2. What do you think are the reasons for the differences?

3. What forms of transportation do you use?

Activity 5

Group work: Discuss what kind of cars are the most popular in your country?

Activity 6

Individual work:

Topics on campus life:

1)Nowadays some students usually surf the Internet day and night, what do you think of it?

2)Should people be fined if they smoke in public places?

VII. Assignments

1. Review task: go over the expressions.

2. Topics for preparation:

1) Recall the most fantastic journeys you have experienced.

2) What is the place you are always longing for? And why?
VIII. Complementary Expressions

1Relevant new words

预计时间   scheduled time (SCHED)

实际时间   actual time

已降落    landed

前往......  departure to 

起飞时间   departure time

延误     delayed

登机     boarding

由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures

迎宾处    greeting arriving

由此上楼   up; upstairs

由此下楼   down; downstairs
货币兑换处  money / currency exchange;
订旅馆    hotel reservation

行李暂存箱  luggage locker

出站(出港、离开) departures

登机手续办理 check-in

登机牌    boarding pass (card)

护照检查处passport control immigration

行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim

国际航班旅客 international passengers

中转     transfers

中转旅客   transfer passengers

中转处    transfer correspondence

过境     transit

报关物品   goods to declare

贵宾室    V. I. P. room

购票处    ticket office

出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point

航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service
租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire

公共汽车   bus; coach service

公用电话   public phone; telephone
厕所     lavatories; rest room
男厕     men's; gent's; gentlemen's

女厕     women's; lady's

酒吧     bar 

咖啡馆    coffee shop; cafe

免税店    duty-free shop 

邮局     post office

出售火车票  rail ticket

旅行安排   tour arrangement

行李牌    luggage tagbrisk taste

2. Useful expressions

谢谢!—— Thank you. 多谢!-- Thanks a lot.

对不起,麻烦你。—— Excuse me.
抱歉。—— Excuse the mess.
需要帮忙吗?--Can I help you.
谢谢你的帮助。—— Thank you for helping me.
无论如何,我还要感谢你。—— Thanks, anyway.

您好。--How are you!

初次见面问好。—— How do you do!
很高兴见到你。—— (It's) nice to meet you.
请问您从哪来。--Where are you from?
请问贵姓。--Can I have your name?
我叫...。—— My name is ... (I'm ...)
很高兴认识你。—— It was a pleasure meeting you.
很高兴见到你。—— Pleased to meet you.
希望再见到你。—— Hope to see you again.
这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?—— Does that mean that I can see you again?

玩得快乐--Have a good time.

祝你好运。—— Good luck.
我希望没事。—— I hope nothing is wrong.
怎么了?—— What's the matter?
糟糕,严重吗?—— Oh, no! Is it serious?
我真为你难过。—— I'm sorry for you.
一路平安,走好。—— Have a safe trip home.

请问附近有没有旅游社?Is there a travel agent near by?

请问附近有没有青年旅馆?Is there a youth hostel near by?

3. Functional patterns

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