Let’s Talk 2 中级听说 课程教案 2006-2007学年第三学期 (夏季学期)

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Activity 3

Group work :

Discussion and Presentation:

1. Have students work in their groups. Tell each group member to choose an invention from part A and to explain how it is used. Encourage each group member to choose a different invention. Advise them to give their instructions in five or six basic steps. Teachers may want them to draw simple pictures as well so that they can use them when they present their procedures. Call attention to the speech balloon, and encourage students to start their descriptions in a similar way.

  1. When all the group members have prepared for the presentation, have them take turns explaining to one another how to use the inventions they chose.

  2. Allow plenty of time for the groups to finish so that each student has the chance to present.

  3. When all the groups have finished, ask one or two students from each group to explain to the class how to use an invention.

Activity 4

Debating and Guessing

Divide the whole class into appropriate groups, and require them to argue and guess the three pictures based on page 44. Both sides argue and guess for their own points with reasons and examples.

Topic: Do you think the three products shown in the photos on page 44 are real or simply things that the author of their book made up?

Activity 5

Role playing: Suppose you are a sales boy or salesgirl. You are going to sell or

introduce one of the three new products on page 44 to customers. Work with your

partners and give the class performance.

Activity 6

Individual work:

Topics on campus life:

  1. In the recent 20 years, science and technology change the world greatly, especially the daily life. Talk through your experience.

  2. Computers have been developing very fast, and have many advantages. What benefits have you got from them?

  3. What are the typical characteristics of modern campus life for the university students? According to your opinion, are there any advantages and disadvantages?

VII. Assignments

1. Review task: go over the terms used to describe useful things and great ideas.

2. Search for more names of modern inventions and great ideas .

3. Topics for preparation:

1) What environmental problems will cause the most damage to your country?

2) Who do you think is responsible for these problems? Why ?

VIII. Complementary Expressions

1. Relevant new words

invention发明, 创造 portable手提(式)的, 便携式的 anti-shock抗震的

notebook computer笔记本电脑 charge充电 rechargeable 可再充电的

artificial 人造的 burglar: 夜贼 cushion垫子, 软垫 gadget 小器具, 小配件

2. Terms for useful things

alarm clock闹钟, answering machine电话应答机, calculator计算器, cassette recorder盒式磁带录音机, dishwasher洗碗机, photocopier复印机, remote control遥控器, stapler订书机, washing machine洗衣机, fridge电冰箱, vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器, iron熨斗, hair drier 吹风机, air-conditioner空调机, fax machine传真机, camcorder可携式摄像机, microwave oven .微波炉, treadmill踏车, food processor 食品加工机,Walkman随身听, Modem调制解调器, PMP or MP4 便携式多媒体播放器, VCD 视频压缩盘片,DVD数字视频光盘, EVD 增强型多媒体盘片系统

3. Useful Expressions

It is used for….

It can be found….

It is often seen….

They are made of(from)…

This thing can be put ….

What does it look like? What is it used for?

What is it made of? Who usually uses it?

How do people use it? How does it work?

When is it used? Where do you usually see it ?

The most useful thing ever invented was the…

One modern convenience I can not do without is…

It was easy for me to learn how to use a…

It was difficult for me to learn how to use a…

I wish someone would invent a…

One modern convenience I can do without is…

I wish someone could explain to me how … works.

4. Functional patterns

1. I want to look at these CD players. 我想要看看这些光盘驱动器。

2. The CD players have a very long battery life. One set will last ten hours, or you can use rechargeable batteries. The anti-shock feature is good, too

光盘驱动器电池使用非常长,能持续十个小时,你也能使用充电电池。 抗震性也很好。

3. Does this CD player pick up FM radio as well? See, I like listening to the radio on the headphones sometimes. 这台光盘驱动器也收听调频收音机吗? 你知道,我有时喜欢用耳机收听收音机。
4. I’d like to look at camcorders. 我想要看看手提摄像机。

5. I haven’t heard of this brand. 我没有听说过这种商标。

6. It’s a nice design. 它设计的很好。

7. I’m actually looking to buy a new notebook computer.

IX. Reference

1.大学英听力(第二册)上海外语教学出版社 2006. 1

2. http://www.engsky.com/n5806c74.aspx

Unit Eleven The Environment

  1. Teaching Objectives

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

  1. learn the useful words and expressions about threats of the environment;

  2. learn the useful expressions about how to recycling the wastes and saving the environment.

  1. The Points to Be Highlighted

  1. How to describe threats of our environment

  2. Discuss about the solutions of the environment problems

III. Teaching Approaches and Facilities

1. Look and talk 2. Group discussion 3. Group work

4. Pair work 5. Individual work 6. Guessing

7. Role playing

IV. Background Information

  1. Threats to the environment in China

While China's GDP has risen at an annual rate of 8 to 12 per cent since the nation embarked on opening and reform in the late 1970s, environmental damage has eaten away between 8 to 13 per cent of that GDP growth every year.
This is because virtually all of the country's key industries mining, textiles, paper, iron and steel, chemicals, petrochemicals and building materials consume large amounts of energy and create a great deal of pollution.
Therefore, the Chinese economy remains dominated by resource-hungry and inefficient polluters.
As a result, one-quarter of the Chinese people drink substandard water, while one-third of country's urbanites breathe seriously polluted air. Moreover, the country has recently witnessed a spate of environmental accidents. China currently suffers from one water pollution accident every other day. The resulting damage to public health is a major cause for concern.
Due to the failure to take the environment into account in our urban planning, China's big cities are expanding at rapid pace, using up precious water resources, and resulting in worsening traffic congestion and air pollution.
Meanwhile, environmental problems have been caused in many provinces due to their failure to take the fragile ecological system into account when planning the construction of power generation and chemical plants.
In view of all this, we should include environmental factors in our macro-economic planning. This, in turn, requires that a more rational strategy be mapped out in planning the distribution of major industrial projects and energy-hungry undertakings. This should follow a careful study of the available energy, land, mineral deposits and biological resources. Excessive and chaotic exploitation should be turned into proper and orderly use.
We should also overhaul the way in which land planning is conducted. This means that sector monopoly and administrative boundaries should be broken up and that regional and sectoral development targets be set according to the population in different areas, their potential and current economic growth, the volume of resources and the environment's capacity to absorb pollution.
We should also devise a new energy strategy as soon as possible. Industrialized nations have developed and made great use of new energy resources, such as nuclear, solar, wind and biogas.
In contrast, China's technological development in this regard not only trails that of developed countries but also lags behind that of fellow developing nations such as India and Pakistan. Using new energy is the only way we can pursue economic growth without doing irreparable damage to our environment. There is simply no alternative.
The public has the biggest stake in environmental protection and is, therefore, the biggest driving force behind environmental undertakings. Therefore, local communities, non-governmental organizations, business and environmental protection bodies all need to do their bit. Their involvement should not be limited to the traditional methods of legislation, supervision and making appeals to the authorities. Many other ways should be introduced, including public hearings, public welfare lawsuits, enhanced media coverage and voluntary activities.
Ecological and environmental legislation should be realigned and reintegrated to accentuate the environmental departments' position in terms of unified supervision and administration. This is made necessary due to overlapping legislation in this regard, weak implementation of the law and numerous legal loopholes.
A whole set of legal mechanisms involving ecological compensation needs to be introduced. The basic principle with regard to ecological compensation is: Those who protect the environment should benefit and those who pollute the environment should pay.
In addition to institutional hardware, we also need to improve the current environmental management system and establish a cross-sector co-ordination mechanism. For example, the environmental watchdogs scattered across different sectors should be unified. In addition, the bodies enforcing environmental laws should be centralized, while a research system covering studies of the "green" economy and environmental-protection policy should be introduced.
In addition, a system should be established to monitor officials' performance in this regard, and an environmental responsibility mechanism should also be put in place.

V. Vocabulary

World Environment Day (June 5th each year) 世界环境日

Health facilities 卫生设施

White pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics) 白色污染

Water and soil erosion水土流失

Wind breaks防风林(sand breaks防沙林)

Acid rain and trans-boundary air pollution 酸雨、越境空气污染

Non-renewable energy resources不可再生能源

Threat 威胁 Environment 环境

Damage 毁坏 Greenhouse effect 温室效应

Ozone layer 臭氧层 Atmosphere 大气

Radiation 放射线 Settler 移民者

Species 硬币 Nonrenewable 不可再次使用的

Cancer 癌症 Cure 治愈

Repaired 修复的 Recycled 回收的
VI. Teaching Procedures and Contents

  1. Lead-in

1) Greetings

2) Warm-up

Please select one or two from the following activities.

a. Tongue Twister:

  • The bleak breeze blights the bright blue blossom.

  • A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

  • A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.

b. Puzzle

Q: What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?

 A: A clock.
 Q: What has a neck, but no head?
  A: A bottle.

Q: Which room has no doors, no windows?

 A: A mushroom.

c. Idioms and hot words

The teacher prepares four idioms relevant to food and let students guess the meaning of them and make dialogues with at least two of them.


make a killing大有所获 

  He made a killing on that deal. I wish I had bought some shares. 
  no sweat不麻烦,没问题 
  No sweat. I'll have he report done for you in an hour. 
  pissed off生气 
  I really pissed off at Harry. He took the credit for all my work. 
  on the up and up光明正大,诚实无欺 
  I checked out his story, he's on the up and up. 
  Don't be so uppity. You don't think we're good enough for you? 
  push comes to shove事态严重
  When push comes to shove, only your true friends will still stand by you. 
  push someone's button惹火某人,激怒某人

Nobody makes me as mad as Dave does. He really knows how to push my buttons. 

all wet错误的
I'm afraid your idea is all wet. 
back off缓和,软化,减轻 
The city council had to back off from its criticism of the utility department. 

  1. Body

Activity 1

Look and talk: Look at the photos on page 46 and tell which of the threats to the environment. Which of these problems do they think will cause the most damage to the world?

Activity 2

Pair work: have the students work in pairs to rank the problems according to their seriousness, and try to explain their opinions.

Activity 3

Individual work: Have students work alone to complete the quiz in page 48.

Pair work: turn to page 90 to calculate your score. Find out if you partner is more “green” than you.

Group discussion: which item from the quiz do you think is the most important thing to do, the least important? What other “green” things do you do? Is recycling popular in your country?

Activity 4

Group discussion: Look at the photos on page 49. Have students form groups of three or four to discuss how to reuse the items in the photo. A representative of them will be asked to put forward their answers in the front. Thereafter, the teacher makes a supplement about various kinds of reuse the old items.

Activity 5

Role playing: Suppose you are going to have a TV program about protecting the environment. Two specialists of environment and one university students are make up of the interview. Try to perform the discussion of how to protect the environment and reducing the wastes. Things deserved attention:

What are the most serious problems for the environment in China? How would the student do about the recycling?

Activity 6

Individual work:

Topics on threats to our environment:

1)What are the most serious environment problems do you think in China?

2)Nowadays, how to saving our environment?

3) Do you use any recycling items? And what are they?

4) Do you think it is necessary to protect our environment? And how?

5) How do you think of using public transportation when traveling long distances?
VII. Assignments

1. Review task: go over the expressions used to state the threats to the environment and saving it.

2. Topics for preparation:

1) News reports

2) Current events
VIII. Complementary Expressions

1Relevant new words

Motor vehicle exhaust 汽车尾气排放

Acid rain酸雨

Gas-fueled vehicles天然气汽车

Global warming全球变暖

Family planning计划生育

Noise pollution  噪声污染

Arctic Circle 北极圈

Environmental education环境教育

Environmental criteria环境标准

Coastal areas沿海地区

Climatic issues气候问题

Climatic change气候变化

Environmental awareness环境意识

Coastal environments沿海环境

Coastal development沿海开发

Reusable containers可再用容器

Renewable resources可再生资源

Recycled materials 回收的材料

Pollutant levels污染物浓度

Pollutant distribution污染物分布

Wildlife conservation 野生生物保护

Non-renewable resources不可再生资源


biological weapons  生物武器

cement industry  水泥工业

chemical weapons  化学武器

chimneys 烟囱

motor vehicles  机动车辆

motorcycles 摩托车

nuclear weapons  核武器

ocean dumping  海洋倾倒

oil spills  石油泄漏

scrap metals  废金属

excavation heaps  挖掘堆积

2. Useful expressions

Create a pleasant ecological environment


Provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants


Pay greater attention to the conservation of forest


Urge governments of all countries to take action


Reserve as natural farmland


Give priority to the development of public transportation


Reduce the number of vehicles


Strengthen pollution control


Popularize environmental protection knowledge


Keep ecological balance

IX. Reference

1. Web sites:




2. Books:

《BFT口语会话教程》郅红,张充 机械工业出版社2006

Unit Twelve News and Current Events

  1. Teaching Objectives

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

  1. learn some useful words and expressions about news

  2. learn to describe current events

  3. learn to describe news photos and give a news summary.

  1. The Points to Be Highlighted

  1. How to describe current events?

  2. How to describe news photos and give a news summary?

III. Teaching Approaches and Facilities

1. Look and talk 2. Pair work 3. Group work

4. Guessing 5. Role playing 6. Individual work
IV. Background Information

New media

People think of that the news media have influential people's lives nowadays it is a negative development to what extent do you agree or disagree.

The 21st century has witnessed the fast development of mass media, from the prevailing newspapers to the booming internet. Almost everyday, more or less, people are exposed to news media, influenced by news media, and even rely on news media. It becomes hard to identify whether it is positive or negative.

People who are bothered by daily mews media hold a negative view towards. They has a recognition that news media are distorting people’s real thought, and enforce a false illusion on people’s minds. In other words, the over commercially developed media are tend to provide information that people don’t need, and always are persuading people to believe what they says. Moreover, news media sometimes have a poor occupational discipline and a bad professional morality. In order to win more audience, the even fabricate false news, regardless what the real situation is. Therefore, a lot of people lose their faith in news media.

However, if we assess the function of news media objectively, we can get a conclusion that news media are generally playing a positive role, while sometimes make some mistakes. Journalists, as a whole, are professionally trained, and thus act justly when facing an event. With the help of journalists, we are able to get first hand information on what is happening all over the world, and we are able to enter the information ear. Moreover, news media are playing the role of an educator. In one hands, people learn from the facts through news, which indirectly enhanced their experience. On the other hand, most news media also have educational columns, enabling learners to have an access to a specific sphere.

In my view of point, news media is a propeller of modern civilization, although it may annoy some people. Nevertheless, If we took a macro view of news media and avoid partial recognition, we can find it not only informative but also educational.

V. Vocabulary

burn 烧、烧焦

ocean 大海、海洋

emotional 情绪的、感情的

rescue 援救、营救

fire 着火、火灾

reunion 团圆、重聚

flames 火焰

twins 双胞胎

whale 鲸鱼

magazine 杂志

periodical 期刊

back number 过期杂志

pre-dated 提前出版的

world news 国际新闻

home news 国内新闻

news agency 新闻社

editor 编辑

commentator 评论员

reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者

resident correspondent 常驻记者

special correspondent 特派记者

VI. Teaching Procedures and Contents

  1. Lead-in

1) Greetings

2) Warm-up

Please select one or two from the following activities.

a. Tongue Twister:

  • Three gray geese in the green grass grazing. Gray were the geese and green was the grass.

  • The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver.

b. Puzzle

1. What month do soldiers hate?

2. How many feet are there in a yard?

Possible answers: 1. March (三月,行军)

2. It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)

c. Hot words

The teacher prepares four idioms relevant to and let students guess the meaning of them and make dialogues with at least two of them.

e.g. 1. express grave concern over sth. 对某事予以严重关注

2. be deeply concerned about sth. 对某事表示深切关注

3. reform and opening-up; reform and opening to the outside world改革开放

4. college (or university) entrance examination高考

5. high-tech sector高科技板块

6. go with the flow; follow one’s heart; do what one thinks is right跟着感觉走

  1. Body

Activity 1

Look and talk: Look at the photos on page 50 and try to tell what is happening in the pictures on the text book, and describe each photo using the words listed in the box or students’ own words.

Activity 2

Pair work : Look at the photos on page 50. Have students form groups to discuss what news story is about in the photos, and what happened before and after each photo was taken. A representative of the groups will be asked to put forward their dialogue in the front.

Activity 3

Group work: Let students form groups. Choose one of the photos in page 51. Discuss what had happened and give a news summary.

Activity 4

Situational conversation: Talk with your partner about a piece of news and show your opinion on that news.

Activity 5

Role playing: A news report:

Give a short self-representation as a reporter: Today in History (select a day and tell the history happened on that day)

Activity 6

Individual work:

  1. Nowadays, it’s fashionable for many Chinese to have a blog to record their thoughts, daily life and even their own private secrets. The fact that people can say what they want on blogs not only foster the development of blogging but also is causing disputes involving personal attacks, intellectual property violation, wars of words and the disclosure of other people’s privacies. Do bloggers need a self-discipline pact? Furthermore, is it necessary to create laws to govern blogs?

  2. What recent news story upset you most? Amused you?

  3. Do you think it’s important to keep up to date about the news? Why?

  4. Do you believe everything you hear on the news or read in the newspapers?

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