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Liberty --- 2nc Impact

---Liberty outweighs human extinction --- It’s the basis for self definition and interpretation of value which is a prerequisite to the experiences that make life desirable in the first place.

Osterfeld 83 (Dr. David, assistant professor of political science at Saint Joseph's College, THE JOURNAL OF LIBERTARIAN STUDIES, Vol. 7, No. 1, The Natural Rights Debate: A Comment on a Reply, p. 107-8, Spring 1983,, Accessed 7/10/12, Chan)

How, however, can the minor premise that "everyone values life" be demonstrated without recourse to the impossible task of perpetual interviewing referred to above? Values are accurately revealed only through what economists term "demonstrated preference." An individual's values are made known to hiiself and others through his actual choice^.'^ And since anyone can end his life at any ¶ time he chooses, this means that we have incontrovertible empirical verification that everyone in the world today does actually value life more highly than death. It is imponant here to point out what is not being claimed. It is not being claimed that life is a universally held absolute or intrinsic value. It is clear, I think, that at least some, and probably many, do not regard it so. Nor is it even being claimed ¶ that life is a necessary condition for the attainment of all possible ends. It is being claimed, rather, that life is seen either as an end-in-itself, Le., an intrinsic value, or as a necessary condition for the attainment of any end that people in the world ¶ actually d o hold. This is so since, as the doctrine of demonstrated preference tells ¶ us, the moment continued life is seen as impeding or preventing the attainment of any individually held end, the individual will forego his life for the attainment of that value. A despondent individual may, for example, decide to end his misery on earth by taking his own life. In such a case, not only would life no longer have any value for that individual, it would actually impede the attainment of a higher value: the termination of his living hell. We can see this similarly with Ludwig von Mises' Buddhist (for whom adherence to his religious practices was more important than life itself), with Max Weber's syndicalist (for whom adherence to his politico-economic doctrines was of greater importance than life), and with the Shakers (a religious group whose prohibition of sexual intercourse on religious ¶ grounds resulted in their extinction in the early part of the twentieth century). But ¶ the important point here is that in taking his life the individual also takes himself ¶ out of the picture. Hence, everyone in the world empirically demonstrates by the simple fact of his continued existence that he values life more highly than death.

---Liberty is the highest value --- It’s an objective necessity for human rights and value.

Imm 09 (Jeffrey, human rights activist at Responsible for Equality and Liberty, “The Universal Truths of Human Equality and Liberty”, Responsible for Equality and Liberty, 4/1/09, SWOAP

Universal truths are truths for everyone. Equality and liberty are objective human rights, not subjective opinions. Therefore when we defend the truths of human equality and liberty, we must defend such truths for everyone – not just who we like or who are like us. The truths of such human rights of equality and liberty are not negotiable for countries, states, cities, or people who want some people to have different human rights than others. Universal truths are not an option for some, but not for others. Universal truths apply to everyone. Universal truths are not relativist, they are absolute.

Slavery --- 2nc Impact

---Statism enables slavery and genocide.

Cline 2012 (Edward, author of numerous published articles, book reviews and essays, “The Bedlam of Statism”, Capitalist Magazine, 6/20/12, SWOAP

A statist or command economy is therefore a Sisyphean nightmare that grows worse with each new echelon of salaried mediocrities put in charge of regulating the latest “public concern.” Statists declare society blighted and proceed to impose eminent domain on neighborhoods, choices, habits, and everyone. This has been the incremental history of Progressivism, which has never had to look far for a “social ill” to cure and regulate. Any human action may be deemed a “social ill” and a candidate for taxation, regulation, or prohibition, from consuming milkshakes to stock or commodity speculation. The purpose of the taxes, regulations, and prohibitions is to impose the “social justice” clamored for by various social engineering groups that wish to punish, control, or extinguish other groups. Governments – federal, state and local – wish to have enough revenue to either balance their budgets, or at least stave off bigger than usual deficits, while at the same time heeding the social justice brigades’ demands for smoke-free air or reduced car emissions or nutritional information on food products or a “fairer” redistribution of earned income. This compels government policymakers to seek a median, which only ratchets up costs all around. It is a no-win episode of bipolarism for everyone, two steps forward, one step back. It is disguised as “social progress” by the pronouncements of activists, politicians, and public interest groups. What it is in reality is an insidious conditioning of men so that they become inured to slavery.

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