Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 10/30/04  Saturday 12:45 P.M.:  I threw out some garbage.  I picked up the mail.  I chatted with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/30/04  Saturday 11:55 A.M.:  I closed the Ping port on the Siemens router, and I rebooted, and Symantec Security Check says that it is now in Stealth mode.  I will now go downstairs to check the mail.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/30/04  Saturday 11:25 A.M.:  I chatted with a friend.  I might have been able to fix the Siemens router problem.   The TCP Optimizer program from www.speedguide.net possibly changed some of my Motorola Surfboard Cable Modem settings.  I used the Optimum Online setup disk, and I reinstalled the Cable Modem entering my account number.  Right now the Siemens router is working properly.  I also changed the LAN cable from my Siemens router to the LAN port on the computer.  I am not sure if it is a permanent fix or not.  The Symantec Security check though shows the Ping Port is now open, so I will see if in the Siemens Router setup, I can shut it.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 10/30/04:

Note: <888> 10/30/04  Saturday 10:05 A.M.:  I chatted with a relative at 9 P.M. last night.  I was up at 7 A.M. this morning.  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  It seems it will be a rainy day today.  This Sunday morning October 31, 2004 Halloween morning at 2 A.M. daylight savings time ends, and at 2 A.M., one sets back their clocks to 1 A.M..  I ran Ad-ware SE http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/ , I then downloaded and installed The home of Spybot-S&D!.  Spybot froze, when I went to remove the detected items at the "C2.lop" files, so I used the Advanced features, and I selected "C2.lop" to be ignored.  Spybot then ran successfully.  I then used this download http://lop.com/help.html#how to uninstall "C2.lop".  Thus hopefully my system is free of Spyware.  I also ran Bazooka Bazooka™ Adware and Spyware Scanner - Free spyware scanner , and it did not detect any spyware.  I also uninstalled the Microsoft Intellipoint 5.0 mouse driver, and I ran Norton WinDoctor 2003, and I rebooted.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 7:50 P.M.:  Well, I ate three pieces of black licorice twists.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 7:40 P.M.:  Well, I dare say, since it will be a cold winter up north, somebody will be drinking Rum in the North Country, so ergo whomever sells and distributes rum, more than likely should be able to pay their bills providing they have reputable, honest, sober accountants whom don't drink the Rum themselves.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 6:15 P.M.:  Rum drinks on the run, Key West, Florida Fantasy Festival http://floridakeyswebcams.tv/ or www.livedualstreet.com , X-rated content.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 5:55 P.M.:  Earlier today when the mail arrived, I received the three cartons of Seneca Ultra Lights 100s that I ordered from http://www.smokemcheapcigarettes.com/  for $11 a carton plus $6 postage, which I paid $39 total for when I ordered them this past Sunday.  They came in a three carton package instead of a larger box, so I guess people frequently order three cartons, which if one were a pack a day smoker would be about a month's supply.  Recently, I think I have been smoking a little bit more, but I have not been keeping track.  I moved the directors chair from beside the television chest, and I cleaned out and sorted through all of the empty electronics boxes.  I saved the instructions and any spare parts, and I put them in a double thick plastic bag back in the cabinet on the left side, and I also took the bags of more recent electronics instructions and spare parts from underneath the bed, and I put it in the same place in the television cabinet in front of the other bag.  I have lots of 5.25" floppy disk holders with 5.25 inch floppy disks on the right side of the cabinet along with the back side left of the cabinet.  I also put the three 3.5 inch floppy disk holders on top of the electronics information and parts bags.  I put back the directors chair in the same spot adjacent to the cabinet.  To get into the false ceiling above the antique French chair slightly in front, I use the small solid wool oak table from the kitchen as a step latter.  I did not use the folding wooden card table chair, which I now keep underneath the far rear of the blue sofa.  With my current weight of 214 pounds by my bathroom scale, it would be risky to use the folding card table chair.  I threw out the old electronics boxes, but I did save in the cabinet some small boxes that might be useful for shipping at some time in the future.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 4:10 P.M.:  I cracked three eggs, and I mixed them with a whisk in a steel bowl with a couple of tablespoons of milk, and I used my 10 inch omelet pan, and I put in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and a couple pads of margarine, and I heated it over medium high electric burner, and I put in the egg mixture, and I reduced the heat to a small bit below medium, and I let the omelet cook until it was solid enough to turn over, and I flipped it with a spatula, and I added on both sides two 1/4 inch sliced plum tomatoes and five 8 1.5 inch by 1 inch by 3/16th inch slices of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese, and I put it on plate, and I aded a thin layer of grated parmesan cheese.  I ate with it two pieces of toast each spread with two slices of margarine and cut in half.  I also had a glass of iced tea with it.  I wiped the omelet pan with a paper towel to keep it seasoned instead of washing it.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 2:40 P.M.:  There was another attempt to connect to my computer using the Netbus Trojan with Symantec www.symantec.com Norton Internet Security 2004 detected and blocked.  I finished my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I also cleaned the burners on the General Electric stove.  I also cleaned the edges around the kitchen sink with CVS bleach spray and a old tooth brush.  I went outside, and I threw out the garbage.  I picked up mail.  I received notification from the Connecticut Department of Social Services that because of funding cut backs, there would be a decrease in the NEON energy assistance program.  Thus for what funds are available, individuals should apply earlier.  I guess my karma with Saudi Arabia is running out, so I put the Saudi Arabian flag back up on the center hallway bookcase.  One always hangs it with the sword upright on the left side for anyone else whom happens to own one but does not know how to hang or drape a Saudi Arabian flag.  I also locked the Red Cross Emergency supplies liquor cabinet with a chain and pad lock.  Although we still have visitors from Florida around and summer residents whom live in Florida in the winter, none of them seem to know me, since during my recent years in Florida up until 1982, I spent all of my time living outside during the winter, when I was younger and much fitter.  However, since they are basically still fighting the Civil War down there, they like the Scott family from Virginia, but they are not too friendly with the Scott family from Illinois.  Needless coming from a family from Illinois and Michigan, I will probably survive the warmer winters in Connecticut.  Of course the last time I lived in Illinois up until 1972, number 2 fuel oil was only 12 cents a gallon, and I was earning over $200 a week plus other part time activities like selling antique Mercedes, so I could afford my $55 a month rent on the farm next to the Knollwood Country Club in Lake Forest, Illinois, and I could afford to eat out for breakfast every morning at Jim Mitchell's restaurant for $2, and I could afford to fill up my gasoline tank with Amoco now owned by British Petroleum gasoline which back then was about 29 cents a gallon, and I could afford to go to the movie for $1.25, and I could afford to get my hair cut for $2, and I could afford to buy salmon steaks at the Lakeside Food market for 39 cents a pound, and I could afford to take Bachelors of Arts degree in Conservative Economics at Lake Forest College, and I could afford to buy a six pack of Schlitz beer for .59, and I could afford a .35 one ounce Old Crow or Jim Beam bourbon on a cold night which I drank with ice and a few ounces of Canada Dry ginger ale, and I could afford my $200 a year Allstate automobile insurance, and I could afford to have dress shirts cleaned and pressed at the Chinese laundry for .35, and I could afford to have sports jackets dry cleaned for a dollar, and I could afford to have pants cleaned and pressed for .50, and I could afford student passes on most airlines to anywhere in the United States for $50, and I could afford $5 oil changes, and I could afford, studying in Europe which was much cheaper, and I could afford keeping a St. Bernard dog, which ate 50 pound bags of dried dog food along with canned dogged food, and I could afford to go down to Chicago and have a drink and play backgammon, and I could afford chat with friends and relatives and never have a phone bill over $20, and I could afford to furnish the entire farm house with furniture from the Salvation Army in Waukegan, Illinois delivered for about a total of $50, and I could afford cruise around to explore the local area on the north shore of Chicago, Illinois in one of my vintage Mercedes, and I could afford eat hamburgers at McDonalds for .15 each along with French fries for .15 and a coke for a dime, and I could afford to buy half gallons of frozen concentrated orange juice for .29, and I could afford to support small charities, and I could afford to buy my own books new a for a few dollars, but text books were more expensive at around $20 apiece, and I could afford to throw parties for my friends and neighbors and offer hospitality, and I could afford to go to public events, and I could afford to travel on the railroad, and I could afford know other people who supposedly could afford to do things, and I could afford to express my personal opinion.  Thus since I am more economically insecure, I am more reserved, and since I also having majored in Economics, individuals or large groups of individuals whom are tremendously in Debt, frequently try to create mass inflation, so their debt is less expensive to pay off, thus since the United States of America is the largest debtor around here along with United States citizens, more than likely the United States government is creating mass inflation to lessen its debt obligations.  Obviously back then I could also afford to buy new shoes, and since I am more frugal in my older years, even if I had the money I would still be frugal.  The motto for the town of Greenwich, Connecticut is "Frugality and Fortune" which translated into British English is "Penny Thrifty and Pound Foolish".  Whatever the case coming from a family that has lived around this area for close to 400 years, I think I will manage to survive for the rest of my life here, but if need be the trees might not.  Well all of the experts from other parts don't seem to have the local experience here to deal with outside elements on a four seasons basis, but like when there are more Spanish from warmer areas in the summer here, there are more French Canadians from colder areas here in the winter.  I will have to remember to dress warmly whenever I go outside.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 8:55 A.M.:  I am in the process of doing my house cleaning.  I did a special cleaning of the Water Pik and Braun electric toothbrush.  I  used an old tooth brush to clean them better with CVS spray bleach cleaner.  I also cleaned the rust from around the bathroom sink with an old tooth brush and steel scouring pad.  I am a little slow moving this morning.  I ate 14 Town House crackers with 3/4 inch by 1.25 inch by 1/4 inch slices of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese.  I checked on the customer service hotline for my $120 rebate on my previously owned Hyundai, and the rebate is only good at a Hyundai dealership and not until November 15, 2004.  Someone from out in the nether world of the internet tried to connect to my computer with the Netbus trojan Netbus trojan thus although Norton Internet Security 2004 caught it and stopped it, my computer is not entirely shielded if outside intruders can attempt to attack it.  I suppose because I am backing www.georgewbush.com , liberal computer people like those around MIT have tried to attack my computer.  However, I should remind them MIT is not too comfortable if it is not heated in the winter.  I read in the New York Times a liberal publication when I last visited Kennebunkport, Maine in September while the President was there that Bill Gates is backing George W. Bush.  Also I have a feeling that the old dirty tricks don't work anymore.  Since because of my previous work history, my internet activity is constantly monitored by the United States government, any intruders into my internet activity would also be monitored and eventually apprehended.  I would advise any internet intruders to read one James Bamford's books on the National Security agency, if they think their Mickey Mouse computers are that stealthfully secured.  Well, I was also told that the Stop and Shop company also owned by the Dutch company Ahold also owns the Costco www.costco.com warehouse shopping chain, so I might some time soon take out a Costco card for about $45, since it is only about a mile from me, and it would more than likely offer me some savings.  However, I do not have much room in my apartment for storage and stocking up.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 7:05 A.M.:  I chatted with a friend.  I will now do my house cleaning and watering the plants.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/29/04  Friday 6:10 A.M.:  I was up at 3 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I connected the Siemens router to my computer and cable modem, and the computer would not go online.  I finally connected the computer back up directly to the cable modem.  I chatted with Optimum Online, and they have not changed any of the hardware or software settings.  Technically it could be a problem with the Siemens router, but I can not afford the expense of replacing it at this time.  I paid about $30 for it, since it was on sale about three years ago at CompUSA for $20 off from  $100 with a $50 mail in rebate.  It had a two year warranty.  Anyway it does seem to take a little bit longer to log onto the internet when I first boot up with the computer connected directly to the cable modem, so maybe this is effecting the Siemens router.  Well, Thank God Its Friday, so this morning it is now time for house keeping and watering the plants.  I noticed this story which might be of interest to any waterfront types TCPalm: Harbor Branch tours are no more .  There are a lot of people from Nantucket around the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution since they were funded by the Johnson family foundation and members of the Johnson family also lived by the Jetties Beach in Nantucket.  Nautical types seem to like going North and South like snow birds.  I hear tell people are now returning back to Florida for the winter.  To see how Florida fits into the rest of the world try NRL Monterey Satellite Photos and remember if one speaks English that England is further north than Hudson's Bay, Canada, so the English tend to be a cold weather group of people.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 8:00 P.M.:  I ate two black licorice twists when I first returned home, and I just ate four black licorice twists.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.   I have been awake for 27 hours.  I will do my house cleaning when I wake up tomorrow.  I have a theory that the warmer weather that we have experienced recently is just an earlier Indian Summer than normal.  The flowers are still out, and the leaves have not turned.  However, normally Indian Summer is about mid November, and to have it three weeks earlier might mean a colder winter.  I think Indian Summer is caused when the oceans in the southern hemisphere start to heat up this time of year, and they send warmer waters north in the northerly currents, and if one lives by the ocean, one experiences a brief spell of warmer weather before winter sets in.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 7:15 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I sat out for a while.  I went by the Merry Go Round Mews thrift shop, and I toured the store.  I then made my 3 P.M. appointment.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  Everything is half price.  I bought a pair of tan www.llbean.com 6 inch high size 10 winter boots like those L.L.Bean: Bean Boots by L.L.Bean®, Men's 6" for $5.  They are in very good condition almost like new.  I am actually foot size 9 1/2 width C, but with heavier winter socks, the boots should fit me just fine.  I also bought a pale yellow and pale blue with thin cherry stripes chair pillow for $1.50.  It has grids on the bottom side, so it won't slip.  Thus I spent $6.50.  Since I was tired, I forgot to get a receipt.  I then returned home.  I had a message on my answering machine from a relative.  I put the L.L. Bean boots in my right living room closet with my other shoes.  I put the decorative chair pillow on the directors chair, so it feels more comfortable.  I relaxed a bit.  I took the DeLonghi toaster oven baking tray, and I put the toaster oven on broil, and I put Hellmann's mayonnaise on two slices of bread, and I covered each piece of bread with three 1.25 inch by four inch by 1/8th inch slices of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese, and I seasoned its with Italian seasoning and a small amount of celery salt, and I heated it under the toaster oven broiler until it melted the cheese a bit without it running.  I ate them for dinner with some iced tea.  I reset the DeLonghi toaster oven to toast.  When using the DeLonghi toaster oven because it generates heat, one has to have the kitchen stove fan on high, and frequently it sets off one of my own two smoke alarms in the apartment by the entrance but not the central building smoke detector system, so one has to be tall enough to reset the smoke alarm on the cieling even though it just goes off from the heat not smoke.  One should know that heat rises.  I tried starting the primary computer with the Siemens router, and it would not go online.  Since it worked during the slow time this morning, there is something wrong with Optimum Online's service as it relates to my Siemens router, which they are not willing to deal with or have not figured out.  Since it happens during busier times of the day, I would imagine the problem is with the Optimum Online service, and it has changed their setup.  It does take a longer now for the computer when connected directly to the cable modem to go on line, so perhaps it is increased activity with Optimum Online usage, which I have never had problems with before.  I think in the Advanced Siemens router setup program, one can set the time for it to search for an IP address, which with a longer time, it might still work during the busier time of the day.  For now, I will leave the cable modem connected directly to the computer.  CIO  

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 12:55 P.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go out.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 12:25 P.M.:  I am microwaving a 16 ounce Maria Callender breaded chicken parmesan dinner, which I will eat with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 12:05 P.M.:  I brought the Queen Anne chair downstairs, and my relative ran into some traffic which is not unusual for this area.  They arrived here about 11:30 A.M., and they picked up the Queen Anne chair to take up to Kennebunkport, Maine http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/137.htm to deliver to another relatives house.  They put it in their Volvo sideways which is a new larger one than mine, so the driver could see out of the driver's side rear window.  They left here about 11:45 P.M. to stop by Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue for coffee.  They said there was major construction on I-84, so they are going to take the Merritt Parkway to I-91 and assume go the same way that I always go from Hartford, Connecticut.  I called another relative to let them know that they had picked up the Queen Anne chair.  I still have a 3 P.M. appointment today, so I will probably be going to bed after that.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 10:20 A.M.:  One of my relatives called, and they will be here in about 30 minutes.  I have a 3 P.M. appointment today, so after they leave, I will take a nap and then go out to my 3 P.M. appointment.  I had a lot of sleep this week, so I should have no problems staying up that long.  I was up at 5 P.M. last evening.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 9:45 A.M.:  I put some more Heinz white vinegar in a bowl on the living room window shelf for scent control in the apartment.  My relatives should be here shortly to pick up the Queen Anne chair.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 9:15 A.M.:  I don't think it is safe to have a pointed object sticking up in the middle of the living room walk way, so I move the large French flag to on top of the Danish bar in the glass popcorn bowl.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 9:10 A.M.:  I moved my large 8 inch by 12 inch French flag from on top of the computer speakers to the maple side table with the other smaller flags.  It has a dangerous point on the end of it, so one has to be careful not to fall against it.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 8:55 A.M.:  A few day ago, I filled the Australian Outback Survivor canteen hanging from the brass hat and coat rack behind the apartment entrance door with Brita filtered water to have available should we not have fresh water.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 8:45 A.M.:  I moved the folding oak table in front of the book case below the stereo system back into the stand with other folding oak tables.  I put the CD rack with the CDs to the left of the stand.  I put the telephone books on top of the stand.  I put the folding wood and black canvas directors chair in front of the folding oak table stand, so it is available for seating at that location.  Since it is not too big one has access to the stereo system, the books, and CDs.  One can also move it easily if one wants to open up the four foot by four foot by 20 inch cabinet that the stereo speakers and Orion television sits on.  Presently I just have a lot of old 5.25 inch floppy disk cases and old 5.25 inch floppy disks stored in it.  I also have a large number of empty boxes from electronics purchased in it.  If I cleaned it out, I would be able to use it for more useful storage, but now with the Queen Anne chair not in that location, it is more easily accessible with the light folding directors chair in that location.  I have nicked named the large cabinet the Princess Diana memorial television cabinet, since I bought it the Saturday morning at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop before she passed away.  I was so exhausted after being up all that previous night that after carrying it into my car and carrying it up to my apartment, I slept until my eldest sister called me about 1 A.M. that Sunday morning to tell me that Princess Diana had been in a car wreck, so it has a bit of sentimental value.  I have not looked in it in so long, one never knows what one will fine, but I think it is mostly empty boxes and possibly the instructions for some of the electronics.  The directors chair is not as comfortable as the Queen Anne chair, but if I ever had a number of people over at my apartment, it would be considered comfortable enough along with the other furnishings.  My relatives plans to have it reupholstered and use it in their house in Maine where it originally came from after being in another relatives house and my apartment.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 7:55 A.M.:  I threw out some garbage.  I also connected the 8 port Ethernet switch on top of the Dell backup computer directly to the Siemens router, and I also have the Dell backup computer now connected directly to the Siemens router, so one does not need to turn on the Ethernet port for the Dell to go online.  CIO 

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