Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 10/21/04  Thursday 12:45 A.M.:  I went through my email.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I have a 3 P.M. appointment today.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/21/04  Thursday 12:20 A.M.:  I ate three pieces of black licorice twists and two 2 inch by 1 inch by .25 inch pieces of Kraft Monterey Jack cheese.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/20/04  Wednesday 11:30 P.M.:  I went outside again, and I put a new Ocean Breeze Christmas Tree scent card in the Volvo hanging from the left rear driver's side window hook.  I made up a sign saying "Please Do Not Remove Air Conditioner" and I put it on my outside apartment door, so when the maintenance personnel come tomorrow to remove the air conditioners, they will not try to take my air conditioner out.  The building custodian already knows, but I put the sign there in case he is not around when they show up.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/20/04  Wednesday 10:55 P.M.:  I went outside briefly, and I threw out some garbage, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I checked my car to make sure that I locked it.  When I chatted with a relative earlier, they told me that if one takes an antistatic Cling Free type cloth and soaks it in vinegar and put it with clothes that smell of cigarette smoke in the dryer for 10 minutes, it will remove the cigarette smoke.  I am not sure if one uses heat in the dryer cycle or not.  I was also told to remove cigarette smoke from a room, one can put out a bowl of vinegar.  Since I only smoke in my apartment next to the kitchen fan, my apartment does not smell too much of smoke, but I did put out a bowl of Heinz white vinegar on the living room window shelf along with the bowl of Lysol to eliminate smells.  I suppose since I smoke cigarettes and eat food with garlic and since I walk a lot getting smelly shoes that I personally might smell a bit, but since I have lived in Italy and visited countries like France, Spain, and Greece where they use garlic and smoke tobacco, I am not alone in having some body smells in this area.  I also filled my Zippo Greenwich Country Club and Zippo United States Marine Corps lighters with some of the Ronsonol lighter fluid.  It one uses a Zippo lighter, it is a smart idea to also keep a couple of spare flints in the bottom of the lighter where one fills it to have available should the flint one out.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/20/04  Wednesday 10:25 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I chatted with a local.  I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue including the train station area, and I sat out at various locations.  I used the bathroom at the Senior and Arts center before and after the walk.  During the walk, I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 8 ounce container of Ronsonol lighter fluid for $2.77, two 7 ounce packages of black licorice twists for $1.19 each, two 1.5 liter bottles of CVS yellow mouthwash for $4.39 each, and a 6.4 ounce tube of Crest baking soda and peroxide whitening fresh mint tooth paste for $1.77 with a .85 ounce bonus tube of Crest Whitening Expressions toothpaste plus .94 tax for $16.64 total.  After my walk, I drove down by the waterfront.  I went by the Greenwich Library, but I had a hard time reading the Greenwich Time, since I brought my sun glasses instead of my reading glasses.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought two half gallons of Tropicana light and healthy premium orange juice for $2 each, a 16 ounce bag of baby carrots for $1.50, broccoli crowns at $1.79 a pound for $1.72, a 10 ounce box of fresh mushrooms for $2.29, and a quart of plum tomatoes for $3.69 for $11.79 total.  I then returned home, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I put away my purchases.  I chatted with a relative.  I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/20/04  Wednesday 5:10 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  I did not use tomatoes or broccoli.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Kraft Monterey Jack cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up.  I will then go to downtown Greenwich for my usual routines.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/20/04  Wednesday 4:05 P.M.:  I went back out, and I used paper towels and 70% Ethyl rubbing alcohol to remove a bit more of the residual wax from the plastic bumper parts and trim plastic parts.  There is still a small bit of haze on them, but most of it is gone.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/20/04  Wednesday 3:30 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went to the Splash car wash across the street on West Putnam Avenue, and I had the Express wash done on my Volvo for $7.50 and a dollar tip for $8.50 total.  I then returned back to my building parking lot, and I used the Mothers www.mothers.com Premium HotWheels car wax to wax the Volvo.  I use a small hand terry cloth towel, and I applied the wax to one section of the car at a time about three square feet or whatever the section was.  I then would apply the wax to the next section, and I would buff with a large terry cloth towel the previous section.  I was done by 1 P.M..  I then threw out the hand towel that I applied the wax with, and the gold buffing towel, I put underneath the lower rear compartment of the Volvo.  I left a light blue towel in the upper rear area to use to dry the Volvo after car washes.  I then came upstairs, and I use Ronson lighter fluid and liquid soap to remove the wax from my hands.  I then took the Ronson lighter fluid and glass cleaner and paper towels outside, and I use a paper towel and Ronson lighter fluid to remove the wax from the plastic molding edges and plastic bumper areas where it overlapped, and most of it came off and is not to visible.  I then used the glass cleaner and paper towels, and I cleaned the windows on the inside and the outside.  I use glass cleaner and paper towels to clean the metal alloy wheels.  I took off the "Support Our Troops" magnetic ribbon sticker before the car wash, and I put it on the dash board.  One is suppose to wait two days after waxing for the wax to cure before applying the magnetic ribbon sticker again.  The Volvo looks just great.  I used about 2/3rds of a container of the Mothers wax, and I put the remaining container and the other new container on the floor of the sweater closet in the hallway with the other car care items.  I refilled the Glade plug-in refill in the kitchen with a 60% mixture of English Leather cologne and 40% 91% isopropyl alcohol, and I left about a half inch from the top for air to get in.  I use a screw driver to pry off the lid, and I use miniature perfume funnels like they sell in the cooking section of the Greenwich Hardware store to fill the Glade Plug-in refill.  I cut off the part of the miniature funnel, so it fills faster.  One could also use a similar type funnel with the tip cut off for refilling the miniature two ounce liquor bottles that people frequently carry to BYO "Bring Your Own" parties.  I left a message with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/20/04  Wednesday 11:40 A.M.:  I was up at 8 A.M..  I had breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside briefly, and I put the Greenwich Country Day alumni sticker on the right lower rear of my Volvo rear window.  I went back to bed until 11 A.M..  I went out, and I picked up the mail.  It looks like it is clear, so I will go across the street and have the car washed, and I will then wax it.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 8:10 P.M.:  I reheated the other half of a 16 ounce box cooked vermicelli and the other half of a 26 ounce jar of Master Choice marinara sauce, and I put a thin layer of grated parmesan cheese on it.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 7:15 P.M.:  The mail came about 7 P.M..  It is taking longer to deliver because our regular mail person seems to be away elsewhere.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 6:35 P.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 6:25 P.M.:  I checked the mail, and it still has not arrived.  I chatted with a relative.  I am going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 5:45 P.M.:  I am going through my email.  I looked at the www.llbean.com web site to see about any winter items that I might need such as winter socks L.L.Bean: Socks , and I looked at Amazon.com : Apparel / Departments / Shoes / Men's Shoes / Boots , but we are not really in that much of a polar region, and I have gotten by with what I already have in past winters.  I have a pair of Alpine boots with a faulty side zipper, but they still work.  I guess I can always poke around this area looking for boots too.  CIO   

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 5:15 P.M.:  Forbes.com: Volvo Voltage .  CIO

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 5:10 P.M.:  I am just doing some regular computer work.  I checked the mail, and I was told, it is not suppose to arrive until about 7 P.M..  I guess it is late today.  I ran Ad-aware SE and Norton Update.  I will now continue regular computer work.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 3:45 P.M.: www.w3.org King of Spain photo Yahoo! News - World Photos - AP and Yahoo! News - Chirac: Europe Can Do More in Science Race and Chronologie CERN/W.Pauli and Welcome to CERN .  I suppose they are still spending money supercollider physics.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 3:40 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I used a tin of sardines that I chopped.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Kraft Monterey Jack cheese.  I did not use broccoli.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I threw out some garbage.  The mail still has not arrived.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 1:50 P.M.:  Once when I was wandering around Nantucket back in 1976, I got a tired spell, and I decided to take a nap in one of the local grave yards before returning back to town.  I found a comfortable spot, and I took my nap.  As I recall, it was beneath a monument with the family name Folger in a cemetery where there were not a lot of headstones because it was a Quaker cemetery.  I later learned that particularly monument marked Benjamin Franklin's mother's grave, and during a following summer around 1977 or 1978, I read in the Nantucket Inquirer Mirror that it had been hit twice by lightning.  Maybe the spirit of Benjamin Franklin's mother is why I got better at electricity and other electrical components.  Also during the summers of 1977 and 1978, I also worked as dish washer and pot scrubber at the Gordon Folger Hotel.  It does not show up on my social security records, since I was trying to be incognito, so I gave them the wrong social security number.  I recall being in the staff photo during one of those summers.  Once when I was cleaning up the Gordon Folger hotel kitchen, they told me to do an extra good cleaning job on the floor, so in the mop bucket in the hot water, I put in a gallon of bleach and two quarts of ammonia which I should not have done, because that created a large amount of ammonia chloride gas, and they had to clear out the entire dining room and kitchen, and there was a special party of guests at dinner that night, but since I worked so hard, I held on to my job.  I guess the Folgers later went into the coffee business.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/19/04  Tuesday 1:20 P.M.:  I chatted with a friend at 6:45 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with eight small sliced strawberries, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I ate a few black licorice twists.  I went back to bed, and I woke up at 12:30 P.M..  I ate a few black licorice twists.  Anyone whom eats black licorice twists should know that licorice is a natural laxative, so if one eats black licorice twists, one tends to be regular.  I threw out some garbage, and I checked the mail, but it has not arrived yet.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 11:55 P.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 11:45 P.M.:  I microwaved and ate a 11.5 ounce Kraft Pasta anytime Alfredo dinner, which I ate with a glass of iced tea.  I ate three pieces of black twisted licorice.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 10:50 P.M.:  I went out after the last message, but first I ate a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of iced tea.  I went by the Arnold Bread outlet, and I bought a loaf of Arnold Oat bread for $1.45.  I then went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop, and I bought a box of 10 Smead #BE1299 #83052 blue clamp binders for $3 all.  I then made my 4 P.M. appointment.  I next went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  During my walk, I stopped by the Greenwich Hardware store, and from the 70% off rack, I bought two 16 ounce bottle packages of Mothers www.mothers.com  HotWheels Premium Wax for $3.90 each box plus .47 tax for $8.27 total.  Each package came with a little Mothers HotWheels auto toy.  I completed my walk.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I stopped by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time.  The liberals at the Greenwich Library keep giving me the Third Degree whenever I chat with them which is considered against the rules of library conduct, so I just give them the standard public relations replies.  Since I have read more than them in more accurate libraries versus public relations type libraries, I obviously do not have the time to explain in detail what takes a more formal education to learn over a longer period of time.  I next returned home.  I ate two black licorice sticks.  I spent about an hour looking for an accounting error in my Microsoft Money 2002 program, but I found the error, except for $2.43 which I put on other expenses.  I suppose if I am rested, and we get a warmer day, I might have the car washed at the Splash car wash on West Putnam Avenue across the street from me for $5, and I could try to wax the Volvo, so it is protected from the elements for the winter.  I will put the two little car toys on the right hallway bookcase shelf with the little Model T auto toy.  CIO  

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 2:10 P.M.:  I went out, and I picked up my mail.  I had three letters for a neighbor in my mail box, which I left outside the neighbors door.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go out.  I have a 4 P.M. appointment.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 1:45 P.M.:  The Andrea Electronics microphone and ear piece should work off the Creative Live MP3+ sound card, but I have it plugged into the microphone jack with a Y splitter, and the signal is not strong enough.  However, on the Y splitter, I also have the input into the microphone jack from the Stereo system, which should work, but I never use it.  I will leave it as is with the Platronics DSP500 headset enabled.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 1:30 P.M.:  I downloaded and installed Bazooka http://www.kephyr.com/spywarescanner/index.html , it showed me how to take BDE off the computer.  DHL http://www.dhl-usa.com/home/home.asp delivered to me some Microsoft Open Licensing information, which I will have to study more closely later.  I took the front lower doors off the Microwave cart holding my printers, and I put the two doors the right side of the cart, and I used duct tape and scotch tape to tape the door hardware and screws to the inside upper right of the lower section of the cart.  I put my spare  printer paper on the lower shelf.  I moved the four inch stack of old paper print outs to the middle shelf to the right of HP LaserJet 6P printer.  I put the Panasonic headphones which work off the Creative Live MP3+ sound card when it is enabled on the left side of the living room desk.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 12:20 P.M.:  I went through my email.  I ate three black licorice twists.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/18/04  Monday 11:40 A.M.:  I was up at 8 A.M. this morning.  I showered and cleaned up, and I did not eat.  I went over to the Greenwich Hospital laboratory, and I had my blood drawn for the follow up on my Lipitor monitoring.  I chatted with a person from www.xerox.com delivering to the hospital one of those $2,750 fax laser machines.  I was told it is all modular for servicing.  I then returned home.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I used the lens cleaner and lens paper, and I cleaned my reading glasses and sun glasses, and I also cleaned my primary and backup computer monitor screens.  For the computer monitor screens, I used the lens cleaner that I bought at the Greenwich Hardware store and the special monitor cleaning sponge.  I will now do some regular computer work.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/17/04  Sunday 8:50 P.M.:  I ate a ten ounce can of lightly salted cashew nuts with some iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/17/04  Sunday 8:05 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Swiss cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I watched a bit of television, and I relaxed.  I ate three pieces of black licorice twists.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/17/04  Sunday 5:35 P.M.:  I was up at 8 P.M. this morning.  I had breakfast of oatmeal with seven sliced strawberries, and I also put cinnamon and milk with my oatmeal, two slices of toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I chatted with a relative.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  I stopped by the Greenwich Hardware store, and I took some time to tour the whole store, so I will know where everything is, when I need certain items locally, which is usually the case.  They did not have the 3M Command hook replacement strips.  From the downstairs front display case, I bought a 2 ounce bottle of Lenz-Clean Lens Cleaner for $2.75 total.  It is good for both eye glasses and computer screens, and I put it to the left side of the backup Dell computer Compaq monitor next to my computer screen sponge cleaner.  I next stopped by CVS, and I bought a 10 ounce can of lightly salted cashews for $2.99 and a 7 ounce bag of black licorice twists for $1.19 plus .07 tax for $4.25 total.  I got $2.50 of CVS extra bucks, so I bought another 10 ounce can of lightly salted cashews for .49 with the $2.50 CVS extra bucks.  I completed my walk, and I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I next drove down by the waterfront.  I gave another library user a ride to the Greenwich Library, where I read the Greenwich Time.  I then stopped by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 10 ounce box of fresh mushrooms for $2.29 and a half gallon of Tropicana light healthy orange juice for $2 for $3.72 total.  I gave .50 to the Knights of Columbus fund raiser for retarded citizens at the Stop and Shop entrance, as I exited the store.  I then returned home.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/17/04  Sunday 12:50 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/17/04  Sunday 12:15 A.M.:  I reconnected the HP LaserJet 4L cable to the printer port box.  I have the HP LaserJet 4L printer sitting on top of the HP LaserJet IID printer.  I actually do not use the HP LaserJet 4L and the HP LaserJet 6P printers, but I keep them for backup.  I use the HP LaserJet IID printer for printing out my notes every four months in Times Roman Postscript font, since they usually are about 300 pages, and it is a heavy duty printer, and fast in Postscript mode.  I put a new $95 toner cartridge in it, when I got it a few years ago, and it probably still has 60% remaining on the cartridge.  It has a counter, but I never bothered checking the counter, when I put in the new cartridge.  Thus I have all four laser printers hooked up to my system along with the EpsonStylus color 880 printer.  All the printers except the Minolta laser printer are connected to the port box, so they are all on the Siemens printer port off the Siemens router.  Thus I can print to them from any of seven computers online in the apartment.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/16/04  Saturday 11:15 P.M.:  I took the eight volumes of the after World War I veterans books along with the two others of the 10 volume collection of "Progress of Nations", and I put them in the bathroom bookcase.  I put five rolls of Scott toilet paper in front of them.  I put the small Audubon bird watchers book and a few other pamphlets on the lowest shelf of the left hallway bookcase.  I put the two 3M hook packages with their spare adhesive tapes on top of the printer switch box to the right side of the primary computer on the wall on the wicker rack.  I will have to check at the Greenwich Hardware store to see if they sell packages of the 3M hook adhesive tapes.  I got the 3M Command hooks, since one is able to remove the adhesive strips and hooks from the surfaces that one attaches them to, and in case I have to move my monitors around.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/16/04  Saturday 10:20 P.M.:  I went outside briefly.  Since the microwave cart has higher edges, I had to balance the printers that overlap, so I put the thin book on Lake Superior underneath the Epson printer to balance it, and I put the thin Time Life book on Russia and a Duck decoy placemat and two America's cup place mats to balance the printer stand holding the Minolta printer.  On the small mahogany table with inlaid leather top which is actually a tea table, I put the two stacks of six coasters each stack that I bought last week and two Christmas tree coasters on the back side, and in the front middle of the table, I put one of those solid gold dinner plates that people are always stealing from the Vanderbilt's dinner parties that I bought for a dollar at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  Of course being in the Connecticut the Brass state, it might actually be brass or brass plated, but we like to pretend its sold gold.  If one knew anything about Gold, one would know a solid Gold dinner plate would weigh a lot more, so obviously it is not gold.  I chatted with a relative.  I put the tea in the refrigerator to become iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/16/04  Saturday 8:40 P.M.:  In the area to right of my primary computer, where I had the small dark oak table and the small mahogany table with inlaid leather top, I took the printers off of them, and cleared the stored paper from underneath them, and I removed the two tables.  I then put the maple and white microwave cart in that location to the right of my primary computer.  I left the cabinet area of the cart empty, since there is not room enough to open the doors.  I put the HP LaserJet 6P laser printer on the lower middle shelf to the left.  I stored my new paper to the right of that.  On the top shelf to the left, I put the EpsonStylus Color 880 printer and on the top shelf to the right, I put a printer stand with Minolta QMS PagePro 1250W printer on top of the printer stand.  My recently printed papers are inside the printer stand.  In the space to the right of that on the desk to the left of Compaq monitor for the Dell backup computer on the desk, I put a four inch stack of older print out papers.  The small dark oak table, I put to the left as one enters the kitchen with the wooden bread box on top of it, and other food items stored on top and underneath it.  In front of the Danish bar, I put the small mahogany table with inlaid leather top, and it is the same level of the lower end table that makes up the Danish bar.  Thus it is a small table with room for putting beverage glasses or other items, that I will leave clear of items on top.  Thus the sitting area in the living room area is still a bit more spacious by my standards, but one can not walk around the far end of the blue sofa, and one has to exit the living room sitting area from the way one enters.  CIO 

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