Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 7:35 A.M.:  The AMD backup computer in the bedroom in running just fine.  It goes online when one has the cable modem turned on and the Siemens router turned on and one turns on the Linksys hub in the bedroom by turning on the power strip between the computers on the left side of the desk.  The power strip is behind the Radio Shack speaker phone.  Also a couple of days ago, I moved the second power strip from the floor by the living room desk to the right side of the primary computer, and I have it plugged into the control panel router switch, and I have the Siemens router transformer plugged into that power strip.  I am running some updates on the AMD backup computer in the bedroom.  Well for now the Siemens router seems to be working.  Maybe one just has to let it warm up for a minute before turning on the primary computer.  However, it could be that with so many devices connected to routers and hubs on Optimum Online's service, they are running out of IP addresses.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 6:35 A.M.:  At the moment the Siemens router is working properly.  With primary computer turned off, I followed the Optimum Online instructions, and I first turned on the cable modem until the four green lights were all lit up.  I then turned on the Siemens router, and I let it warm up for over a minute, and when I started the primary computer, it went online without any problems.  I will now setup the Cmos settings on the AMD backup computer, and see if it goes online in the bedroom.  I once ran it at 450 Mhz which is the processor speed, but it would occassionally freeze, so I lowered its Cmos setting to 366 Mhz.  It seems like its Cmos battery runs out in it less than a year, which means there might be a power drain, or maybe I just lost track of time.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 6:10 A.M.:  I replaced the Lithium 3 volt #2032 Cmos battery in the bedroom AMD 450 MHz computer running at 366 Mhz on the bedroom desk.  I will now shut down the primary computer and cable modem to see if I can get the Siemens router working, so the backup computers work online.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 5:30 A.M.:  I put the ice tea in the refrigerator.  Since about Labor Day in 1990 when I bought my first personal computer a Apple IIE for $100 at a tag sale on Round Hill Road from somebody whom worked for J.P. Morgan from Belgium, I have been using personal computers regularly since then.  I replaced the Apple IIE with a PC DOS computer that November which I bought in New Canaan, Connecticut for $250 from somebody from Holland, Michigan and Lake Forest, Illinois, and it was an Compaq 286.  Thus times have changed in the personal computer activities for me.  After 14 years of personal computer activity, I have a certain level of professional experience, which not everyone just buying a new personal computer would necessarily have.  Also in my formal education, I learned a bit about some of the engineering principals that computers are involved with.  I recall those first few years of personal computers before I went online with Netcom on the internet, I use to dial up computer bulletin boards BBS computers and download files.  One of them was in Old Greenwich, Connecticut which was a local telephone call run by Jimmy Bolster, and it had lots of files on astronomy.  I later lost my telephone usage for a couple of years because of an $850 telephone bill over time from calling up computer bulletin boards long distance.  One of the retired volunteers now diseased that I use to chat with occasionally had taught physics at Columbia University for 50 years and held a PHD degree from Harvard University in Physics.  He was not very impressed with the internet as it was evolving.  Still I think Jimmy Bolster ended up at one of the world's top observatories in Argentina, and the lunar eclipse reminded me tonight that the computers for some people are just another tool in their profession.  This story Next-gen Data Center Forum SGI, Intel Build NASA Supercomputer at Next-gen Data Center Forum and SGI - Press Releases: NASA, SGI and Intel Build and Deploy 'Columbia' in Record Time: New Supercomputer World's Most Powerful and SGI recently reminded me that the tech people on the west coast of the United States of America seem to get all the funding, while we here on the east coast are just left with week old broccoli from California.  Of course since I met the head of Xerox Parc in California in 1980 on my last trip there, I suppose despite the fact that he looked like Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York, he might have had some technical expertise in the computer field, but at the time the people around him were building the twin nuclear reactors at San Onofre, California, so there were quite a few electricians around at the time.  I still can figure out why Optimum Online's internet service is not letting my Siemens router work, so I can have the backup computers all on line in an emergency too.  I obviously have to have them online to maintain them too.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 4:20 A.M.:  If one needs directions to the pier on Steamboat Road in Greenwich, Connecticut follow these directions to Maneros Manero's Steakhouse Restaurant, Butcher Shop, Wedding & Banquet Facilities in Greenwich, CT. directions  and then head south about 500 yards and one will be at the pier at the end of Steamboat Road which is not too busy once it gets colder.  However, for those of you whom have never seen the ocean before, Tod's Point is more breath taking off Old Greenwich, Connecticut, but there is an admission charge for out of towners until December 1.  However, usually if one gets there at sunrise when the gate is first opened, there is usually not anyone at the gate, so one can get in for free.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 4:10 A.M.:  Of course anyone in the Orange Juice crowd might find this story interesting Boat show drops anchor again in Fort Lauderdale: South Florida Sun-Sentinel .  Having lived around the waterfront for most of my life, I alas do not know how to operate a boat, since I am not a good swimmer, I am afraid to go out on the water.  However, when I once tried to get a job on a boat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, I ended up starving on the beach in Fort Lauderdale where I arrived the third week of September 1976 after going out to buy frozen orange juice at the A&P where the Food Emporium is now in Greenwich, Connecticut, when I left the A&P that evening, I just kept driving until I reached Fort Lauderdale, Florida beach.  It was warm about the first week there, then it got cold, and by Thanksgiving Day that year, it was 21 degrees Fahrenheit in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at 7 A.M. according to the bank sign next to the Swimming Hall of Fame.  Of course there were some Nordic people around, since King Olaf of Norway was visiting the area.  One can imagine how cold it was back up north.  I weighed 185 pound when I arrived in Fort Lauderdale having lived in Greenville, South Carolina the previous winter working for Daniel Construction before it became part of Fluor Daniel construction.  I used to regularly go to the Winn Dixie supermarket nearby in Greenville, South Carolina, and I would eat lots of Carolina steaks.  However, when my unemployment compensation did not finally arrive in Florida until April of 1977, I was down to about 125 pounds, but I was a very good swimmer at the lesser weight.  I recall the head lifeguard on Fort Lauderdale beach drove a Cherry Red Porsche with Colorado license plate "COORS" , so on those colder days he was comfortable on the colder Fort Lauderdale beach.  I knew someone from Cheshire, Connecticut and someone else from Lewiston, Maine and they were comfortable on the cooler days.  I suppose when one's blood thins out in Florida during the winter in the warmer climates, when one comes back north as I found out it is hard to adjust to the colder temperatures.  I recall when working that following summer at the Gordon Folger Hotel, I found the pot scrubbing over a couple of sinks of hot water next to the heavy cast iron stove a bit warm and comfortable compared to the cool Nantucket June weather.  Thus it depends on what one is use to.  When I first returned to Manhattan after having graduated from college at Lake Forest College www.lfc.edu in Lake Forest, Illinois, I had spent the previous winter not in Illinois but southern Europe, so I was use to warmer weather.  However having spent three winters in Illinois and living in Boston, I was also use to cold weather, and I would frequently walk around those first winters in New York without a winter coat and wear Sperry top siders without socks which was the current fashion.  I do recall wearing a wood sports jacket and sweater.  As the L.L. Bean www.llbean.com web site says, there is no such thing as cold weather if one is dressed properly for it.  CIO   

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 3:30 A.M.:  Almost free hamburgers Montana Legend Steak Burger Challenge at http://www.montanalegend.com/ .  My promotion code which I will not be using is "EMHT7" , so the first one to use my promotion code will get my free burgers plus $14.50 shipping and handling.  Sounds good, but I have to watch my cholesterol.  Of course one could just go down to West 14th street on the Hudson River in Manhattan, and see if any of the local meat packers can spare some beef on the hook.  I spent a lot of years walking around the meal packing district in Manhattan, and I have seen many a side of beef being delivered into that city on many a cold night.  I also recall there was a steak house nearby called the Old Homestead http://www.oldhomesteadrestaurant.com/ , but their web site seems to be not working at the moment.  Of course locally here in Greenwich, Connecticut down on the waterfront, I think we still have Maneros http://www.maneros-greenwichct.com/ , which might have a little beef available if one happens to have a little extra American wampum.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 2:45 A.M.:  I ate two black licorice twists.  I listened to some music with free Rhapsody music radio player available from Optimum Online www.optimum.net .  I cleaned my Kensington wireless mouse rollers.  I sprayed some Febreze The Tide Fabric Care Network - Products Febreze on the Queen Anne chair.  I will now spray some more around the apartment furniture to give it that fresher smell.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/28/04  Thursday 1:35 A.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Swiss cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I am now making up a fresh batch of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icetea.htm .  I will now do some regular computer work.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 11:55 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time and the new issue of P.C. Magazine about multimedia computers.  I already have my computer set up as a multimedia computer with it hooked up to my stereo system and my primary television.  I was bothered by a fly while trying to read in the Greenwich Library.  It is unusual for them to be around this time of year.  I next drove down by the waterfront, and I chatted with a former neighbor.  Some fishermen were out there, but they were not having very much luck.  I think the blue fish and striped bass season is just about over.  I left the waterfront about 9 P.M..  I then used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue including the train station area, and I sat out at various locations.  I noticed two NBC News 30 trucks http://www.nbc30.com/index.html setting up a broadcast in front of the senior and arts center, but other than that it was a quiet night.  I next went by the Food Emporium, and I toured the store more thoroughly looking for items that I might normally not notice.  I bought a America Cooks Stainless Steel 2 tablespoons coffee scoop for $1.49 plus .09 tax for $1.58 total.  I chatted with one of the regular night time store employees about different companies represented at their store.  I also chatted with another regular customer.  I showed the regular customer my Volvo.  I then returned home.  I put the Queen Anne chair out in the hallway with a note saying it will be picked up at around 10 A.M. Thursday morning.  I drank some iced tea.  I put the new coffee scoop by the new Braun coffee machine.  I had two messages on my answering machine from relatives and another from a friend.  I enjoyed watching the lunar eclipse while walking Greenwich Avenue, but it was a bit too cold and damp to watch it down by the waterfront, besides it says one is not suppose to park there after 9 P.M..  CIO

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 6:15 P.M.:  I woke up while asleep, and I ate three black licorice twists.  I slept until 11 A.M. this morning.  I chatted with a relative.  I checked the mail.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until 5 P.M.  At 2 P.M., I had a recorded message from http://www.shaysforcongress.org/ .  There is a total lunar eclipse tonight starting at Eastern Daylight time about 9:15 P.M. and going on for about two hours.  When I woke up at 5 P.M., I moved the Queen Anne chair from in front of the stereo system to the apartment entry area, and there is about 10 inches on either side of it to get around it.  I will put it out in the hallway, when I return from my walk this evening.  My relatives will pick it up at about 10 A.M. on Thursday morning.  I moved the New Zealand sheep's skin throw from it, and I put it on the French sitting chair.  I put the small pillow that says "With My Luck When My Ship Comes in, I will be at the Airport" on the French reproduction sitting chair.  From the bedroom entrance, I move the stand with four small solid oak folding tables to beneath the stereo system, and I set out one of the folding tables in front of the stand.  I moved the upright CD rack to the right of that small table.  I have the new telephone books on the floor underneath the folding table.  I also have my brief case there.  I will throw out the old telephone books.  I put the green pillow with a strawberry on it on the blue sofa in the center.  Thus the bookcase with all of its books beneath the stereo system is open, and the folding table does not have anything on it, and it is easy to get at the stereo system.  I put the 17 inch Dell computer monitor at the bedroom entrance on top of the Rubbermaid hamper with my pants that are two small for me.  Thus the bedroom entrance is a little bit more open.  I ate two black licorice twists.  I will now shut down the computer.  I will eat a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of iced tea.  I will then shower and clean up and go out.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 2:45 A.M.:  I did some reference work on the internet.  There is not much happening, so I will now go to bed, so I can be up earlier.  I have relatives stopping by this Thursday morning at 10 A.M. to pick up the Queen Anne chair from my apartment, so I will have to be awake then.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 2:05 A.M.:  Another search engine http://www.mamma.com/index.html .  CIO

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 1:55 A.M.:  I just noticed that the Times of London http://www.timesonline.co.uk/ is free to access again.  One can keep abreast of the Royal family's activities by searching it with the term "Court Circular" .  It shows that they actually keep a very busy schedule.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 1:45 A.M.:  Bales Travel from United Kingdom and Telegraph Travel China: The warriors and the dancers .  CIO

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 1:20 A.M.:  I ate four pieces of black licorice twists.  I watched some television.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 12:20 A.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 12:10 A.M.:  PC Magazine: Top 101 Web Sites .  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/27/04  Wednesday 12:05 A.M.:  I ate three pieces of black licorice twists along with nine Town House crackers with nine .75 inch by 2 inch by 1/8th inch slices of Kraft Monterey Jack cheese on them along with some iced tea.  I replaced the far right candelabra bulb above the primary computer with another used one that works.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/26/04  Tuesday 11:30 P.M.:  While touring the Greenwich Hardware store today http://www.greenwichhardware.com/ ,  I was told that Bill Clark a local Greenwich Historian, Author, and Representative Town Meeting representative for the central Greenwich district is coming out with a new $150 book on the History of Greenwich, Connecticut which is illustrated with water colors.  Since Bill has told me he is distantly related to the British Royal family, and since he was well educated at Harvard University www.harvard.edu , perhaps he got Prince Charles http://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/ to paint some of the water colors if he ever happened to come through this area.  I suppose Bill would know that Judge Clark's family in Bedford, New York are one of the earliest families in this area, so perhaps Bill is related to them, and anyone settling in Bedford, New York more than likely would have to come through Greenwich, Connecticut first.  I have mentioned before that John Jay's John Jay Homestead near Bedford, New York mother was a Scott, so perhaps I am distantly related to John Jay, and therefore distantly related to Bill Clark, and therefore distantly related to the British Royal family.  However, from my family history in Champaign, Illinois, I think I am related to the Winfield Scott branch of the family.  The Scott family in Virginia were one of the earliest settlers with a land grant for half of the area of Virginia.  Winfield Scott help start the United States Military academy at West Point, New York, and he is buried there.  He was also 6 foot 4 inches tall, which for his time was tall.  He also had town house in New York City across from the Forbes building just west of Fifth Avenue on 13th street, which today is the Italian Studies Institute for New York University.  However, since the Scott family name was the family name of the Marquis of Queensbury, and since in England a Marquis is the highest rank of nobility after the Royal family, and there are only two Marquis in England, that because of premogeniture, possibly younger sons of the Marquis of Queensbury settled in Virginia and New York, so possibly all of those branches of the Scott family are related.  Of course after 400 years in this country, they would have a lot of relatives not to mention late arrivals and those left back in the Eastern Hemisphere.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/26/04  Tuesday 10:40 P.M.:  I ran Ad-ware SE Ad-Aware SE Personal - Software - Lavasoft .  CIO

Note: <888> 10/26/04  Tuesday 10:20 P.M.:  While cooking dinner, my computer with Norton Internet Security 2004 blocked an attempt to install Back Orifice The Back Orifice "Backdoor" Program .  I selected the option to block it.  I then ran the Symantec Security Check Symantec Security Check , and it showed all ports and everything was in stealth mode.  I now have ping in stealth mode too.  I guess the Siemens router opens up the ping port.  I printed out this page Answer Optimum Online Router Problem , which I might try later.  I suppose without the Siemens router not connected to my system, I might actually have better security.  However, since someone or program tried to install Back Orifice, it would appear that somehow someone on the internet or Optimum online network is trying to penetrate my system.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/26/04  Tuesday 9:55 P.M.:  I cracked three eggs, and I mixed them with a whisk in a steel bowl with a couple of tablespoons of milk, and I used my 10 inch omelet pan, and I put in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and a couple pads of margarine, and I heated it over medium high electric burner, and I put in the egg mixture, and I reduced the heat to a small bit below medium, and I let the omelet cook until it was solid enough to turn over, and then I flipped it with a spatula, and I added on one half side two 1/4 inch sliced plum tomatoes and five 2 inch by 1 inch by 1/8th inch slices of Kraft Monterey Jack cheese, and I folded the uncovered side over the side with the cheese and tomatoes, and I put it on plate, and I added on top eight more 1/4 inch slices of plum tomatoes and three more slices of cheese along with a thin layer of grated parmesan cheese.  I ate with it two pieces of toast each spread with two slices of margarine and cut in half.  I also had a glass of iced tea with it.  I wiped the omelet pan with a paper towel to keep it seasoned instead of washing it.  I chatted with a relative.  When I got the Volvo I also got a set of four snow tires on steel rims, but they only have about 3/32nds of an inch of tread left on them, so I will not be using them.  Since I can not afford to buy two complete sets of tires, I will more than likely next year when the current low profile tires wear out which are on the metal alloy wheels, I will try to get a set off all season tires for the metal alloy wheels if they are available, thus I will only have to rotate the tires from front to back instead of changing them with the seasons.  CIO

Note: <888> 10/26/04  Tuesday 8:40 P.M.:  I was up at 1 P.M. this afternoon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I checked the mail.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I went by the Arnold Bread outlet, and I bought a loaf of Arnold Stone Ground whole grain bread for $1.35 and a 6 ounce box of Arnold regular cut seasoned croutons for .99 for $2.34 total.  I then stopped by Grass Island, and I noticed they have repaved the road with new asphalt at Grass Island, and they are putting in new top soil for landscaping the areas with grass and bushes, so they are sprucing up the area.  Last summer they put in new granite curb stones along the drive.  I noticed in the Volvo that the ABS light was on, and the blinkers did not work.  I finally figured out, when one starts the Volvo, when one first turns it on before starting the starter motor, one has to wait for a few seconds for the ABS light to go out, and then when one starts the starter motor, all of the electronics start up properly including the blinkers and other lights and all the dashboard lights go out including the ABS light.  I next drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop, and most of their merchandise is half price.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue including the train station area.  I stopped by the Greenwich Hardware store on the way.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 7 ounce bag of black licorice twists for $1.19 plus .07 tax for $1.26.  I used the bathroom at the Senior and Arts center after my walk.  I noticed a Fox News New York Truck http://www.fox5ny.com/ in front of the senior center.  I next went by the Greenwich Library, and another library user gave me a "GW04" sticker that I had asked for.  I put it on the tailgate rear lower driver's side window just above the Republican elephant.  I then read the Greenwich Time, P.C. Magazine, and Smart Computing Magazine.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  When I started the primary computer, the Siemens router would  not assign an IP address again for the system to go online.  After fiddling with the configuration for a while to no avail, I uninstalled the Network and the onboard RealTech LAN drivers, and I shut down, and I connected the primary computer onboard RealTech LAN directly to the cable modem bypassing the Siemens router.  I then booted the system, and it just installed the TCP/IP stack which is all that I need for going online, and I did not install the Microsoft Networks option.  Thus the computer is running fine now, but I am not networked at the moment to the backup computers.  I can not figure out what the problem is, but with Optimum Online, recently they are slow at assigning the IP addresses even when not connected to the Siemens router, so maybe this effected the performance of the Siemens router, or perhaps Optimum is trying to discourage users from using routers and networking.  It is hard to say.  CIO 

Note: <888> 10/26/04  Tuesday 5:35 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO 

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