Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 4:50 A.M.:  Queen Elizabeth II The State Opening of Parliament - This week's Statements and Events from BritainUSA .  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 4:15 A.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 3:50 A.M.:  TigerDirect.com AOL Optimized PC with $23.90 per month AOL contract for a year .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 3:40 A.M.:  Currently, I do not have plans to move to India where it is warmer Yahoo! News - India to Create a High-Tech City for Cos. .  I will continue to try to survive in my current low cost cooler area of the world.  I have been told that San Antonio, Texas has a new Silicone Valley type of area.  I know Toyota built a new factory there and CVS is opening stores there.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 3:25 A.M.:  I read some computer news.  I cut three 5/16th inch thick slices of cold top round of beef, and I put a few teaspoons of cold horse radish on them with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce.  I ate the beef with a 15 ounce can of Green Giant corn that I reheated in the microwave oven.  I am not going out for a walk, since I have been doing chores since noon today, and it is currently 85% humidity Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast which is not good for arthritis.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 2:15 A.M.:  Earlier today, when I did my house cleaning, I also washed my hair brush and comb in hot water and liquid dishwashing detergent.  I put the tea in the refrigerator to become iced tea.  I put away the laundry.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 11/20/04:

Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 1:00 A.M.:  I have 45 minutes to go on the dry cycle.  My www.sierratradingpost.com order for four Medalist Cotton Turtlenecks (for Men)  arrived at the Norwalk, Connecticut DHL facility at 7:23 A.M. on Friday 11/19/04, and it arrived at the United States Postal Service at 2:11 P.M., so possibly it will be delivered today.  I will not send out my weekly notes.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/20/04  Saturday 12:40 A.M.:  I have five minutes to go on two loads of laundry on the wash cycle.  I threw out some garbage.  I put clean linens on the bed in the bedroom.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/19/04  Friday 11:35 P.M.:  I woke back up at 10 P.M..  I watched some television including the Opening of the Kuwait City Council on Cspan 2 channel 66.  Most informative.  I think they should put the Greenwich, Connecticut Representative Town Meeting on television, so we know what they are up to.  I am in the process of making up a batch of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icetea.htm .  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/19/04  Friday 7:30 P.M.:  I reheated in the microwave oven the other half of the vermicelli and Master Choice marinara sauce which I put on a thin layer of grated parmesan cheese, and I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will rest a while.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/19/04  Friday 6:30 P.M.:  I finished house cleaning and watering the plants.  I ran Norton Antivirus 2004 while doing my house cleaning.  I also ran Spybot Search and Destroy a number of times.  I am having a problem with removing some cookies and Dcom entries, but I will leave it as is for now.  I chatted with my relative whom had the hip surgery, and my relative just received a couple of pints of O negative blood.  My relative is being moved a rehabilitation facility tomorrow morning.  Two of my sisters and my relative are O negative, and I am O positive.  I threw out all of the garbage including the bathroom garbage and the waste paper.  I received a $25 Holiday Aid food voucher good at the Stop and Shop and the Greenwich Foot Mart.  I will probably use it on Wednesday to get a smoked Butterball http://www.butterball.com/  boneless turkey breast with some of the trimmings.  At the moment I have plenty of food at home and a well stocked pantry.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/19/04  Friday 2:55 P.M.:  I ran Norton Win Doctor, Ad-aware SE, and Spybot Search and Destroy with c2.lop disabled.  However, it had problems with removing part of a games program in the "C:\Program Files\Wildtangent" directory.  I then ran Norton Win Doctor again.  I will now do my house cleaning and watering the plants.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/19/04  Friday 2:00 P.M.:  I ate a quarter of a 12 ounce jar of dry roasted peanuts when I woke up during my sleeping period.  I was up at noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I then went outside, and I threw out some garbage, and I picked up the mail.  The primary computer started up with the Siemens router.  On the primary computer, I reinstall AOL 9.0 to get it to install AOL Port Magic which would control the Siemens router.  However, AOL 9.0 port magic interfered with the Google Desktop Search engine, and the computer would not go online.  I uninstalled AOL Port Magic, and the computer seems to be working fine with the Siemens router connected.  I will now do my house cleaning and watering the plants.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/19/04  Friday 3:00 A.M.:  I have America Online www.aol.com 9.0 installed on the primary and the Dell backup computers.  With the Siemens router connected when installing on the Dell backup computer, it installed a Networking program to work with the Siemens router, which might not be installed on the primary computer, since it was directly connected to the Cable modem when I installed the AOL 9.0 program.  I will have review it more when I have the time.  I will now shut down the computer.  I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/19/04  Friday 1:10 A.M.:  I received the AOL www.aol.com 9.0 CD a few days ago with a free 2 month offer.  I installed the AOL 9.0 CD, and when it prompted me for which plan, I had to call them up at 1-866-854-1015 , and I requested and got the $14.95 a month plan for people whom already have broadband connections.  I had to give them my debit card information, and I will be billed for the third month after January 18, 2005.  I think I will keep AOL because I also get high speed video such as CNN and ABC along with other offerings.  I will have to study it more.  I have the AOL name of "MSCOTTGreenwich" , and although it does not work with AOL as a screen name, I still have the AOL instant message name of "mmikescott" .  I will now set it up on the Dell  backup computer too.  I will have to remember to leave $14.95 in my debit card account, so when AOL bills me, it will not be overdrawn.  I thus have more news and options with the AOL package.  However, the Real Player in AOL only works on my left monitor.  I think there is a way to fix that, but I can not recall how now.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/18/04  Thursday 11:40 P.M.:  I studied USNews.com: Health: Best Hospitals 2004 , so I guess I am in good hands since I am on limited income, and since the http://www.greenhosp.org/home.asp is affiliated with Yale New Haven Medical Center http://info.med.yale.edu/ .  Of course if I started sleep walking, I would be in New York a 100 feet away which is a whole different kettle of fish.  Well, not much happening here on the east side of New Amsterdam.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/18/04  Thursday 11:00 P.M.:  USNews.com: Health: Best Hospitals 2004 .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/18/04  Thursday 10:40 P.M.: www.sierratradingpost.com has winter gloves gloves too.  One can use this chart http://www.sullivanglove.com/html/glove_size_.html to check one's glove size.  In my case, I am a size 9 glove.  I have one pair of good dress gloves and a pair of ski gloves and a pair of heavy ski mittens.  However, I normally do not wear gloves, because I am afraid of losing them.  I am always finding one glove on Greenwich Avenue.  If I had saved them over the years, I would have quite a collection.  CIO  

Note: <888> 11/18/04  Thursday 10:15 P.M.:  My www.sierratradingpost.com order of four turtlenecks Medalist Cotton Turtleneck (for Men) arrived at the Wilmington, Ohio sorting facility at 8:35 A.M. this morning.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/18/04  Thursday 10:00 P.M.:  I chatted with my relative that had hip surgery yesterday, and my relative is recovering just fine.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/18/04  Thursday 8:45 P.M.:  I reheated in the microwave oven the remaining rice and small peas from last night.  I cut two half inch slices of cold beef, and I put five teaspoons of horse radish on them along with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/18/04  Thursday 7:50 P.M.:  I was up at 10 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside, and I threw out some garbage.  I picked up my mail at the mail room.  I called about my Renter's rebate, and they called me back to tell me they would look into it.  I then cleaned up, and I went out.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I then made my 1:45 P.M. appointment.  I filled out the information for the NEON energy assistance program.  I also was told that the Renters Rebates are processed by Social Security numbers, so mine might take a while yet.  I then made my 3 P.M. appointment.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area, and I sat out at various locations.  I noticed at the Greenwich train station that the new cross walk above the tracks might have an elevator, but it is hard to tell at this point, and the station attendant did not know.  I also stopped by Harrington's of Vermont http://www.harringtonham.com/ , and they have all sorts of specialty items including Holiday smoked hams and turkeys.  I was told they smoke their meats with corn cobs.  I stopped by the Korean fruit and vegetable market, and I bought three medium and three small Dole bananas for .85.  I also stopped by the 70% off rack at the Greenwich Hardware store, and I bought a 16 ounce green Thermos www.thermos.com food jar Thermos® Products Food Jar 7221A for $4.80 plus .29 tax for $5.09 total.  I guess one could also use it for coffee or hot food or a chilled item too.  I then completed my walk.  I also used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I next drove down by the waterfront.  On the way up Steamboat Road at the Greenwich Capital building http://www.gcm.com/ owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland www.rbs.co.uk I noticed they had a couple of dozen young men outside the building in regimental coats and kilts, so I guess some special event is going on today.  Prince Charles birthday was this past Sunday on November 14.  He was born in 1948 The Prince of Wales - About the Prince , so maybe they are celebrating a belated birthday.  I waved at the guys anyway.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I then returned home.  I drank some iced tea.  I leant a neighbor a package of Seneca Ultra Lights 100s cigarettes.  I will put the thermos food jar to the right of the Farberware convection oven on top of the refrigerator with the other thermos bottles.  I now could take a hot cup of soup or stew and a hot cup of coffee with me on an extended journey such as part of the day at Tod's Point.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 11:55 P.M.:  I did some regular computer work.  I finished off eating a box with about 10 triscuts remaining.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 10:45 P.M.:  In the building that I am currently living in for the last sixteen years, it is made for handicap and retired individuals.  However, although handicap people live here, the east wing is up five steps from the elevator on the ground floor and on the second floor where I live, it is up six steps in my second floor east section of the building.  I have no problems with the steps now, but as I get older since I intend to live here for the rest of my years, I might sometime in the future have problems with the six steps.  Also my apartment currently is very crowded with furniture, so some of the passage ways are about two feet wide, which despite the six steps would also be hard for someone on a walker on in a wheel chair.  Of course Greenwich, Connecticut has quite a number of big strong people, so if one of them were available to lift an individual, they might be able to visit.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 10:10 P.M.:  I was thinking about it today, and I guess if one were handicapped, disabled, or could not climb stairs, when the Greenwich Train station west New York bound side is locked up, one could take a train from the Stamford, Connecticut bound out of New York east bound side of the Greenwich, Connecticut train station to Stamford, Connecticut and then use the elevators on the Stamford platform to transfer to the New York bound side.  However, the east bound side of the Greenwich train station is on a very steep hill on either side, so one would have difficulty in a wheel chair getting up that steep hill, however a slow walker could probably make it.  There is generally taxi service on the east bound side in Greenwich until the last train about 1 A.M..  Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue has handicap accessible bathrooms, but it has about a 10 inch high stone threshold, so it would be hard to get into in a wheel chair.  However, there are other restaurants and coffee shops in Greenwich with more user friendly thresholds.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 9:50 P.M.:  Inexpensive Microsoft product Microsoft Works 4.0 and Money: SoftwareOutlet .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 9:45 P.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 9:20 P.M.:  I just chatted again with my relative that had hip surgery, and my relative is now going to get some rest.  My relative is at another location not here.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 8:45 P.M.:  Dinner was delicious.  I will have lots of cold beef left over for chef's salads and sandwiches.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 8:25 P.M.:  I will have the meal ready to eat in a little over five minutes.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 8:15 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, and they had their Christmas items up for sale for their Christmas preview.  With all the Christmas items, I was lucky to find a parking place.  I bought a plaid decorated with ribbon photograph album for $3.50.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I chatted with a few regulars downtown.  After my walk, I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a top round roast beef for $1.99 a pound for $8.32, a 10 ounce jar of Helluva-a-Good horse radish for $2 and a 32 ounce bottle of Borden's real lemon juice for $2.79 for $13.11 total.  I remembered, I had a $2 off store coupon, so I bought two buy one get one free of 18 ounce cans of Progresso New England clam chowder for $2.69 both less $2 off coupon for .69 total.  I then returned home, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I then took the top round roast beef, and I put it on a roasting rack in a roasting pan, and I seasoned all sides with Old Bay Seasoning, garlic powder, chicken and meat seasoning, celery salt, Italian spices, ground black pepper, and Kraft Bulls Eye barbeque sauce.  I put it in the Farberware convection oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and I am cooking it for 55 minutes and let stand for five minutes before carving.  I am also making up a batch of rice the usual way with the China Village rice steamer.  I will also use the reheat button to heat a 15 ounce cans of Lesueur very young small early peas.  I will eat three 3/8th inch thick slices of the beef with Lea and Perrins worcestershire sauce and with half of the rice and half of the peas, and I will refrigerate the rest in Rubbermaid containers.  I just chatted with my relative whom had hip surgery today, and my relative is doing well, but it will take two to three weeks to recover.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 1:45 P.M.:  My www.sierratradingpost.com order of four turtle necks Medalist Cotton Turtleneck (for Men) shipped DHL/USPS www.dhl.com from Aurora, Colorado on 11/16/04 at 9:29 P.M..  I probably will get it on Monday, but maybe Saturday.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 1:30 P.M.:  I went to bed after the last message.  A friend called at 7 A.M..  I slept until 11 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside, and I threw out some garbage.  I picked up my mail.  I went back to bed until about 1 P.M..  I chatted with a relative, and my relative who was having hip replacement surgery came through the surgery all right and is now recovering.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/17/04  Wednesday 1:15 A.M.:  I ate half of a 12 ounce jar of dry roasted peanuts with some iced tea.  I watched some vintage television on the Turner movie channel.  I actually enjoy the old movies, but I do not have the time to watch them, since I am busy on the internet.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 11:55 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  They are still installing the Christmas tree lights downtown.  I also noticed a long time fixture on Greenwich Avenue, the Baskin Robbins ice cream parlor at the top of Greenwich Avenue has gone out of business.  I guess it was a victim of the ever increasing rents on Greenwich Avenue.  Of course one can always buy ice cream at the grocery stores.  I next drove down by the waterfront.  I noticed coming through town, they are just about complete with the expansion of the Arch street railroad bridge underpass.  On the new stairs to the platforms on the west side of Arch street one has to go up four levels to get to the train station level.  Of course there is an elevator in the Greenwich railroad station.  However that is not opened all the time.  Thus individuals coming out on the train would be restricted in their activity on the north side of the train station, if they were impaired from climbing long flights of stairs.  However, on the south side of the train station, it is at ground level.  They are also in the process of building a new stairway overpass over the tracks, but once again that would only be for the able bodied.  I was under the impression that the public transportation was suppose to be available to the handicapped and disabled, but having climbed many a stair in the subways of New York, I guess that is not really the case.  I next drove down by the waterfront.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  I just received intruder attacks from Apt Technologies in Santa Cruz, California.  I do not have the time to continually report on intruder attacks, so in the future, I will only report on Trojan attacks.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 8:35 P.M.:  Latest intruder attack from Ilink Limited in Hong Kong.  I chatted with a relative whom is having surgery tomorrow.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go out for a while after I clean up.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 8:15 P.M.:  Latest intruder attack from CHTD, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., in Taipei, Taiwan.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 8:05 P.M.:  The latest intruder attack was from Road Runner-Commercial in Herndon, Virginia.  I took a five quart Revere pot, and I put in a teaspoon of olive oil, a few dashes of salt, and about 3.5 quarts of water, and I brought it to a boil over high heat.  I then boiled over medium high heat a 16 ounce box of Stop and Shop vermicelli for six minutes.  I drained it in a colander, and I put half on a plate, and I refrigerated the other half in a Rubbermaid container in the refrigerator.  While boiling the vermicelli, I also reheated in a plastic microwave pot with lid in the General Electric microwave oven half of a 26 ounce jar of Master Choice marinara tomato sauce, and I put the remaining half in the jar in the refrigerator.  I put the heated tomato sauce on the cooked vermicelli, and I added a thin layer of grated parmesan cheese.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 7:05 P.M.:  Latest intruders are from Cable i Televisio de Catalunya in Spain and IIAT Customers Servers Farm in Russia.  Judging from the IP addresses that my Norton Internet Security 2004 firewall is reporting, knowing something about probability and the distribution of internet sites, it seems that possibly it is some hacking program simply posting random IP addresses and not actually coming from the servers reported.  Judging from the IP address locations, it would seem to be someone from California based on what their regional education might be in that area and not a very high level of education at that.  It basically seems to be someone educated on television with hacking capabilities on the internet.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 6:55 P.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 6:50 P.M.:  Latest intruder IP2000-ADSL-BAS in France.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 6:35 P.M.:  I am going through my email.  Latest intruder from DoD Network Information Center, Vienna, Virginia.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 6:20 P.M.:  The latest intruder attack came from Comcast Cable in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and unknown and then the Red Lion Inn and Casino in Elko, Nevada.  I just downloaded RoboForm www.roboform.com, but I decided not to install it since it is only a 30 day free demo that is crippled, but one can buy the full version for $30.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 6:05 P.M.:  The latest intruder attack came from Telefonica del Sur S.A. in Valdivia, Chile.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 5:50 P.M.:  BBC NEWS Entertainment Team 'replaces' Cooke's Letter , and I just had another attack from within the Optimum network.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 5:45 P.M.:   The latest intruder attack came from the Japan Network Information Center in Japan and a persistent attack from China Telecom in China.  I also have had two annoying fax type calls today.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 5:40 P.M.:  One can buy Norton Internet Security 2005 and download it from this link Norton Antivirus Software, Internet Security Firewalls, Downloads, Virus Updates and more.: Index of All Products or discounts upgrades if one already owns an earlier product Norton Antivirus Software, Internet Security Firewalls, Downloads, Virus Updates and more. .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 5:25 P.M.:  ABC News: Lost Luggage Becomes Found Treasure and the latest intruder attack IP address came from within the Optimum Online system.  Thus we have local hackers attacking our systems too.  One has to setup Norton Internet Security 2004 or later to show inbound attacks.  The latest came from Sympatico HSE in Toronto, Ontario.  Thus although Optimum Online www.optimum.net assigns a new IP address every time one logs onto their system, there are plenty of hackers and attackers out there constantly attacking one's systems, so one needs to use a Firewall to prevent such intrusions.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/16/04  Tuesday 5:05 P.M.:  If one uses Norton Internet Security 2004 or later, and one has Java installed, one can click on Statistics and Attacker Details to find out whom intruders are.  The latest intruder was from Cablespeed in Millersville, Maryland.  One can also click on Visual Tracking and enter the IP address of an attacker if one has it.  One can cut and pasta the IP address into the URL address by entering the key strokes "Ctrl-C" to copy and "Ctrl-V" to paste.  However, one first needs the IP address, which I think only Norton Internet Security 2004 or later gives, but possibly other firewall programs do as well.  CIO

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