Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 11/08/04  Monday 11:15 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I sat out for a while.  A little before 9 A.M., I walked over to the Wachovia Bank on Havemeyer Place, and I paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop, and most all merchandise remains half price.  I  bought a moss green medium size wooden sitting chair with spindle back for $2.50 and a plaid yellow, lime green, and cranberry chair cushion for $1.50 for $4 total.  I then returned home.  I brought up the chair and the cushion.  I cleaned the chair with Windex orange cleaner.  I pressed in one of the chair support dowels which was a tight fit without glue, so the chair is more stable.  I moved the directors chair from the front of the stereo system bookcase by the Orion television, and I folded it up with out its black canvas back which I stored inside the folded directors chair, and I stored it at the far end the down filled sofa along with the beach chairs and they are covered by the blue towels, so it is not conspicuous.  I then took the moss green medium size wooden chair, and I put it where the directors chair was, and it fits just fine in that location.  I put the blue and yellow cushion from the directors chair on the seat of the moss green wooden chair and I tied the yellow, lime green, and cranberry plaid chair cushion to the back spindles of the chair to use as a back cushion.  Since I weigh 210 pounds, it is very stable with me sitting on it, so any smaller individuals whom it is basically designed for, it would be stable and comfortable enough to sit on.  Plus it is light enough to move, if one wanted to get behind it to take out the solid oak folding table set or folding wooden card table chair or open up the television cabinet.  I still have the spare three packs of Perrier www.perrier.com  2000 stored under the chair in that location.  I obtained the Perrier 2000, when on my birthday on May 9, 2000, I bought about $250 of Perrier at the Food Emporium for about $2.59 a three pack, and I later returned about $150 of it, when I needed money.  The rest I guess was gradually drunk over the years.  However, I still have 24 3/4 liter bottles of Perrier, and 18 of them are in the Year 2000 three packs.  Of course, the last time I looked about 13 years ago, Perrier's Western Hemisphere headquarters were across the street from me on West Putnam Avenue by the New York border.  However, recently although Great Waters of France which owns Perrier was bought out by http://www.nestle-watersna.com/ which owns a number of other water and sparkling water companies.  I keep three of the Perrier bottles refrigerated in the refrigerator, but although I think it is very healthy for one to drink, I do not drink it myself hardly at all, since it is very expensive.  When I worked at the Languedoc restaurant in Nantucket, they also use to have little Perrier bottles on the tables with flowers in them, and I use to see the product around Manhattan, but alas the last time I was in France about 13 years ago for the Albertville, France winter Olympics, I did not see any evidence of Perrier around France, it was all Evian.  CIO    

Note: <888> 11/08/04  Monday 8:15 A.M.:  I microwaved a 6.65 ounce Celeste Deluxe pizza, which I ate with a glass of iced tea.  I will leave the computer going, and I will go downtown for a short period before I pay my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority at the Wachovia Bank on Havemeyer Place.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/08/04  Monday 7:45 A.M.:  A million acres is less than 40 miles by 40 miles square mile conversion - index of conversions to and from square miles , so there are less than 1/16th of that in Greenwich, Connecticut USA, ergo there are about one acre for every resident, which means a lot of people spend a lot of time raking leaves this time of year.  Of course there this probably some cleaver local business person that sells all of our leaves for other uses like compost.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/08/04  Monday 6:50 A.M.:  I ate a half of a 12 ounce can of CVS mixed nuts with some iced tea.  The Banana boat has been showing up more often in Manhattan recently QM2 - Itinerary - 2004 .  Local weather in Greenwich, Connecticut that dairy farm town 20 miles east of Manhattan Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  CIO  

Note: <888> 11/08/04  Monday 5:40 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  I chatted with a dog walker.  In the downtown sidewalk repaving project, they have been stalled on completing the sidewalk construction outside the Pickwick Plaza and the Chase bank.  I don't think they ran out of cement, but for some odd reason it is just bare ground and gravel and a Porta Potty.  Perhaps it is some mass conspiracy to keep the local youth from creating a disturbance skate boarding there.  We will have to see what develops there over time.  Maybe they are planning to pave the sidewalk outside the Chase Bank with gold, but first they have to find the gold.  During my walk, outside Carlson travel, I found an open older discarded Compaq computer.  I salvaged from it a 32 meg and a 64 meg memory chip, a two USB port PCI card, and a AMD K2 366 MHz processor.  After my walk, I drove down by the waterfront.  I next returned home about 2 P.M..  My procedure for starting the primary computer with the Siemens router for the backup computers works.  However, at the moment I have it connected directly to the cable modem.  I then did some Mickey Mouse maintenance on the backup computers.  On the IBM Cyrix computer in the bedroom, I took out the IBM Cyrix 233 MHz MMX processor that only ran at 183 MHz, and I installed the AMD K2 336 MHz processor, and I used some of the CPU thermal grease that I keep in my top left living room desk drawer, when I put the CPU fan back on.  It took a while, but I finally got the motherboard dip pins set right for the AMD processor, but when it boots, it only registers at 233 MHz, which is still faster.  I also put the 2 USB port PCI card in the computer, which in the future will be known as the AMD 233 MHz processor.  I put the IBM 233 MHz MMX Cyrix processor in the little box in my second down left living room desk drawer along with the Intel 133 MHz processor that I kept as a souvenir.  In the backup Gateway computer, I had a 128 meg memory chip, so I added the 64 meg and the 32 meg memory chips, so it now shows 224 megs.  This took a while but the backup computers in the bedroom still work online with the Siemens router and the Linksys Hub.  I am trying to stay awake until 9 A.M., so I can pay my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority at the Wachovia www.wachovia.com Bank branch at Havemeyer Place.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 10:40 P.M.:  I microwaved and ate a 18.5 ounce can of Campbell's steak and potatoes soup, which I ate with a glass of iced tea.  It is currently 61 degrees Fahrenheit, so I will go out for a walk downtown.  CIO  

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 9:45 P.M.:  I ate a black licorice twist, and I chatted with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 9:05 P.M.:  When you consider that I recently spent about $13 a battery for my three cordless telephones at Radio Shack which are older models, one can buy a new 2.4 gigahertz cordless telephone for about $15 according to this Phones - Find, Compare, and Buy at Shopping.com Cordless Telephones .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 8:55 P.M.:  I just woke up from my nap.  I saw on the news that a lot of anti Bush people are trying to move to Canada, and emigration applications have gone up six fold.  It does not make sense to me, since although Canada initially seems more civilized, it is a much harder life up in Canada, once one has to earn a living.  It would seem to me that since I have only counted 122 Canadian license plates in Greenwich, Connecticut in 21 years since I returned off of Nantucket that Canadians can not afford to visit the New York area.  According to this the Canadian dollar is getting stronger and the U.S. dollar is getting weaker Monthly Average Graph (American Dollar, Canadian Dollar) 2003 . The head of International for Monsanto www.monsanto.com use to be Canadian.  When I was just out of college, and some friends took me to Fort Erie rack track outside Toronto, Canada where the Queen Mother was presenting the trophy, I met the head of General Motors in Canada.  I worked with someone in Nantucket from Montreal whom was affiliated with the Rothschild family.  The last time I was in Key West, I ran into someone from Chicago, Illinois that looked like Cardinal Cody, and he told me his sister owned 25% of Molson's brewing.  I still own a Air Canada flight bag.  Basically Canada economically is not much different than the USA, but the people tend to be physically much larger.  Hudson's Bay Company is www.hbc.com and still opened for business.  I use to know people from Olympia and York.  Whatever, the case I would dare say we have some Canadian in our local woods.  Louis Rosenstiel that used to own Conyers Farm was a Canadian that owned Schenley Liquor http://www.thekirkwoodgroup.com/beverages/spirits/whisky/schenley/  now owned by http://www.bartoninc.com/ .  Locally Peter Brant is also Canadian.  Whatever the case, Canada also has a lot grain fed beef which is suppose to be superior to corn fed beef.  However, it gets colder in Canada, so more than likely one would be cold if one ever went outdoors.  Both Toronto and Montreal each have over 20 miles of underground pedestrian streets for shopping, so one can avoid the cold.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 2:20 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative ABC News: Volcano Terms and  http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/popup?id=133588 .  I will now shut down the computer, and I will rest for a while.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 1:20 P.M.:  I ate two black licorice twists.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 1:00 P.M.:  The last time I was in Key West, Florida was in February 1982.  I went down there because it was minus 25 degrees below zero Fahrenheit in New York City, and my room mate whom worked for Cyrus Vance in New York City kicked me out of the apartment we shared, so her son could move in.  I stayed a week with somebody in New York from Hollywood, Florida whom had to leave New York City to go the island of St. Bartholomew's on an assignment for Vogue magazine.  I thus did not have any place to stay in New York City, and since it was so cold in New York City, I flew down to Key West with a stop over at National Airport, West Palm Beach, Miami, and arriving at Key West, Florida.  That night while enjoying a few Vodka and orange juices, I met Steve Bahl at a local pub in Key West, and a mutual acquaintance told me he owned a million head of dairy cattle in Wisconsin, so I would imagine with the temperatures in New York City at that time it was even colder in Wisconsin.  Steve looked like Adolph Hitler and talked like Tennessee Ernie Ford which is a common accent in the southeast.  I am not sure how many dairy cows he actually owns, but he might be part of one of those large dairy cooperatives.  This time of year when it is cooler, they can start shipping cheese, so if one is interested in Wisconsin cheese, this is their web site http://www.fennimorecheese.com/ .  One of my parents original friends in Greenwich, Connecticut back in 1961 owned a Wisconsin cheese company too.  When I went down to former President Bush's #41 inaugural in 1989, I walked into the Georgetown Inn with a few friends and found myself at the Wisconsin reception party with then governor Tommy Thomson and Bart Star was also there.  Needless to say there was lots of free food there, so we helped ourselves and ate quite a lot of free food that was very good.  Thus if one ever attends a Presidential inaugural be sure to stop by at the Wisconsin reception, since they seem to have a lot of food in Wisconsin.  I still have a picture somewhere in my apartment from the Greenwich Time about 15 years ago of someone named Smith from Wisconsin whom was walking across America in a kilt with bag pipes.  Since I went to Lake Forest College www.lfc.edu which is only about 20 miles south of the Wisconsin border in Lake Forest, Illinois, I have probably met other people from Wisconsin.  One local here drives a van with Wisconsin license plates.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 12:35 P.M.:  I made up a fresh batch of homemade hummus www.geocities.com/mikelscott/hummus.htm .  For the garlic portion, I used a medium whole bulb of garlic.  I then made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I used a tin of sardines that I chopped.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Swiss cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 11:05 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station.  I sat out at various locations.  I stopped by CVS during my walk, and I bought a 7 ounce package of black licorice twists for $1.19, a 12 ounce can of mixed nuts for $2.50, and a 100 ounce bottle of Tide http://www.tide.com/  Mountain Spring scent liquid detergent for $5.49 plus .40 tax for $9.58 total.  I then completed my walk.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I returned home.  I noticed the magnetic red white and blue "Support Our Troops" ribbon was not on the rear of my Volvo.  Perhaps it came off in the car wash this week.  I have the primary computer set up to go online with cable modem without the Siemens router, and if I need to use the Siemens router, I will use the procedure mentioned earlier in my notes today.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 7:00 A.M.:  I microwaved a Celeste 7.26 ounce Suprema pizza, which I ate with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer.  I will shower and clean up.  I will then put the tea in the refrigerator to chill.  I will then go out for some early morning activity.  Current temperature in Greenwich, Connecticut is 45 degrees Fahrenheit Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 6:30 A.M.:  FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - St. Helens Lava Dome Still Growing .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 6:25 A.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 6:10 A.M.:  High cost of aging in this area Greenwich Time - Nursing homes among priciest in U.S. .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 5:50 A.M.:  I am making up a fresh batch of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icetea.htm .  I moved the cow horn ashtray from in front of the Life magazine coronation picture of Queen Elizabeth II to on top of the stereo speaker where the modem and router were along with the stuffed duck made of Black Watch cloth.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 5:25 A.M.:  I shifted the 50 foot LAN cable that runs through the false ceiling to the bedroom so there is more cable by the primary computer.  I then disconnected the HP Laser 4L printer sitting on top of the HPIID laser printer from the printer port box, and I moved the printer port box to the right side front of the primary computer on the white coffee table.  This permitted me to move the Siemens router from the corner on the stereo speakers to underneath the Minolta laser printer stand just to my right at the primary computer and just to the right of the Siemens router on the left side of the desk I was able to put the Motorola surfboard cable modem which I attached a 15 foot white extension cord to its power, so both are still turned on by the same switches on the Belkin control panel.  Thus if the Siemens router does not go online when one starts up the cable modem and primary computer, one can simply unplug the left most cable from the Siemens router front that goes into the primary computer motherboard LAN connector and plug it into the back of the cable modem which is about six inches away.  It is all about a foot and a half from the primary computer chair, so it is an easy reach, should one need to change the cables around to get the Siemens router working.  I moved my stack of paper printouts from underneath Minolta printer stand to on top of the HP 6P laser printer on the middle shelf left side of the printer cart.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 4:35 A.M.:  CNN.com - New lava dome grows inside Mount St. Helens - Nov 6, 2004 .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/07/04  Sunday 4:30 A.M.:  I was up at midnight.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until 4 A.M..  When I started up the computer it would not go online with the Siemens router, so I switched the cable around, so it goes online directly from the cable modem to the computer.  Then I switched the cables around to include the Siemens router, and the computer went online again.  I guess to obtain the computer IP address, one can not have the Siemens router connected now, but once one obtains the IP address with the cable modem, the Siemens router works.  I switched the placement of the Siemens router and the cable modem on top of the speaker in the corner to the right of the primary computer, so the cable modem is to the left and its rear LAN port is more accessible for switching the LAN cable at startup to include the Siemens router.  However, I only need the Siemens router working when I am using one of the backup computers, which I do not do very often.  However, since it is about a 20 second routine and a stretch to change the cables around, I can do it very quickly if I need to use the Siemens router for the backup computers.  CIO   

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 4:05 P.M.:  Nice picture at the moment of Mount St. Helens Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam - Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument . I received my rent bill today, so I will pay it on Monday.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  The primary computer is running as good as it ever has.  Also BBC NEWS Programmes Click Online Internet heads into the super-fast lane .  Another shopping site http://www2.shopping.com/ .  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 3:40 P.M.:  This microwave oven rice steamer seems like the same as the China Village Microwave Rice Steamer that I use http://fantes.com/microwave.htm#rice or Microwave Rice Steamer , but I am not sure the second link for the same name Joyce Chen includes the steam circulating inner lid that the first one does.  The China Village one that I use came from the Food Emporium for $15 about four years ago, so perhaps they still carry it.  My basic rice recipe is to wash a cup of Carolina enriched white rice in a bowl with hot water, then I strain it with a wire strainer rinsing it with hot water, then I put the cup of rice in the rice steamer with 14 ounces of water two tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of sesame oil, and I put the inner and outer lids on it, and I microwave it in my three year old 1100 watt General Electric microwave oven for 11 minutes, and then I let it stand for 5 minutes to finish cooking and then I serve it.  My recipe differs from the one that came with the China Village rice cooker, but by trial and error, I came up with the way I cook it.  However, different microwave ovens have different power, so the cooking time might vary.  One of these days, I might change to brown rice which is suppose to be more nutritious Microwave brown rice cooks faster - The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Newspaper .  Presently I have a new 10 pound bag of Carolina enriched white rice and about two more pounds opened, which is about $5 a 10 pound bag at the Stop and Shop, and I also have about a pound and a half of brown rice, and I also have a five pound bag of Della Japanese sushi rice which comes from Arkansas.  I noticed once when I toured the Japanese grocery store which is mostly in Japanese by exit 5 on I-95 across from the Riverside shopping center that they have lots of expensive over $20 a 10 pound bag of Japanese rice.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 2:35 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative.  I was told about this story KeysNews.com - The Florida Keys Only Daily Online News! 75,000 pounds cocaine seized .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 2:10 P.M.:  I ate a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 1:45 P.M.:  I called back to www.sierratradingpost.com , and they said to call back in an hour.  I chatted with a relative.  I picked up my mail.  I let a neighbor use my computer for a little bit.  I sorted through my periodical magazines, and I threw out all the computer magazines.  I called back to www.sierratradingpost.com at 1-800-713-4534 , and I changed my order for the Medalist Two-Layer Midweight Performance Turtleneck (for Men) from a large royal blue and a large white one to two extra large white ones and the existing order for the socks, thus the order total amount is still the same.  Although I have a size 44 chest, I also have a large pot belly, so I figured the larger turtlenecks would fit better, although the polyester is not suppose to shrink in the dryer.  If one needs socks that are on sale this links list lots of socks socks .  CIO  

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 11:25 A.M.:  I ate two pieces of black licorice twists.  I went downstairs, and I checked the mail, but it still has not arrived yet.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 11:05 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $7.55 of premium gasoline at $2.499 a gallon for 14.9 miles per gallon usage.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop and everything is still half price.  I next went downtown, but since I was tired from my extended activity yesterday, I did not take a walk.  I then drove down by the waterfront and some of the usual fishermen are there.  I then sat out for a while in Bruce Park.  I next went by the Arnold Bread outlet, and I bought a loaf of Arnold 100% whole wheat oat bread for $2.19, a 6 ounce box of Arnold seasoned croutons regular size for .99, and a 5.5 ounce box of Arnold garlic and herb croutons larger size for .99 for $4.17 total.  I then returned home.  I checked the oil in my Volvo engine, and it is fine.  I then drank some iced tea.  I started up the primary computer, and it started up online with the Siemens router.  I then called http://www.sierratradingpost.com/ at 1-800-713-4534, and they are located in Cody, Wyoming.  I checked to see if I could change my order for the turtlenecks Medalist Two-Layer Midweight Performance Turtleneck (for Men) from large to extra large.  They said that I could, but I would have to wait an hour until the order was in their system, so I will call back in an hour.  I noticed that one can Search by Savings at this link Sierra Trading Post: Search by Savings , and there are some even better bargains including socks which at this time I can not afford.  CIO   

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 7:55 A.M.:  I put three tablespoons of olive oil in a small six inch skillet, and I heated it over medium high electric burner heat for about two minutes, I then put the other salmon pattie that I made last night, and I heated it 4.5 minutes a side halfway between medium high and medium heat.  I also added two pads of margarine for each side.  I also reheated with the General Electric microwave oven vegetable button the rice from last night and a can of Green Giant green beans in a plastic microwave proof plastic pot with lid including the bean can water.  Once I drained the water off the beans after heating, I put on a couple of teaspoons of olive oil.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  I unplugged and took apart the Honeywell Hepa air purifier, and I washed the outer carbon filter in soapy hot water, and I rinsed it off with hot water, and I squeeze out the excess moisture, and I put it back around the inner paper filter, which one can not clean.  I put it back up on the top of the bookcase above the stereo, and I set it on low speed.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  Current weather in Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 U.S.A. Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 6:45 A.M.:  I did a search of turtlenecks on the internet, and I found this web site http://www.sierratradingpost.com/ , and I bought  a white and a royal blue Medalist two-layer midweight performance turtle necks for men in large size for $12.95 each Medalist Two-Layer Midweight Performance Turtleneck (for Men) and two pairs of Fox River Merino Wool Casual Socks for men or women for size large grey heather color for $5.95 each pair Fox River Merino Wool Casual Socks (for Men and Women) plus $8.25 U.S. Post Office 6 day delivery for $46.05 total.  I will thus after some warmer clothes when the colder weather occasionally sets in this area.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 5:00 A.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 11/06/04:

Note: <888> 11/06/04  Saturday 4:00 A.M.:  I was up at midnight, and I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until 2:30 A.M..  I tried starting up the primary computer with the Siemens router, and it would not go online.  I started it up without the Siemens router, and it went online.  I turned off the computer, and I tried installing the other cable modem that I have, but it would not go online unless I opened another account.  I reinstalled my regular cable modem, but first I turned it on without the cable and LAN connected to it to recycle its settings.  I then started it up with the Siemens router connected, and it went online.  However, once it goes online for a while, it usually starts up with the Siemens router.  I will have to wait for it to be off for an extended period of time to see if it goes online with the Siemens router.  I also went to http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php , and I downloaded and installed TCP Optimizer, and I first saved my current settings, and then I optimized my settings including network adaptors, and I rebooted.  I also stretched the cable to the cable modem a little further to the left from the wall cable, so it there is more play in the cable modem cable.  It works fine now, but once I shut down for an extended period, I will have to see if the Siemens router goes online.  Perhaps recycling the cable modem by turning it on for a short period and then off with both LAN and cable disconnected might have fixed the problem.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 4:05 P.M.:  A friend called at noon, and said he would be coming out to visit at 1:30 P.M..  I drank a cup of coffee, and I showered and cleaned up.  I waited outside for my friend to arrive.  My friend arrived at 1:30 P.M..  We came up to my apartment, and I gave my friend the grand tour of the apartment.  We chatted for a while.  I made lunch for us.  I microwaved a Pepperidge Farm 16 ounce chicken pot pie primavera for my friend, and I microwaved a Stouffer's 16 ounce chicken pot pie for myself.  My friend drank two Sprites in a frosted mug.  I drank some iced tea.  We chatted for a while.  My friend left at 3:45 P.M..  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go back to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 11:00 A.M.:  I checked the mail.  I took the comforter and the blue and grey knit throw from the back side of the new sofa, and I put them along the top back of the green sofa.  I still have not received my rent bill this month.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 10:35 A.M.:  While doing the backup, I heated and ate a 18.5 ounce bowl of Campbell's steak and potatoes soup, which I ate with a glass of iced tea.  After I did the Automated System Recovery Backup from the C: to the D: drive, I backed up the non system C: files, the My Documents files, and the music files.  I then ran Norton Disk Doctor on the C: and D: drives.  I then ran Norton Speed Disk on the C: drive.  I next ran Norton Antivirus 2004 on the entire system.  I went outside briefly.  I replaced the Kensington Wireless mouse batteries with two new AAA Energizer batteries.  They system seems to be running just fine.  I also did my apartment vacuuming while running the computer maintenance programs.  Earlier this morning, Norton Internet Security 2004 stopped hacker attempts a number of times of Netbus Trojan.  I find it peculiar that it is so easy for an intruder to get through Optimum Online's security procedures, since every time I boot up, Optimum assigns a new IP address.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 7:05 A.M.:  I ran Ad-aware SE and Norton Win Doctor.  I will now do a system restore backup and then I will run disk cleanup.  I will then do a full automatic system recovery backup from the C: drive to the D: drive.  This will take about an hour.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 6:45 A.M.:  I went to http://www.smokemcheapcigarettes.com/ , and I ordered seven cartons of Seneca Ultra Lights 100s for $11 each carton plus $1.20 a carton priority mail shipping for $85.40 total.  I plan to quit smoking some time in the near future, but it is easier to try to quit when one has cigarettes at the right time.  Hopefully this will be my last cigarette order.  I chatted with a friend.  I noticed at the Food Emporium that ground sirloin beef is $2.99 a pound and whole Purdue oven stuffer chickens are .79 a pound.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 6:00 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  I used the ATM machine at Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Greenwich Avenue.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I then went by the Food Emporium, and I bought two Pepperidge Farm www.pepperidgefarm.com 16 ounce alfredo chicken pot pies and two chicken primavera chicken pot pies for $2.50 each, and four Stouffer's www.stouffers.com 16 ounce chicken pot pies for $1.66 each, a 16.5 bottle of Monari balsamic vinegar for $2.99, a large piece of Norwegian Jarlsberg cheese at $4.99 a pound $12.18, and a 64 ounce bottle of Heinz distilled white vinegar for $2.59 for $35.30 total.  I then returned home, and I put my purchases away.  I put some more Heinz white vinegar in the bowl by the center lamp on the window shelf in the living room for odor control.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 2:55 A.M.:  I finished my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I still have to do the vacuuming.  I moved the large beige pillow from the middle of the green sofa to the middle of the new sofa with the other two beige pillows on either end.  I put the green pillow with the strawberry in the middle on the green sofa, so there is a wider area when one stretches out on the green sofa.  I threw out the garbage including the Braun coffee box.  I will now go out for some outdoors activity.  I guess this is part of being part of the Honorary New Amsterdam Night Watch.  It will take me a few minutes to dress warmly before going out, and I will turn off the computer.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/05/04  Friday 12:15 A.M.:  I took a 15 ounce can of Bumble Bee Alaska salmon, and I opened the lid, and I squeezed out the water with the lid.  I put the salmon on a plate, an I went through it bit by bit with my fingers looking for and removing any small bones.  I then put it in the CuisineArt food processor, and I seasoned it with Old Bay Seasoning, Celery salt, and Italian seasoning, and I ran the food processor for a short cycle about a half dozen times.  I then formed the salmon into two patties.  I left one on the plate, and I refrigerated the other in a Rubbermaid container.  I then rinsed a cup of Carolina enriched rice in a metal bowl underneath hot water, and I strained it in a wire strainer, and I rinsed it with hot water from the sink spray attachment.  I then put the rice in the China Village microwave rice steamer, and I added 14 ounces of water and two tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of sesame oil.  I then put the inner and outer lids on it, and I put it in the General Electric microwave oven on high for 11 minutes.  I let it stand with the lids on it for five minutes outside the microwave oven to finish the cooking process.  11 minutes before the rice was done cooking, I put three tablespoons of olive oil in a medium fry pan on the front medium electric burner on medium high.  After about two minutes when the oil was heated, I turned the burner between medium high and medium electric heat.  I then put the salmon cake in the fry pan, and I cooked it for 4.5 minutes adding two pads of margarine, and then I flipped it carefully, and I cooked the other side for 4.5 minutes with two more pads of margarine.  While the other items were waiting to be done, I took a 14 ounce can of Green Giant green beans, and I put them in microwave proof plastic pot with lid with the can water, and I put them in the General Electric microwave oven, and I pressed the vegetable button.  When they were all done about the same time, I put half of the rice on a dinner plate with the cooked salmon cake, and I refrigerated the other half of the rice in a Rubbermaid container.  I strained the beans with a metal straining spoon, and I put them in a bowl with a couple of teaspoons of olive oil on them.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  I will now do my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I will not vacuum until after 8 A.M. in the morning, so as not to disturb my neighbors.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/04/04  Thursday 10:40 P.M.:  I ate the 5 ounce can of Blue Diamond smoked almonds before going to bed this morning.  I had a telephone call from a friend this morning at about 10:30 A.M..  I woke up at noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I picked up my mail downstairs.  I tried starting the computer with the Siemens router connected, but it would not go online, so I started it with the cable modem connected directly to the computer, and it works fine that way.  I think Optimum Online www.optimumonline.net has changed the way the computer connects because even with the cable modem connected directly, it now takes more time to connect.  I made out a check to Northeast Utilities www.cl-p.com to pay my electricity bill.  I showered and cleaned up.  I went out, and I stopped by the Valley Road post office to mail my electricity payment.  I then made my 3 P.M. appointment.  I have to schedule a dental appointment at the Greenwich Hospital dental clinic after the first of the year.  I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop and most everything is half price.  I then went by CVS on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up a prescription.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time.  I noticed that the October 2004 National Geographic magazine http://www.nationalgeographic.com/  has an article about the volcanoes in Hawaii, which I will have to read when I have time.  I returned home about 5 P.M., and I went back to bed.  I had a telephone call from a relative about 9:30 P.M..  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/04/04  Thursday 5:05 A.M.:  I went through my email before the last message.  I will now shut down the computer.  News on Queen Elizabeth II State Visit of HM Queen Elizabeth II to Germany .  I will eat some Blue Diamond smoked almonds with some iced tea.  I will go to bed soon.  I will leave the Siemens router connected to see if it works, when I restart the computer later on today.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/04/04  Thursday 4:35 A.M.:  I did a www.ussearch.com about my friend whom is posting poetry from prison, and judging from the same addresses posted a few years ago, I remembered he use to work for http://www.royaldoulton.com/ , so unless he is smuggling contraband in the China, I doubt if he did anything wrong.  However, it would explain when one sees him, there seems to be lots of British around.  I remember, he use to think he was King James of Scotland, but in my formal education, I have not heard of any recent monarchs in Scotland.  Whatever the case, more than likely he has come through the New York area over the years, and chosen not to look me up, since more than likely since he is from New York, he would know lots of other people.  Of course like me, he has cousins that look the same.  I also remembered he was friends of one of the members of the oldest families in Greenwich, Connecticut whom was majoring in law at UCLA, so more than likely if he got into trouble, he would have legal representation.  Whatever the case, I also had anther friend whom moved to California back in 1967, so maybe the two of them caught up with each other.  I guess Californians move so fast when they come back east, they forget about the people whom they once knew when overwhelmed by the millions of people whom live in this area.  A local observer told me I now look like Doug McClure when he use to make movies, but other people seem to still think I look like Peter Jennings.  My bio is still posted at my web site at http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/resumee.htm , so after having posted it for 14 years, I do not think it will lead to gainful employment, so I will continue to volunteer in my own way.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/04/04  Thursday 3:10 A.M.:  I checked my cable connection where it comes out of the living room wall, and the two foot gold cable that went from the wall plate to the gold four way splitter that has three connections for television and one for the gold cable to the cable modem, and the cable to the wall plate connector seemed a bit looser than it should be.  I removed the wall plate, and I removed the cable feed to the wall plate, and I removed the two foot gold cable from the four way connector and cable wall plate, and I connected the cable feed directly to the four way gold connector, and I stuffed in a small hand towel in the wall plate metal housing to reduce the cold draft.  Also there is a cable without a screw thread connector that leads to the bedroom cable wall plate which does not work.  Possibly I could fix that in the future.  The cable speed is still about the same at 3.4 megs, but I turned off the Cable modem and the Siemens router for ten minutes, and I then with the computer turned on, I turned on the cable modem and then the Siemens router, and it connected up right away to the internet without any problems.  However, this is a slow time of day, so maybe Optimum does not have problems this time of day.  I put the two foot gold cable on the bottom right of the sweater closet in the hallway.  Well anyway without the wall plate connector, there should be less static on the cable modem connection as well as the television cable connections.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/04/04  Thursday 1:55 A.M.:  I reconnected the Siemens router, and it is now working fine with the Cable modem.  It seems that there might be some problem with the Optimum service when it is busier that prevents the Siemens router from working correctly.  Thus it would seem to me to be a Optimum Online www.optimum.net problem, which does not occur when its service is less busy.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/04/04  Thursday 1:35 A.M.:  I put away my laundry.  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  I used a tin of sardines that I chopped instead of tuna fish.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Swiss cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 11:50 P.M.:  A relative called at 7:30 A.M. this morning.  I was up at 4:30 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I picked up the mail downstairs.  I put clean linens on the bed in the bedroom.  I chatted with a relative.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I took my Volvo for a drive on Interstate I-95 from exit 2 to exit 5 driving it up to 55 miles per hour to burn out the carbon from the spark plugs, since I normally do not drive much on the highway.  I stopped by at Staples in Old Greenwich, and I toured the store.  They do not sell a router with a printer server, but a regular router is $50 plus tax.  I then went to the Mobil Express car wash, and I had my Volvo washed for $5.  I then towel dried any remaining moisture with the blue towel I keep in the rear of the Volvo.  I then drove back to downtown Greenwich, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I used the bathroom at the Senior and Arts center, and I sat out at various locations.  I drove down by the waterfront.  None of the fishermen are there, so I guess the fishing season is over.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a loaf of Arnold Healthnut bread for $3.09, two 1 pound bars of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese for $3.69 each, four half gallons of Tropicana Premium light and healthy reduced calories orange juice with calcium for $2 each, three frozen Celeste Deluxe and three frozen Celeste Supreme six inch pizzas for buy one get two free for $2.49 each three, a 17 ounce bottle of Colavita aged balsamic sweet vinegar of Modena, Italy for $2.99, a 48 ounce container of Quaker old fashioned oatmeal for $3.99, a 18.5 ounce dented can of Campbell sirloin and beef soup for .60, a 10 quart package of Stop and Shop dried milk for $6.99, two 6.5 ounce dry cans one jumbo and one medium of California black pitted olives for .99 each, two quart jars of Stop and Shop strawberry preserves for $1.99 each, a 25 bag package of five different types of Twinings tea for $3.19, and two bulbs of regular garlic at $2.79 a pound for .67 for $47.84 total.  I then returned home, and I used my cart from my apartment to bring up the groceries.  I found someone's apartment keys on the east side door of the building, and I put them on the bulletin board by the mail room.  I started two loads of laundry, and I have 30 minutes to go on the dry cycle.  I also put $5 on my MacGray laundry card, and I have $14.05 remaining on the laundry card.  When I started up the primary computer, I tried starting it with the Siemens router attached, but it does not work.  It still does work connected directly to the cable modem.  Perhaps, I could try one of my other two older cable modems, but I do not think that is the problem.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 4:45 A.M.:  I ate a bowl of triscuts.  I watched some television.  I ate two black licorice twists.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 4:00 A.M.:  I watched some Fox News on television.  It looks like both President Bush and Vice President Cheney www.georgewbush.com  are pretty much assured reelection.  There is some dispute about the Provincial ballots in Ohio, however statistically Bush Cheney would still win Ohio.   They are also leading in three of the remaining four states.  I decided that since the community room is frequently locked up within our locked building the food that I stocked up in the community room kitchen would not really be available, and most of my neighbors seem to have enough food.  Also since most all of the canned items are less than six month old, they are good for another six months to a years, so even though I am bored of looking at them, I decided I might use them during this upcoming winter, so I brought them back up to my apartment, and I put them back in their shelves to have available for use.  If they ever start to get too old, I can always take them over to Help A Neighbor at Christ Church on East Putnam Avenue.  Although currently I am in a balanced budget cycle, frequently unexpected events can throw off that budget.  Thus I will have the canned goods in reserve, and generally during the winter, I tend to eat more canned goods.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 2:30 A.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 1:50 A.M.:  I ate two black licorice twists.  Bush Cheney are ahead in Iowa with 7 electoral votes FOXNews.com - You Decide 2004 Iowa .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 1:20 A.M.:  I put three teaspoons of olive oil and three pads of margarine in my 10 inch omelet pan, and I heated it over medium high electric heat, and once the fat began to bubble, I lowered it to a little lower than medium.  I had already broken three eggs in a metal bowl, and I added a couple of tablespoons of milk, and I mixed it altogether with a whisk.  I added the egg mixture to the omelet pan, and I let it head until it was solid enough to flip over.  I then flipped it over with a spatula.  I then let it heat a little more until that side was cooked a little bit and it was puffy.  I then slid it on to a microwave proof plate, and I added two sliced plum tomatoes sliced into 3/16 inch thick slices and 10 slices of 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch by 3/16th inch thick slices of Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese, and I put it all in the microwave oven with a microwave cover, and I heated it on reheat to melt the cheese and warm the tomatoes.  I then put the microwave proof plate with the open face omelet on another plate, and I sprinkled it with grated parmesan cheese and a few dashes of Italian seasoning.  I also added two slices of toast with two slices each of margarine, and I cut the toast in half.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 1:10 A.M.:  Bush Cheney won Alaska's three electoral votes, so they are one vote short from victory http://www.foxnews.com/ .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 1:05 A.M.:  Bush Cheney are leading in New Mexico with five electoral votes FOXNews.com - You Decide 2004 New Mexico .  I guess conservative retired people whom do not like arthritis pain and are not afraid of rattle snakes are voting for Bush Cheney in New Mexico.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 1:00 A.M.:  Bush four electoral votes from victory FOXNews.com .  CIO

Note: <888> 11/03/04  Wednesday 12:15 A.M.:  I went out after the last message, and I went by the Greenwich Library.  I chatted with a British citizen as I was leaving.  I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue including the train station area, and I sat out at various locations.  At the beginning of the walk, I mailed my Cablevision and my Optimum online cable modem and my Energy Winter Protection plan form at the outdoor box at the central Greenwich post office.  They are putting the Christmas lights out on Greenwich Avenue.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I then went by the ATM machine at Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought four Chiquita bananas slightly green at $1.46 a pound for $1.01 and two dented 18.8 ounce cans of Campbell's steak and potatoes soup for .60 each for $2.21 total.  I then returned home.  From the community room kitchen cupboard, I took out the two cans of Campbell's New England clam chowder and brought them back up to my apartment, and I put in the steak and potatoes soup in the community room kitchen cupboard.  I then came upstairs, and I drank some iced tea.  I studied the Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/ web site and from the U.S. House drop down menu, one can get the results for the Presidential race state by state.  From this list of electoral votes http://www.fec.gov/pages/elecvote.htm and from what I can assume from what I know that the more urban democratic areas report in sooner and the more rural republican areas report in later, it presently looks like President Bush is doing well in Florida, but it looks like Kerry will pick up California.  From all of the other states I looked at in Wisconsin and New Hampshire the races are very close with Kerry slightly ahead, thus Wisconsin could determine the outcome of the election.  That is my analysis of the Fox News information without watching television.  Of course Alaska and Hawaii might tip the difference.  CIO  

Note: <888> 11/02/04  Tuesday 7:50 P.M.:  I had a call from a friend today whom did not know whether he was leaving town or not.  I slept until 6 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I picked up the mail downstairs.  I chatted with a friend, and I left two messages with relatives.  I made out checks to pay my Optimum Online cable modem and my Cablevision service, and I will mail the payments when I go out.  I also filled out the Winter Protection Plan form.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go out.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/02/04  Tuesday 7:55 A.M.:  DHS | Department of Homeland Security | DHS Home Page is at elevated at yellow.  I went over to the New Lebanon school at 23 Mead Avenue, and I voted for the Republican ticket all six candidates on the ballot including President Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney www.georgewbush.com .  I then returned home.  Apparently they have to do a poll count on the hour which takes five to ten minutes, so it would be better to arrive a little before the half hour, so one would not have to wait as long.  It seems like there is going to be a large turn out.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed for the day.  I guess will be up tonight watching the poll results.  Have a good day.  CIO   

Note: <888> 11/02/04  Tuesday 6:35 A.M.:  I will now put on some warm clothes and go out and vote.  It is currently 45 degrees Fahrenheit Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  I will leave the computer turned on.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/02/04  Tuesday 6:25 A.M.:  I did Whois search on www.prisonerexpress.org and it seems to be coming out of Cornell University www.cornell.edu with links to the Huntington Library http://www.huntington.org/ , and we all know that the President of Taiwan and Taipei attended Cornell and that the Huntington Library is out on the west coast closer to China, and I know the individual involved was the first person I recommended to Microsoft as an employee, and the person involved use to hang out around Howard Hughes www.hughes.com group of people, so maybe it is just another way of trying to sell me DirectTV, which I am not allowed to have, since I live in a public housing complex.  I do know the individual so called involved as a prisoner use to be the Disk Jockey in the volunteer church radio station in Santa Cruz, California near Fort Ord, supposedly which radio station as a collection of over a million old records.  Whatever the case, I would tend to agree some of the current music is not what we are use to listening too, but I suppose much was the same with our current generation when they were younger.  I happen to know of a bar in Laguna Beach, California near where the head of Xerox Parc whom looked like Nelson Rockefeller lived, and Laguna has a street named Hughes boulevard, so possibly if the person were in prison, it would be by choice or for protective custody.  It does not say on the web site which prison or in what country.  However, there used to be a line of poetry "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device" from the Eagles song "The Hotel California" which also happens to be across from the bar in Laguna Beach where I celebrated Ronald Reagan's victory 24 years ago on election night.  Thus they must be having so much fun out in California, they don't want to be bothered with nerds on the east coast until their ground starts shaking or they don't get their high tech pay checks.  Whatever the case, I have no intentions of leaving my comfortable living accommodations just to see what the other side of the country does for lifestyle when realistically, I am only 20 miles from Manhattan, which is a lot easier to get to than the strawberry fields of California.  When we were younger and more foolish the prisoner in question and I once walked all the way down most of Broadway barefoot in a foot of snow, just to show that we were use to colder weather when no one was around.  Of course, I once use to pretend to be the Barefoot Mailman in Florida too.  I went outside briefly, and noticed another Housing Authority personnel was around.  I checked the kitchen in the community room to make sure that the supplies were still there.  I watched some television about Alexander Hamilton.  I suppose a little bit before 7 A.M., I will drive over to vote, so I can sleep all day.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/02/04  Tuesday 4:25 A.M.:  I am just doing a little bit of routine computer work.  If one studies this site, it will show what can happen to one, when one loses track of their friends http://www.prisonerexpress.org/deception.html .  If one searches the last name "Eldert", it will show the name of someone that I once knew and many other people once knew, but perhaps it is not the same person, but by the writing it sounds like the same person.  Of course what prison it is, is open to conjecture.  Alas, I am not a lawyer, and I have no financial resources to use towards such a cause, but just emailing a few friends and contacts to look into the matter.  I ate 12 Town House crackers with twelve 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch by 1/8th inch slices of Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/02/04  Tuesday 12:55 A.M.:  Happy Election Day.  I cleaned the Propert kitchen scale, and I left it on one of the little wooden shelves on the left side of the kitchen.  Occasionally starting this time of year we get members of the wayfaring public traveling into our building and checking out the community room kitchen for supplies.  In the past I left food in it that was not perishable.  I put about 30 pounds of various canned foods and other food supplies in the shelves of the right cabinet in the community room kitchen in case any stranded travelers need a cup of soup or canned vegetable or fruit in their travels.  I also put four cups and four spoons with the other items.  Alas I have no pork and beans.  I will have to remember to check the cupboard in a month to see if it was used.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/01/04  Monday 11:00 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I used a tin of sardines that I chopped.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I also ate three black licorice twists.  I went outside, and I reset the odometer on my Volvo to zero miles.  I checked out the community room and the community room kitchen.  They have the electric fan going in there to keep it warm along with the central heating, so it is warm and comfortable, but I think they should turn off the electric fan at night to save energy.  I should have donated the old Royal coffee maker to the community room kitchen, since there is not a coffee maker in there.  There are a couple of very old jars of coffee in the community room kitchen refrigerator that I donated a long time ago, and also some cans of coffee in the cupboard.  I also noticed that the two palm plants in the community room kitchen are plants from my apartment that I donated.   Also the big palm plant in the green Mexican earthenware pot in the center window alcove in the community room is one that I donated.  Since I keep my apartment window drapes drawn, the plants were not doing well in my apartment.  I still have the one large pathos plant and two small miniature palms that manage to survive in my apartment.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/01/04  Monday 9:00 P.M.:  I was up at noon today.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went downstairs, and I picked up the mail.  I made out a check to pay my Verizon telephone bill.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then went by the central Greenwich post office, and I mailed my Verizon telephone payment, and I obtained a United States Post Office money order at .90 cost to pay my GEICO www.geico.com automobile insurance payment, and I mailed it.  I straightened up the Bush Cheney sign www.georgewbush.com in front of the post office which had been knocked askew by some passer by.  I then went to my 4 P.M. appointment.  I also set up an appointment in the future to apply for the NEON energy assistance program.  I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  During my walk, I went by the Greenwich Hardware store and from the 70% off rack, I bought a Good Cook adjustable cheese slicer for $1.20, a Good Cook grill turner for $1.20 and a Good Cook Angled Tongs for .75 plus .19 tax for $3.34 total.  I also stopped by CVS, and I bought ten 2.75 ounce tins of Beach Cliff sardines in water for .49 each, two 19 ounce bottles of Ajax antibacterial orange dish washing soap .88 each, two 26 ounce Windex multi-surface sparkling orange spray bottle containers for $1.99 each, and two 6 ounce cans of Blue Diamond smokehouse almonds for buy one get one free for $3.19 both plus .34 tax for $14.17 total.  I then completed my walk.  I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, but I forgot to read the Greenwich Time.  I then went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $9.25 of premium gasoline at $2.519 gallon for 14.1 miles per gallon usage.  When I returned home, I reset the Volvo trip computer, and I averaged 11 miles per hour driving around town.  I will hang the new kitchen utensils from the steel rack hanging from the kitchen ceiling.  I received a telephone call from the local republican headquarters, and I told them I would be voting for www.georgewbush.com tomorrow.  When I went out this afternoon, I noticed somebody had retrieved the blue corduroy love seat from besides the dumpster, so I hope someone is comfortable.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/01/04  Monday 2:20 A.M.:  I put a few teaspoons of olive oil in a small frying pan, and I heated it over medium high electric heat.  I then turned it down to medium, and I sautéed a five ounce can of Armour Vienna sausages with a few dashes of black pepper.  I then ate them with some Bournier Dijon mustard.  I also had some iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/01/04  Monday 1:50 A.M.: I finished going through my email.  CIO 

Note: <888> 11/01/04  Monday 1:30 A.M.: I ate a bowl of triscuts and two black licorice twists.  I turned on the television, but it is the usual children's entertainment programming.  CIO

Note: <888> 11/01/04  Monday 12:25 A.M.:  Maybe Michael Louis Scott's Web Site and Directory should have an executive dinner at Greenwich, Connecticut Chamber of Commerce Morton's the Steakhouse which seems to be now at 35 Church Street where Lucas' steakhouse use to be.  Alas, it would not be good for my cholesterol or budget.  The last time I looked at Costco www.costco.com about six months ago, a New York strip steak was $8.59 a pound.  Also at http://www.stewleonards.com/ about two months ago, filet mignon cost about $6.59 a pound, but it would cost big bucks to drive to Stews.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 10:20 P.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 10:15 P.M.:  My guest, and I went downtown, and we walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and we sat out at various locations.  We then drove down by the waterfront.  We then returned back to my apartment, and I chatted with a few relatives.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 8:05 P.M.:  I put the one pound piece of Atlantic salmon in a Pyrex pie dish, and I put in about a half of cup of Borden lemon juice, and I put a few tablespoons of olive oil on it, and I cooked it in the Farberware convection oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.  I also steamed a pound of cut asparagus and a dozen medium mushrooms which I put a little olive oil on them after cooking.  I also reheated the mashed butternut squash which has a little bit of butter, honey, and maple syrup on it.  We ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  We then ate pieces of the homemade apple pie that my guest made.  We will now go out for a walk.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 6:35 P.M.:  My guest, and I went out, and we drove down by the waterfront.  We then drove through Bruce Park and back on Putnam Avenue, and I stopped by the ATM machine at Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  We then drove through town, and then I went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $11.25 of premium unleaded gasoline at $2.359 a gallon for 14.6 miles per gallon usage averaging driving 13 miles per hours around town.  We then returned back to my apartment, and I chatted on my friend's cell phone with a relative.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 4:30 P.M.:  I installed the latest Nvidia driver Nvidia Forceware driver WinXP/2k - (66.93) .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 4:15 P.M.:  My guest has arrived with Christmas cookies, a homemade apple pie, and cooked butternut squash.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 3:55 P.M.:  While I showered and cleaned up, I started running Norton Antivirus 2004, and it is done running without any problems.  CNN.com - Aid arrives as toll tops 135,000 - Dec 31, 2004 , ABC News: World Relief Efforts Reach Devastated Asia , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Indonesian Toll May Top 100,000 , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Missing Swedes Estimated at 3,500 , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Toll Passes 121,000; Relief Effort Grows , VOA News - Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million , VOA News - Tsunami Death Toll Reaches 125,000 , VOA News - Tsunami , The New York Times > International > International Special > Bush Pledges $350 Million in Aid to Stricken Areas of Asia , Economist.com | After the Indian Ocean quake , Tsunami Times of London , Indonesia enters New Year in mourning. 01/01/2005. ABC News Online , InformationWeek > Tech firm donations > Microsoft Gives $3.5 Million To Tsunami Relief > December 31, 2004 , International Herald Tribune Many still in need as aid trickles in , Khaleej Times Online EU has 300 million euros ready to send to Asia quake nations , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Animated guide: The tsunami disaster , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | US pledges $350m in tsunami aid , President Commits $350 Million for Tsunami Relief Efforts , President to Send Delegation to Assess Relief Aid , President Discusses Support for Earthquake and Tsunami Victims , Greenwich Time - World Relief Efforts Reach Devastated Asia , International Red Cross Asian earthquake and tsunamis  and American Red Cross - Preparing Communities for Emergencies and Keeping People Safe - Preparedness , American Red Cross - Credit Card Contribution and on a local note Greenwich Time - Vaccine offered for residents over 50 at regional clinics .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 2:10 P.M.:  I was up at 9:30 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with grape jelly, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I chatted with a friend whom is coming down to for dinner and stay the evening at 4 P.M..  I did my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I threw out some garbage.  I chatted with some neighbors.  I reset the circuit breaker on the outdoors holiday lights, so they work when the outdoor lights are turned on.  I will now clean up.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 12:50 A.M.:  Well, the Sony FD Trinitron 20 inch monitor seems to be working now with the CMOS setting set at Video Init of PCI instead of AGP.  It has not gone fuzzy or blurred in an hour.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I guess I will do my house cleaning when I wake up later on today.  I have guest coming over between 3 P.M. and 4 P.M..  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/31/04  Friday 12:40 A.M.:  CNN.com - Tsunami death toll tops 118,000 - Dec 30, 2004 , CNN.com - Thousands of Americans missing after tsunamis - Dec 30, 2004 , CNN.com - Sri Lanka train survivor describes wall of water - Dec 30, 2004 , CNN.com - 'Dream holiday' turns nightmare - Dec 30, 2004 , ABC News: Tsunami Death Toll Soars Past 117,000 , ABC News: Bush to Send Powell, Delegation to Asia , FOXNews.com - Politics - Bush Sending Powell, Brother to Asia , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tsunami Death Toll Tops 119,000 , VOA News - Asian Disaster Relief Efforts Encounter Unparalleled Logistical Difficulties , VOA News - US Begins Delivering Supplies to Tsunami Disaster Area , The New York Times > International > International Special > Aid: Many Still in Need as Aid Is Trickling to Stricken Area , The New York Times > International > International Special > Gauging Disaster: How Scientists and Victims Watched Helplessly , Tsunami Times of London , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | UN urges 'special' wave response , BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Nordic tourist death toll climbs , Asian tsunami toll jumps to over 125,000, fear lingers , Greenwich Time - Tsunami Toll Tops 119,000; Aid Trickles In .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 11:50 P.M.:  I am not getting the signal line on the Sony monitor that I use to get with the other cable, but the Sony monitor blurred after five minutes.  I rebooted and changed the CMOS video init to PCI, and I will now wait and see what happens.  I am online, but I do not think it is an online problem such as a hacker.  However, we do know it worked in Safe mode when I was not online.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 11:25 P.M.:  I adjusted the Nvidia settings for the Mad Dog Multimedia card.  I did a reboot, and I selected for PCI to be the first video mode to boot instead of AGP.  I booted in Window XP safe mode with the cable modem turned off.  I set the Sony Monitor to power saver of 60 minutes in the monitor menu settings instead of 1 minute.  For a half hour the Sony monitor did not blur of go fuzzy, so I do not think it is a problem with the Sony monitor.  I then shut down, and I switch back the monitor cables, so the Sony Monitor is on the Mad Dog multimedia 64 meg. AGP video card, and the Dell monitor is on the Diamond Multimedia 32 meg. PCI video card.  I did notice on the video cable connected from the Sony monitor to the Mad Dog AGP video card, the thread screws do not screw in all the way, so there could be conceivable a loose connection if it pulls out a little bit.  I replaced the video cable with a new Dell video cable that I had that the thread screws screw in tightly.  I connected the other USB devices to the Sony monitor.  I then rebooted, and set the CMOS to AGP video init and then booted with the cable modem turned on.  I will now see if the new video cable or the other setting changes I did fixes the problem.  I can work on the computer while I wait to see it that fixed the problem of blurring on the Sony monitor.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 9:35 P.M.:  The Sony monitor has faded out again, so I will have to replace it.  This will take 10 to 15 minutes.  I will now shut down.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 9:20 P.M.:  Both monitors are clear right now, I will have to wait some more to see what if anything happens.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 8:55 P.M.:  The Sony monitor went fuzzy again.  Before I replace it, I will exchange both monitors with both video cards to see if that makes a difference.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 8:40 P.M.:  I disconnected the Sony 20 inch monitor, and I put it on the dining room table, and I removed the four screws that hold the back of the case on.  The two upper ones are on either side behind plastic covers.  I then removed the six screws that hold the metal shielding cover on top on the inside, and I removed the metal shielding.  I then used my tiny electronics vacuum, and I vacuumed the electronic parts and wires.  I then used a regular Electrolux vacuum with hose and brush nozzle, and I vacuum the larger dusty areas.  I then reversed the hose on the outlet of the Electrolux vacuum, and I blew out with the air the accumulated dust on the inside of the monitor covering the wires, electronic components, and other areas.  I moved a few wires that were touching the rear of the glass tube.  To avoid shock from the built up electric charge in the picture tube, I put on rubber gloves and rubber shoes, and I pushed down the heavy cable that goes into the glass picture tube to make sure it is making contact.  I also pushed in on the other end where it goes into the electronics.  The inside of the Sony monitor was quite dusty and dirty, so maybe that caused it not to work properly.  I then put the shielding and the case cover back on the monitor, and I reconnected it.  I am now testing it to see if it fades out or goes fuzzy again after five minutes.  The Sony monitor also has four USB ports that I use.  I had to remove the 3M hook from the right side of the monitor to open up the case.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 7:20 P.M.:  I ate the pizza.  The Sony monitor went fuzzy again, so I will now disconnect it and open it up and try to fix it.  I once had a problem with a small spider climbing into it, and I heard a zap when that happened.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 7:05 P.M.:  I checked the video cable on the back of the Sony monitor where it connects to the monitor, and it was lose, so I tightened the hand turn thumb screws on the cable, and I rebooted the computer, and I adjusted the monitor settings in the monitor control menu.  I will now see if it fades out or goes fuzzy after a short period or not.  The pizza is ready.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 6:45 P.M.:  I opened up the Stouffer's 11.75 ounce box containing two double cheese French bread pizzas, and I put them in a aluminum baking pan that I keep on top of the General Electric microwave oven, and I put them in the Farberware convection oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 18 minutes, a shorter baking time, since convection ovens cook faster. I will eat them with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will try to fix the Sony monitor or replace it.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 6:25 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop, and I bought a 8 inch by 10 inch red leather picture frame with glass for a dollar.  I then went by my 3 P.M. appointment.  I next drove down by the waterfront, and since it was a warmer day, I walked out on to the pier to enjoy the view of Long Island Sound.  I found a plastic place mat which contained a picture of the solar system with both English and French titles.  I left it on the back seat of the Volvo with the black comforter.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought three 6.5 ounce dry cans of California black pitted olives for .99 each, a 10 ounce bag of fresh spinach for $1.99, a few day old 10 ounce box of fresh mushrooms for .99, and a piece of fresh Atlantic salmon at $5.99 a pound for $5.54 for $11.49 total.  I have a total Stop and Shop savings card total this year of $617.95.  My CVS card savings for this year are $423.67.  Thus with both savings cards, I have saved this year a $1,041.62 .  Of course the Greenwich, Connecticut grocery and drugstore prices tend to be higher than the national average.  I then went by the Food Emporium, and I bought four 5 ounce packages of Master Choice saffron rice for .59 each, two half gallons of Tropicana orange juice with calcium for $2.50 each, and fresh asparagus at $1.99 a pound for $1.87 for $9.23 total.  I then returned home, and I had a message from my friend that he would not be coming down this afternoon.   My friend called, and he will come down tomorrow afternoon between 3 P.M. and 4 P.M., and we will have the salmon, saffron rice, fresh asparagus and mushrooms for dinner tomorrow night on New Years Eve.  My friend will spend the evening on New Years Eve, and we will take a walk at Tod's Point on New Years Day.  It is suppose to 60 degrees on New Years Day.  I am fixing my friend a good meal, since he will be dropping me off and picking me up at the airport when I travel to Florida next week and the week after.  I then paid my final of four payments for my six month GEICO www.geico.com automobile insurance policy online where they deduct it in a few days from my checking account.  I will not have GEICO automobile insurance payments in February or March.  I pay about $800 a year for automobile insurance coverage of $100,000, $100,000, $300,000 which also includes collision and comprehensive insurance along with liability.  The right Sony monitor keeps turning fuzzy, so after dinner, I will try to fix it by taking the cover off and checking the connections and cleaning it with my small electronics vacuum.  If that does not work, I will move from the Dell backup computer the 19 inch Compaq monitor to the left side, and I will use my 20 inch Dell monitor for the right side.  I will also have to change the 3M hooks on the sides of the two primary computer monitors, but they are the 3M hooks that remove easily.  I would then take the spare 19 inch Dell monitor from the bedroom desk, and I would put it with the Dell backup computer.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 12:35 P.M.:  I have four backup 19 inch monitors if the Sony 20 inch monitor malfunctions, but for now it is still occasionally working all right.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out for my 3 P.M. appointment.  I will see how the Sony Monitor works when I get back.  I have a guest at 4:30 P.M..  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 12:15 P.M.:  Yahoo! News - Tsunami Death Toll Rockets to 114,000 , Yahoo! News - Asian Tsunami Disaster , CNN.com - Tsunami death toll tops 116,000 - Dec 30, 2004 , Greenwich Time - Tsunami Death Toll Rockets to 114,000 , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Ocean disaster toll hits 114,000 , VOA News - Massive Relief Efforts Begin for Millions of Tsunami Victims, Rescuers Say Much More Needed , ABC News: Tsunami Death Toll Rockets to 114,000 , ABC News: Tsunami May Have Carried Some Permanently to Sea , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tsunami Death Toll Hits 114,000 , Tsunami Times Online , The New York Times > International > International Special > Disaster: Bush Promises Long-Range Help as Impatience Grows in Region .  My right Sony 20 inch FD Trinitron monitor is occasionally fading out, but when I turn it off and on it comes back on all right.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/30/04  Thursday 11:55 A.M.:  I had a telephone call from a relative before I went to bed last night.  I then went to bed.  At 7 A.M. this morning, I had a telephone call from a friend.  My friend will come down to visit at 4:30 P.M. this afternoon.  I was up at 10 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with grape jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I threw out some garbage.  I have a 3 P.M. appointment this afternoon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/29/04  Wednesday 7:45 P.M.:  I put the tea in the refrigerator to become iced tea.  I chatted for a long period with a friend whom add extra minutes on his cell phone that are due to expire at the end of the year.  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  I did not use hummus.  Instead of tuna fish, I used a tin of sardines that I chopped.  I used three black olives, and seven small stuffed green olives.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese and Kraft Cracker Barrel extra sharp white cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I finished running Norton Speed Disk on the C: drive.  I am tired, so I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  News Earthquake changed earth's rotation and time , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Wave toll 'could exceed 100,000' , ABC News: Tsunami Extended Coverage .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/29/04  Wednesday 4:40 P.M.:  I changed the hardware configuration around.  I have the Siemens router connected to the Motorola cable modem.  From the Siemens router LAN ports, I have the primary computer LAN on LAN port 1, the bedroom LAN connection on LAN port 2, the AT&T wireless router on LAN port 3, and  the 8 port Ethernet Switch next to the Dell backup on LAN port 4.  I have the power to the AT&T router connected to the left labeled switch on the Dell backup computer control panel.  With this setup the backup computers and any wireless computers can print to the printers connected to the port box connected to the Siemens router.  I installed the 54 Mbps 802.11g Wireless LAN USB 2.0 on the primary computer, and I disconnected its LAN cable, but first I installed the wireless drivers.  When I plugged the 54 Mbps 802.11g Wireless LAN USB 2.0 to one of the two front USB 2.0 ports it was recognized, and it went online.  It is interesting that it also detects another Netgear Wireless router at about half the same high speed, so it must be in a nearby apartment or in a neighboring building.  I set up the default settings on the AT&T wireless router without any security.  I connected the HP PhotoSmart 1000 printer into the extension cord for the cable modem, so it always has power for the memory card slots, but one has to turn it on to print with the switch on the printer.  I ran all of the utilities, but I still have to run Norton Speed Disk.  The AT&T wireless router with receiver a few feet away gives me the same internet speed as with the direct LAN connection.  However, I will not be using it much since I have the direct LAN connection, but it is available for emergency wireless laptop use in the apartment are nearby in the building.  To use the Dell backup computer online now, one also has to turn on the 8 port Ethernet adaptor which is switched on from the Dell backup computer control panel.  I will now turn off the AT&T wireless router, and I will disconnect the 54 Mbps 802.11g Wireless LAN USB 2.0 and place it on the left side of the keyboard shelf of the Dell backup computer to have available for use with a laptop with USB port.  Of course one would need to install the drivers.  It would be the same to use the Siemens printer port in that one would need the drivers.  I put the two CDs from the two devices in jewel cases, and I put them in the top center CD rack to the right of the computer chair, but for now, they are on top of it.  I will now run Norton Speed Disk on the C: drive.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/29/04  Wednesday 2:05 P.M.:  I ran the utilities mentioned in the previous note including Norton Disk Doctor.  I went outside, and I threw out some garbage, and I chatted with some neighbors, and I picked up the mail.  I started making a batch of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icetea.htm .  I finished the C: drive to the D: drive backup with Windows backup Automatic System Recovery.  I still have to backup the My Documents folder with its Favorites.  At 1:15 P.M. FedEx www.fedex.com delivered the AT&T 6850G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Router - CompUSA.com .  I need to make a sign for outside my apartment door for people at my door to ring both door bells, because I am not use to hearing the living room door bell, which is not very loud.  I connected the AT&T wireless router transformer to the power strip to the right of the primary computer CPU that turns on with the router switch on the Belkin Desktop control panel.  I moved the Texas long horn ashtray from on top of the speaker in the corner to the right of the primary computer, and I put it on top of the left monitor on the right side.  I put the AT&T wireless router on top of that speaker which is in the corner about five feet off the floor, and I connected with a spare LAN cable the AT&T wireless router to the cable Motorola cable modem, and and the AT&T wireless router's first LAN port to the Siemens router.  I turned on the Router switch on the Belkin control panel underneath the right monitor, and the computer went on line with that configuration.  The AT&T wireless router came with a CD with drivers and software and manual that I have yet to look at.  I also have not tested the Wireless LAN USB 2.0 adaptor.  However, I should be sending out a 2.4 gigahertz WiFi signal.  I will now back up the "My Documents" folder and then run Norton Speed Disk.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/29/04  Wednesday 11:55 A.M.:  I was up at 10 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with grape jelly, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  My order for the AT&T wireless router from www.compusa.com is on the FedEx www.fedex.com delivery truck from Stamford, Connecticut for delivery.  I will wait for it to be delivered. Yahoo! News - Aid Arrives As Asia Death Toll Tops 76,700 , CNN.com - Tsunami death toll tops 80,000 - Dec 29, 2004 , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Wave toll 'could exceed 100,000' , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Death Toll Near 77,000, Disease Feared , VOA News - Rescue Teams Reach Remote Areas in India, Sri Lanka , The New York Times > International > International Special > Disaster: Toll Exceeds 70,000 as Bodies Wash Ashore; Many Missing , The New York Times > International > International Special > Disaster: Toll Exceeds 70,000 as Bodies Wash Ashore; Many Missing , Greenwich Time - Aid Arrives As Asia Death Toll Tops 76,700 .  I will now run Norton Win Doctor, Ad-aware SE, do a System Restore Backup, run Disk Cleanup, and then do a C: drive to D: drive backup with Windows Backup Automatic System Recovery.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/29/04  Wednesday 2:45 A.M.:  I put 18 one inch by two inch by 3/32nds inch slices of Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar on 18 Town House crackers, and I ate them with some iced tea.  I have been on the internet now, I think for over 10 years and using personal computers for 14 years.  When I originally started to the use the internet with Netcom, one of the first web links I looked at was the one of the NASA Radar imaging satellite photographing volcanoes in the Cascades Range.  I developed the web directory of Volcano links Michael Louis Scott's Volcanoes and Earthquakes and Geoscience Directory #2 March 17, 2004 and Volcanoes and Earthquakes and Geoscience Directory and Volcanos and Earthquakes and Geoscience, Scott's Internet Hotlist as part of my downloadable directory
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