Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

Download Scott's Internet Directory "scott008.zip" 2.30 megs and open "scotlist.htm" in web browser 12/20/04

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Download Scott's Internet Directory "scott008.zip" 2.30 megs and open "scotlist.htm" in web browser 12/20/04 .  Most of the links came from reading Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports which I subscribed to via email and from looking at other Volcano web sites mostly in English.  Since I live on limited subsistence income, I received a small amount of financial help from my family to help pay for the computer activity which is very expensive.  I once applied to the United States Government through Congressman Christopher Shays of Connecticut for a $50,000 grant to continue my directory activity, but I was turned down, and the state of Connecticut quit paying for the electricity in the building that I live in which included electric heat, so my expenses went up.  There was not too much interest in the directory or the volcano category, and after the terrorist attack of "911", Excite @Home went out of business, and Cablevision's new internet service provider Optimum.net would not allow static IP addresses, so one could run a internet server, and I could not afford a dedicated line to run the server, so I used the free geocities.com web site to run most of the substantial content from my old server.  I also let the internet names mikescott.net and mikescott.org lapse.  I never received any communications ever on my internet work from anyone involved in computers over the last two years except two emails from Bill Gates, one of which was encrypted, so I could not read it, and one from Tim Berners Lee, saying to keep up the good work.  However, as the internet evolved, the technology evolved and my downloadable directory concept became a bit out of date.  I did read on the internet that the United States government had funded Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory a billion dollars for research into volcanic problems.  However, none of that funding was ever made available to me.  Thus my internet presence is more of a home brewed presence based on my personal experience on limited income.  It is really more of a public relations effort on my part to show that individuals whom by Yuppies are considered over the hill can still add their presence to main stream life in the world.  Having only read one book in the last two years called "Krakatoa" by Simon Winchester Simon Winchester Krakatoa , it explained to me what happened back in 1882 when Krakatoa erupted which included a major tsunami.  Thus the recent events without the volcanic eruption have mirrored that event in terms of the tsunami events recently in that part of the world.  I am not a geologist or volcanologist, I just read the reports that others publish.  I do know it is common knowledge after an earthquake around the ocean one can have a tsunami event.  Most of the less developed countries still have seismic equipment as well as communications, but in an area like the Java sea where seismic events are so frequent due to the tectonic nature of the area, the general public probably becomes complacent over time and does not respond to warnings or alerts.  It is my personal viewpoint that the recent earthquake could be caused by volcanic activity from the same fault as Krakatoa, and another major Krakatoa like event could occur sometime in the near future causing even more devastation.  I have a theory that increased solar activity from the Sun excites the earth's core causing more tectonic activity, but it is only a theory.  Since there are over 75,000 volcanoes on the planet earth and other major tectonic problems, more than likely the United States Government and other world governments and agencies are well aware of the geological nature of the planet and its risks, but unfortunately the human species is best adapted to this planet.  I suppose the old conventional history and wisdom in the sub continent knows the historical nature of the area, but as Eastern and Western cultures intermingle different priorities seem to come to the forefront.  Whatever, the case, I am tired, and I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon. BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Asia earthquake toll still rising .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/29/04  Wednesday 12:40 A.M.:  CNN.com - Hundreds of Americans missing - Dec 28, 2004 , CNN.com - Tsunamis kill more than 56,000 - Dec 28, 2004 , CNN.com Specials Tsunami Reports , CNN.com - Huge aid effort gathers speed - Dec 28, 2004 , CNN.com - Survivors face disease threat - Dec 28, 2004 , CNN.com - Tsunamis shatter celebrity holidays - Dec 28, 2004 , SI.com - More Sports - SI model Nemcova survives tsunami - Tuesday December 28, 2004 2:41PM , ABC News: Tsunami Death Toll Soars Past 58,000 , ABC News: Hundreds of Americans Missing in Asia , ABC News: U.S. on Guard for Tsunami Risks , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tsunami Death Toll Tops 55,000 , VOA News - Tsunami .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 11:55 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I found a nice Danish maple wooden chair with red leather seat that someone had left by our building dumpster.  I put it in the back of my Volvo.  I then went by the Greenwich Library.  I next went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I stopped by Zyn stationary during my walk to pick up a couple of books of matches to have available, which I put in the side map holder of my Volvo's driver's door.  During my walk, I sat out at various locations.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, and I left the chair by their front entrance.  I then went by the Food Emporium, and I bought two 8.5 ounce boxes of Nabisco Triscuts for $1.60 each, and three 12 3/8 ths ounce boxes of Stouffer's French bread pizza for $5 all including two of Double cheese and one Deluxe for $8.16 total.  I then returned home.

FedEx www.fedex.com seems to have messed up on my shipment and sent it back to Memphis for a day.  The FedEx log follows.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 6:50 P.M.:  I put the last of the green beans, an individual serving of broccoli, and six medium mushrooms in the five inch diameter by four inch high microwave proof plastic pot, and I added 1.5 inches of water, and I put the lid on, and I heated it on the vegetable cycle three times in the General Electric microwave oven.  I drained it, and I put the vegetables in a large soup bowl, and I added three pads of margarine and a couple of teaspoons of olive oil.  I also took the remaining inch thick piece of prime rib beef roast, and I put it on a microwave proof dinner plate along with the remaining Grey Owl Canadian Lake wild rice, and I put the microwave cover on the plate, and I heated it for three minutes on medium heat power level 5.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  The package I am expecting from FedEx is still at the Jamaica Queens, New York FedEx ramp since 8:30 A.M. this morning.  I guess it will arrive tomorrow, so I will have to wait for it tomorrow.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 5:50 P.M.:  VOA News - UN: Tsunami Devastation Worst Ever, VOA News - Powell Expects Massive International Response to Tsunami Disaster , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tsunami Death Toll Tops 52,000 , FOXNews.com - Health - Disease May Claim More Lives Than Tsunami , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Western Bodies Litter Thai Beaches , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - UNICEF: Child Survivors in Jeopardy, CNN.com - Tsunami death toll could top 60,000 - Dec 28, 2004 ,CNN.com - Indonesia struggles to bury dead - Dec 28, 2004 , CNN.com - Scientists: Quake shifts islands - Dec 28, 2004 , CNN.com - Families await word from tourists in Asia - Dec 28, 2004 . CIO

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 5:20 P.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO    

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 4:15 P.M.:  I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now put the bag of M&M peanut candies in the Steuben like bowl by the Danish bar.  Back in the old days in Alabama, we once discovered that if you put M&M regular candies a Coca Cola, it would fizz.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 3:45 P.M.:  I put the new Connecticut registration in the locked Volvo glove box.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 3:15 P.M.:  I checked the mail.  I received my Connecticut registration for the next two years for the Volvo.  I put the January 2007 sticker on the Volvo license plate.  I still have to make three copies of the new registration and existing title, which I will put in the metal file holder on the mahogany bureau in the bedroom.  I will then put the new title in the paper work holder in the Volvo glove compartment.  I chatted with a friend.  Yahoo! News - Asia Struggles to Cope With 52,000 Dead , CNN.com - Race on to save tsunami survivors - Dec 28, 2004 , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Quake prompts enormous aid effort , BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Asian Quake - Missing Persons , CNN.com - Shock and loss in Sri Lanka - Dec 28, 2004 , Greenwich Time - Asia Struggles to Cope With 44,000 Dead , AmeriCares - Humanitarian Lifeline to the World - Home , International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Home , American Red Cross - Preparing Communities for Emergencies and Keeping People Safe - Preparedness .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 2:15 P.M.:  I woke up during the night, and I ate a half of a 9.75 ounce can of Planter's whole cashew nuts.  I was up at 8 A.M., and I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with grape jelly, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to sleep until now.  Fedex received my package at the Jamaica, New York ramp at 8:30 A.M. this morning, but it does not show that it is out for delivery.  However, from past experience the Fedex Jamaica, New York delivery person is an independent subcontractor, whom usually shows up here around 6 P.M. in the evening, so even though it does not show that it is out for delivery, since the independent subcontractor is handling the shipment.   The CompUSA www.compusa.com order for AT&T 6850G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Router - CompUSA.com now shows up as having been taken off my debit card from http://www.bnyonline.com/ which shows the total charge of $32.99, $8.50 Fedex two day shipping, and $2.49 tax for $43.98 total.  There is a cheaper one at CompUSA this week Belkin Wireless DSL Cable Gateway Router, 802.11g - CompUSA.com , but one would have to wait two to three months for the $45 rebate.  I guess I have to wait around for Fedex to show up again.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/28/04  Tuesday 12:25 A.M.:  Of course the Chinese use The Abacus: Introduction which I use to know how to use in Decatur, Alabama when I lived around the Redstone Arsenal nearby in Huntsville, Alabama which was one of the first NASA NASA research centers.  The reason it was in Huntsville, Alabama is because Senator John Sparkman of Alabama was a long time serving senator in the United States congress for over 50 years, and being one of the senior senators, he put the research facility in Alabama.  Also it was near the Tennessee River which has over a dozen hydroelectric dams as part of the Tennessee Valley Authority TVA which at the time had the cheapest electricity in the United States of America.  However, Henry Ford's www.ford.com planned city at Muscle Shoals, Alabama: Main-Homepage never took off, when I last visited it around 1958, it was just streets and curb stones that were laid out in the 1920s, but no one ever wanted to move there.  However, as a Yankee whom once lived in that area, they are not too friendly to their northern cousins all the time.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  Yahoo! News - Climbing Asian Death Toll Passes 22,500 mentions 600 Swedish citizens missing and BBC NEWS Asia-Pacific Disaster poses huge aid challenge.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 11:30 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative.  I microwaved and ate a Maria Callender 16 ounce turkey pot pie.  I saved the box with the browning wrapper and the microwave proof pie holder to use with non microwave proof pot pies.  My www.compusa.com order for AT&T 6850G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Router - CompUSA.com is still being sorted at the Fedex www.fedex.com sort facility in Memphis, Tennessee.  I know they had snow in South Caroline, so maybe they had snow in Memphis, or maybe Elvis is trying to prevent me from having wireless capabilities.  Of course there are a lot of Elvis look alikes, but more than likely he would still have a few friends in Memphis.  One of the first internet web sites was http://www.elvis.ru/eng_index.shtml , so since as it says in the book a "Man Called Intrepid" by William Stephenson The Man Called "Intrepid" - William Stephenson , those whom had the talent for music also had the same talent in computer skills in code breaking on the Enigma Machine The Enigma cipher machine .  Alas I never had such skills, so I just write the way I see it based on my background and familiarity with the English language, but I do try to protect the privacy of my fellow citizens, since living so close to IBM Armonk www.ibm.com there might be someone around here whom knows something about the subject, but as I recall in the old days, they used Univacs Machines on a Mission - Computerworld , but even Queen Victoria had a steam driven computer back in the 1850s which might still work.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 9:35 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by the Arnold Bread outlet, and I bought a fresh loaf of Arnold multigrain bread for $2.27.  The last two times I went there, they were out of Arnold croutons.  I then drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.  I chatted with a visitor from London, and the visitor had a digital camera and was interested in our waterfront.  I pointed out the sites.  The visitor looked like a safe enough individual, and he bore a family resemblance to a famous British citizen, so I offered to show him around our waterfront.  I drove him along our waterfront through Bruce Park, and then along the waterfront along River Road in Cos Cob and after I crossed the Mianus River bridge on U.S. 1, I turned left, and I drove through a local neighborhood in Riverside, and then I drove through Old Greenwich, and I drove the visitor out to Tod's Point.  The visitor had a digital camera, and he photographed the New York skyline which was visible on a clear day.  We walked out to the southwest picnic area, and I showed the visitor more of Long Island Sound.  I then showed him the southeast beach area and the view to the east.  We then drove back to the center of town, and I showed the visitor the Greenwich Country Club, since the visitor was wearing a sports jacket.  I noticed they have torn down the Old Squash and Racquet ball courts, and they are building some sort of new facility.  I then returned to the Greenwich Train Station, and I dropped the visitor off.  The visitor is staying in Manhattan.  He seemed to know quite a bit about computers.  I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  The visitor had left the train station.  I went by CVS, and I then walked back down Greenwich Avenue to the ATM machine at Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Greenwich Avenue.  I then returned back to CVS, and all of their Christmas merchandise is 50% off.  I bought the last five Holiday gift packs containing one ten ounce can of Planter's www.planters.com Deluxe mixed nuts and one ten ounce can of Planters Jumbo cashews for half price for $2.99 each gift pack of two cans, and three buy one get one free of Advil 50 count tablets for $4.99 for a 100 tablets total, and a 14 ounce bag of M&M red and green candied peanuts for $1.49 less a $4 off coupon when I bought over $30 of merchandise for $27.41 total.  I then completed my walk, and I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I next went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time.  I then went by the Food Emporium, and I bought two gallons of Master Choice White vinegar for $1.85 each, three Stouffer's 12 3/8th ounces French bread pizzas for $5 all three two deluxe and one double cheese and a forty bag box of Salada green tea for $2.49 for $11.17 total.  I then returned home, and I brought up my purchases.  I put my purchases away, and I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 1:15 P.M.:  Yahoo! News - Tidal Waves Kill 23,700 in Nine Countries .  I microwaved a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's Select chicken noodle soup which I added about two dozen Arnold large cut sourdough croutons too.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 12:40 P.M.:  The grandson of the King of Thailand Biography of H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej and The King of Thailand's Birthplace and The King's Photo Album Main was killed in the tidal wave in Thailand Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Seven Day Funeral for Thai King's Grandson  and The Royal Family : Princess Ubol Ratana and possibly Yahoo! GeoCities Bhumi Jensen .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 12:25 P.M.:  I put the wireless USB 2.0 wifi adaptor in its box and its paperwork on top of the scanner on top of the primary computer CPU.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  When FedEx arrived, I also picked up my mail.  I made my bed.  I locked up the Red Cross Emergency supplies again in the lower cabinet of the center hallway bookcase, and I draped the Saudi Arabian flag over the center hallway bookcase, since sooner or later we will need their energy in this area as it gets colder.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 11:55 A.M.:  My package from www.newegg.com containing Newegg.com - XTERASYS XN-2133G Network - Wireless Adapters for $20 plus $4.99 FedEx Saver Shipping for $24.99 just arrived.  CIO

 Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 11:45 A.M.:  Thailand Hospital Death List , U.S. State Department Crisis Preparedness .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 10:55 A.M.:  I chatted with Bank of New York, and they still do not show the CompUSA charge.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/27/04  Monday 10:45 A.M.:  I woke up during the night, and I ate a half of a 9.75 ounce can of Planter's Deluxe whole cashew nuts.  I was up at 8 P.M. when a friend called.  I chatted with a relative, and my relatives whom were in Thailand are now in Burma, so they are all right.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with grape jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went downstairs briefly.  I chatted with a relative and a friend.  My wireless USB received from www.newegg.com is out for delivery to me via FedEx www.fedex.com .  I could either sign the receipt they left on Friday and go out, or I could wait for them to arrive probably this afternoon.  My AT&T wireless router from www.compusa.com is being sorted by FedEx in Memphis.  I checked with CompUSA, and they were credited by my MasterCard Bank of New York debit card, but it still does not show up on my account.  So there must be a problem with MasterCard or Bank of New York that it does not show up.  Yahoo! News - Tsunami Kills 22,000 in Nine Countries , CNN.com - Asia quake death toll tops 23,000 - Dec 27, 2004 , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Aid Workers Rush to Areas Hit by Tsunamis , ABC News: Tsunami Kills 22,000 in Nine Countries , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Asia battles earthquake aftermath , Greenwich Time - Tidal Waves Kill 22,000 in Nine Countries , The New York Times > International > Asia Pacific > Untold Numbers Are Missing in 6 Countries , Asian quake, tsunami toll soars near 23,000- The Times of India .  I turned down the thermostat in the apartment to 76 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is now 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the apartment.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 11:25 P.M.:  BBC NEWS | South Asia | Asia wakes to tidal catastrophe , CNN International - Search tsunami , News 12,300 killed as tsunami sweeps across Asia, WN Asia - News from WN Network , Yahoo! News - Asia Quake's Tsunamis Kill Nearly 11,800 , Yahoo! News - Asian Tsunami Kills 12,600, Many More Homeless , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tsunamis Leave Thousands Dead , FOXNews.com , ABC News: Asia Quake's Tsunamis Kill Nearly 11,800 , Greenwich Time - Asia Quake's Tsunamis Kill Nearly 11,800 .  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed. Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 10:20 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  I stopped by CVS during my walk, and I bought a 40 yard roll of 3M grey duct tape for $4.99, two packages of four RTH 100 watt bulbs for .99 each package, and two packages of four buy one get one free of Charmin wild flower scented toilet paper for $3.29 both packages plus .62 tax for $10.88 total.  I then completed my walk.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  It snowed about 1.5 inches during my walk, and then it quit.  The road surface looked slick, so I did not drive down by the waterfront.  On my 1995 Volvo 850 Turbo station wagon, I have a "Winter" switch that is suppose to give the front wheel drive more traction, so I turned it on.  The Volvo has ABS brakes.  However, I only have 3/32nds of an inch tread on the tires, and they are not mud and snow tires but high speed highway tires.  The Volvo slipped a little bit a couple of time, but I drove over to the Stop and Shop, and I bought Chiquita bananas at .69 a pound for $1.97 total.  The store was closing at 9 P.M. early because of the snow.  I then returned home very slowly.  I ate the last piece of apple pie with whipped cream along with a glass of iced tea.  I put the 3M duct tape on the floor in the hallway sweater closet.  CNN has this latest new story on the disaster in Asia News Quake, Tsunami Devastate Asia; Over 11,300 Dead .  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 6:50 P.M.:  I put away the laundry.  I will now go out for some fresh air.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 6:15 P.M.:  The charge from www.compusa.com to order the AT&T wireless router has not shown up on my debit card account yet.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 6:05 P.M.:  I have 25 minutes to go on the dry cycle of the laundry.  I showered and cleaned up.  I hung my wet woolen items over the bedroom door to dry.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 5:15 P.M.:  I started two loads of wash, and I have ten minutes to go on the wash cycle.  I also put clean linens on the bed.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 4:35 P.M.:  I cut the bone off the remaining piece of prime rib of beef, and I sliced it in half with the white handle bread knife so I had about two inch thick pieces.  I put it on a microwave proof plate and along with half of the remaining wild rice, and I covered it with a microwave cover.  I then put in the microwave proof plastic pot which is about four inches high and five inches in diameter, I added individual portions of fresh green beans, broccoli, and six medium mushrooms and an inch of water.  I put the lid on the vegetables, and I heated it twice on the vegetable cycle in the General Electric microwave oven, and I then took it out and left it with the lid on to stay warm.  I then heated the beef and rice in the General Electric microwave oven on medium or setting 5 for two minutes.  I put the hot beef plate on another plate, and I strained the vegetables and put them in a large soup bowl with a little bit of olive oil and margarine.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 3:30 P.M.:  I recall in the book on Krakatau Simon Winchester Krakatoa , Krakatau, Sundra strait ,Global Volcanism Program | Krakatau | Summary , Indonesia Hot News  by Simon Winchester that it mentioned that when Krakatau erupted in 1882, a Tsunami did hit the west coast of Chile and Peru.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 3:15 P.M.:  Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - Ewa Beach, Hawai`i, Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - Bulletins , Tsunami Bulletin Number 2, and Tsunami Bulletin Number 1.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 3:10 P.M.:  CNN.com - Asia quake death toll nears 10,000 - Dec 26, 2004 , CNN.com - Quake '5th largest since 1900' - Dec 26, 2004 , CNN.com - World reacts to tsunami disaster - Dec 26, 2004 .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 3:00 P.M.:  FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - 168 Dead, 1,900 Injured in Thailand , FOXNews.com , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Thousands Dead After Earthquake in Southeast Asia , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tidal Waves Swamp Indonesia , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - 2,000 Killed in Southern India , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tidal Waves Kill 4,500 in Sri Lanka , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Tsunamis Kill 28 in Malaysia , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Powerful Tremor Jolts Bangladesh , FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Fast Facts: Major World Earthquakes .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 2:50 P.M.:  BBC NEWS | South Asia | Sea surges kill thousands in Asia , BBC NEWS | News Front Page , BBC NEWS | In Depth | At-a-glance: Countries hit , BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Your experiences of Asian disaster , BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In pictures: Asian quake disaster , BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Maldives appeals for flooding aid , BBC NEWS | World | Relief teams head for quake zone , BBC NEWS | UK | Chaos as Britons stranded in Asia , BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Tourists caught up in destruction , BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Timeline: Quake disaster , BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia braced as deaths mount , BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | South India struck by quake waves , BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Sri Lanka searches for survivors , BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Thailand resorts hit by floods , BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Sea surges reach E African coast , BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Reporters' log: Asian quake disaster , BBC NEWS | South Asia | Eyewitness: Sri Lanka tsunami . CIO

Note: <888> 12/26/04  Sunday 2:15 P.M.:  I was up at 8 A.M., and I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with grape jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until 11:30 P.M..  I chatted with a relative.  I chatted with a friend.  I chatted with another relative.  I have a couple of relatives traveling in Thailand, and these news stories are available CNN.com - Phuket paradise washed away - Dec 26, 2004 , Phuket Gazette - online English newspaper for Phuket, Thailand, with daily news, classified ads, yellow pages, business listings, upcoming events, event calendar, phuket events , ABC News: Asian Quakes' Tsunami Kill More Than 8,000 and Yahoo! News - Asia Quakes' Tsunamis Kill Nearly 10,000 .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 10:15 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative, and my relatives arrived at their destination in Florida.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 12/25/04:

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 9:25 P.M.:  I tried calling some relatives whom have not arrived yet.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 9:10 P.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 8:40 P.M.:  I ate a bowl of corn chips and two black licorice twists.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 8:05 P.M.:  I went downtown after the last message, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  On the way up Greenwich Avenue, I noticed the Gaiety restaurant is opened.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 6.2 ounce tube of Crest Whitening toothpaste with a bonus Glide floss pick for $1.99 plus .12 tax for $2.11.  With a CVS coupon, I also got a free 16 ounce bag of Twissler black licorice bits worth $1.99.  I then walked up to the top of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out briefly, and on the way down Greenwich Avenue, I stopped by CVS again, and I bought a 9.75 ounce can of Planter's Deluxe whole cashew nuts for $2.99.  I then finished my walk, and I sat out briefly.  I then drove down by the waterfront and around town. I noticed also that the Japanese Albi restaurant and the China Pavilion restaurants are opened on lower Greenwich Avenue as well as the movie theatre.  I noticed Chinese restaurant Hunan Gourmet next to the YMCA is opened as well as the Asiana restaurant across from the Second Congregational church.  I then returned to the central Greenwich Avenue area, and I walked lower Greenwich Avenue and I walked west on Railroad Avenue, and I viewed the Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Ferrari dealership, and they have a nice grey Bentley Coupe there that looks very sporty.  I then walked up Arch Street to Grigg Street and east on Griff street back to Greenwich Avenue and my car.  I then returned home.  I ate a piece of apple pie with whipped cream and along with three black licorice twists.  It is currently 25 degrees Fahrenheit Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 3:40 P.M.:  Christmas dinner was delicious.  The prime rib roast tasted like filet mignon.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out for a walk.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 2:45 P.M.:  The beef and rice that I do not eat, I will put in the refrigerator in Rubbermaid containers.  Current weather Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 2:40 P.M.:  The meal is cooking along just fine.  It should be ready in a little over 25 minutes.  I will put a little bit of olive oil and margerine on the vegetables.  I have a saw tooth bread knife that should carve the beef all right.  I guess I will eat about a third of the beef or about .87 pounds with the bone.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 2:15 P.M.:  On the Grey Owl Canadian Lake wild rice, I brought four cups of water to a boil in a pot with a few dashes of celery salt and two tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of sesame oil, and I added the wild rice, and I reduced the heat on the electric burner to between medium and low, and I cooking it for 55 minutes with the lid on.  I will drain the rice with a metal wire strainer.  I will start cooking the beef shortly.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 1:50 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative in Texas.  I looked at this site Roasted Prime Rib, Standing Rib Roast, Rib Roast , and since I am cooking only half of the standing rib roast that weighs about 2.6 pounds, I will cook it in the Farberware convection oven on a roasting rack in a roasting pan at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes for medium rare, and then I will let it stand for about 5 minutes before carving.  I will season it with celery salt and ground black pepper.  I will also steam fresh broccoli and fresh green beans and half dozen medium mushrooms.  I will follow the instructions on the Grey Owl Canadian wild rice.  It will take a while.  My other relatives that are still in the country are traveling down to Florida, so they should have arrived via air by now.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/25/04  Saturday 12:20 P.M.:  Merry Christmas.  I was up 6 P.M., and I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with grape jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until noon.  For Christmas my 1995 Volvo 850 Turbo station wagon was a gift from a relative.  I also ordered a number of items earlier this month mentioned in my notes.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/24/04  Friday 11:40 P.M.:  I received email that www.compusa.com shipped the wireless router via 2 Day FedEx www.fedex.com , and it is due for delivery on Tuesday December 28, so it looks like I could spend both Monday and Tuesday waiting for FedEx to arrive.  Of course since the package that I did not get today was not suppose to arrive until Monday, so possibly the one from CompUSA in Garland, Texas will arrive the same time, since it is 2 day FedEx.  Of course, I only need the devices should I want to set up a small sitting area where an individual could use the wireless router with the USB 2.0 wireless receiver providing the laptop had a USB 2.0 hub, but more than likely at a slower speed on a USB 1.0 hub.  Of course many newer laptops are already WiFi ready.  I am a bit tired, so I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I received this email back from the FBI regarding a spam email that was of questionable character.  FBI reply follows.

Dear Mr. Scott,


Thank you for your submission to the FBI Internet Tip Line. If you have a specific complaint about unsolicited commercial e-mail or spam, use the form on the US Federal Trade Commission Web site, located at https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01.

You can also forward spam directly to the FTC at SPAM@UCE.GOV without using the complaint form.

For your information, the Internet Tip Line (ITL) was created on 9/11/01, in response to the terrorist attacks upon America. We quickly established a mechanism for the public to submit information to the FBI via the Internet, and we have thus far received over 1,000,000 tips from around the globe. Our operation is completely automated and paperless. Submitted tips are received immediately, reviewed within minutes and prioritized by trained Professional Support personnel, and Agents set action leads within the hour, as appropriate.

We encourage you to share this information with your family, friends, and co-workers, and encourage them to not hesitate to submit information they may deem of interest to the FBI.


The FBI does not maintain an email address to submit information or attachments to directly; therefore, please do not reply directly to this message via your email client. The FBI maintains an automated system that is designed to track all information received, to ensure that all tips are addressed in a timely and efficient manner.

Therefore, please visit the FBI.GOV Web site again should you have occasion to submit additional information. We WILL NOT open or respond to “reply” email.

End of FBI email.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/24/04  Friday 10:45 P.M.:  I went downtown after the last message.  I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  During my walk, I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 9.75 ounce can of Planter's Deluxe cashew nuts for $2.99.  I completed my walk.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I was told by another resident on Steamboat Road that the electricity was turned back on Steamboat Road at 10 P.M. on this past Thursday night.  I then went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $9 of premium unleaded gasoline at $2.399 a gallon for 14.6 miles per gallon usage driving at an average of 12 miles per hour.  I only drove 35 miles since I filled up the tank on this past Tuesday, but when I filled up the tank on Tuesday, I used the middle self serve pump at Exxon station which never works properly and cuts off too soon, which means when I filled up this evening at the self serve pump on the east side of the three pumps, I was able to fill up the Volvo completely as usual.  The middle pump cuts off too soon, and it has been that way for over a year, but I guess with the increased cost of gasoline prices, Exxon can not afford to fix it.  They obviously know its broken.  The Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library is one of those vintage 1950s Art Deco Standard Oil gasoline stations that once were very common around America.  Both the Food Emporium and the Stop and Shop were closed.  I returned to the center of town, and I chatted with another citizen.  I then walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  Since on Christmas Eve, it was not too busy, there were a lot of night time places closed.  I used the bathroom at the Greenwich Avenue movie theatre.  The movie theatre at the Greenwich railroad station is undergoing renovation.  I then returned to my Volvo, and I returned home.  I had a notification from FedEx www.fedex.com  that they had tried to deliver the package from www.newegg.com , but I was not here, so they will try to deliver it on Monday.  I guess I will have to stay around on Monday until they deliver it, or I can leave the notification on Monday signed, and they will leave it at the front outside door, which I would rather not do.  I can not use the wireless receiver until I receive the wireless router anyway.  I chatted with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/24/04  Friday 4:35 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used www.cabotcheese.com Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out for a walk downtown.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/24/04  Friday 3:05 P.M.:  One of the four sconce lights above the dining room table burned out, and I did not have an individual spare one, so I replaced all four with Philips www.philips.com Dura Max clear 15 watt bent tip bulbs.  I put the three used ones back in the bulb drawer in the mahogany bureau in the bedroom.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/24/04  Friday 2:25 P.M.:  I was up at 6 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with grape jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until 10 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I did my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I also took down the Saudi Arabian flag from the center hallway bookcase, since I do not think they would be around this time of year, and it will make the apartment look more Christmas festive with the items in the center hallway bookcase displayed.  I also unlocked the lower cabinet on the center hallway bookcase which contains the Red Cross emergency supplies.  I also turned up the apartment living room thermostat from 76 degrees Fahrenheit to 78 degrees Fahrenheit, so it is now about 73 degrees Fahrenheit in the apartment.  I will leave it at the warmer temperature through out the weekend before I turn it back down two degrees Fahrenheit.  Since the Saudi Arabian flag symbolized how much energy we consume here, I will also put it back up after New Years, if I remember.  I also threw out the garbage.  I am now cleaning the apartment with white vinegar in a spray bottle instead of orange cleaner spray.  I also put the larger antique type chair in the kitchen at my primary eating place at the dining room table, and I moved the small oak chair from the dining room table to the kitchen with the cushion and quilted back cushion and a blue towel over the seat cushion.  I have the chair at the dining room table slightly tiled back, so it can be pushed in further.  I think it is mahogany, and it has a colonial design on it part of which is chipped off.  I found it discarded on Greenwich Avenue at Best and Company during the 20 degree Fahrenheit morning I was walking around last week.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 9:35 P.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 8:55 P.M.:  I microwaved a Celeste 6.65 ounce frozen deluxe pizza, and I also microwaved a Banquet 7 ounce chicken pot pie which I took out of the aluminum pan, and I put in a plastic microwave proof 1.75 inch high pot that I slipped into the Stouffer's chicken pot pie box with microwave browning paper on top, and I microwaved it all for 8 minutes on temperature setting medium or 5.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  My www.newegg.com Fedex www.fedex.com order is suppose to arrive Monday December 27, 2004 by 4:30 P.M..  My www.compusa.com order probably takes longer because CompUSA is supposedly owned by a Saudi Arabian front company in Mexico, and since the Mexicans are never in a rush and have a "manyana" outlook on life, once Pablo gets his donkey out back of the office in Mexico and processes the order, and ships it via some yet unknown delivery method, it will arrive here in a little less than 2 weeks.  The AT&T wireless router is made in Taiwan, so perhaps they have to drop ship their orders from Taiwan.  Whatever the case, it will come in handy, if I ever have to run a small office here for a few users to use my high speed cable modem with their wireless laptops.  Since I tend to be a very private individual in a retirement home of private older people, more than likely any individual with a wireless laptop trying to use the system would have access to my apartment from knowing me.  I have a few friends and family that have a broader number of contacts, but if they ever visited, they might need to sit around on the comfortable furniture in my apartment and surf the internet, since on my limited budget in Greenwich, there is not much else to do.  Of course since I have four computers in the apartment connected to the internet through LAN cables, and since I also threw out three computers and four monitors recently, I am currently NOT in need of a wireless laptop, but I have seen a great many travelers wandering around this area with them, so perhaps, someone that I know might be able to afford to use one.  Whatever the case, this time of year, my apartment tends to be cooler and damper, so I can not guarantee a visitor the creature comforts that they might expect at home in my 450 square foot apartment.  However, a great many New York metropolitan residents maintain simple small Pied A Terre apartments, and many times I have seen larger groups crowd into small apartments.  However since I have a lot of electronics in the apartment, I do not try to entertain in the apartment, because I do not want the electronic systems to be disturbed.  I maintain my apartment more like a user friendly home apartment office.  It has taken 16 years at this particular location to build up to this level communications within my current setup in the apartment.  Since most people in this town rely on the wider communications networks, I do not think many people actually pay much attention to my log on my work and lifestyle and house keeping routines.  CIO   

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 7:05 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  They will not be opened tomorrow.  I then went to my 3 P.M. appointment which was running a half hour late.  I next went by the Greenwich Library.  I read the Greenwich Time.  One long time library user apparently moved back to Wisconsin.  I chatted with a Netherlands resident living here about the Dutch in America.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I chatted with a former neighbor from Steamboat Road, and the electricity is apparently out on Steamboat Road around 5 P.M..  I bought a Hotel Style Beef Rib roast at $4.99 a pound on sale for $4 a pound off for $30.44, two 10.5 ounce cans of Campbell's mushroom gravy for .99 both, a 10 ounce box of fresh mushrooms for $2, a 6 ounce box of Grey Owl Canadian Lake Wild Rice 100% Naturally Grown Lake and River Wild Rice for $3.99, fresh green beans at .99 a pound for .99,  four half gallons of Florida Natural orange juice with calcium for $2.50 each for $48.47 total.  I had the butcher cut the roast into a 2.60 pound section and a 3.5 pound section.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  I put my groceries away, and I wrapped the 3.5 pound section of the roast which was already wrapped in plastic wrap, and I put four plastic bags around it, and I tied them with plastic wire ties, and I put it in the freezer to save until some future date.  I will use the 2.60 pound section on Christmas Day for my Christmas dinner along with the other ingredients.  I chatted with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 12:45 P.M.:  I picked up my mail downstairs.  I took the two remaining salmon cakes, and I put three tablespoons of olive oil in a eight inch diameter frying pan along with two pads of margarine, and I heated it over medium high electric heat, until it started to bubble, and I added the salmon cakes, and I reduced the electric burner heat to medium, and I cooked them 4.5 minutes per side.  I reheated in the microwave oven the rice and baby peas left over from yesterday.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  I have a 3 P.M. appointment today.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 11:40 A.M.:  I made up a list of my Nikai/Osaka made in China Super Touch Panel Caller ID Phone MT-1019 with super touch panel memory speed dial telephone numbers with numbers by each number, so one can easily find them on the LCD panel of the phone by pressing "Save" and then scrolling through the different saved telephone numbers with the up or down buttons.  Once one has dialed or selected a long distance telephone number, one can just press "IP1", and the phone dials my Net2Phone Port Chester, New York access number and enters the account number and PIN number and dials the selected telephone number for 3.9 cents a minutes domestically and in Canada.  If one knows the number of the saved memory telephone number, it is easier to find by number from the list.   There are 30 saved telephone numbers on the list.  One can dial an access number on it manually, but that takes a lot of buttons, so the dedicated "IP1" number for my account works better and is faster.  I still have over $15 on the account, and I can recharge it over the internet with my debit card, when funds get low.  Also on the Nikai/Osaka telephone, one does NOT press the "Delete" button for three seconds, or one will delete all the Memory Saved telephone number, which would happen too if one removed the batteries too.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO   

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 9:35 A.M.:  I chatted with a friend.  When I travel down to Florida on January 5 and return on January 12, my friend is going to give me a ride to the LaGuardia airport and pick my up at the LaGuardia airport on my return thus I will not have to deal with the larger crowds in Manhattan in getting to the airport.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 9:10 A.M.:  I ate the last 2.5 ounces of Planter's Deluxe cashew nuts and two black licorice sticks.  Well on a rainy day in Greenwich, Connecticut Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast although it is warmer today not much is really going on.  The regular crowd whom do not like spending money because they are thrifty Yankees are probably sitting in the Greenwich Library Welcome to the Greenwich Library where it does not cost money to enjoy their services and enjoy their warmer environment, but for the automobile drivers, it does cost money to drive there.  Lots of wives leave their husbands there while they shop downtown and another group of people having their cars repaired at the nearby automobile dealerships also use the library while their cars are being repaired.  For a great many of the regular walkers or travelers in town, the library is part of their regular walking routine to see what is going on and gossip.  It is my viewpoint, that a certain group whom does not really pay for the services of the Greenwich Library through local taxes tends to over use the library facilities, since they come from neighboring towns, which do not have such extensive library facilities, but they do pay automobile taxes on gasoline to travel here.  Since they can afford to live in this area, and since they can afford to travel in this area, although they may or may not work in this area, they obviously enjoy a higher standard of living in their nearby environments, so possibly they are working the town of Greenwich, Connecticut Welcome to the official Town of Greenwich Connecticut Web site in order to sell the less expensive goods and services in other neighboring towns which might be more expensive in Greenwich, Connecticut.  Since nobody ever calls me up on a local basis, it would seem to me, they all know that I can afford to partake in their higher standard of living as it relates to the town of Greenwich.  Thus by staying home, I save money, but I do have a 3 P.M. appointment today.  CIO  

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 8:15 A.M.:  My www.newegg.com order from yesterday, shipped via www.fedex.com from Edison, New Jersey yesterday at 2:30 P.M., and it left the FedEx origin location in Edison, New Jersey at 9:08 P.M. yesterday, so www.newegg.com is a local vendor in this area with very good prices.  The www.compusa.com order from two days ago is still waiting to be processed, so CompUSA takes longer for their internet orders up to 10 days or more according to their billing information.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 7:55 A.M.:  The Nikai/Osaka made in China Super Touch Panel Caller ID Phone MT-1019 with super touch panel that I bought at Walgreen's www.walgreens.com  in Old Greenwich last week for $10 is like this Nikai-Osaka QL-800 Super Touch Panel Phone with Radio , but it does not have the radio feature.  It works quite well, once one figures out how to program it.  They have a $10 mail in rebate on the Atomic Clock weather panels this week, but I can live without one.  I just checked with Walgreens at 203-637-1029, and they still have lots of the Nikai/Osaka made in China Super Touch Panel Caller ID Phone MT-1019 with super touch panel telephones at the front of their store in Old Greenwich, Connecticut for $10.  It is about the best bargain I have found on a new item on sale for Christmas this year.  Of course one has to figure out how to program it.  CIO    

Note: <888> 12/23/04  Thursday 7:10 A.M.:  Before going to bed, I chatted with a relative, and I programmed the IP1 button on the Nikai/Osaka made in China Super Touch Panel Caller ID Phone MT-1019 with super touch panel.  I programmed the IP1 button by entering the Port Chester, New York Net2Phone access number, then 10 pauses, then my Net2Phone account number, the 10 pauses, then my Net2Phone PIN number, and then I save it all.  One uses the IP1 button by entering the long distance telephone number one wants to call or selecting one from the memory feature by selecting Save and then scrolling up or down to the specific number, then one presses IP1, and the telephone dials Net2Phone's local access number, enters the account and PIN number, and then dials the long distance telephone number.  For the local access number of Net2Phone Net2Phone - Net2Phone Direct Calling Card - U.S. Access Numbers , they charge 3.9 cents a minute for domestic telephone calls including Canada all the time.  The rates are slightly higher for overseas telephone call like London, England, where they supposedly also speak English for 4.9 cents a minute.  Of course one also has to have funds in one's Net2Phone telephone account number.  I went to bed about 10 P.M..  I was up at 5 P.M., and I ate breakfast of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with grape jam, orange juice with vitamins and supplements, and a cup of coffee.  I went outside, and I threw out the garbage, and I also chatted with a neighbor.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 8:05 P.M.:  I ran Norton Win Doctor 2003 and Ad-awareSE.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed in a little while.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 7:45 P.M.:  I ran Windows XP update earlier today, and it installed three security updates and one critical update, and I also ran Office 2003 update, and it installed one minor update.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 7:40 P.M.:  I ate four .25 inch by 2 inch by .85 inch slices of Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese, a piece of apple pie, and two ounces of whole cashew nuts.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 7:10 P.M.:  White House Christmas Card 2004 Red Room to be Highlighted in 2004 White House Christmas Card at www.whitehouse.gov .  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 6:50 P.M.:  Information the HP PhotoSmart 1000 1100/1000 PHOTOSMART PRINTER REVIEW - Steve Hoffmann's Photography and Compare Prices and Read Reviews on Hewlett Packard PhotoSmart p1000 Ink-jet Printer at Epinions.com .  Of course the ink cartridges are still expensive, so I will now be using it too much, and since I do not take many pictures, I do not have a digital camera.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 5:55 P.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 5:25 P.M.:  I am doing some regular computer work.  I took my CVS Ear Wax Removal System ear drops, and since I am a bigger person instead of the recommended 10 drops, I put in 22 drops in one ear at a time, and then I held my head sideways for 10 minutes timing it with a egg timer and watching television making sure the ear drops stay in my ear working them pressing on the ear a bit, and then I used the CVS ear rubber ball type syringe, and I filled it with hot water that I put in the sink, and I rinsed out the ear with a full ear syringe a half dozen times, and a lot of ear wax came out of each ear.  I did this one ear at a time.  I can now hear much better.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 3:45 P.M.:  I put Vice President Dick and Lynne Cheney's Holiday Greetings letters in one of the two spare clear Plexiglas frames, and I hung it with a OOK nail on the wall to the right of the primary computer underneath my maternal grandfather Boven's portrait.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 3:20 P.M.:  I opened a 14.75 ounce can of Bumble Bee Alaska King salmon, and I left the lid on, and I rinsed it underneath cold water.  I then drained it with the lid on it.  I then emptied the salmon onto a plate, and I picked through it looking for any bones.  I then put it in the Cuisine Art food processor, and I added a 1/8th of a teaspoon of Old Bay Seasoning, a teaspoon of dried parsley, a few dashes of ground black pepper, a few dashes of celery salt, and a half teaspoon of Italian seasoning, a half of a cup of Arnold large cut sour dough croutons, and one large fresh egg.  I then blended the ingredients in the food processor, until they were all evenly mixed together.  I then used a large tablespoon, and I scooped out four even size patties building them on a plate.  I refrigerated two in a Rubbermaid container.  I then heated over medium high electric heat in a 8 inch skilled three tablespoons of olive oil and two pads of margarine.  Once the fat began to bubble, I added the two salmon patties, and I lowered the electric heat to medium, and I cooked them 4.5 minutes per side.  I also made up a batch of rice the usual way in the China Village rice steamer.  I also reheated in the microwave oven in a microwave proof plastic pot with lid half of a 15 ounce can of Le Sueur baby green peas with half of its water, and I refrigerated the other half in a small Rubbermaid container.  I put the salmon patties on a dinner plate with half of the rice, and the other half of the rice I refrigerated in a Rubbermaid container. I put the drained heated peas in a bowl, and I ate a little bit of olive oil.  I ate the salmon patties, rice, and baby green peas for dinner with a glass of iced tea.  I read on the internet that people over 50 years of age which includes me are now allow to get flu shots, so I will have to look into getting one.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 1:50 P.M.:  On the kitchen chair, I was able to slide the white quilted pillow cover over the thin chair cushion, and I once again have it attached to the back of the chair with the draw strings on the quilted pillow cover, so the back of the kitchen chair is more comfortable, and I still have the blue towel on the white chair cushion to prevent staining.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 1:35 P.M.:  I went out after the last message, and I went downtown.  I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  During my walk, I stopped by CVS, and I bought two 7 ounce boxes of Gold Emblem cheese crackers for .99 each and a 7 ounce bag of black licorice twists for $1.19 plus .07 tax for $3.24 total.  I then completed my walk.  I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then drove over to Old Greenwich, and I got my hair cut at The Haircut Place for $18 plus $5 tip for $23 total.  I then walked over to the Second Congregational church Old Greenwich Rummage Room thrift shop, and everything is half price.  I bought a 14 inch diameter and three inches thick round blue and white chair cushion for $2 plus .12 tax for $2.12 total.  I then toured the Old Greenwich CVS store.  I then drove out to Tod's Point, and I sat out at the southwest parking area enjoying the view.  There was a large plume of smoke coming from the direction of Rye, New York rising up into the sky several hundred feet, so maybe there was a fire over there.   I then drove back to central Greenwich, and I went to the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, and I bought a 20 inch square quilted mainly white color pillow cover for $2.50, a dark green wooden 8" X 10" picture frame for $1, and a medium dark oak 8" X 10" picture frame for $1.50 for $5 total.  Everything is half price at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  I then returned home, and I picked up my mail.  I drank some iced tea.  I put the round chair cushion on the blue bent oak chair at the dining room table.  I put the back cushion on the chair in the kitchen down on the seat with blue towel on it, and I slid the quilted pillow case on the back of the chair, so it is not cushioned, but it looks nice.  I was going to try to put the chair back cushion inside of the pillow case on the back, but it will not fit.  I took out the picture of Queen Elizabeth II with President Bush and Laura Bush from the Plexiglas frame, and I put the picture in the dark green wooden frame, and I rehung it in the same place above the French reproduction chair by the hallway entrance.  At that same location, I took out the picture of John D. Rockefeller and the seperate picture of Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands, and I put both pictures in side by side in the medium dark oak frame, and I rehung it in its same location.  I put the two spare Plexiglas picture frames in the bedroom window on its shelf.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 6:50 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer.  Current weather is still a bit cold at 25 degrees Fahrenheit Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  I will shower and cleanup and go out for some morning activity.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 6:25 A.M.:  I order this Newegg.com - XTERASYS XN-2133G Network - Wireless Adapters for $20 plus $4.99 FedEx Saver Shipping for $24.99.  It will work with the AT&T 6850G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Router - CompUSA.com that I ordered yesterday, and it can be used on the USB 2.0 port on either a desktop computer of Laptop Computer.  Thus when both components arrive, I will have my apartment setup for wireless networking.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/22/04  Wednesday 5:25 A.M.:  I was up at 4 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 7:55 P.M.:  I programmed the new LCD telephone with 30 memory speed dial telephone numbers.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 6:25 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 5:10 P.M.:  I went outside, and I threw out some garbage.  I turned on the DeLonghi oil filled radiator by the primary computer chair to take out some of the dampness from the living room area.  I have it set at medium and temperature setting of 4.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 4:45 P.M.:  I was able to fix the Zinio Reader www.zinio.com with this hint Zinio.com Crashes .  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 4:00 P.M.:  I possibly could order one each of AT&T 6550G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless PCI Adapter - CompUSA.com or AT&T 6750G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Notebook Adapter - CompUSA.com in a couple of days, since they are on sale at a very good price to have available for use should I ever need them in the future, but similar compatible devices will probably be on sale in the future too.  We will have to think about it.  More information on 802.11g 802.11g - a Whatis.com definition and Making the Choice: 802.11a or 802.11g .  However, my 2.4 gigahertz cordless Columbia telephone near the computer might interfere with it or other neighbor's 2.4 gigahertz devices.  I do not use the printer port on the Siemens router except for the backup computers to print and only on the primary computer for the HP LaserJet IID printer every four months.  I have my other printers on the primary computer connected via USB cables, so I could leave the AT&T 6850G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Router - CompUSA.com connected all the time, and only switch to the Siemens router, when I need to print from the backup computers.  On the HP PhotoSmart 1000 printer that I installed last night, its power source is turned on by the left switch on the control panel for the Dell backup computer which is labeled.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 3:25 P.M.:  I ordered this item from www.compusa.com .  It is a AT&T 6850G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Router - CompUSA.com which at the store is normally $69.99, but an online order had a $37 instant rebate fro $32.99 plus I ordered two day shipping for $8.50 instead of $5 ground shipping, and it had about $2.49 tax for $43.98 total.  The order receipt says it takes 7 to 10 days to ship.  I do not have this yet AT&T 6550G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless PCI Adapter - CompUSA.com or AT&T 6750G 108Mbps 802.11g Wireless Notebook Adapter - CompUSA.com, and at the moment I do not have the available funds to order either.  I probably do not need it though since I have my desktop personal computers connected via the Siemens router and LAN cables.  However, at the rebate price for the AT&T wireless router, I will have it available to use with a wireless laptop if I ever get one, or someone else needs to use one in my apartment.  I do not know whether one can connect the AT&T wireless router to the Siemens router, or one has to connect it directly to the Motorola cable modem, but it would be simple enough to change the cable from the cable modem, since it is directly to the right of the computer chair.  It is a very good price for the latest technology.  CIO  

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 1:55 P.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 12:05 P.M.:  I woke up last night, and I ate a third of a 9.75 ounce can of Planter's deluxe whole cashew nuts.  I woke up at 10 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of a bowl of oatmeal with a sliced banana, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I checked the mail.  I will now go through my email.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 2:05 A.M.:  I setup some of the options in Outlook 2003, but I can not figure out why my relative could not receive its attachments.  I still have 344 emails to go through sometime.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  Stay warm.  CIO   

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 1:40 A.M.:  It is suppose to warm up for the rest of the week until Saturday Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  I microwaved a Celeste 6.65 ounce Deluxe pizza, and I took a 7 ounce Banquet chicken pot pie out of its aluminum plate, and I put it in a low plastic microwave proof pan, and I slid it into the Stouffer's chicken pot pie box with the crisper paper, and I microwave it for 5 minutes.  I ate it all with a glass of iced tea, and then I ate a piece of apple pie.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/21/04  Tuesday 12:30 A.M.:  I went out after the last message, and I went by the Arnold bread outlet, and I bought a loaf of Arnold All Natural Whole wheat oat bread for $1.45, two 5.5 ounce boxes of Arnold larger cut sourdough croutons for .99 each, and a 1 pound 10 ounce Entenmann's apple pie for $1.79 for $5.22 total.  I then went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop, and everything is half price.  I bought a Hewlett Packard HP Photo Smart 1000 printer with 10 foot parallel printer cable and a HP51649A color cartridge for $10.  I then went downtown, and I mailed at the central Greenwich Post Office the photo copies of my Volvo registration and title to a relative and my Northeast Utilities electricity payment and my Connecticut Department of Motors Vehicles registration renewal on the Volvo and the emissions.  I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  During my walk, I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 9.75 ounce can of Planters deluxe whole cashews for $2.99.  After my walk, I used one of the snow brushes in the back seat floor of my Volvo to clean off the snow from the benches by the veterans monument and in front of the senior center.  I then used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I next made my 4 P.M. appointment.  In the parking lot at my 4 P.M. appointment, there was a man whom had a flat tire on his fairly new BMW convertible.  He got the lug nuts off, but the wheel was frozen on the car, so he had to call a tow truck to help him out.  When I finished my 4 P.M. appointment, he was just leaving.  I next went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time.  I then went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $12 of premium unleaded gasoline for $2.399 a gallon for 13 miles per gallon usage driving an average of 14.6 miles per hour.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 10 ounce bag of fresh spinach for $1.99, a 3 pound bag of yellow onions for $1.99, and four Campbell's 18.8 ounce dented cans of soup for .35 each for $5.38 total.  One of the soups is Salisbury steak, one is burger bits, and two are chicken noodle.  I then returned home, and I brought up my purchases in two trips.  I then picked up my mail.  I received in the mail a Christmas letter from Vice President Cheney.  I then drank some iced tea.  I then chatted with a couple of relatives, and the one relative received the Volvo title and registration that I sent by Outlook Express email.  Something must be wrong with my Outlook 2003 email settings.  I then took the family picture off the Dell backup computer, and I put it on top of the left primary computer monitor.  I put the Ethernet network router from on top of the Dell backup computer, and I put it on the desk in front of it with the LAN cables facing up, and the lights down.  I then put the HP Photo Smart 1000 printer on top of the Dell backup computer lengthwise.  I then connected its parallel cable to the B port on my port box to the right of the primary computer connected to the Siemens port.  I then connected a 10 foot USB cable from the HP Photo Smart 1000 printer to one of my USB hubs to the right of the primary computer CPU.  I booted up the primary computer, and I downloaded the HP Windows XP printer drivers and a photo editing program.  I then installed the HP drivers for the USB port, and it showed the HP printer color and black cartridges are two thirds full.  I then printed out some test pages, and it works just fine.  I cleaned and aligned the cartridge with the utilities.   I then install the HP printer to the Siemens LPT port, and it only works that way if one has the USB cable unplugged from the back of the HP printer.  However to use the USB cable, one can still have the LPT Siemens port connected.  The HP printer utility gives one the option of selecting which port.  It is available from a tray icon.  I then installed the HP Image Zone express program.   It came up with a picture of Prince William and Princess Maxima of the Netherlands that I had save on my computer, so I printed it out in 3.5 inches by 5 inches in color on the HP printer, and it came out just fine.  I put it in the picture frame that held the old Paris post card by my apartment door.  I then printed out a picture of Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands about 4.5 inches by 6 inches, and I cropped the paper, and I put it in the clear Plexiglas frame along side the picture of John D. Rockefeller hanging above the French antique reproduction chair with the sheep skin.  I then printed out in 8 inches by 10 inches in black and white this years' Christmas picture of Prince Charles and Prince William and Prince Harry, and it is bit fuzzy since the original download was much smaller.  I then went downstairs, and I got another one of my clear Plexiglas frames, that I had used for an elevator sign, which is not needed, and I put the picture of Prince Charles and sons in it, and I hung it above the apartment entrance door to the left of the picture of Howard Hughes with the Spruce Goose.  The HP Photo Smart 1000 printer was made in 1999, so it is probably 4.5 years old, but it was probably a $250 plus inkjet printer in its time.  It works very well.  It has a lot of other features such as photo memory card readers and a separate tray for photo paper.  I did not get the instructions with it, but it seems to work very well.  The extra color ink cartridge that came with it will not work with it.  I will do some research on the ink cartridges some time in the future, when I have some time.  It is a very good back up inkjet printer, considering my Epson Stylus Color 880 is three years old, but I still have two spare black and two spare color cartridges for it.  http://xtremetoner.com/ says that a black cartridge for the HP costs $15.50 and a color cartridge for it costs $23.95, and the HP51649A spare color cartridge that came with it is for the DeskJet 600 series, so it won't work.  This links shows them for $12.95 and $17.95 respectively HP PhotoSmart 1100 Cartridges from The Printer Ink Warehouse - The BEST choice for HP PhotoSmart 1100 Cartridges .  Of course the HP Photo Smart 1000 is still my backup inkjet printer, so I will probably not be using it much unless something happens to the Epson Stylus Color 880 inkjet printer.  I also spent $1.50 downtown parking today.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/20/04  Monday 11:55 A.M.:  I have not received a reply on the email yet, so I will send to the relative two copies of the Volvo title and registration via the United States post office.  I microwaved and ate a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's New England clam chowder, which I put a handful of croutons with.  I ate it with a glass of iced tea.  I have a 4 P.M. appointment today.  It is currently 12 degrees Fahrenheit Weather Underground: Greenwich, Connecticut Forecast .  I checked the mail downstairs, and it has not arrived.  It is plenty comfortable in my apartment.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will shower and clean up, and I will then go out for some outside activity.  I will dress warmly, but I am not sure that I will walk Greenwich Avenue or not depending how I feel.  CIO  

Note: <888> 12/20/04  Monday 10:35 A.M.:  I felt a heat flash or a little bit faint, so I lied down on the green sofa for a while.  I chatted with a relative.  I just resent twice with Outlook Express instead of Outlook 2003 the Volvo title and registration that I sent three times before with Outlook 2003.  Perhaps there is something wrong with my Outlook 2003 settings.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/20/04  Monday 9:30 A.M.:  I checked downstairs briefly, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I transferred my updated directory to the Dell backup computer and some other files.  I made out checks to pay my Northeast Utilities bill www.cl-p.com and my Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles registration and emissions tax of $85.  I will now put the tea in the refrigerator.  CIO 

Note: <888> 12/20/04  Monday 8:05 A.M.:  I turned on the two DeLonghi oil filled radiators in the living room to medium and temperature setting four to provide a little extra heat in my apartment living room.  I am making up a fresh batch of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icetea.htm .  Yesterday when my guest was here, I gave him the Bedford, New York court house trivet, since he was raised in Bedford, New York although he no longer lives there.  Also I gave him the set of new snow and ice tire cables, since they do not fit on my Volvo, and my guest frequently visits Vermont where he has relatives whom might be able to use them.  CIO

Note: <888> 12/20/04  Monday 7:35 A.M.: I updated Download Scott's Internet Directory "scott008.zip" 2.30 megs and open "scotlist.htm" in web browser 12/20/04

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