210cies in accordance with paragraph 3-28. The Soldier must be provided written notification of the removal board at least 15 duty days prior to the date of the board.
D. Removal from Centralized Selection ListsHQDA selects and recommends enlisted Soldiers for promotion
to the ranks of SFC through SGM. HQDA can administratively remove a Soldier’s name from the selection list based on information provided by the commander. Commanders may also recommend a Soldier’s removal from an HQDA promotion list.
1. Administrative RemovalCommanders must provide to HQDA documentation pertaining to Soldiers on an HQDA selection list who meet any of the following criteria Is reduced Has an approved retirement Is dropped from the rolls as a deserter Is ineligible
to reenlist due to AWOL, confinement,
local bar, Qualitative Management Program, or court-martial.
• Has their security clearance revoked for cause Has a qualifying conviction under the Lautenberg Amendment.
list is not all-inclusive; other conditions requiring command notification to HQDA for removal are contained in AR 600-8-19, paragraph 4-15.
2. Command Initiated RemovalCommanders must recommend the removal of Soldiers from HQDA selection lists who are flagged for noncompliance with AR 600-9. The commander must submit a recommendation for removal on a Soldier who has not met the weight requirements within
the time prescribed in AR 600-9, provided no underlying or associated disease is found to be the cause of the overweight condition.
Commanders may also recommend that a Soldier’s name be removed from an HQDA selection list at anytime for substandard performance or any other reason fully documented and justifying removal.
Commanders will, when recommending removal, evaluate circumstances to ensure that all other appropriate actions have been taken (training,
supervision, and formal counseling have not helped) or the basis for considering removal is serious enough to warrant denying the Soldier’s promotion.
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