Monitoring eAccessibility in Europe: 2011 Annual Report

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Internet (Web content)

Many Websites currently present barriers to the access of people with physical, cognitive/neurological disabilities, older people, or users who lack the latest technology, and so on. The accessibility issues of Web content are well defined, and there is a set of guidelines supported by the W3C to ensure that the Web can be accessed by a wide range of users.

Procedure for web accessibility evaluation of the private websites: For gathering most of the information you need in this section, you will have to conduct specific web accessibility checks that are described with detail on Appendix I. After you have collected all the necessary data, fill in the tables below.
Question 12A: Is there in your country any kind of certification or labelling schemes for public websites?

(Please write “Yes” or “No”)

Certification or labelling schemes for public websites?

If so, please, give details about them.

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

For the web evaluation of the private/sectoral Websites, please, use the same 6 URLs you have included in the table of the previous section “Mobile web” for:

  • Main national daily news paper

  • Main free-on-air broadcasting TV channel

  • Main national retail bank

  • Main national railway service

  • Telecommunications: Main mobile operator

  • Telecommunications: Main/fixed line operator
Question 12B: Please enter the number of analysed private/sectoral Websites in the first column. For the total number of private/sectoral Websites analysed, please detail (in digits) how many make no conformance claim, and how many have each level of conformance according to the information found in the website. Finally, and also for the total number of private/sectoral Websites analysed, detail please (in digits) how many make other claims supported by an independent organisation, and how many do not.
Note: Please, when a cell is blank/zero, please, enter “0”, no cell must be empty.

Number of Websites analysed

Level of conformance to WCAG 1.0/2.0 claimed on Websites

Claim supported by an independent organization

No claim

Level “A”

Level “Double-A” or “Triple-A”


No claim

Private/sectoral Websites

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

Question 13: What is the level of conformance to WCAG 1.0 on the private/sectoral Web pages analysed using both automated and human review validation tools? What is the degree of adaptation to WCAG 2.0 on the private/sectoral Web pages analysed using human review tools?
Note: Please, when a cell is blank/zero, please, enter “0”, no cell must be empty.

Number of analysed Websites


Conformance to WCAG 1.0 Level “A”

Conformance to WCAG 1.0 Level “Double-A”


Marginal fail



Marginal fail


Private/sectoral Websites

Number of analysed Websites


Conformance to WCAG 1.0 Level “A”

Conformance to WCAG 1.0 Level “Double-A”

Conformance to WCAG 2.0 Level “Double-A”


Marginal fail



Marginal fail



Marginal fail


Private/sectoral Websites

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

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